// process feed-reader item into node-rss item

var FeedParser  = require('feedparser'),
    bunyan      = require('bunyan'),
    _           = require('lodash'),
    async       = require('async'),
    request     = require('request'),
    RSS         = require('rss'),
    fs          = require('fs');

var logger;
var RssBraider = function (options) {
    this.feeds = options.feeds || null;
    this.logger = logger = options.logger || bunyan.createLogger({name: 'rss-braider'});
    this.indent = options.indent || "    ";
    this.dedupe_fields = options.dedupe_fields || []; // The fields to use to identify duplicate articles
    this.date_sort_order = options.date_sort_order || "desc";

    // load plugins from plugins folder
    // TODO, specify plugins location
    this.plugins = {};


// loadup self.plugins with the plugin functions
RssBraider.prototype.loadPlugins = function () {
    var self = this,
        path = __dirname + '/plugins',
        filenames = fs.readdirSync(path);

    // load up each file and assign it to the plugins
        var plugin_name = filename.replace(/.js$/, '');
        self.plugins[plugin_name] = require(path + '/' + plugin_name);
        // logger.info("plugin loaded:", plugin_name);

RssBraider.prototype.feedExists = function (feed_name) {
    if (this.feeds && this.feeds[feed_name]) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

// Gather data from all feed sources, process each article/item through plugins,
// trim down to  desired count, dedupe and sort
RssBraider.prototype.processFeed = function(feed_name, format, callback)
    if (!format) {
        format = 'rss';
    var self = this,
        feed = this.feeds[feed_name],
        feed_articles = [];

    // set these for the request
    self.feed_name = feed_name;
    self.format = format;
    self.feed = feed;

    // logger.info("DEBUG processFeed: feed is set to " + feed_name);

    if (!feed || !feed.sources || feed.sources.length < 1) {
        return callback("No definition for feed name: " + feed_name);

    async.each(feed.sources, function(source, callback) {
        var count = source.count || feed.default_count || 10,
            url = source.feed_url || null,
            file_path = source.file_path || null,
            source_articles = [];

        // todo: Check if source.file is set and set up a fs stream read
        var feedparser = new FeedParser();
        if (url) {
            var req = request(url);

            // logger.info("request to", url);

            req.on('error', function (error) {

            req.on('response', function (res) {
                var stream = this;
                if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
                    return this.emit('error', 'Bad status code: ' + res.statusCode);
        } else if (file_path) {
            // open file
            var filestream = fs.createReadStream(file_path);
        } else {
            logger.error("url or file_path not defined for feed: " + source.name);

        feedparser.on('error', function(error) {
            logger.error("feedparser: error", error);

        // Collect the articles from this source
        feedparser.on('readable', function() {
            // This is where the action is!
            var stream = this,

            while ( item = stream.read() ) {
                if (source.feed_url) {
                    item.source_url = source.feed_url;
                var article = self.processItem(item, source);
                if (article) {

        feedparser.on("end", function(){
            // sort and de-dupe this feed's articles and push them into array
            source_articles = self.dedupe(source_articles, self.dedupe_fields);
            source_articles = self.date_sort(source_articles);
            source_articles = source_articles.slice(0, count);
            feed_articles = feed_articles.concat(source_articles);
        if (err) {
            return callback(err);
        } else {
            // Final Dedupe step and resort
            feed_articles = self.dedupe(feed_articles, self.dedupe_fields);
            feed_articles = self.date_sort(feed_articles);

            // Create new feed with these articles
            var options = {
                title               : feed.meta.title,
                description         : feed.meta.description,
                generator           : feed.meta.generator || 'rss-braider',
                site_url            : feed.meta.site_url || null,
                feed_url            : feed.meta.feed_url || null,
                image_url           : feed.meta.image_url || null,
                webMaster           : feed.meta.webMaster || null,
                copyright           : feed.meta.copyright || null,
                categories          : feed.meta.categories || null,
                custom_namespaces   : feed.custom_namespaces || [],
                no_cdata_fields     : feed.no_cdata_fields

            var newfeed = new RSS(options, feed_articles);

            var ret_string;
            switch (format.toLowerCase()) {
                case 'json':
                    ret_string = JSON.stringify(newfeed);
                case 'rss':
                case 'xml':
                    ret_string = newfeed.xml(self.indent);
                    logger.error("Unknown format:", format);
                    ret_string = "{}";

            return callback(null, ret_string);

// Accepts a feed-parser item and builds a node-rss itemOptions object
RssBraider.prototype.processItem = function (item, source) {
    var self = this;

    if (!item) {
        logger.error("processItem: no item passed in");
        return null;
    // Basics
    var itemOptions = {
        title           : item.title,
        description     : item.summary,
        url             : item.link,
        guid            : item.guid,
        permalink       : item.permalink,
        author          : item.author,
        date            : item.date,
        categories      : item.categories,
        custom_elements : []

    // Run the plugins specified by the "plugins" section of the
    // feed config file to build out any custom elements or
    // do transforms
    self.runPlugins(item, itemOptions, source);

    // logger.info("returning for item.guid:" + item.guid);
    return itemOptions;

RssBraider.prototype.runPlugins = function (item, itemOptions, source) {
    var self = this,
        feed = self.feed,
        feed_plugins = feed.plugins || [];

    // Process the item through the desired feed plugins
        if (self.plugins[plugin_name]) {
            // logger.info("DEBUG runPlugins running " + plugin_name + " for item " + item.guid + " in feed: " + feed.meta.title);
            self.plugins[plugin_name](item, itemOptions, source);
        } else {
            logger.error("A plugin named '" + plugin_name + "' hasn't been registered");

// Dedupe articles in node-rss itemOptions format
// Accepts an array of fields to dedupe on, or does a basic uniq
// operation on the articles array
RssBraider.prototype.dedupe = function(articles_arr, fields){
    if ( !fields || fields.length < 1 ) {
        return _.uniq(articles_arr);
    } else {
        var uniques = {},
            deduped_articles = [];
            var count = 0;
                if (!uniques[field]) {
                    uniques[field] = [];
                if (uniques[field].indexOf(article[field]) !== -1) {
                } else {
            if (count !== fields.length) {
                // it's unique
            } else {
                // The article matched all of another article's fields
                // Do nothing
        return deduped_articles;

// TODO: Could be a plugin
// Sort articles by date
RssBraider.prototype.date_sort = function(articles_arr) {
    var sorted_articles = _.sortBy(articles_arr, function(article) {
        return article.date.getTime();
    if (this.date_sort_order === "desc") {
    return sorted_articles;

module.exports = RssBraider;