# MUI Changelog ## 0.6.0 - May 22, 2016 * Added support for select box label to MUI CSS/JS, MUI React and MUI Angular ## 0.5.9 - May 17, 2016 * Set z-index of .mui-select__menu to 2 to fix overlap bug with floating action buttons ## 0.5.8 - May 6, 2016 * Added react@^15.0.0 as peerDependency in NPM package.json ## 0.5.7 - May 5, 2016 * Fixed Angular injector minification bug in MUI Tabs ## 0.5.6 - April 28, 2016 * Bugfix to Email SASS semantic markup * Handling timeouts gracefully in React componentWillUnmount ## 0.5.5 - April 26, 2016 * Using ES6 for Angular source code * Added MUI Angular to NPM package ## 0.5.4 - April 22, 2016 * Added support for `target` attribute to React DropdownItem ## 0.5.3 - April 16, 2016 * Added support for Angular Tabs directive * Fixed focus bug with Angular Select directive ## 0.5.2 - April 14, 2016 * Added support for React 15.0.1 ## 0.5.1 - April 12, 2016 * Fixed bug causing onChange to be called twice on React and ## 0.5.0 - April 7, 2016 * Major upgrade to Angular library - fixed many bugs and added missing features ## 0.4.9 - April 6, 2016 * Fixed bug in React Dropdown that prevented menu from closing when a DropdownItem was selected * Fixed bug in React Dropdown that fired onClick event on DropdownItem twice * Added support for onSelect event to React Dropdown * Added support for React elements to React Dropdown label ## 0.4.8 - March 30, 2016 * Fixed bug that kept dropdowns open when other dropdowns were clicked on ## 0.4.7 - March 1, 2016 * Added JS `change` eveent handler to mui-textfield input elements * Improved organization of MUI sass files * Improved organization of MUI js files ## 0.4.6 - February 18, 2016 * Fixed component name errors in NPM react.js module ## 0.4.5 - February 12, 2016 * Changed React SelectItem component name to Option * Added controlled controller support to React Select, Checkbox, Radio * Bugfixes to Angular library ## 0.4.4 - February 8, 2016 * Changed React input component names to Input and Textarea ## 0.4.3 - February 7, 2016 * Added Angular library ## 0.4.2 - February 3, 2016 * Added support for other React attributes and events * Set default font-family to "Arial, Verdana, Tahoma" for better cross-browser support out of the box ## 0.4.1 - February 2, 2016 * Added defaultValue and controlled component support to React TextInput and TextareaInput ## 0.4.0 - February 2, 2016 * Made CSS/JS ripple node removal more robust * Added value, defaultValue, onChange support to React Select component * Changed boolean properties to use React built-in names: * isAutofocus -> autoFocus * isChecked -> checked * isDisabled -> disabled * isRequired -> required * Changed other boolean properties to use React-like names: * isFluid -> fluid * isInline -> inline * isInvalid -> invalid * isJustified -> justified * isLabelFloating -> floatingLabel * Added support for defaultChecked to React Checkbox and Radio components ## 0.3.0 * Replaced .mui-textfield--invalid with .mui--is-invalid * Replaced .mui--text-black-{XX}, .mui--text-white-{XX} color helpers with: * .mui--text-dark * .mui--text-dark-secondary * .mui--text-dark-hint * .mui--text-light * .mui--text-light-secondary * .mui--text-light-hint * .mui--text-accent * .mui--text-accent-secondary * .mui--text-accent-hint * Major non-backwards compatible modifications to React library * Added .mui--text-black and .mui--text-white * Added 'xl' screen size and changed default widths for 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' breakpoints ## 0.2.10 - January 12, 2016 * Fixed bug causing mui.overlay('off') to throw error when called before turning on overlay ## 0.2.9 - December 7, 2015 * Fixed path to js file for `muicss` npm package ## 0.2.8 - December 3, 2015 * Added .mui-textfield--invalid css helper ## 0.2.7 - December 1, 2015 * Replaced .mui--text-black-26 with .mui--text-black-38 to bring CSS color helpers in line with MD spec ## 0.2.6 - November 27, 2015 * Improves floating label animation by using CSS transform ## 0.2.5 - November 27, 2015 * Added .mui-body--scroll-lock specifically for scroll lock ## 0.2.4 - November 26, 2015 * Uses body class for scroll lock ## 0.2.3 - November 21, 2015 * Upgraded to React 0.14.3 ## 0.2.2 - November 20, 2015 * Improved IE10+ CSS borders for buttons, panels and select menu * Improved positioning of select menu * Improved logic of select menu initial scroll position * Improved window scroll lock ## 0.2.1 - October 16, 2015 * Moved textfield floating label modifier to wrapper class * Disabled use of .mui-textfield__input and .mui-textfield__label--floating ## 0.2.0 - October 12, 2015 * Added html email example layout ## 0.2.0-rc3 - October 10, 2015 * Changed .mui--notransition to .mui--no-transition * Added .mui--no-user-select ## 0.2.0-rc2 - October 8, 2015 * Removed color attribute from typography classes * Added text color helpers * Migrated colors.css to BEM syntax ## 0.2.0-rc1 - October 7, 2015 * Migrated CSS/JS and Email Libraries to BEM syntax * Removed internal bootstrap source code dependency * Removed MUIRoundButton from React library ## 0.1.23 - September 19, 2015 * Added support for data-attributes in Tabs CSS ## 0.1.22 - September 18, 2015 * Added tab events ## 0.1.22-rc1 - September 3, 2015 * Removed unnecessary styles from button CSS * Using "mui-is-" syntax for stateful CSS (e.g. mui-is-active) * Added data-attributes syntax for buttons, dropdowns, tables, container * Added a dark button option * Changed floating action button naming from "floating" to "fab" ## 0.1.21 - August 5, 2015 * Removed default down arrow on select component on IE ## 0.1.20 - August 5, 2015 * Raising Error objects * Decreased $mui-container-sm width by 18px to account for vertical scrollbar * Bugfix to _outsideClick handler in react library * Using default <select> behavior on touch devices ## 0.1.19 - July 26, 2015 * Bugfix to mui-react-combined.js build script * Removed styles on bare