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2015-06-11 17:13:25 -07:00
examples RSS-26: moving example code around. Updates to README 2015-06-11 17:13:25 -07:00
lib RSS-26: moving example code around. Updates to README 2015-06-11 17:13:25 -07:00
test RSS-26: moving example code around. Updates to README 2015-06-11 17:13:25 -07:00
.gitignore More cleanup 2015-05-29 11:40:33 -07:00
.travis.yml Removing ancient node versions. 2015-02-11 08:24:53 -08:00
index.js first commit of new repo 2014-12-23 15:39:57 -08:00
package.json 1.0.0 2015-06-11 15:50:25 -07:00
README.md RSS-26: moving example code around. Updates to README 2015-06-11 17:13:25 -07:00

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Braid/aggregate one or more RSS feeds (file or url) into a single feed (RSS or JSON output). Process resulting feed through specified plugins. Automatic deduplication


npm install rss-braider


npm test


$ cd examples
$ node simple.js  (combines 3 sources)
$ node plugins.js (combines 3 sources and runs a transformation plugin)

Code Example

var RssBraider = require('rss-braider'),
    feeds = {};

// Pull feeds from config files:
//      feeds.simple_test_feed = require("./config/feed").feed;
// Or define in-line
feeds.simple_test_feed = {
    "feed_name"             : "feed",
    "default_count"         : 1,
    "no_cdata_fields"       : [], // Don't wrap these fields in CDATA tags
    "meta" : {
        "title": "NPR Braided Feed",
        "description": "This is a test of two NPR"
    "sources" : [
            "name"              : "NPR Headlines",
            "count"             : 2,
            "feed_url"          : "http://www.npr.org/rss/rss.php?id=1001",
            "name"              : "NPR Sports",
            "count"             : 2,
            "feed_url"          : "http://www.npr.org/rss/rss.php?id=1055"
var braider_options = {
    feeds           : feeds,
    indent          : "    ",
    date_sort_order : "desc", // Newest first
    log_level       : "debug"
var rss_braider = RssBraider.createClient(braider_options);

// Override logging level (debug, info, warn, err, off)

// Output braided feed as rss. use 'json' for JSON output.
rss_braider.processFeed('simple_test_feed', 'rss', function(err, data){
    if (err) {
        return console.log(err);


Plugins provide custom manipulation and filtering of RSS items/articles. See lib/example_plugins for examples. A plugin operates by modifying the itemOptions object or by returning null which will exclude the item (article) from the resulting feed.

Plugin Example

This plugin will capitalize the article title for all articles

module.exports = function (item, itemOptions, source) {
    if (!item || !itemOptions) {

    if (itemOptions.title) {
        itemOptions.title = itemOptions.title.toUpperCase();

    return itemOptions;