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Projects collection contains all currently loaded projects and provides operations for manipulating with them. All projects stored on disk in baseDir and loaded to memory so they can be received (by get, getAll and other methods) in a sync way. Note that id for the particular project is a name of that project.

ProjectsCollection.validateConfig(config:Object, callback(err,config):Function)

Validate and return given config

ProjectsCollection.load(name:String, [callback(err)]:Function)

Load project to collection. projectLoaded event with loaded config as argument will be emitted after load.


Load all projects (from this.baseDir). Calls load for every project in a base dir.

ProjectsCollection.unload(name:String, [callback(err)]:Function)

Unload project from collection projectUnloaded event with unloaded config as argument will be emitted after unload.


Get project config by name. Returns config object or undefined if project is not found.


Get configs for all currently loaded projects. Returns array of config objects.


Get project configs which match to predicate. Returns array of config objects or empty array if there is no matched project.

ProjectsCollection.getAvgBuildDuration(name:String, callback(err,duration):Function)

Calculates average build duration (in ms) for the given project

ProjectsCollection.remove(name:String, [callback(err)]:Function)

Remove project by name. Calls unload, removes project from disk and db.

ProjectsCollection.rename(name:String, [callback(err)]:Function)

Rename project. Renames project on disk and db, also changes name for loaded project.