2018-05-04 11:21:51 +01:00

103 lines
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As an Operator and creator of a request to pay, I want to cancel one my existing pending RTP's, so that I can prevent an RTP from continuing. I **CANNOT** cancel a RTP which is in a *PAID* or *UNKNOWN* state
Acceptance Criteria
1. Successfully cancel a pending RTP
**Given** there is an existing RTP where the PayeeID is my user id
*And* I have authorization to use Bridge
**When** I make a request to `DELETE /rtps/{id}`
*And* the RTP is in a pending state
**Then** RTP is marked in the database as cancelled
*And* the request succeeds with a 200 status code
*And* Subsequent calls to `GET /rtps/{id}` returns status code 400
*And* relevent missing error message
2. Invalid attempt to cancel RTP in non pending state
**Given** there is an existing RTP where the PayeeID is my user id
*And* I have authorization to use Bridge
**When** I make a request to `DELETE /rtps/{id}`
*And* the RTP is **NOT** in a pending state
**Then** The request fails with a 400 status code
*And* relevent error message
3. Invalid attempt to cancel with no ID
**Given** I have authorization to use Bridge
**When** I make a request to `DELETE /rtps`
**Then** The request fails with a 400 status code
*And* relevent error message
4. Invalid attempt to cancel RTP where I am **NOT** the Payee
**Given** there is an existing RTP where the PayeeID is **NOT** my user id
*And* I have authorization to use Bridge
**When** I make a request to `DELETE /rtps/{id}`
**Then** The request fails with a 400 status code
*And* relevent missing error message
5. Invalid attempt to cancel RTP that is already cancelled
**Given** there is an existing RTP where the PayeeID is my user id
*And* I have authorization to use Bridge
**When** I make a request to `DELETE /rtps/{id}`
*And* the RTP **IS** in a cancelled state
**Then** The request fails with a 400 status code
*And* relevent error message
6. Compliance Logging
**Given** that I have authorization to use Bridge
**When** I make a request to `DELETE /rtps/{id}`
**Then** Details of the request will be added to the compliance log.
*And* This should include (where possible):
* All standard fields in compliance log entries
* RTP id
* Success or failure of the update
7. The wiki is updated
Swagger spec
E2E testing of swagger definition
Implement controller
Update wiki ( Logging Details )
Create automated tests
Run automated tests
Manual testing