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Note 2019-05-09T10.39.53
How to access the Finnish information on Payment Institutions
This URL http://www.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/Pages/default.aspx takes you to the home page for the Finnish NCA. On accessing this page select the link under Registers [List of supervised entities]. This will take you to Step 2. Alternately you may omit this step and go directly to Step 2 by entering the URL specified there directly.
To access the General register list, run the following URL:
1) Expand the - "Undertatings operating in the financial market" > "Credit market entities" > "Deposit banks"
2) Select the check box - "Commercial banks", "Savings banks", "Member cooperative banks", "Local cooperative banks", "Limited-liability savings banks", "Limited-liability cooperative banks".
Note - selecting Deposit Banks in step 1 will default select all items in step 2.
3) Select the check box - "Show all details", this will expand the results returned.
4) Click the [Search] button to run the query.
The screen will refresh and the results displayed underneath the search. Note - a ribbon will display under the criteria with number of results returned (currently 215).
Alternatively, if you wish to download the CSV immediately, without returning the results to screen. Then, after you have performed your selection (points 1 2, and 3 above) select the hyperlink (not the Search button) "Save in Excel (.csv)" to download locally.
Note - the permissions do not appear to be numbered .