13 KiB
AODB Mobile Mac
This guide is designed to set up and install all the components required for a development, automated build and continual integration environment on Mac OS X.
Access to the team foundation server for the AODB Mobile project which contains the git repository and project documentation. Transport AODB Mobile Team Foundation Server
Access to the AODB Mobile project Thycotic Secret Server which contains all account information, usernames and passwords. Transport AODB Mobile Thycotic Secret Server
Access to the Apple developer account which is used for setting up provisioning profiles, device management and certificates. Apple Developer Account
Install and configure the following components:l
- Rename Computer
- Sophos
- Java SDK
- Xcode
- Homebrew
- Git
- OpenSSL
- Visual Studio Team Services Agent
- Node Version Manager
- Node
- Node Packages
- Sinopia
- PM2 Process Management
- WebStorm
- SourceTree
- Visual Studio Code
- HockeyApp
Rename Computer
Rename computer name using central technology asset id.
Asset ID: LM120477
- Launch ‘System Preferences’ from the Apple menu in OS X
- Click the ‘Sharing’ icon
- Type in what you want your Mac’s new computer name to be
- Close ‘System Preferences’ for the setting to take effect
Sophos Endpoint doesn’t rely on signatures to catch malware, which means it catches zero-day threats without adversely affecting the performance of your device. So you get protection before those exploits even arrive.
Raise Assist with CT for adding Sophos Endpoint
Java SDK
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software development environment used for developing Java applications and applets. It includes the Java Runtime
Download and install the Java Platform, Standard Edition Java SE Downloads
Set $JAVA_HOME environment variable with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ emacs .profile
Add this to the end of the .profile file:
export JAVA_HOME;
Save and exit emacs (ctrl-x, ctrl-s; ctrl-x, ctrl-c)
Confirm Java verion with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ java -version
Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) containing the tools for developing iOS.
Install Xcode with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ xcode-select --install
Add MobileAppsTeam Developer Account to Xcode
- Open Xcode
- Xcode > Preferences > Accounts Tab
- Add MobileAppsTeam@leidos.com Account
iOS developer certificates
- Log into Apple Developer Account with MobileAppsTeam@leidos.com;
- Download iOS developer certificates;
- Open downloaded certificates in Keychain;
- Ensure Xcode has logged has the developer account logged in.
Homebrew is a open-source software package management.
Install Homebrew with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Confirm the Homebrew installed with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ brew doctor
Git is a version control system. Must be version >= 2.9.0
Install Git with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ brew install git
Confirm the version of Git with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ git --version
OpenSSL is an open source tool for using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols for Web authentication.
Install OpenSSL with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ brew install openssl
Ensure folder exists on machine with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/
$ ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
$ ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
$ brew link --force openssl
$ brew info openssl
Visual Studio Team Services Agent
The Visual Studio Team Services Agent OSX is cross platform build and release agent for Team Services and Team Foundation Server 2015
Download the OSX agent
Download vsts-agent-osx.10.11-x64-2.105.7.tar.gz
Create OSX agent folder in the $HOME
with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir aodb-vsts-agent && cd aodb-vsts-agent
Extract into agent folder from Downloads with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-osx.10.11-x64-2.105.7.tar.gz
Configure the agent
Configure the agent with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ cd $HOME/aodb-vsts-agent
$ ./config.sh
Enter the following details as below:
Enter Server URL > http://i-t-v-tf01:8080/tfs Enter authentication type (press enter for Negotive) > Enter user name > I-T-V-TF01/GITUSER Enter Password > Transport AODB Mobile Thycotic Secret Server Enter queue name > Chroma vNext Enter agent name > Mac-LM120477 Default any other settings
Run the agent with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ ./run.sh
Remove the agent to reconfigure with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ ./config remove
Visual Studio Team Services Agent Documentation
Node Version Manager
Node Version Manager is bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Install NVM with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.32.1/install.sh | bash
Add NVM to the bash_profile with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ nano ~/.bash_profile
Add the following lines to the .bash_profile :
export PATH=$PATH:~/.android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/ export NVM_DIR="/Users/MobileAppsTeam/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
Verify installation with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ nvm -v
Node Version Manager Documentation
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
Install Node and NPM with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ nvm install 6.9.0
$ npm i -g npm@3.10.7
$ nvm use 6.9.0
$ nvm alias default 6.9.0
Verify Node version 6.9.0 and npm version 3.10.7 with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ node -v && npm -v
Node Packages
Install the following node packages with specified versions
- gulp
- cordova
- ionic
- jspm
- bower
- npm-check
- npm-install-missing
- phantomjs-prebuilt
- sinopia
- pm2
Install Node Packages with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ npm i -g gulp cordova ionic jspm bower npm-check npm-install-missing phantomjs-prebuilt sinopia pm2
List installed Node Packages with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ npm ls -g --depth=0
Sinopia is a private / caching npm repository server
Install Sinopia with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ npm i sinopia -g
Run Sinopia with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ sinopia
Set npm registry to Sinopia with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ npm set registry http://localhost:4873/
Set add user to Sinopia with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873/
Username: mobileappsteam Password: Transport AODB Mobile Thycotic Secret Server Email: MobileAppsTeam@leidos.com
Clone local-Chromaux git repository with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ cd $HOME/dev
$ git clone http://i-t-v-tf01:8080/tfs/Transport/Chroma%20Refresh/_git/UX
Run the gulp command to export Chroma.UX with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ cd $HOME/dev/UX/Chroma.UX/
$ npm install
$ gulp newexport
Check the npm config file has the value registry=http://localhost:4873/ with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$cat ~/.npmrc
Publish the Chroma.UX package to Sinopia with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ cd $HOME/dev/UX/local-chromaux/
$ npm publish .
PM2 Process Management
PM2 is a production process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks.
Install PM2 with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ npm i pm2@latest -g
Setup Auto-Completion with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ pm2 completion >> ~/.bash_profile
Create a process configuration JSON file as ~/process.json
"apps" : [
"name" : "Sinopia",
"script" : "/Users/MobileAppsTeam/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.7/bin/sinopia",
"cwd" : "/Users/MobileAppsTeam",
"watch" : false,
"instances" : 1,
"exec_mode" : "fork",
"combine_logs" : true,
"max_memory_restart" : "300M",
"restart_delay" : 5000
"name" : "BuildAgent",
"script" : "run.sh",
"cwd" : "/Users/MobileAppsTeam/aodb-vsts-agent",
"watch" : false,
"instances" : 1,
"exec_mode" : "fork",
"combine_logs" : true,
"max_memory_restart" : "300M",
"restart_delay" : 5000
Start with the following command in the terminal prompt:
$ pm2 start ~/profile.json
Additional Commands
$ pm2 kill
$ pm2 monit
$ pm2 list
$ pm2 log 0
$ pm3 log 1
Android command line SDK Tools
SDK Tools is a downloadable component for the Android SDK. It includes the complete set of development and debugging tools for the Android SDK.
Download the Mac SDK Tools android-sdk_r24.4.1-macosx.zip
Unzip Android command line SDK Tools with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ cd ~/Downloads/
$ unzip android-sdk*.zip
$ mv android-sdk-macosx/ ~/.android-sdk-macosx
Run the SDK Manager with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ sh ~/.android-sdk-macosx/tools/android
Select the following below:
- Android SDK Build-tools 23.03
- Android SDK Build-tools 23.02
- Android SDK Build-tools 23.01
- Android SDK Build-tools 22.01
Android 6.0 (API 23)
- SDK Platform
- Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
- Sources for Android SDK
Click Install Packages
Add platform-tools to your path with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/' >> ~/.bash_profile
Refresh your bash profile with the following commands in the terminal prompt:
$ source ~/.bash_profile
WebStorm is a JavaScript IDE for client-side development and server-side development with Node.js.
SourceTree is a Git and Hg client. SourceTree simplifies how you interact with your Git and Mercurial repositories.
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring.
Tinker Tools
TinkerTool is an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into macOS. This allows to activate hidden features in the operating system and in some of the applications delivered with the system
Download Tinker Tools
Brackets is an open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers.
Download Brackets
Chrome is a fast, simple and secure web browser, built for the modern web. Download Chrome.
How To Use Linux Screen
Control Command Command: “Ctrl-a”
Switching Between Windows
Command: “Ctrl-a” “n”
Detaching From Screen
Command: “Ctrl-a” “d”