2016-06-30 14:48:37 +01:00

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With this a number of new language features were added to the JavaScript language, including:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>arrow functions,</li>\n<li>template strings,</li>\n<li>rest operator, argument spreading,</li>\n<li>generators,</li>\n<li>promises,</li>\n<li>maps, sets,</li>\n<li>symbols,</li>\n</ul>\n<p>and a lot more. For a comprehensive list of new features check out <a href=\"\">ES6 and Beyond</a> by <a href=\"\">Kyle Simpson</a>. <strong>Most of them are added to Node.js v4.</strong></p>\n<p>On the client side, you can already use all of them with the help of <a href=\"\">Babel</a>, a JavaScript compiler. Still, <strong>on the server side we prefer to use only the features that are added to the latest stable version</strong>, without compiling the source to save us from all the potential headaches.</p>\n<p>For more information on ES6 in Node.js, visit the official site: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"callbackconventionwithpromisesupport\">Callback convention - with Promise support</h3>\n<p>For the last years, we encouraged you to expose an error-first callback interface for your modules. With the <strong>generators functions</strong> already being available and with the upcoming <strong>async functions</strong> your modules <em>(the ones published to NPM)</em> should expose an <strong>error-first callback interface with Promise support</strong>.</p>\n<p><em>Why? To provide backward compatibility a callback interface has to be provided, and for future compatibility you will need the Promise support as well.</em></p>\n<p>For a demonstration of how to do it, take a look at the script below. In this example the <code>readPackage</code> function reads the <code>package.json</code> file and returns its&apos; content by providing both a Promise and a callback interface.</p>\n\n<h3 id=\"asyncpatterns\">Async patterns</h3>\n<p>For a long time in Node.js, you had two choices to manage asynchronous flows: callbacks and streams. For callbacks you could use libraries like <a href=\"\">async</a> and for streams <a href=\"\">through</a>, <a href=\"\">bl</a> or <a href=\"\">highland</a>.</p>\n<p>With the introduction of <em>Promises</em>, <em>generators</em> and the <em>async functions</em> it is changing.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>For a more detailed history of asynchronous JavaScript check out <a href=\"\">The Evolution of Asynchronous JavaScript</a></em></p>\n</blockquote>\n<h3 id=\"errorhandling\">Error handling</h3>\n<p>Error handling is a crucial part of the application to get right: knowing when to crash, or simply just log the error and continue/retry can be hard.</p>\n<p>To make it easier, we have to distinguish between <strong>programmer errors</strong> and <strong>operational errors</strong>. </p>\n<p>Programmer errors are basically bugs so you should crash the process immediately as you won&apos;t know in what state your application is. </p>\n<p>On the other hand, operational errors are problems with the system itself or a remote service, like request timeout or running out of memory. Based on the nature of the error you can try to solve with retrying, or if a file is missing you may have to create it first.</p>\n<h4 id=\"errorhandlingincallbacks\">Error handling in callbacks</h4>\n<p>If an error occurs during an async operation, the error object will be passed as the first argument of the async function. <strong>You always have to check it and handle it.</strong></p>\n<p>The code snippet in the <em>Callback convention</em> section above contains an example.</p>\n<h4 id=\"errorhandlinginpromises\">Error handling in Promises</h4>\n<p>What&apos;s going to happen in the following snippet?</p>\n\n<ol>\n<li>It will throw an exception in line 3 </li>\n<li>The catch will handle it, and print it out to the stdout: <code>[Error: ops]</code> </li>\n<li>The execution continues and in line 9 a new error will be thrown </li>\n<li>Nothing else</li>\n</ol>\n<p>And really nothing else - the last error thrown will be a silent one. <strong>Pay extra attention to always add a catch as the last member of the promise chain.</strong> It will save you a lot of headaches. So it should look like this:</p>\n\n<p>And now the output will be:</p>\n<pre><code>[Error: ops]\n[Error: ups]\n</code></pre>\n<h3 id=\"usejavascriptstandardstyle\">Use JavaScript Standard Style</h3>\n<p>In the past years, we had JSLint then JSHint, JSCS, ESLint - all excellent tools trying to automate as much code checking as possible.</p>\n<p>Recently, when it comes to code style we use the <a href=\"\">JavaScript Standard Style</a> by <a href=\"\">feross</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\",fit/\" alt=\"js-standard-style\" title=\"\"></a></p>\n<p>The reason is simple: no configuration needed, just drop it in the project. Some rules that are incorporated <em>(taken from the readme)</em>:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>2 spaces</strong> &#x2013; for indentation</li>\n<li><strong>Single quotes for strings</strong> &#x2013; except to avoid escaping</li>\n<li><strong>No unused variables</strong></li>\n<li><strong>No semicolons</strong></li>\n<li><strong>Never start a line with <code>(</code> or <code>[</code></strong>\n<ul><li>This is the <strong>only</strong> gotcha with omitting semicolons</li></ul></li>\n<li><strong>Space after keywords</strong> <code>if (condition) { ... }</code></li>\n<li><strong>Space after function name</strong> <code>function name (arg) { ... }</code></li>\n<li>Always use <code>===</code> instead of <code>==</code> &#x2013; but <code>obj == null</code> is allowed to check <code>null || undefined</code>.</li>\n<li>Always handle the node.js <code>err</code> function parameter</li>\n<li>Always prefix browser globals with <code>window</code> &#x2013; except <code>document</code> and <code>navigator</code> are okay\n<ul><li>Prevents accidental use of poorly-named browser globals like <code>open</code>, <code>length</code>,\n<code>event</code>, and <code>name</code>.</li></ul></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Also, if your editor of choice supports ESLint only, there is an ESLint ruleset as well for the Standard Style, the <a href=\"\">eslint-plugin-standard</a>. With this plugin installed your <code>.eslintrc</code> will something like this:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-javascript\">{\n &quot;plugins&quot;: [\n &quot;standard&quot;\n ],\n}\n</code></pre>\n<h3 id=\"thetwelvefactorapplication\">The Twelve-Factor Application</h3>\n<p>The Twelve-Factor application manifesto describes best practices on how web applications should be written.</p>\n<ol>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Store config in the environment</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Treat backing services as attached resources</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Strictly separate build and run stages</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Execute the app as one or more stateless processes</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Export services via port binding</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Scale out via the process model</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Treat logs as event streams</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes</a></li>\n</ol>\n<h3 id=\"startingnewprojects\">Starting new projects</h3>\n<p>Always start a new project with <code>npm init</code>. This will generate a basic <code>package.json</code> for your project.</p>\n<p>If you want to skip the initial questions and go with the defaults, just run <code>npm init --yes</code>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"monitoringyourapplications\">Monitoring your applications</h3>\n<p>Getting notified as soon as something wrong happened or is going to happen in your system can save your business.</p>\n<p>To monitor your applications, you can use open-source software as well as SaaS products.</p>\n<p>For open-source, you can take a look at <a href=\"\">Zabbix</a>, <a href=\"\">Collectd</a>, <a href=\"\">ElasticSearch</a> or <a href=\"\">Logstash</a>. </p>\n<p>If you do not want to host them, you can try <a href=\";utm_medium=rsblog&amp;utm_campaign=tracebeta\">Trace</a>, our Node.js and microservice monitoring solution.</p>\n<p><a href=\";utm_medium=rsblog&amp;utm_campaign=tracebeta\" target=\"_blank\"> <br>\n<img src=\",fit/\" alt=\"Trace - Node.js and microservice monitoring\" style=\"width:35em;display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;\">\n</a></p>\n<h3 id=\"useabuildsystem\">Use a build system</h3>\n<p><strong>Automate everything you can.</strong> There is nothing more annoying and wasteful activity for a developer than to do grunt work.</p>\n<p>Nowadays the tooling around JavaScript evolved a lot - Grunt, Gulp, and Webpack, just to name a few.</p>\n<p>At RisingStack, most of the new projects use Webpack to aid in front-end development and gulp for other kinds of automated tasks. At first, Webpack can take more time to understand - for newcomers I highly recommend to check out the <a href=\"\">Webpack Cookbooks</a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"usethelatestltsnodejsversion\">Use the latest LTS Node.js version</h3>\n<p>To get both stability and new features we recommend to use the latest <strong>LTS</strong> <em>(long-term support)</em> version of Node.js - they are the ones with even release numbers. Of course, feel free to experiment with newer versions, called the <strong>Stable</strong> release line with the odd release numbers.</p>\n<p>If you are working on different projects with different Node.js version requirements then start using the Node Version Manager - <a href=\"\">nvm</a> today.</p>\n<p>For more information on Node.js releases check out the official website: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"updatedependenciesonaweeklybasis\">Update dependencies on a weekly basis</h3>\n<p>Make it a habit to update dependencies on a weekly basis. For this, you can use <code>npm outdated</code> or the <a href=\"\">ncu</a> package.</p>\n<h3 id=\"picktherightdatabase\">Pick the right database</h3>\n<p>When talking about Node.js and databases the first technology that usually comes up is MongoDB. While there is nothing wrong with it, don&apos;t just jump into using it. Ask yourself and your team questions before doing so. To give some idea:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Do you have structured data?</li>\n<li>Do you have to handle transactions?</li>\n<li>How long should you store the data?</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may only need Redis, or if you have structured data then you could go for PostgreSQL. If you start developing with SQL in Node.js, check out <a href=\"\">knex</a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"usesemanticversioning\">Use Semantic Versioning</h3>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Semantic Versioning is a formal convention for specifying compatibility using a three-part version number: major version; minor version; and patch. </p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Major versions are bumped if an API change is not backward-compatible. Minor versions are bumped when new features are added, but the API change is backward compatible. Patch versions are bumped when only bug fixes happened.</p>\n<p>Luckily, you can automate the release of your JavaScript modules with <a href=\"\">semantic-release</a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"keepup\">Keep up</h3>\n<p>It can be challenging to keep up with the latest news and developments in the JavaScript and Node.js world. To make it easier make sure to subscribe to the following media:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Node.js Weekly Newsletter</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Microservice Weekly Newsletter</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Changelog Weekly</a> - for Open-Source news</li>\n</ul>\n<h3 id=\"learnmore\">Learn more</h3>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Want to learn more about how you could implement Node.js at your company? Drop us a message at <a href=\"\"></a>!</p>\n</blockquote>\n</section>\n\n<a href=\";utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_content=How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016&amp;utm_campaign=tracebeta\" target=\"_blank\">\n<img src=\",fit/\" alt=\"Trace - Node.js and microservice monitoring\" style=\"width: 100%; margin: 0px;\">\n</a>\n<div id=\"mc_embed_signup\">\n<form action=\"//;id=02a6a69990\" method=\"post\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" name=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" class=\"validate\" target=\"_blank\" novalidate=\"\">\n<label for=\"mce-EMAIL\">Get early access to our posts</label>\n<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email address\" required>\n \n<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_510d6f81b948a39e0d9c32ec3_02a6a69990\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"></div>\n<div class=\"clear\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Subscribe\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button\"></div>\n</form>\n</div>\n\n</article>\n</div>\n</main>\n<script>\n console.log(\"______ _ _ _____ _ _ \\n| ___ \\\\(_) (_) / ___|| | | | \\n| |_/ / _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ \\\\ `--. | |_ __ _ ___ | | __\\n| / | |/ __|| || '_ \\\\ / _` | `--. \\\\| __| / _` | / __|| |/ /\\n| |\\\\ \\\\ | |\\\\__ \\\\| || | | || (_| |/\\\\__/ /| |_ | (_| || (__ | < \\n\\\\_| \\\\_||_||___/|_||_| |_| \\\\__, |\\\\____/ \\\\__| \\\\__,_| \\\\___||_|\\\\_\\\\\\n __/ | \\n |___/ \\n\");\n console.log(\"You like to look under the hood? 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With this a number of new language features were added to the JavaScript language, including:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>arrow functions,</li>\n<li>template strings,</li>\n<li>rest operator, argument spreading,</li>\n<li>generators,</li>\n<li>promises,</li>\n<li>maps, sets,</li>\n<li>symbols,</li>\n</ul>\n<p>and a lot more. For a comprehensive list of new features check out <a href=\"\">ES6 and Beyond</a> by <a href=\"\">Kyle Simpson</a>. <strong>Most of them are added to Node.js v4.</strong></p>\n<p>On the client side, you can already use all of them with the help of <a href=\"\">Babel</a>, a JavaScript compiler. Still, <strong>on the server side we prefer to use only the features that are added to the latest stable version</strong>, without compiling the source to save us from all the potential headaches.</p>\n<p>For more information on ES6 in Node.js, visit the official site: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"callbackconventionwithpromisesupport\">Callback convention - with Promise support</h3>\n<p>For the last years, we encouraged you to expose an error-first callback interface for your modules. With the <strong>generators functions</strong> already being available and with the upcoming <strong>async functions</strong> your modules <em>(the ones published to NPM)</em> should expose an <strong>error-first callback interface with Promise support</strong>.</p>\n<p><em>Why? To provide backward compatibility a callback interface has to be provided, and for future compatibility you will need the Promise support as well.</em></p>\n<p>For a demonstration of how to do it, take a look at the script below. In this example the <code>readPackage</code> function reads the <code>package.json</code> file and returns its&apos; content by providing both a Promise and a callback interface.</p>\n\n<h3 id=\"asyncpatterns\">Async patterns</h3>\n<p>For a long time in Node.js, you had two choices to manage asynchronous flows: callbacks and streams. For callbacks you could use libraries like <a href=\"\">async</a> and for streams <a href=\"\">through</a>, <a href=\"\">bl</a> or <a href=\"\">highland</a>.</p>\n<p>With the introduction of <em>Promises</em>, <em>generators</em> and the <em>async functions</em> it is changing.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>For a more detailed history of asynchronous JavaScript check out <a href=\"\">The Evolution of Asynchronous JavaScript</a></em></p>\n</blockquote>\n<h3 id=\"errorhandling\">Error handling</h3>\n<p>Error handling is a crucial part of the application to get right: knowing when to crash, or simply just log the error and continue/retry can be hard.</p>\n<p>To make it easier, we have to distinguish between <strong>programmer errors</strong> and <strong>operational errors</strong>. </p>\n<p>Programmer errors are basically bugs so you should crash the process immediately as you won&apos;t know in what state your application is. </p>\n<p>On the other hand, operational errors are problems with the system itself or a remote service, like request timeout or running out of memory. Based on the nature of the error you can try to solve with retrying, or if a file is missing you may have to create it first.</p>\n<h4 id=\"errorhandlingincallbacks\">Error handling in callbacks</h4>\n<p>If an error occurs during an async operation, the error object will be passed as the first argument of the async function. <strong>You always have to check it and handle it.</strong></p>\n<p>The code snippet in the <em>Callback convention</em> section above contains an example.</p>\n<h4 id=\"errorhandlinginpromises\">Error handling in Promises</h4>\n<p>What&apos;s going to happen in the following snippet?</p>\n\n<ol>\n<li>It will throw an exception in line 3 </li>\n<li>The catch will handle it, and print it out to the stdout: <code>[Error: ops]</code> </li>\n<li>The execution continues and in line 9 a new error will be thrown </li>\n<li>Nothing else</li>\n</ol>\n<p>And really nothing else - the last error thrown will be a silent one. <strong>Pay extra attention to always add a catch as the last member of the promise chain.</strong> It will save you a lot of headaches. So it should look like this:</p>\n\n<p>And now the output will be:</p>\n<pre><code>[Error: ops]\n[Error: ups]\n</code></pre>\n<h3 id=\"usejavascriptstandardstyle\">Use JavaScript Standard Style</h3>\n<p>In the past years, we had JSLint then JSHint, JSCS, ESLint - all excellent tools trying to automate as much code checking as possible.</p>\n<p>Recently, when it comes to code style we use the <a href=\"\">JavaScript Standard Style</a> by <a href=\"\">feross</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\",fit/\" alt=\"js-standard-style\" title=\"\"></a></p>\n<p>The reason is simple: no configuration needed, just drop it in the project. Some rules that are incorporated <em>(taken from the readme)</em>:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>2 spaces</strong> &#x2013; for indentation</li>\n<li><strong>Single quotes for strings</strong> &#x2013; except to avoid escaping</li>\n<li><strong>No unused variables</strong></li>\n<li><strong>No semicolons</strong></li>\n<li><strong>Never start a line with <code>(</code> or <code>[</code></strong>\n<ul><li>This is the <strong>only</strong> gotcha with omitting semicolons</li></ul></li>\n<li><strong>Space after keywords</strong> <code>if (condition) { ... }</code></li>\n<li><strong>Space after function name</strong> <code>function name (arg) { ... }</code></li>\n<li>Always use <code>===</code> instead of <code>==</code> &#x2013; but <code>obj == null</code> is allowed to check <code>null || undefined</code>.</li>\n<li>Always handle the node.js <code>err</code> function parameter</li>\n<li>Always prefix browser globals with <code>window</code> &#x2013; except <code>document</code> and <code>navigator</code> are okay\n<ul><li>Prevents accidental use of poorly-named browser globals like <code>open</code>, <code>length</code>,\n<code>event</code>, and <code>name</code>.</li></ul></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Also, if your editor of choice supports ESLint only, there is an ESLint ruleset as well for the Standard Style, the <a href=\"\">eslint-plugin-standard</a>. With this plugin installed your <code>.eslintrc</code> will something like this:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-javascript\">{\n &quot;plugins&quot;: [\n &quot;standard&quot;\n ],\n}\n</code></pre>\n<h3 id=\"thetwelvefactorapplication\">The Twelve-Factor Application</h3>\n<p>The Twelve-Factor application manifesto describes best practices on how web applications should be written.</p>\n<ol>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Store config in the environment</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Treat backing services as attached resources</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Strictly separate build and run stages</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Execute the app as one or more stateless processes</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Export services via port binding</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Scale out via the process model</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Treat logs as event streams</a> </li>\n<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes</a></li>\n</ol>\n<h3 id=\"startingnewprojects\">Starting new projects</h3>\n<p>Always start a new project with <code>npm init</code>. This will generate a basic <code>package.json</code> for your project.</p>\n<p>If you want to skip the initial questions and go with the defaults, just run <code>npm init --yes</code>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"monitoringyourapplications\">Monitoring your applications</h3>\n<p>Getting notified as soon as something wrong happened or is going to happen in your system can save your business.</p>\n<p>To monitor your applications, you can use open-source software as well as SaaS products.</p>\n<p>For open-source, you can take a look at <a href=\"\">Zabbix</a>, <a href=\"\">Collectd</a>, <a href=\"\">ElasticSearch</a> or <a href=\"\">Logstash</a>. </p>\n<p>If you do not want to host them, you can try <a href=\";utm_medium=rsblog&amp;utm_campaign=tracebeta\">Trace</a>, our Node.js and microservice monitoring solution.</p>\n<p><a href=\";utm_medium=rsblog&amp;utm_campaign=tracebeta\" target=\"_blank\"> <br>\n<img src=\",fit/\" alt=\"Trace - Node.js and microservice monitoring\" style=\"width:35em;display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;\">\n</a></p>\n<h3 id=\"useabuildsystem\">Use a build system</h3>\n<p><strong>Automate everything you can.</strong> There is nothing more annoying and wasteful activity for a developer than to do grunt work.</p>\n<p>Nowadays the tooling around JavaScript evolved a lot - Grunt, Gulp, and Webpack, just to name a few.</p>\n<p>At RisingStack, most of the new projects use Webpack to aid in front-end development and gulp for other kinds of automated tasks. At first, Webpack can take more time to understand - for newcomers I highly recommend to check out the <a href=\"\">Webpack Cookbooks</a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"usethelatestltsnodejsversion\">Use the latest LTS Node.js version</h3>\n<p>To get both stability and new features we recommend to use the latest <strong>LTS</strong> <em>(long-term support)</em> version of Node.js - they are the ones with even release numbers. Of course, feel free to experiment with newer versions, called the <strong>Stable</strong> release line with the odd release numbers.</p>\n<p>If you are working on different projects with different Node.js version requirements then start using the Node Version Manager - <a href=\"\">nvm</a> today.</p>\n<p>For more information on Node.js releases check out the official website: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"updatedependenciesonaweeklybasis\">Update dependencies on a weekly basis</h3>\n<p>Make it a habit to update dependencies on a weekly basis. For this, you can use <code>npm outdated</code> or the <a href=\"\">ncu</a> package.</p>\n<h3 id=\"picktherightdatabase\">Pick the right database</h3>\n<p>When talking about Node.js and databases the first technology that usually comes up is MongoDB. While there is nothing wrong with it, don&apos;t just jump into using it. Ask yourself and your team questions before doing so. To give some idea:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Do you have structured data?</li>\n<li>Do you have to handle transactions?</li>\n<li>How long should you store the data?</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may only need Redis, or if you have structured data then you could go for PostgreSQL. If you start developing with SQL in Node.js, check out <a href=\"\">knex</a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"usesemanticversioning\">Use Semantic Versioning</h3>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Semantic Versioning is a formal convention for specifying compatibility using a three-part version number: major version; minor version; and patch. </p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Major versions are bumped if an API change is not backward-compatible. Minor versions are bumped when new features are added, but the API change is backward compatible. Patch versions are bumped when only bug fixes happened.</p>\n<p>Luckily, you can automate the release of your JavaScript modules with <a href=\"\">semantic-release</a>.</p>\n<h3 id=\"keepup\">Keep up</h3>\n<p>It can be challenging to keep up with the latest news and developments in the JavaScript and Node.js world. To make it easier make sure to subscribe to the following media:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Node.js Weekly Newsletter</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Microservice Weekly Newsletter</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Changelog Weekly</a> - for Open-Source news</li>\n</ul>\n<h3 id=\"learnmore\">Learn more</h3>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Want to learn more about how you could implement Node.js at your company? Drop us a message at <a href=\"\"></a>!</p>\n</blockquote>\n</section>\n\n<a href=\";utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_content=How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016&amp;utm_campaign=tracebeta\" target=\"_blank\">\n<img src=\",fit/\" alt=\"Trace - Node.js and microservice monitoring\" style=\"width: 100%; margin: 0px;\">\n</a>\n<div id=\"mc_embed_signup\">\n<form action=\"//;id=02a6a69990\" method=\"post\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" name=\"mc-embedded-subscribe-form\" class=\"validate\" target=\"_blank\" novalidate=\"\">\n<label for=\"mce-EMAIL\">Get early access to our posts</label>\n<input type=\"email\" value=\"\" name=\"EMAIL\" class=\"email\" id=\"mce-EMAIL\" placeholder=\"email address\" required>\n \n<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5000px;\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"b_510d6f81b948a39e0d9c32ec3_02a6a69990\" tabindex=\"-1\" value=\"\"></div>\n<div class=\"clear\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Subscribe\" name=\"subscribe\" id=\"mc-embedded-subscribe\" class=\"button\"></div>\n</form>\n</div>","nib":"These tips and best practices are not just for development - but how to operate Node.js infrastructures, how you should do your day-to-day development and other useful pieces of advice. Use ES2015 During the summer of 2015 the final draft of ES2015 (formerly ES6) was published. With this a number of","title":"How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016"}