2015-06-11 17:15:45 -07:00

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Braid/aggregate one or more RSS feeds (file or url) into a single feed (RSS or JSON output). Process resulting feed through specified plugins. Automatic deduplication


npm install rss-braider


npm test


$ cd examples
$ node simple.js  (combines 3 sources)
$ node plugins.js (combines 3 sources and runs a transformation plugin)

Code Example

var RssBraider = require('rss-braider'),
    feeds = {};

// Pull feeds from config files:
//      feeds.simple_test_feed = require("./config/feed").feed;
// Or define in-line
feeds.simple_test_feed = {
    "feed_name"             : "feed",
    "default_count"         : 1,
    "no_cdata_fields"       : [], // Don't wrap these fields in CDATA tags
    "meta" : {
        "title": "NPR Braided Feed",
        "description": "This is a test of two NPR"
    "sources" : [
            "name"              : "NPR Headlines",
            "count"             : 2,
            "feed_url"          : "",
            "name"              : "NPR Sports",
            "count"             : 2,
            "feed_url"          : ""
var braider_options = {
    feeds           : feeds,
    indent          : "    ",
    date_sort_order : "desc", // Newest first
    log_level       : "debug"
var rss_braider = RssBraider.createClient(braider_options);

// Override logging level (debug, info, warn, err, off)

// Output braided feed as rss. use 'json' for JSON output.
rss_braider.processFeed('simple_test_feed', 'rss', function(err, data){
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);


Plugins provide custom manipulation and filtering of RSS items/articles. See examples/plugins for examples.

A plugin operates by modifying the itemOptions object or by returning null which will exclude the item (article) from the resulting feed (See examples/plugins/filter_out_all_articles.js).

Plugin Example

This plugin will capitalize the article title for all articles

module.exports = function (item, itemOptions, source) {
    if (!item || !itemOptions) {

    if (itemOptions.title) {
        itemOptions.title = itemOptions.title.toUpperCase();

    return itemOptions;

The plugin is registered with the feed in the feed config .js file and are run in order.

var feed = {
    "feed_name"         : "feed with plugins",
    "default_count"     : 1,
    "plugins"           : ['capitalize_title', 'plugin_template'],