obtasks/DIR-3698 DKV2/Note 2019-04-09T10.39.10.md
2019-04-29 14:49:56 +01:00

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Note 2019-04-09T10.39.10

How to access the Danish information on PI

This url - https://virksomhedsregister.finanstilsynet.dk/index-en.html takes you to the main company register page. From this select the [Export] button / area under the section "Other Options".

Note - I have already selected the English variant of the page (top of page Dansk to English toggle).

Note - the furthest I can preload the query to, is to the to get the export selection page, next page, thereb y cutting out this first step. However, I can not presload the search attributes.

Note - In the old table, I identified two PI values to run. I have only found one in the new list

Use the URL https://virksomhedsregister.finanstilsynet.dk/listeudtr%C3%A6k-en.html to open the export page and make the following selections. Note - You can perform a multiple select within fields

Select: List 1 - betalingstjeneste området = Payment Service Area List 2 - Betalingsinstitutter = Payment Institutions List 2 - Udbyder af betalingstjenester med begraenset tilladelse = Provider of limited payment services

The searches are dynamic linked lists, in that as you select each higher level list the lower level list will refine, until you perform the search (select the magnifying glass at the bottom of the search window).


use the URL https://virksomhedsregister.finanstilsynet.dk/listeudtr%C3%A6k-en.html to open the export page and make the following selections. Note - You can perform a multiple select within fields


List 1 - betalingstjeneste området = Payment Service Area List 2 - E-penge-institutter = E money Institutions List 2 - Udbyder af elektroniske penge med begraenset tilladelse = Provider of electronic money with limited permission

The searches are dynamic linked lists, in that as you select each higher level list the lower level list will refine, until you perform the search (select the magnifying glass at the bottom of the search window).


use the URL https://virksomhedsregister.finanstilsynet.dk/listeudtr%C3%A6k-en.html to open the export page and make the following selections. Note - You can perform a multiple select within fields

Select: List 1 - Kreditinsti Området = Credit Institution List 2 - pengeinstitutter = Banks

The searches are dynamic linked lists, in that as you select each higher level list the lower level list will refine, until you perform the search (select the magnifying glass at the bottom of the search window).