Updated packages and added documention builder #4

martin merged 1 commits from update-build-packages into development 2023-04-30 14:00:04 +00:00
9 changed files with 2683 additions and 5671 deletions

docs/.nojekyll Normal file
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docs/README.md Normal file
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@rakh/utils / [Exports](./docs/modules.md)
[@rakh/utils](./docs/README.md) / Exports
# @rakh/utils
## Table of contents
### Classes
- [LatLong](./docs/classes/LatLong.md)
- [limitedArray](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md)
### Variables
- [LocalStorage](./docs/modules.md#localstorage)
### Functions
- [arrayFromObj](./docs/modules.md#arrayfromobj)
- [debounce](./docs/modules.md#debounce)
- [distance](./docs/modules.md#distance)
- [extractFromObj](./docs/modules.md#extractfromobj)
- [get](./docs/modules.md#get)
- [getDays](./docs/modules.md#getdays)
- [hasOwn](./docs/modules.md#hasown)
- [hourFloor](./docs/modules.md#hourfloor)
- [isEmpty](./docs/modules.md#isempty)
- [maybePluralize](./docs/modules.md#maybepluralize)
- [once](./docs/modules.md#once)
- [partOfDay](./docs/modules.md#partofday)
- [throttle](./docs/modules.md#throttle)
- [toHour](./docs/modules.md#tohour)
## Variables
### LocalStorage
**LocalStorage**: `Object` = `_LocalStorage`
#### Defined in
## Functions
### arrayFromObj
**arrayFromObj**(`jsonObj`, `wantedFields`): `any`[]
Create an array from an Object using specified fields
U.arrayFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a', 'b']) // => [1, 2]
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `jsonObj` | `Object` | The Original object |
| `wantedFields` | `string`[] | The required fields |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### debounce
**debounce**(`fn`, `time`): `Function`
Debounce the calling of a function
U.debounce(fn, time)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Function` | The function to be debounced |
| `time` | `number` | How long to wait |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### distance
**distance**(`lat1`, `lon1`, `lat2`, `lon2`): `number`
Calculate the distance between two lat long points
U.distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
distance(1, 1, 2, 2) // => 157.22543203805722;
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `lat1` | `number` |
| `lon1` | `number` |
| `lat2` | `number` |
| `lon2` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
**distance**(`latLong1`, `latLong2`): `number`
Calculate the distance between two lat long points
U.distance(latLong1, latLong2)
const a: U.LatLong = new LatLong(1, 1);
const b: U.LatLong = new LatLong(2, 2);
U.distance(a, b) // => 157.22543203805722
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `latLong1` | [`LatLong`](./docs/classes/LatLong.md) |
| `latLong2` | [`LatLong`](./docs/classes/LatLong.md) |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### extractFromObj
**extractFromObj**(`jsonObj`, `wantedFields`): `Object`
Extract an object from another object using specific fields
U.extractFromObj(jsonObj, wantedFields)
U.extractFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a']) // => { a: 1 }
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `jsonObj` | `Object` | The source object |
| `wantedFields` | `string`[] | The required fields |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### get
**get**(`obj`, `path`, `defaultValue?`): `any`
Get the value of an item inside an object
U.get({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 'b') // => 2
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | `undefined` | The source object |
| `path` | `string` | `undefined` | The path to the object |
| `defaultValue` | `any` | `undefined` | A default value to be returned |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getDays
**getDays**(`startdate`, `enddate`): `number`
Get number of days between two Date objects
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `startdate` | `Date` |
| `enddate` | `Date` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### hasOwn
**hasOwn**(`obj`, `prop`): `boolean`
Check if an object has an property
U.hasOwn({bob:'1'}, 'bob') // => true
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | The source object |
| `prop` | `string` | The required property |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### hourFloor
**hourFloor**(`timestamp`): `string`
Get the hour floor as a Base 32 string
U.hourFloor(1605532173) // => '1fnp540'
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `timestamp` | `number` | The timestamp as a number |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### isEmpty
**isEmpty**(`obj`): `boolean`
Check if an object is empty
U.isEmpty({}) // => true
U.isEmpty({ bob: true }) // => false
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | The object being checked |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### maybePluralize
**maybePluralize**(`count`, `noun`, `suffix?`): `string`
Maybe pluralize a count:
U.maybePluralize(number, noun, suffix)
U.maybePluralize(1, 'Bag', 's') // => 1 Bag
U.maybePluralize(5, 'Bag', 's') // => 5 Bags
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `count` | `number` | `undefined` | the value counting |
| `noun` | `string` | `undefined` | the name of the value |
| `suffix` | `string` | `'s'` | the suffix |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### once
**once**(`fn`): `Function`
Trigger a function once and then prevent it from triggering again
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### partOfDay
**partOfDay**(`timeString`, `today?`): `string`
Get a string phrase for the current time of day
U.partOfDay(timeString, today)
U.partOfDay('13:00') // => 'Afternoon'
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `timeString` | `string` | `undefined` |
| `today` | `boolean` | `false` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### throttle
**throttle**(`callback`, `limit`): `Function`
Throttle the calling of a function
U.throttle(callback, limit)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `callback` | `Function` |
| `limit` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### toHour
**toHour**(`currentTimsestamp`, `extra?`): `number`
Return the number of Milliseconds to the hour for the supplied timestamp
U.toHour(currentTimsestamp, extra)
U.toHour('13:00') // => 1605532173
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `currentTimsestamp` | `number` | `undefined` |
| `extra` | `number` | `0` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in

docs/classes/LatLong.md Normal file
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[@rakh/utils](./docs/README.md) / [Exports](./docs/modules.md) / LatLong
# Class: LatLong
Calculate the distance between two latLongs
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](./docs/classes/LatLong.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [lat](./docs/classes/LatLong.md#lat)
- [long](./docs/classes/LatLong.md#long)
## Constructors
### constructor
**new LatLong**(`lat`, `long`)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `lat` | `number` |
| `long` | `number` |
#### Defined in
## Properties
### lat
**lat**: `number`
#### Defined in
### long
**long**: `number`
#### Defined in

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[@rakh/utils](./docs/README.md) / [Exports](./docs/modules.md) / limitedArray
# Class: limitedArray
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [\_array](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#_array)
- [\_limit](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#_limit)
### Methods
- [add](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#add)
- [get](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#get)
- [length](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#length)
- [limit](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#limit)
- [push](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#push)
- [shift](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md#shift)
## Constructors
### constructor
**new limitedArray**(`size?`)
Used to construct the LimitedArray
Defaults to 100 when no size is passed in
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `size` | `number` | `100` |
#### Defined in
## Properties
### \_array
**\_array**: `any`[]
#### Defined in
### \_limit
**\_limit**: `number`
#### Defined in
## Methods
### add
**add**(`items`): `void`
Bulk add an array to the array
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `items` | `any`[] |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### get
**get**(): `any`[]
Return the items within the array
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### length
**length**(): `number`
Returns the length of the array
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### limit
**limit**(`size`): `void`
Limits the size of the array
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `size` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### push
**push**(`item`): `void`
Add items to the end of an array
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `item` | `any` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### shift
**shift**(): `any`
Remove an item from the beginning of an array
#### Returns
#### Defined in

docs/modules.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
[@rakh/utils](./docs/README.md) / Exports
# @rakh/utils
## Table of contents
### Classes
- [LatLong](./docs/classes/LatLong.md)
- [limitedArray](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md)
### Variables
- [LocalStorage](./docs/modules.md#localstorage)
### Functions
- [arrayFromObj](./docs/modules.md#arrayfromobj)
- [debounce](./docs/modules.md#debounce)
- [distance](./docs/modules.md#distance)
- [extractFromObj](./docs/modules.md#extractfromobj)
- [get](./docs/modules.md#get)
- [getDays](./docs/modules.md#getdays)
- [hasOwn](./docs/modules.md#hasown)
- [hourFloor](./docs/modules.md#hourfloor)
- [isEmpty](./docs/modules.md#isempty)
- [maybePluralize](./docs/modules.md#maybepluralize)
- [once](./docs/modules.md#once)
- [partOfDay](./docs/modules.md#partofday)
- [throttle](./docs/modules.md#throttle)
- [toHour](./docs/modules.md#tohour)
## Variables
### LocalStorage
**LocalStorage**: `Object` = `_LocalStorage`
#### Defined in
## Functions
### arrayFromObj
**arrayFromObj**(`jsonObj`, `wantedFields`): `any`[]
Create an array from an Object using specified fields
U.arrayFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a', 'b']) // => [1, 2]
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `jsonObj` | `Object` | The Original object |
| `wantedFields` | `string`[] | The required fields |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### debounce
**debounce**(`fn`, `time`): `Function`
Debounce the calling of a function
U.debounce(fn, time)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Function` | The function to be debounced |
| `time` | `number` | How long to wait |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### distance
**distance**(`lat1`, `lon1`, `lat2`, `lon2`): `number`
Calculate the distance between two lat long points
U.distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
distance(1, 1, 2, 2) // => 157.22543203805722;
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `lat1` | `number` |
| `lon1` | `number` |
| `lat2` | `number` |
| `lon2` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
**distance**(`latLong1`, `latLong2`): `number`
Calculate the distance between two lat long points
U.distance(latLong1, latLong2)
const a: U.LatLong = new LatLong(1, 1);
const b: U.LatLong = new LatLong(2, 2);
U.distance(a, b) // => 157.22543203805722
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `latLong1` | [`LatLong`](./docs/classes/LatLong.md) |
| `latLong2` | [`LatLong`](./docs/classes/LatLong.md) |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### extractFromObj
**extractFromObj**(`jsonObj`, `wantedFields`): `Object`
Extract an object from another object using specific fields
U.extractFromObj(jsonObj, wantedFields)
U.extractFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a']) // => { a: 1 }
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `jsonObj` | `Object` | The source object |
| `wantedFields` | `string`[] | The required fields |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### get
**get**(`obj`, `path`, `defaultValue?`): `any`
Get the value of an item inside an object
U.get({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 'b') // => 2
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | `undefined` | The source object |
| `path` | `string` | `undefined` | The path to the object |
| `defaultValue` | `any` | `undefined` | A default value to be returned |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getDays
**getDays**(`startdate`, `enddate`): `number`
Get number of days between two Date objects
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `startdate` | `Date` |
| `enddate` | `Date` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### hasOwn
**hasOwn**(`obj`, `prop`): `boolean`
Check if an object has an property
U.hasOwn({bob:'1'}, 'bob') // => true
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | The source object |
| `prop` | `string` | The required property |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### hourFloor
**hourFloor**(`timestamp`): `string`
Get the hour floor as a Base 32 string
U.hourFloor(1605532173) // => '1fnp540'
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `timestamp` | `number` | The timestamp as a number |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### isEmpty
**isEmpty**(`obj`): `boolean`
Check if an object is empty
U.isEmpty({}) // => true
U.isEmpty({ bob: true }) // => false
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | The object being checked |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### maybePluralize
**maybePluralize**(`count`, `noun`, `suffix?`): `string`
Maybe pluralize a count:
U.maybePluralize(number, noun, suffix)
U.maybePluralize(1, 'Bag', 's') // => 1 Bag
U.maybePluralize(5, 'Bag', 's') // => 5 Bags
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `count` | `number` | `undefined` | the value counting |
| `noun` | `string` | `undefined` | the name of the value |
| `suffix` | `string` | `'s'` | the suffix |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### once
**once**(`fn`): `Function`
Trigger a function once and then prevent it from triggering again
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### partOfDay
**partOfDay**(`timeString`, `today?`): `string`
Get a string phrase for the current time of day
U.partOfDay(timeString, today)
U.partOfDay('13:00') // => 'Afternoon'
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `timeString` | `string` | `undefined` |
| `today` | `boolean` | `false` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### throttle
**throttle**(`callback`, `limit`): `Function`
Throttle the calling of a function
U.throttle(callback, limit)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `callback` | `Function` |
| `limit` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### toHour
**toHour**(`currentTimsestamp`, `extra?`): `number`
Return the number of Milliseconds to the hour for the supplied timestamp
U.toHour(currentTimsestamp, extra)
U.toHour('13:00') // => 1605532173
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `currentTimsestamp` | `number` | `undefined` |
| `extra` | `number` | `0` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
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@ -55,4 +73,4 @@

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@ -1,4 +1,491 @@
# Rakh/utils
[@rakh/utils](./docs/README.md) / Exports
![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/martind2000/utils.svg?branch=main)
# @rakh/utils
## Table of contents
### Classes
- [LatLong](./docs/classes/LatLong.md)
- [limitedArray](./docs/classes/limitedArray.md)
### Variables
- [LocalStorage](./docs/modules.md#localstorage)
### Functions
- [arrayFromObj](./docs/modules.md#arrayfromobj)
- [debounce](./docs/modules.md#debounce)
- [distance](./docs/modules.md#distance)
- [extractFromObj](./docs/modules.md#extractfromobj)
- [get](./docs/modules.md#get)
- [getDays](./docs/modules.md#getdays)
- [hasOwn](./docs/modules.md#hasown)
- [hourFloor](./docs/modules.md#hourfloor)
- [isEmpty](./docs/modules.md#isempty)
- [maybePluralize](./docs/modules.md#maybepluralize)
- [once](./docs/modules.md#once)
- [partOfDay](./docs/modules.md#partofday)
- [throttle](./docs/modules.md#throttle)
- [toHour](./docs/modules.md#tohour)
## Variables
### LocalStorage
• **LocalStorage**: `Object` = `_LocalStorage`
#### Defined in
## Functions
### arrayFromObj
▸ **arrayFromObj**(`jsonObj`, `wantedFields`): `any`[]
Create an array from an Object using specified fields
U.arrayFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a', 'b']) // => [1, 2]
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `jsonObj` | `Object` | The Original object |
| `wantedFields` | `string`[] | The required fields |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### debounce
▸ **debounce**(`fn`, `time`): `Function`
Debounce the calling of a function
U.debounce(fn, time)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Function` | The function to be debounced |
| `time` | `number` | How long to wait |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### distance
▸ **distance**(`lat1`, `lon1`, `lat2`, `lon2`): `number`
Calculate the distance between two lat long points
U.distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
distance(1, 1, 2, 2) // => 157.22543203805722;
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `lat1` | `number` |
| `lon1` | `number` |
| `lat2` | `number` |
| `lon2` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
▸ **distance**(`latLong1`, `latLong2`): `number`
Calculate the distance between two lat long points
U.distance(latLong1, latLong2)
const a: U.LatLong = new LatLong(1, 1);
const b: U.LatLong = new LatLong(2, 2);
U.distance(a, b) // => 157.22543203805722
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `latLong1` | [`LatLong`](./docs/classes/LatLong.md) |
| `latLong2` | [`LatLong`](./docs/classes/LatLong.md) |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### extractFromObj
▸ **extractFromObj**(`jsonObj`, `wantedFields`): `Object`
Extract an object from another object using specific fields
U.extractFromObj(jsonObj, wantedFields)
U.extractFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a']) // => { a: 1 }
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `jsonObj` | `Object` | The source object |
| `wantedFields` | `string`[] | The required fields |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### get
▸ **get**(`obj`, `path`, `defaultValue?`): `any`
Get the value of an item inside an object
U.get({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 'b') // => 2
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | `undefined` | The source object |
| `path` | `string` | `undefined` | The path to the object |
| `defaultValue` | `any` | `undefined` | A default value to be returned |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getDays
▸ **getDays**(`startdate`, `enddate`): `number`
Get number of days between two Date objects
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `startdate` | `Date` |
| `enddate` | `Date` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### hasOwn
▸ **hasOwn**(`obj`, `prop`): `boolean`
Check if an object has an property
U.hasOwn({bob:'1'}, 'bob') // => true
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | The source object |
| `prop` | `string` | The required property |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### hourFloor
▸ **hourFloor**(`timestamp`): `string`
Get the hour floor as a Base 32 string
U.hourFloor(1605532173) // => '1fnp540'
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `timestamp` | `number` | The timestamp as a number |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### isEmpty
▸ **isEmpty**(`obj`): `boolean`
Check if an object is empty
U.isEmpty({}) // => true
U.isEmpty({ bob: true }) // => false
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `obj` | `Object` | The object being checked |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### maybePluralize
▸ **maybePluralize**(`count`, `noun`, `suffix?`): `string`
Maybe pluralize a count:
U.maybePluralize(number, noun, suffix)
U.maybePluralize(1, 'Bag', 's') // => 1 Bag
U.maybePluralize(5, 'Bag', 's') // => 5 Bags
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `count` | `number` | `undefined` | the value counting |
| `noun` | `string` | `undefined` | the name of the value |
| `suffix` | `string` | `'s'` | the suffix |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### once
▸ **once**(`fn`): `Function`
Trigger a function once and then prevent it from triggering again
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Function` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### partOfDay
▸ **partOfDay**(`timeString`, `today?`): `string`
Get a string phrase for the current time of day
U.partOfDay(timeString, today)
U.partOfDay('13:00') // => 'Afternoon'
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `timeString` | `string` | `undefined` |
| `today` | `boolean` | `false` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### throttle
▸ **throttle**(`callback`, `limit`): `Function`
Throttle the calling of a function
U.throttle(callback, limit)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `callback` | `Function` |
| `limit` | `number` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### toHour
▸ **toHour**(`currentTimsestamp`, `extra?`): `number`
Return the number of Milliseconds to the hour for the supplied timestamp
U.toHour(currentTimsestamp, extra)
U.toHour('13:00') // => 1605532173
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `currentTimsestamp` | `number` | `undefined` |
| `extra` | `number` | `0` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in

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