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synced 2025-03-07 03:00:00 +00:00
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WHISKY The Angels Share</p>
<p>1. The boys on the golf course, playing with one set of borrowed clubs. They are quite good. Jack Lorne is the milkman, who has been up since five in the morning, and is studying for a business management degree in his spare time. </p>
<p>Talking as they go round. We see them sneaking in, waiting for the golfers to get past, then getting on behind the turn. Fore, a bit of fun, some youngsters in the marsh, feeling for the balls with their feet to sell to the golfers. Pheasant runs out, swings at it. Smell of whisky, talk of the jobs that are going, bug businesses ruining the place. Outplacement, downsizing, contraction. Just another name for chasing the buck and the fuck with the rest of us. The dairy is going bust. The distillery is going bust. Donnie Watson is the cooper, Tam Bowie the plumber. Neil Cleary is laid off from the rigs. Grey wee town, and it's all going down the pan. Jed Coogan a milk driver. </p>
<p>Worried about job losses. Resentful that the dairy is going out of business and that the whisky industry has been taken over and is pulling out. Big conglomerates that give them no chance. The dairy is in big trouble because of competition. They are no hopers in a no hope town. A beautiful place, but left to rot. The council are at it, the businesses are at it. Everybody is milking the place. There's drugs and money lending. </p>
<p>The boys get run off the course by some snobs </p>
<p> including the whisky manager and a couple of big timers who they know are crooks. Who will be introduced at the start as moneylenders. </p>
<p>Just then they are challenged by Gus Ferguson, the local hard man and moneylender who is always out for a buck. One of the boys will get a real doing that night, for his cheek. </p>
<p>2. That night in the pub, karaoke, singing, meets two Swedish girls, drinking baileys Irish cream. Would taste better with Scotch. Great. Drink so dear. Gets drunk. At the dancing, he meets two Norwegian beauties, off an aeroplane. Real honeys. They get drunk and he ends up with them both. They tell him about the price of drink in Norway and Sweden. Real murder. Bit of fun with his friends threatening to tell on him. He just misses his girlfriend </p>
<p> stuck here in the middle with you. Dodging Ferguson on the way. Talking about no jobs. More about the no hopers. Donnie really badly beaten up. </p>
<p>3. Hung over, round at his grandfathers, making beer. Laws on distilling. Playing chess. Back home, Jack Lorne's grandfather is making beer. Stinking the house out. He can't afford real beer. Can't afford real whisky. Playing chess. Tells tales of way back when there was rationing and they had a black market going. Times were hard, but they all ganged together and they took what they wanted. I remember one time, we was short of beef. Hadn't had a steak in God knows when. So we went and stole a coo. But it wasn't a coo by god, it was a bloody bull. Anyway, it's time he was going to his night classes and getting on. Too much shagging and football. Get out and make something of yourself. You don't want these wankers to be ruling your life do you? Remember, he's the descendent of the great kinds of Scotland. </p>
<p><em>Something about them on a boat, seeing Crichton cruise up the river to the harbour. The grandfather looks out the rese3arch they had done. He knows the Charter people. They couold use this.</em></p>
<p>Jack and Kate delaney later. He's doing a course on computer and business studies. Wants to be an MBA. Problem solving, that's what it is. He'd like to solve all their problems. The trick is anti gravity. You have to haul yoursef up by the bootstraps. Win the lottery. Tax on whisky. Money for nothing. He gets an idea. Is she English to help with the translation? She is very annoyed with him for getting into trouble. I heard you were at Robert's party. I couldn't not go. Anybody interesting?</p>
<p><em>****Take Kate out to the Creggan cliffs and have Jack save the boy's life, meet Hammons Hall and give him the idea of the tanker going over. A little bit of tease. He was going to the stock car racing to see Jed and Neil, and they get sidetracked. Romantick walk. Almost a kiss. Differential between milkman and teacher.</p>
<p>Some of Charter 1315.</em></p>
<p>Then <em>Insert somewhere, he goes to the bank, sets up a new account. Takes out all his money and then sits in his bedroom crumpling every note up, as if he is a bit demented. Opens a buolding ssociety acopunt. Have him with his brother Michael first, making sure he goes on with Uni. Just in case he has to go away. He has plans. Michael is soft and there's tears in his eyes. His other sister gets the rosary out. Going overseas?</p>
<p>At work and Andy Kerr gives them the bad news. The place will have to shut. The big co-op is taking all the business, the bank is calling in the loan on the tankers and well, that's about it. If he can't come up with a hundred grand in two months, then he'll be out. You can't beat the big boys. </p>
<p>Something similar happening at Aitkenbar Distillery. A delegation down from Dunvegan where there is a small distillery and they are up in arms at the loss of their jobs. They want to make a museum of the place. </p>
<p>They meet in the pub that night and Donnie Munro tells them All abot it. Their cheese business went down the stank because of the big co-operative and the island is in a bad way. The doomed workers share ttheir gloom. Jack saiys he isn't sitting still for it. It's time they did something. </p>
<p>What have you got in mind?</p>
<p>I'm going into the consultancy business. </p>
<p>5. Get the plans of the place. He goes on an instructional tour of the distillery. (suit and glasses. Unrecogniseable. Hair dye?) The mash. Customs, the various locked doors. The big container where they mix the barrels. We need the exact day. He will be putting on the dog. Meets some of the men coming out and gets his grandfather a bottle of whisky. Very good stuff. The angels share. He meets Eddie Kane in there. He's a plumber. Sees Margery Burns, who works in the offices. Wonders how he can use her. </p>
<p><em>A bit on Marge. She's looking good. He sees Crichton and wonders what he had that made nbim think he was so good.</em></p>
<p>See him in Glasgow. Into the bus station, gets a bus pass (in his disguise), then into the bank to start an account. Fixes an address, someplace he can get a council tax address (From his young brother) </p>
<p>Uses the bank details to start his own company and get credit cards for shops. McKenzie-Compton Ltd, Developers. and then Also, starts his new company. We see him dressed up, going into an office. Changing the address of a disused garage in Levenford (or the Black Bull???) Or how about Tim Farmer? Visa card. Maybe even getting an empty council house. </p>
<p>See him getting on to a ship dowjn in the Clydeside and big Lars claps him on the back. </p>
<p>6. Jack tells them the plan, down on Gillespie's boat. They all come in. </p>
<p>They will be able to steal 20000 gallons. There's a big bottling coming up.. When he's at the distillery. Mention of a big order. Taking the last of the whisky in store, fifteen years old. A special proof. Didn't you tell me they had a spillage? Sure I did. It was an accident? Look, the place is going to shut down and throw hundreds of good men on the dole. What does he care? He doesn't deserve any loyalty. He's going to screw the dairy as well and flatten the site and build more shops. I've got a plan. But I need you guys to make it foolproof. And I need you Tam. And Jed, I need to speak to your bird. What for? Don't ask questions. Are you in?</p>
<p>7. Cullen and McFall grab young Michael and slap him about and he gets into trouble with his sisters and mother. Grandad comes down with a gun. It's a fake. </p>
<p>Then Jack with Jed and Neil, looking at the geese. </p>
<p>Then Andy Kerr talking about the run down. </p>
<p>8. In at Neil's, making the popcorn, Looking at the plans. </p>
<p>Ferguson gives Cullen and McFall a hard time. </p>
<p>The boys plan to get inside the distillery. </p>
<p>Crichton meets Jameson from the council and hears about the listing of the building and He demands that it is changed. </p>
<p>Then round to Tim Farmer's house. He's run away with the bird. (He will come back at a crucial time and they will have to get the mail and get it re-diverted)</p>
<p>Jack scoops it up, finds a spare key. Ed asks what it is? Jack won't tell him. </p>
<p>Then meeting with Siobhan. She's Joined the Charter. Wants to preserve the heritage, and the jobs. She explains the old charter from Bruce. She is doing an illustrated version. It's all in flowery language. </p>
<p>He says he is working on something too. Can she do him some artwork?</p>
<p>C9. Margery burns tells Jack when the decant is </p>
<p> three days late???</p>
<p>Tam in the barrel, getting in to Aitkenbar Distillery. Mayhem and Fun. Ed has to stay with him. Trouble with mobile phone. </p>
<p>Jed gets in to the dairy to steal things. </p>
<p>C10. </p>
<p>Tam and Ed in the distillery. Boring through the pipe. Getting soaked,</p>
<p>Crichton comes in with Kerr Thomson the customs man. They are up to something. </p>
<p>Tam and Ed get drunk and smashed.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>C11. Getting Donnie's brothers to catch fish. Jack gets into the petty cash to buy nets and sends them down the stream to get them. Round to the council works department. Can they get a pump. </p>
<p>Neil having problems with the geese. They've imprinted. They think I'm their fucking mother. </p>
<p>They have to get the tankers three days before the heist. Because they have to go. Ed and Tam have to go and get them when Andy is away, leaving Jim in charge. Jim's eyes are bad. Jed nicks his glasses. Sign here. Hide them in the plantation. They have to decant into the tanks later. Bulk grain?</p>
<p>Printing the heaaded nottepaaper from Share d'Angelis. Jack has to speak to Crichton. He has spoken to Jed's woman and does a deal with her. But that gets tricky. </p>
<p>C13. The big heist. Cops come round. Grub Hennigan sees them. The bitch in heat </p>
<p> Daisy Ray </p>
<p> the rottweillers. Storm begins and wipes the paint off. Kerr Thomson caught in the car with a woman. They get the whisky and disappear.</p>
<p>C14. Ed gets in and turns off the tank? The shit hits the fan. All the whisky is gone. Smell for miles. Env protection involved. The river authority, the water Board. Crichton is going mental. The customs are going crazy. Kerr Thomson looking sheepish. Big investigation n started. Angus McLeod & customs chief. Somebody's head is going to roll, say all three.</p>
<p>The tankers are in the lorry park. Hide them in plain sight. Sandy is shocked. Jesus boy, you did it. What now. Not what people think. We lie low.</p>
<p>A meeting on Gillespie's boat. What next. We can't move. Jack tells his grandfather what's what. He's going to sell it to the Norwegian. On the radio to him. Problem and delay. That means they have to hide the whisky for longer. Transport. can Donny get the barrels out in time? The place is really battened down.</p>
<p>C14. Cops and customs all over the place.</p>
<p>Problem with the boat. Delay. They have to move the stuff. Jack does the deal with Lars for half the boat. Carried interest. He will get an assessor in (because he needs an asset to raise money) Jack tells them they won't get their money for a while. They have to lie low. </p>
<p>C15. The fish are found by Angus MacLeod. Big suspicion. Realise it's a heist. Siobhan calls Jack and he evades her. She tells him she needs five grand for legal action. Calls Crichton, tells h9im the deal is on. Gets the papers signed, gets the letter of credit from the bank, then goes to see the lawyer. P7</p>
<p>C16. He humiliates donny over the fish.</p>
<p>Crichton in a panic. He is not insured for theft. Macleod investigates.</p>
<p>The cops realise it's a heist. Two patrol cops hauled in. Franky Hennigan questioned. P8</p>
<p>C17. It's on the telly. And there's the poster frpom the side of the van. Written as on TV. Brair Bryden's story in the gazette. Siobhan comes round and punches him on the face. He promises to fund the action. She wears it. Jack and Sandy out to lunch with Crichton. Doing the deal. P8</p>
<p>C18Donny gets caught selling whisky. Spotted by Cullen and McFall. Jack tells them they won't get their money for a while. They have to lie low. P6</p>
<p>Talking to DJ.</p>
<p> Tim Farmer comes back and they have to organise another drop.</p>
<p>Problem with the boat. Delay. They have to move the stuff.</p>
<p>. Ferguson wants his share. Find out what's happening. Pick up Donnie and give him a doing. They haul Jack in. Grandfather up on Skye. Crichton desperate. He needs a buyer for another batch of whisky. Jack and Donnie Fall out. But Donnie is beaten almost senseless and Jack relents. What could I do? Fuck, what's he going to do? We'd better get ready for something. P7</p>
<p>C20. The cops are getting closer. Questions at the council with Jamieson. Tim Farmer comes back and they have to find another drop.</p>
<p>Jack find his grandfather esconced with Margery Burns. Crichton agrees to the deal. </p>
<p>Jack and DJ Munro. The deal to buy the distillery goes through. He's had the place valued. He can take it off Crichton's hands for a hundred grand. Reducing year on year. Which is more than he would get anyway. Funded by Jack, but it's an MBO. There's no market. (Take in the history) But there will be. All they need is a couple of days. And he has spoken to the Island Enterprise. EEC rules give them huge grants. It costs them nothing. Call it Braveheart & Co.</p>
<p>Cops round at Jack's door, but he's gone. All roads lead to the one company. But it's a fake address. Tim Farmer. The cops are closing in. </p>
<p>Jack finds grandfather with Marge Burns. P9</p>
<p><em>C21. Ferguson snatches Michael. Coming home with his books etc. Take him off the street and round to Ferguson's place. Dead scared. What about this brother. Michael lknows nothing. He's going to be pissed off with you. What's this all about. McFall slkaps him around, gives him a bl,oody nose. Michael puts up a struggle, but he's like a string bean, no weight, a gentle boy.</p>
<p>How to contact Jack. Takes the book. Scrawls a number in it. Gets it to the house. </p>
<p> He promises violence. Holds him overnight. Jack's mother really worried. Going to call the police. No. Don't do that. What's going on? The grandfather comes in. Don't call the cops. You trust your Jack. They have to think of something. Okay. Jack does the deal with Crichton for the barrels and gets the flatloader up to Dunvegan. Emptying the barrels.</p>
<p>Meanwhile Kate is down with Crichton. He is trying to do a deal. </p>
<p>Jack thinks up a plan. Donnie can redeem himself. Jack needs the barrels. The flatloader is from Crichton's yard. Painting the barrels. Down to the yard. Very tense. P9</p>
<p>C22. The yard scene, guns, double cross, fake barrels </p>
<p> and it's the 25-year-old </p>
<p> so Crichton is implicated. The gunshot. The whisky flows. These are Crichton's barrels. Or it's Murroch Glen whisky. Michael is released. The shotgun. Up and over the top. McFall in pursuit. Donny goes berserk with the barrel hammer. Takes on Cullen and gives him a doing. The cops are on their way, and the customs. The barrels have been marked. Kicks the release on the hoop and the whole pile of them fall. The hoods scatter and that's when Donny gives it to them. Shots and panic, gushing whisky, Ferguson down. Jack stuffs ther paperwork inn the glove compartment. The cops Raid Tim Farmer. P9.</p>
<p>C23. Cops come in. It's a shoot out. Cullen and Ferguson are caught with the barrels of Murroch Glen and the guns. Plus documentation implicating Crichton. Plus the pump with whisky in it. It was paid for by a McFall.</p>
<p>Chasimng across the roofs and onto the tanker, sliding down. McFall coming after them. A big fight. Tam and Jack and McFall in a big tussle. Jack saving Michael from falling and McFall has a go and flips off at a corner. Donny must hit him. Screech to a halt. Leave him. We can't. McFall is stuck in a hawthorn tree. His head is twisted round the toher way. Not a mark on him. Take him, Jack says. Michael is sick. What the hell, you can't be squeamish. Franky Hennigan sees the tanker and the driver in the helmet and goes down on his knees. P8</p>
<p>C24. They wrap McFall's body and Jack gets on the bike up to Glasgow. Bumps into Kate and sends her flying. She then discovers he's the brains behind the action. </p>
<p>Crichton calls him and he tells him he's screwed.</p>
<p>Jack tells Andy Kerr and gets a punch on the face, but he brings him in.</p>
<p>Kate tells Jack she knows and they have a big kiss. (P10)</p>
<p>C25. A chase scene with the tankers up near Oban</p>
<p> and they are destroyed. The tankers are the decoy!!! (SEE LATER NOTES). </p>
<p>Under the bridge and the bridge rips off the cover!!! Need a dead body at the end. It will be McFall.</p>
<p>Meanwhile the tankers get up to Tarbet and Lars is waiting for them, taking the big tanks on board. They watch as it disappears out to sea. They are all on board to get up there. We're in the clear. </p>
<p>Maybe a scene with Angus Macleod later. Explaining everything. How did he get the money. Lars says you saved his life. They are on the phone and Jack checks his account. This can be used to explain all the ins and outs.</p>
<p>From Blair Bryden's point of view. Six months later. How the new company took over the old one when Crichton went bust amidst a customs investigation into false declarations of customs duty. The end of whisky distilling oinnthe area, but a new lease of life with liqueurs and designer drinks and the incporporation of the daoiry into the bottling system. The heritage centre and the Bruce Harbour.</p>
<p>A red car heading for the hotel. They are all sitting round the table. They are now directors. Grandad comes in, still in the Armani. Margery kisses him on the cheek, or a big wet one. Have a nice day at the office. </p>
<p>Grandad gets out. Ciao. Arriverderce. Like the scene in A Fish Called Wanda. Sitting round the boartdroom. And the big lorries are pulling out. Angels Share.</p>
<p>Cops down at Grub Hennigan. Every time he sees a silver Tanker he sinks to his knees. He is delirious, talking about aliens. Like Darth Vader. He turned my Eldorado into Whisky. It's a miracle.</p>
<p>Doing a deal with Crichton, because he is threatening to pull the plug early, and Andy still has to be in place. Re-negotiating the lease. Have you got clear title? They have done a bit of checking and discover a discrepancy. <em>Think on this!!!!</em> He pretends to be part of a consortium that holds things up. Gives them a number, but it's his sister at the other end, who puts him through on a mobile. It's cloned. </p>
<p><em>Crichton agrees to the deal. Get it sigtned. (and can he use this for another d4eal???) Put in somewhere that Jack has spoken to a big club owner. He did his brother a big turn, saved him from drowning. He's head f the club owners federation. He ownes me big time.</em></p>
<p>Up in Glasgow, doing the rounds of the clubs. And then onto the drinks show. He has to bring in his sister and her friends. Going round doing some marketing. Pub chains. Super pubs. He's had his hair dyed for this. Ed with him, dapper in a suit. </p>
<p>* need the baileys recipe. Get this in at the party. </p>
<p>The creamery will be saved because of the deal Crichton thinks he can do, but he waits too long. The boys get him to overstretch. </p>
<p>They get the whisky, but they have to get the tankers back, so they have to store them in the big sewage tanks. One of the men on the site gets wind of it. !!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Carried interest.Jack uses to get credit, to fund the management buy-out. The dairy purchase. The lawyers. The action againsat the crown. The deal with Andy Kerr. Money makes money. Money is power. Determination is even more powerful.</p>
<p>The Angels Share and Moonshine.</p>
<p>Jack has done the deal for the under-declared whisky, which he siphons off and gets back again to Crichton. The cheque bounces.(<28>10,000) And Crichton has made a loss. This gives Jack an extra .3 x 50 x 200 gallons. Enough to start his business with the boys in Dunvegan.</p>
<p>Crichton is liquidating and has done a deal to buy out a drinks business in Glasgow.</p>
<p><em>*****. (Can he use THE Crichton deal for more leverage. Tthis for another deal???) Put in somewhere that Jack has spoken to a big club owner. He did his brother a big turn, saved him from drowning. He's head of the club owners federation. He owes me big time.) he will have the finance for bottling, buying the condensed milk. Powdered milk. Buying fancy bottles, labels. And then they buyb the distillery and begin to make their own designer drinks. They never lose the angel's share.</p>
<p>. Put in previously that Ferguson watches the news down in the pub and starts to speculate. Why hadn't he thought of it, rather than pissing about with penny ha'penny stuff, loans to people on the dole. Cullen and McFall are out and about and they get the word back to Ferguson. He says he wants to find out what the score is. Can it be locals? Na. Must be a con. Doesn't he work there? Security is tighter than a crab's arse. Let's bring him in and see what's what.</p>
<p>Insert, when Jack and Kate go to Creggan (c4 or 5) some talk, some closeness. She has faith in him. The view from here. (He had been planning to go watch Jed and Neil at the stock car, up near ther base, but rthey get diverted because he fancies being alone with her. These guys, the wild bunch. He explains they're okay. Just never had much of a chance. But Jed's a driver and Neil can make anything work. Okay, and he can sing. I hear him in starlights. He's goit talent. They all have talent. They just never had money, or opportunity.</p>
<p>And you? Me? I had my chance. My old man died and my mother, she couldn't cope. Wasn't her fault, but she just cracked up. I had two sisters and a brother, and my grandad, he did his best. But I'm making up for it now. Our Mike, he's the brains of the ffamily. I'm going to get him rich, and then I'll sponge off him for the rest of my life. So a bit more closeness. Some about her, ambitions. He likes the way she relies on him. Fighting for the toiwn. Organising. The little people.</p>
<p>Leprechauns, he says.</p>
<p>Picking up shells, collecting. A good evening. Waves powering up, warm. A boat comes along, a little bit fast. There's a youngster out there in the water, it doesn't see him and hits him.</p>
<p>Jack swimming out, running 0on the rocks. A spectacular dive. Right out and gets the boy to safety. There's a big boat in the cove, a moody forty four, whiuch he has already seen. That's what I would like. Sail on one and syat in the sun. That's big money.</p>
<p>The bpy is saved. Jack doesn't want anything. Name? He won't give it.</p>
<p>But Kate goes back and tells him.</p>
<p>Later insert that Hammond Hall the managing director of one of the biggest drinks firms in Britain has been up sailing with his family.</p>
<p>He turns up at Jack's door in a limo. Jack is round at his grandfather's. and the fellow comes round. They all get drunk on the beer and some whisky and somke of that Irish Cream stuff. Braveheart Brew. What's the recipe? Sandy won't say.</p>