[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/KQED/rss-braider.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/KQED/rss-braider) ## Summary Braid/aggregate one or more RSS feeds (file or url) into a single feed (RSS or JSON output). Process resulting feed through specified plugins. ## Installation ``` npm install rss-braider ``` ## Test `npm test` ## Examples ``` $ cd examples $ node simple.js (combines 3 sources) $ node plugins.js (combines 3 sources and runs a transformation plugin) ``` ## Code Example ```js var RssBraider = require('rss-braider'), feed_obj = {}; // Build feed options feed_obj.filefeed = require("./config/feed").feed; var braider_options = { feeds : feed_obj, indent : " ", date_sort_order : "desc" // Newest first }; var rss_braider = RssBraider.createClient(braider_options); // braid 'filefeed' sources together and output in RSS format rss_braider.processFeed('filefeed', 'rss', function(err, data){ if (err) { return console.log(err); } console.log(data); }); ```