# hexo-theme-gstyle a google style theme for hexo. ## Preview [Live Demo](http://wayou.github.io/hexo-theme-gstyle/public/) ![preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wayou/hexo-theme-gstyle/master/source/img/preview.jpg) screenshot generated by [am i responsive](http://ami.responsivedesign.is/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwayou.github.io%2F) ## Features ### Responsive Totaly responsive, mobile first. No bootstrap, using modern css3 flex! ### Impressing Navigation ![full screen navigation menu with morphing animation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wayou/hexo-theme-gstyle/master/source/img/nav.gif)
Full screen morphing navigation on mobile ### Graceful table of content module Auto generated table of content with transition animation when expanding and collapsing. ![full screen navigation menu with morphing animation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wayou/hexo-theme-gstyle/master/source/img/toc.gif) ## Usage - `git clone https://github.com/wayou/hexo-theme-gstyle.git themes/gstyle` - config site `_config.yml` `theme: gstyle` ## Using relative assets path in your post - Enable `post_asset_folder` in your hexo site config file `_config.yml` - Install `hexo-filter-pathfix` to fix the path of assets `npm install --save hexo-filter-pathfix` - Then you can using relative path when writing posts like `![image title](image_name.jpg)`. ## Config ### toc - Enable `toc: true` in the Front-matter of posts you wanna display table of content ```diff title: thi is the post title +toc: true date: 2016-01-01 15:47:33 tags: --- ``` ### Comments 2 comment vendors implemented , choose one you like. ``` yml duoshuo_shortname: #your duoshuo shortname goes here disqus_shortname: #your disqus shortname goes here ``` ### Site analytics The `baidu_analytics` is mainly for mainland users. you can get the baidu analytics id from the admin page of baidu analytics code installing page. ![where to get the baidu analytics id](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wayou/hexo-theme-gstyle/master/source/img/baidu_analytics.png) ``` yml google_analytics: baidu_analytics: ``` ### Image caption To enable image caption for iamges, install `hexo-image-caption` plugin by using this command: ```bash npm i --save hexo-image-caption ``` And then enable it in your hexo site config file `_config.yml` (not the theme config file). ```yml # add caption for iamges image_caption: enable: true class_name: ``` ### Code highlight Hexo default code highligth is the default. However, I customized [Prism.js](http://prismjs.com/) for this theme, whitch is much nicer and many languagaes like `jsx` are well supported. And thanks to [ele828](https://www.npmjs.com/~ele828) for making the [hexo prism plugin](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hexo-prism-plugin). To enable Prism code highlight, - `npm i -S hexo-prism-plugin` - edit hexo config file `_config.yml`(not the one for the theme) to enable this plugin ```yml prism_plugin: mode: 'preprocess' # realtime/preprocess theme: 'default' ``` ![](source/img/hexo-prism.jpg) ### Sliding navigation indicator Whether to show an indicator for the active navigation menu item ```yml active_nav: false ```