144 lines
4.3 KiB
144 lines
4.3 KiB
module.exports = function mochaRun(progress) {
var currentTime = 0;
var timers = {};
var currentId = 0;
function checkTimers() {
var keys = Object.keys(timers);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
var timer = timers[key];
if (!timer) continue;
if (currentTime >= (timer.started + timer.time)) {
if (timer.interval) {
timer.started = currentTime;
} else {
delete timers[key];
var fn = timer.fn;
if (timer.domain) timer.domain.enter();
if (timer.domain) timer.domain.exit();
function setInterval(fn, time) {
var id = currentId++;
time = (+time || 0) | 0;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
timers[id] = {
fn: fn,
time: time,
started: currentTime,
interval: true,
domain: process.domain
return id;
function setTimeout(fn, time) {
var id = currentId++;
time = (+time || 0) | 0;
if (time < 11) time = 11;
timers[id] = {
fn: fn,
time: time,
started: currentTime,
interval: false,
domain: process.domain
return id;
function clearTimeout(id) {
delete timers[id];
var clearInterval = clearTimeout;
if (fakeTimers) {
(function timerLoop() {
currentTime += 10;
try {
} finally {
global.oldSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.oldClearTimeout = global.clearTimeout;
global.setTimeout = setTimeout;
global.clearTimeout = clearTimeout;
global.setInterval = setInterval;
global.clearInterval = clearInterval;
var failures = [];
delete Error.__BluebirdErrorTypes__;
global.adapter = cover
? require("./js/instrumented/bluebird.js")
: require("./js/debug/bluebird.js");
global.Promise = adapter;
Promise = adapter;
adapter.defer = adapter.pending = function() {
var ret = {};
ret.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ret.resolve = ret.fulfill = resolve;
ret.reject = reject;
return ret;
Promise.config({cancellation: true});
Promise.config({longStackTraces: false});
Promise.config({longStackTraces: true});
return Promise.each(testGroup, function(test, index, length) {
var mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: "spec",
timeout: 50000, //200 caused non-deterministic test failures
//when a test uses timeouts just barely under 200 ms
slow: Infinity,
bail: true
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
mocha.run(function(failures) {
if (failures === 0) {
test.failed = false;
}).on("fail", function(_, err) {
test.failed = true;
name: test.name,
error: err
}).then(function() {
function failAdvice(failedTestFileName) {
return "For additional details you can run it individually " +
" with the command `node tools/test --run=" + failedTestFileName + "`";
if (failures.length > 0) {
var error;
if (singleTest) {
error = failures[0].error;
else {
message = "\u001b[31mSome tests failed: \u001b[m\n"
failures.forEach(function(failResult) {
message += " " + failResult.name + " " + failAdvice(failResult.name) + "\n";
error = new Error(message);
error.noStackPrint = true;
throw error;
if (cover) {
return __coverage__;