Currently: Light Rain. Around 4 to 6 degrees.
Today: Light rain until evening, starting again overnight.
Later: Mixed precipitation throughout the week, with temperatures peaking at 9°C on Monday.
Nothing to report.
att vänta på
It is an verb which means 'to wait for'.
Example: Vi väntar på bussen.
Translated: We are waiting for the bus.
King James I was murdered in Perth, by a group led by Sir Robert Graham, today in 1437.
Had it not been for his love of tennis James would have escaped his assassins. Fleeing his killers, he hid in the drain under his tennis court, however this offered no means of escape for the monarch, as he had only recently ordered it to be blocked after losing balls in it.
On 20 February 1472 Orkney and Shetland became part of Scotland. The islands were provided as security for the dowry of Princess Margaret, the prospective wife of James III of Scotland and daughter of King Christian of Norway and Denmark.
Alan Turing Suggests Testing Artificial Intelligence with the Game of Chess
Computer pioneer Alan Turing suggests testing artificial intelligence with the game of chess in a lecture to the London Mathematical Society. Computers, he argued, must like humans be given training before their IQ is tested. A human mathematician has always undergone an extensive training. This training may be regarded as not unlike putting instruction tables into a machine, he said. One must therefore not expect a machine to do a very great deal of building up of instruction tables on its own.