607 lines
20 KiB
607 lines
20 KiB
const request = require('request');
const log4js = require('log4js');
const logger = log4js.getLogger('calHandler');
const STRING = require('string');
const util = require('util');
const Elapsed = require('elapsed');
const Sugar = require('sugar');
logger.level = 'debug';
function processICAL(ical) {
'use strict';
logger.info('+ processICAL');
let workingBlock = [];
const segments = {
'meetingStartID': 'DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:',
'meetingStartAlt': 'DTSTART:',
'meetingStartAltOther': 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:',
'meetingEndID': 'DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:',
'meetingEndAlt': 'DTEND:',
'meetingEndAltOther': 'DTEND;VALUE=DATE:',
'meetingDescID': 'DESCRIPTION:',
'summaryID': 'SUMMARY:',
'begin': 'BEGIN:VEVENT',
'end': 'END:VEVENT',
'beginAlarm': 'BEGIN:VALARM',
'endAlarm': 'END:VALARM',
'recur': 'RRULE:'
const rules = ['FREQ', 'WKST', 'UNTIL', 'BYMONTH', 'BYMONTHDAY', 'INTERVAL', 'BYDAY'];
function nThDayOfMonth(monthsAhead, wantedDay) {
const now = new Date();
for(let t = 0; t < monthsAhead; t++) {
function processRecurrence(workBlock) {
const _workBlock = Object.assign({}, workBlock);
const dateLimit = new Date().reset('month').addMonths(2);
const recurArray = [];
logger.debug('>> Processing recurrence...');
logger.debug(`Expanding ${_workBlock.summary}`);
logger.debug('DateLimit:', dateLimit);
// logger.debug('Processing recurrence...');
const weekBits = { 'SU': 0, 'MO': 1, 'TU': 2, 'WE': 3, 'TH': 4, 'FR': 5, 'SA': 6 };
const now = new Date();
const day = now.getDate();
const dayNum = now.getDay();
const month = now.getMonth();
const year = now.getFullYear();
const byDayRegEx = /(\d)(\w.)/;
const recurSettings = { 'freq': null, 'wkst': null, 'until': null, 'bymonth': null, 'bymonthday': null, 'interval': null, 'byday': null };
const firstSplit = _workBlock.recur.split(';');
for (let t = 0; t < firstSplit.length; t++) {
const ws = firstSplit[t].split('=');
if (rules.indexOf(ws[0]) > -1)
recurSettings[ws[0].toLowerCase()] = ws[1];
// if all null discard..
if (recurSettings.freq === null && recurSettings.wkst === null && recurSettings.until === null && recurSettings.byday === null && recurSettings.bymonth === null && recurSettings.bymonthday === null && recurSettings.interval === null)
return null;
if (recurSettings.until !== null) {
// have we expired?
const _until = Date.create(recurSettings.until).isPast();
if (_until) {
return null;
if (recurSettings.freq !== null) {
// logger.debug(_workBlock);
let newStart, newEnd;
const origStart = new Date(_workBlock.dtstart);
const origEnd = new Date(_workBlock.dtend);
const _dstart = new Date(_workBlock.dtstart);
const _dend = new Date(_workBlock.dtend);
logger.debug('>> origStart', origStart);
const _d = origStart.getDate();
const _m = origStart.getMonth();
const _h = origStart.getHours();
const _min = origStart.getMinutes();
const _secs = origStart.getSeconds();
const distance = origEnd - origStart;
_workBlock.details = {
logger.debug('freq:', recurSettings.freq);
if (recurSettings.freq === 'YEARLY') {
if (recurSettings.bymonth !== null && recurSettings.bymonthday !== null) {
let _yearCount = year;
logger.debug('>> Yearly with specific month / day');
let newBlock;
newStart = new Date().set({ 'year':_yearCount, 'month': recurSettings.bymonth - 1, 'day': recurSettings.bymonthday, 'hour':_h, 'minutes':_min, 'seconds':_secs });
newEnd = new Date(_dstart).addMilliseconds(distance);
do {
newBlock = Object.assign({}, _workBlock);
newBlock.dstart = new Date(newStart);
newBlock.dend = new Date(newEnd);
newStart = new Date().set({ 'year':_yearCount, 'month': recurSettings.bymonth - 1, 'day': recurSettings.bymonthday, 'hour':_h, 'minutes':_min, 'seconds':_secs });
newEnd = new Date(_dstart).addMilliseconds(distance);
while(newStart < dateLimit);
else if (recurSettings.bymonth === null && recurSettings.bymonthday === null) {
logger.debug('>> Yearly no specific month / day');
// extract month and year from dtstart
let newBlock;
do {
newBlock = Object.assign({}, _workBlock);
newBlock.dtstart = new Date(_dstart);
newBlock.dtend = new Date(_dend);
_dstart.advance({ 'year':1 });
_dend.advance({ 'year':1 });
while(_dstart < dateLimit);
// logger.info('** recurArray', recurArray);
return recurArray;
if (recurSettings.freq === 'MONTHLY' ) {
const interval = parseInt(recurSettings.interval, 10) || 1;
logger.warn(`MONTHLY - ${interval}`);
let newBlock;
if (recurSettings.byday === null)
do {
newBlock = Object.assign({}, _workBlock);
newBlock.dtstart = new Date(_dstart);
newBlock.dtend = new Date(_dend);
while(_dstart < dateLimit);
else {
logger.warn('BYDAY!!! ', recurSettings.byday);
const byday = byDayRegEx.exec(recurSettings.byday);
const dayNumber = weekBits[byday[2]];
const stepCount = parseInt(byday[1], 10) - 1;
do {
const _findSun = new Date.create(_dstart, { 'fromUTC': true } ).reset('month');
const firstDay = _findSun.getDay();
// find first occurance of the wanted day.
if (firstDay !== dayNumber) {
const add = (dayNumber - firstDay + 7) ;
newBlock = Object.assign({}, _workBlock);
newBlock.dtstart = new Date(_findSun).addMilliseconds(_workBlock.timeStartMS);
newBlock.dtend = new Date(_findSun).addMilliseconds(_workBlock.timeEndMS);
// all done, next.
while(_dstart < dateLimit);
// something
return recurArray;
if (recurSettings.freq === 'WEEKLY') {
const interval = parseInt(recurSettings.interval, 10) || 1;
logger.warn(`WEEKLY - ${interval}`);
let newBlock;
do {
newBlock = Object.assign({}, _workBlock);
newBlock.dtstart = new Date(_dstart);
newBlock.dtend = new Date(_dend);
while(_dstart < dateLimit);
return recurArray;
// if we get here we've skipped everything just return the _workblock
return [];
function processBlock(block) {
let _wb;
const workBlock = {
'summary': '',
'dtstart': null,
'dtend': null,
'description': '',
'timeStart': null,
'timeEnd': null,
'duration': 0,
'combined': '',
'recur': null,
'timeStartMS': null,
'timeEndMS': null
let alarmFlag = false, ws, blockStep;
for (let step = 0; step < block.length; step++) {
blockStep = block[step];
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.recur) >= 0)
workBlock.recur = STRING(block[step].split(segments.recur)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// logger.debug(workBlock.recur);
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.summaryID) >= 0)
workBlock.summary = STRING(block[step].split(segments.summaryID)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingStartID) >= 0) {
ws = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingStartID)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// workBlock.dtstart = Date.create(ws);
workBlock.dtstart = new Sugar.Date(ws).raw;
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingEndID) >= 0) {
ws = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingEndID)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// workBlock.dtend = Date.create(ws);
workBlock.dtend = new Sugar.Date(ws).raw;
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingStartAlt) >= 0) {
ws = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingStartAlt)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// console.log('>> ws', ws);
// workBlock.dtstart = Date.create(ws);
// let d = new Sugar.Date();
workBlock.dtstart = new Sugar.Date(ws).raw;
// console.log('>> date', workBlock.dtstart);
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingEndAlt) >= 0) {
ws = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingEndAlt)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// workBlock.dtend = Date.create(ws);
workBlock.dtend = new Sugar.Date(ws).raw;
// console.log('>> date', workBlock.dtend);
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingStartAltOther) >= 0) {
ws = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingStartAltOther)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// workBlock.dtstart = Date.create(ws);
workBlock.dtstart = new Sugar.Date(ws).raw;
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingEndAltOther) >= 0) {
ws = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingEndAltOther)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
// console.log('>> ws', ws);
// workBlock.dtend = Date.create(ws);
workBlock.dtend = new Sugar.Date(ws).raw;
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.meetingDescID) >= 0)
if (!alarmFlag) {
workBlock.description = STRING(block[step].split(segments.meetingDescID)[1]).collapseWhitespace().s;
if (blockStep.indexOf(segments.beginAlarm) >= 0)
alarmFlag = true;
if (workBlock.dtstart !== null) {
// workBlock.timeStart = workBlock.dtstart.format('{24hr}:{mm}:{ss}');
workBlock.timeStart = Sugar.Date(workBlock.dtstart).format('{24hr}:{mm}:{ss}').raw;
workBlock.timeStartMS = ((workBlock.dtstart.getHours() * 60 * 60 ) + (workBlock.dtstart.getMinutes() * 60 ) + workBlock.dtstart.getSeconds()) * 1000;
// console.log('>> workBlock.timeStart', workBlock.timeStart);
workBlock.combined = `<em>${workBlock.timeStart}</em> - '`;
workBlock.long = `<em>${Sugar.Date(workBlock.dtstart).format('{Weekday}').raw}, ${workBlock.timeStart}</em> - `;
// console.log('>> workBlock.long', workBlock.long);
workBlock.combined = workBlock.combined + workBlock.summary;
workBlock.longcombined = workBlock.long + workBlock.summary;
if (workBlock.dtend !== null) {
workBlock.timeEnd = Sugar.Date(workBlock.dtend).format('{24hr}:{mm}:{ss}').raw;
workBlock.timeEndMS = ((workBlock.dtend.getHours() * 60 * 60 ) + (workBlock.dtend.getMinutes() * 60 ) + workBlock.dtend.getSeconds()) * 1000;
if (workBlock.dtstart !== null && workBlock.dtend !== null) {
const elapsedTime = new Elapsed(workBlock.dtstart, workBlock.dtend);
workBlock.duration = elapsedTime.optimal;
workBlock.combined = `${workBlock.combined }, ${ elapsedTime.optimal}`;
workBlock.longcombined = `${workBlock.longcombined }, ${ elapsedTime.optimal}`;
return workBlock;
function buildRecurranceArray(wb) {
const _wb = processRecurrence(wb);
return _wb;
const lines = ical.split('\r\n'), l = lines.length;
let counter = 0;
let alarmed = false;
while (counter < l)
if (lines[counter].indexOf(segments.begin) < 0)
else {
let subcounter = 0;
const subBlock = [];
alarmed = false;
while (subcounter < 75)
if (lines[counter + subcounter].indexOf(segments.end) < 0) {
if (lines[counter + subcounter].indexOf(segments.beginAlarm) > -1)
alarmed = true;
if (!alarmed)
subBlock.push(lines[counter + subcounter]);
if (lines[counter + subcounter].indexOf(segments.endAlarm) > -1)
alarmed = false;
counter = counter + subcounter;
const b = processBlock(subBlock);
if (!b.recur ) {
if (Array.isArray(b))
logger.error('!returned an array...');
if (b.dtstart !== null)
else {
// logger.warn('We need to spread the recurrance!!');
// logger.debug(b);
const recurBlocks = buildRecurranceArray(b);
if (recurBlocks && recurBlocks.length > 0)
workingBlock = workingBlock.concat(recurBlocks);
logger.info('- processICAL');
// If (workingBlock.dtstart == null) return {};
return workingBlock;
module.exports = {
'calendars': ['https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/martind2000%40gmail.com/private-40cfebc9f7dcfa7fde6b9bf2f0092c93/basic.ics',
'jsonBlock': [],
'getTodaysSimple': function() {
'use strict';
logger.info('+ getTodaysSimple');
const today = {
'entries': []
const _td = new Date.create('today');
const _tm = new Date.create('tomorrow');
today.entries = this.jsonBlock.filter((item) => {
if (!item || !item.dtstart || !item.dtend) return false;
return item.dtstart.isBetween(_td, _tm) || item.dtend.isBetween(_td, _tm);
logger.info('- getTodaysSimple');
return today;
'getTomorrow': function() {
'use strict';
logger.info('+ getTomorrow');
const today = {
'entries': []
const _tm = new Date.create('tomorrow');
const _da = new Date.create('tomorrow').addDays(1);
today.entries = this.jsonBlock.filter((item) => {
if (!item || !item.dtstart || !item.dtend) return false;
return item.dtstart.isBetween(_tm, _da) || item.dtend.isBetween(_tm, _da);
logger.info('- getTomorrow');
return today;
'getWeek': function() {
'use strict';
logger.info('+ getWeek');
const today = {
'entries': []
const now = new Date.create('today');
logger.debug('>> now', now);
const twoDays = new Date.create('today').addDays(2).beginningOfDay();
logger.debug('>> twoDays', twoDays);
const sevenDays = new Date.create('today').addDays(7).beginningOfDay();
logger.debug('>> sevenDays', sevenDays);
logger.debug('>> trip', { now, twoDays, sevenDays });
/* for (let t = 0; t < this.jsonBlock.length; t++)
// logger.debug('>> between', Sugar.Date(this.jsonBlock[t].dtstart).raw, Sugar.Date(this.jsonBlock[t].dtstart).isBetween(twoDays, sevenDays));
if (Date(this.jsonBlock[t].dtstart).isBetween(twoDays, sevenDays))
today.entries = this.jsonBlock.filter((item) => {
if (!item || !item.dtstart || !item.dtend) return false;
return item.dtstart.isBetween(twoDays, sevenDays) || item.dtend.isBetween(twoDays, sevenDays);
logger.info('- getWeek');
return today;
'getTodaysMeetings': function() {
'use strict';
logger.info('+ getTodaysMeetings');
const today = {
'previous': [], 'upcoming': [], 'current': {}
const now = new Date();
for (let t = 0; t < this.jsonBlock.length; t++)
if (Sugar.Date(this.jsonBlock[t].dtstart).isToday().raw) {
if (Sugar.Date(this.jsonBlock[t].dtstart).isAfter(now).raw)
if (now.isBetween(this.jsonBlock[t].dtstart, this.jsonBlock[t].dtend))
today.current = this.jsonBlock[t];
// logger.debug(today);
logger.info('- getTodaysMeetings');
return today;
}, 'getSimpleCalV2': function(url, cb) {
'use strict';
const self = this;
// Var calJson = [];
try {
request(url, function(err, res, body) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Get remote Calendar Request failed');
// Callback.call(null, new Error('Request failed'));
self.jsonBlock = processICAL(body);
// logger.debug(self.jsonBlock);
const st = self.getTodaysSimple();
if (typeof cb === 'function')
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
catch (e) {
}, 'getSimpleCalV3': function(url) {
'use strict';
const self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
request(url, function(err, res, body) {
if (err)
// logger.error(err);
return reject(err);
// Throw err;
self.jsonBlock = processICAL(body);
const st = self.getTodaysSimple();
return resolve(st);
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
// logger.error(body);
return reject(error);
catch (e) {
return reject(e);
// Var calJson = [];
}, 'getAdvancedCalV3': function(url) {
'use strict';
const self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
request(url, function(err, res, body) {
if (err)
// logger.error(err);
return reject(err);
// Throw err;
self.jsonBlock = processICAL(body);
logger.debug('jsonBlock length', self.jsonBlock.length);
// logger.debug(self.jsonBlock);
const st = self.getTodaysSimple().entries;
const tom = self.getTomorrow().entries;
const week = self.getWeek().entries;
const obj = { 'today': st, 'tomorrow': tom, 'week': week };
// logger.warn(obj);
return resolve(obj);
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
// logger.error(body);
return reject(error);
catch (e) {
return reject(e);
// Var calJson = [];
* Created by Martin on 16/02/2016.