[ { "name": "arrayFromObj", "category": "", "description": "
Create an array from an Object using specified fields
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.arrayFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a', 'b']) // => [1, 2]\n", "args": [ { "name": "jsonObj", "description": "The Original object" }, { "name": "wantedFields", "description": "The required fields\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "Array", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "debounce", "category": "", "description": "Debounce the calling of a function
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.debounce(fn, time)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "", "args": [ { "name": "fn", "description": "The function to be debounced" }, { "name": "time", "description": "How long to wait" } ], "returns": { "name": "Object", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "distance", "category": "", "description": "Calculate the distance between two lat long points
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "distance(1, 1, 2, 2) // => 157.22543203805722;\n", "args": [ { "name": "lat1" }, { "name": "lon1" }, { "name": "lat2" }, { "name": "lon2", "description": "\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "number", "description": "" } }, { "tag": null, "signature": "U.distance(latLong1, latLong2)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "const a: U.LatLong = new LatLong(1, 1)\nconst b: U.LatLong = new LatLong(2, 2)\nU.distance(a, b) // => 157.22543203805722\n", "args": [ { "name": "latLong1" }, { "name": "latLong2", "description": "\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "number", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "extractFromObj", "category": "", "description": "Extract an object from another object using specific fields
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.extractFromObj(jsonObj, wantedFields)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.extractFromObj({ a: 1, b: 2 }, ['a']) // => { a: 1 }\n", "args": [ { "name": "jsonObj", "description": "The source object" }, { "name": "wantedFields", "description": "The required fields" } ], "returns": { "name": "Object", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "hasOwn", "category": "", "description": "Check if an object has an property
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.hasOwn({ bob: '1' }, 'bob') // => true\n", "args": [ { "name": "obj", "description": "The source object" }, { "name": "prop", "description": "The required property" } ], "returns": { "name": "boolean", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "hourFloor", "category": "", "description": "Get the hour floor as a Base 32 string
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.hourFloor(1605532173) // => '1fnp540'\n", "args": [ { "name": "timestamp", "description": "The timestamp as a number" } ], "returns": { "name": "string", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "isEmpty", "category": "", "description": "Check if an object is empty
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.isEmpty({}) // => true\nU.isEmpty({ bob: true }) // => false\n", "args": [ { "name": "obj", "description": "The object being checked\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "boolean", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "maybePluralize", "category": "", "description": "Maybe pluralize a count:
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.maybePluralize(number, noun, suffix)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.maybePluralize(1, 'Bag', 's') // => 1 Bag\nU.maybePluralize(5, 'Bag', 's') // => 5 Bags\n", "args": [ { "name": "count", "description": "the value counting" }, { "name": "noun", "description": "the name of the value" }, { "name": "suffix", "description": "the suffix" } ], "returns": { "name": "string", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "once", "category": "", "description": "Trigger a function once and then prevent it from triggering again
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.once(fn)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "", "args": [ { "name": "fn", "description": "\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "Object", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "partOfDay", "category": "", "description": "Get a string phrase for the current time of day
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.partOfDay(timeString, today)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.partOfDay('13:00') // => 'Afternoon'\n", "args": [ { "name": "timeString" }, { "name": "today", "description": "\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "string", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "throttle", "category": "", "description": "Throttle the calling of a function
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.throttle(callback, limit)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "", "args": [ { "name": "callback" }, { "name": "limit", "description": "\n" } ], "returns": { "name": "Object", "description": "" } } ] }, { "name": "toHour", "category": "", "description": "Return the number of Milliseconds to the hour for the supplied timestamp
\n", "methods": [ { "tag": null, "signature": "U.toHour(currentTimsestamp, extra)\n", "category": "", "indexed": false, "pipeable": false, "example": "U.toHour('13:00') // => 1605532173\n", "args": [ { "name": "currentTimsestamp" }, { "name": "extra" } ], "returns": { "name": "number", "description": "" } } ] } ]