const Backbone = require('backbone'); const _ = require('underscore'); const WCollection = require('../src/js/collection/weather'); const expect = require('expect.js'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const wData = { 'city':{ 'id':3333231, 'name':'Glasgow City', 'coord':{ 'lon':-4.25, 'lat':55.8667 }, 'country':'GB', 'population':0 }, 'cod':'200', 'message':1.3268098, 'cnt':5, 'list':[{ 'dt':1506945600, 'temp':{ 'day':10.69, 'min':9.99, 'max':10.69, 'night':10.22, 'eve':10.69, 'morn':10.69 }, 'pressure':1001.71, 'humidity':94, 'weather':[{ 'id':500, 'main':'Rain', 'description':'light rain', 'icon':'10d' }], 'speed':7.6, 'deg':279, 'clouds':92, 'rain':0.99 }, { 'dt':1507032000, 'temp':{ 'day':11.13, 'min':9.52, 'max':11.28, 'night':10.11, 'eve':10.33, 'morn':9.52 }, 'pressure':1014.59, 'humidity':80, 'weather':[{ 'id':500, 'main':'Rain', 'description':'light rain', 'icon':'10d' }], 'speed':7.43, 'deg':285, 'clouds':88, 'rain':0.44 }, { 'dt':1507118400, 'temp':{ 'day':10.98, 'min':8.26, 'max':10.98, 'night':8.26, 'eve':9.29, 'morn':10 }, 'pressure':1007.06, 'humidity':93, 'weather':[{ 'id':501, 'main':'Rain', 'description':'moderate rain', 'icon':'10d' }], 'speed':8.77, 'deg':267, 'clouds':92, 'rain':8.52 }, { 'dt':1507204800, 'temp':{ 'day':10.77, 'min':5.92, 'max':10.79, 'night':5.92, 'eve':9.56, 'morn':6.4 }, 'pressure':1012.43, 'humidity':91, 'weather':[{ 'id':500, 'main':'Rain', 'description':'light rain', 'icon':'10d' }], 'speed':7.26, 'deg':291, 'clouds':64 }, { 'dt':1507291200, 'temp':{ 'day':9.28, 'min':5.88, 'max':12.7, 'night':10.84, 'eve':12.7, 'morn':5.88 }, 'pressure':1001.13, 'humidity':0, 'weather':[{ 'id':501, 'main':'Rain', 'description':'moderate rain', 'icon':'10d' }], 'speed':4.32, 'deg':189, 'clouds':100, 'rain':9.37 }] }; const wResult = [ { 'date': '2/10', 'datelong': '2017-10-02T13:00:00+01:00', 'day': 'Mon', 'icon': 'wi-owm-500', 'summary': 'light rain', 'tempHigh': 10, 'tempLow': 9, 'time': 1506945600, 'timestamp': 1506945600 }, { 'date': '3/10', 'datelong': '2017-10-03T13:00:00+01:00', 'day': 'Tue', 'icon': 'wi-owm-500', 'summary': 'light rain', 'tempHigh': 11, 'tempLow': 9, 'time': 1507032000, 'timestamp': 1507032000 }, { 'date': '4/10', 'datelong': '2017-10-04T13:00:00+01:00', 'day': 'Wed', 'icon': 'wi-owm-501', 'summary': 'moderate rain', 'tempHigh': 10, 'tempLow': 8, 'time': 1507118400, 'timestamp': 1507118400 }, { 'date': '5/10', 'datelong': '2017-10-05T13:00:00+01:00', 'day': 'Thu', 'icon': 'wi-owm-500', 'summary': 'light rain', 'tempHigh': 10, 'tempLow': 5, 'time': 1507204800, 'timestamp': 1507204800 }, { 'date': '6/10', 'datelong': '2017-10-06T13:00:00+01:00', 'day': 'Fri', 'icon': 'wi-owm-501', 'summary': 'moderate rain', 'tempHigh': 12, 'tempLow': 5, 'time': 1507291200, 'timestamp': 1507291200 } ]; describe('Weather Collection', () => { let collection; sinon.stub(Backbone, 'sync').yieldsTo('success', wData); beforeEach(() => { collection = new WCollection(); }); it('should create an empty collection', () => { expect(collection.length); }); it('Should fetch the data', () => { collection.fetch(); expect(collection.length); }); it('Should reduce the data', () => { collection.fetch(); expect(collection.toJSON()).to.eql(wResult); }); });