# Acceptance Criteria # The following acceptance criteria tests were performed on DEV. ### 1. User generates receivecode ### Create a new worldpay merchant account using `/payment-instruments/worldpay-merchants` Testing data: ```json { "key": "66bbbe00-bd6c-4b34-8269-d19a041045a8", "ID": "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e" } ``` Using : `/receivecodes` ```json { "key": "66bbbe00-bd6c-4b34-8269-d19a041045a8", "ID": "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e" }} ``` Response: ```json { "receivecode": "SCYDG" } ``` Database Contains: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcecf5de91bd75beb21a11"), "ReceiveCode" : "SCYDG", "Creation" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:41:09.080Z"), "Expiry" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:44:09.080Z"), "PaymentInstrument" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e"), "AccountType" : "Worldpay Online Payments Account", "ReceivingAccount" : 1, "PaymentsAccount" : 0, "WorldpayOnlinePaymentsInfo" : { "ServiceKeyEncrypted" : "3::0a6915f1f98ee7d3b6aa06608c1d6d960e06002be6de2bf067f5337db301ceb52b534a23b233d2d464c8977026f2d9f034a807540076fb42d44f66425eaf390649f9786ca604dda45c93cb65cd6b839f8cbb6c41f43a6a6b566815ebe1d5d410", "ServiceKey" : "T_S_********-****-****-****-********4bfb" }, "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "VendorID" : "Worldpay", "VendorAccountName" : "Worldpay Online Payments", "Description" : "Utah Iron Inc. account.", "IconLocation" : "worldpay-account.png", "APIVersion" : "7.6.4-44af11fdc504cff51f7e5fdaff97a7cf1a6b09a4", "Integrity" : null, "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:40:16.505Z"), "LastVersion" : 1 }, "Status" : "Pending" } ``` _Receivecode object contains the receivecode string_ ```json "ReceiveCode" : "SCYDG" ``` _Receivecode object contains re-encrypted payment instrument details_ ```json "WorldpayOnlinePaymentsInfo" : { "ServiceKeyEncrypted" : "3::0a6915f1f98ee7d3b6aa06608c1d6d960e06002be6de2bf067f5337db301ceb52b534a23b233d2d464c8977026f2d9f034a807540076fb42d44f66425eaf390649f9786ca604dda45c93cb65cd6b839f8cbb6c41f43a6a6b566815ebe1d5d410", "ServiceKey" : "T_S_********-****-****-****-********4bfb" } ``` _Receivecode object contains an expiry timestamp_ ```json "Expiry" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:44:09.080Z") ``` ### 2. User specifies nonexistent instrument ID ### Using : `/receivecodes` ```json { "key": "12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012", "ID": "000000000000000000000000" } ``` Response: `400 Error Bad Request` ```json { "code": 600, "info": "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired." } ``` ### 3. User specifies instrument ID belonging to another user ### Create a new instrument for user `YTM2ZGQ1NzUtOWFmNS01MjMyLTg5MjYtM2NkZjA5ZDU2ZGU2` Create a new worldpay merchant account using `/payment-instruments/worldpay-merchants` Testing data: ```json { "key": "2626d3f2-87a9-441a-9e4d-4c6e84ab50d6", "ID": "5abceedbde91bd75beb21a1b" } ``` Re-authorise with `YTM2ZGQ1NzUtOWFmNS01MjMyLTg5MjYtM2NkZjA5ZDU2ZGU1` Using : `/receivecodes` ```json { "key": "2626d3f2-87a9-441a-9e4d-4c6e84ab50d6", "ID": "5abceedbde91bd75beb21a1b" } ``` Response: `400 Error: Bad Request` ```json { "code": 600, "info": "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired." } ``` ### 4. User provides incorrect encryption key ### Using : `/receivecodes` ```json { "key": "badbadba-dbad-badb-adba-dbadbadbadba", "ID": "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e" } ``` Response: `401 Error: Unauthroized` ```json { "code": 602, "info": "The instrument could not be decrypted." } ``` ### 5. Payment instrument cannot create receivecodes ### Create a new worldpay merchant account using `/payment-instruments/worldpay-merchants` Testing data: ```json { "key": "d995b840-6f0a-4362-b401-da3466e409b3", "ID": "5abcf18bde91bd75beb21a5f" } ``` Modify record to remove the ability to create receive codes. ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcf18bde91bd75beb21a5f"), "AccountType" : "Worldpay Online Payments Account", "ReceivingAccount" : 0, "PaymentsAccount" : 0, "WorldpayOnlinePaymentsInfo" : { "ServiceKeyEncrypted" : "3::a8c615cda59f2c75653bd4f26953ca0aae5bd2b095f5e211899b146c7824bb18990f4c6309694a33360b92bf79f03d374350dba679b36e8c1a65ace8c817bd097e7d2d5ccbf0cb9f5d17347e7e1e49ef062074a375de6dc74b6237bb827dce45", "ServiceKey" : "T_S_********-****-****-****-********4bfb" }, "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "VendorID" : "Worldpay", "VendorAccountName" : "Worldpay Online Payments", "Description" : "Islington Copper Inc. account.", "IconLocation" : "worldpay-account.png", "APIVersion" : "7.6.4-44af11fdc504cff51f7e5fdaff97a7cf1a6b09a4", "Integrity" : null, "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-03-29T14:00:43.099Z"), "LastVersion" : 1 } ``` Response: `400 Error: Bad Request` ```json { "key": "de851ec5-6b36-453a-870c-14bb63e16ede", "ID": "5aba46ecb28f2c8e1700c9c8" } ``` ### 6. Receivecode should be deleted when it expires ### Using the code created in AC 1: Using : `/receivecodes` ```json { "key": "66bbbe00-bd6c-4b34-8269-d19a041045a8", "ID": "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e" }} ``` Response: ```json { "receivecode": "SCYDG" } ``` Database Contains: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcecf5de91bd75beb21a11"), "ReceiveCode" : "SCYDG", "Creation" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:41:09.080Z"), "Expiry" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:44:09.080Z"), "PaymentInstrument" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e"), "AccountType" : "Worldpay Online Payments Account", "ReceivingAccount" : 1, "PaymentsAccount" : 0, "WorldpayOnlinePaymentsInfo" : { "ServiceKeyEncrypted" : "3::0a6915f1f98ee7d3b6aa06608c1d6d960e06002be6de2bf067f5337db301ceb52b534a23b233d2d464c8977026f2d9f034a807540076fb42d44f66425eaf390649f9786ca604dda45c93cb65cd6b839f8cbb6c41f43a6a6b566815ebe1d5d410", "ServiceKey" : "T_S_********-****-****-****-********4bfb" }, "UserID" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "VendorID" : "Worldpay", "VendorAccountName" : "Worldpay Online Payments", "Description" : "Utah Iron Inc. account.", "IconLocation" : "worldpay-account.png", "APIVersion" : "7.6.4-44af11fdc504cff51f7e5fdaff97a7cf1a6b09a4", "Integrity" : null, "LastUpdate" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:40:16.505Z"), "LastVersion" : 1 }, "Status" : "Pending" } ``` Database was checked again at 2018-03-29T13:45. `db.getCollection('ReceiveCode').find({"_id" : ObjectId("5abcecf5de91bd75beb21a11")})` `Fetched 0 record(s) in 21ms` ### 7. Request should be logged ### Log for AC 1: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcecf5de91bd75beb21a12"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:41:09.084Z"), "level" : "info", "message" : "Successfully created a receivecode", "meta" : { "logId" : "payments:receivecodes", "ip" : "", "reqId" : "f0c1e13c-3a09-40c1-8e8a-007f52ebf846", "userId" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "file" : "/home/flexops/node_server/dev_api/controllers/receivecode_controller.js", "_receivecode" : "SCYDG", "_instrumentID" : "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e" }, "hostname" : "node01-cl01-cc" } ``` Log for AC 2: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcee6ade91bd75beb21a19"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:47:22.098Z"), "level" : "error", "message" : "Failed to create a receivecode", "meta" : { "logId" : "payments:receivecodes", "ip" : "", "reqId" : "10e1dcee-2330-456b-93e7-41b00f0c2a39", "userId" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "file" : "/home/flexops/node_server/dev_api/controllers/receivecode_controller.js", "_instrumentID" : "000000000000000000000000", "_internalError" : "Error: BRIDGE: INVALID INSTRUMENT", "_httpCode" : 400, "_info" : "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired.", "_code" : 600 }, "hostname" : "node01-cl01-cc" } ``` Log for AC 3: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcefd4de91bd75beb21a1e"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:53:24.686Z"), "level" : "error", "message" : "Failed to create a receivecode", "meta" : { "logId" : "payments:receivecodes", "ip" : "", "reqId" : "9bf49711-2f43-44db-a990-d695a31f0733", "userId" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "file" : "/home/flexops/node_server/dev_api/controllers/receivecode_controller.js", "_instrumentID" : "5abceedbde91bd75beb21a1b", "_internalError" : "Error: BRIDGE: INVALID INSTRUMENT", "_httpCode" : 400, "_info" : "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired.", "_code" : 600 }, "hostname" : "node01-cl01-cc" } ``` Log for AC 4: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcf00ede91bd75beb21a25"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:54:22.750Z"), "level" : "error", "message" : "Failed to create a receivecode", "meta" : { "logId" : "payments:receivecodes", "ip" : "", "reqId" : "f4f87109-1a40-440f-88ce-22d33121bd52", "userId" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "file" : "/home/flexops/node_server/dev_api/controllers/receivecode_controller.js", "_instrumentID" : "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e", "_internalError" : "Error: BRIDGE: INSTRUMENT DECRYPTION FAILURE", "_httpCode" : 401, "_info" : "The instrument could not be decrypted.", "_code" : 602 }, "hostname" : "node01-cl01-cc" } ``` Log for AC 5: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcf4524e484a771f906de3"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2018-03-29T14:12:34.702Z"), "level" : "error", "message" : "Failed to create a receivecode", "meta" : { "logId" : "payments:receivecodes", "ip" : "", "reqId" : "e72cca16-e9ee-4ab1-9b74-97a18d9991c2", "userId" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "file" : "/home/flexops/node_server/dev_api/controllers/receivecode_controller.js", "_instrumentID" : "5abcf18bde91bd75beb21a5f", "_internalError" : "Error: BRIDGE: INVALID INSTRUMENT", "_httpCode" : 400, "_info" : "The instrument could not be found, has no access or has expired.", "_code" : 600 }, "hostname" : "node01-cl01-cc" } ``` Log for AC 6: ```json { "_id" : ObjectId("5abcecf5de91bd75beb21a12"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2018-03-29T13:41:09.084Z"), "level" : "info", "message" : "Successfully created a receivecode", "meta" : { "logId" : "payments:receivecodes", "ip" : "", "reqId" : "f0c1e13c-3a09-40c1-8e8a-007f52ebf846", "userId" : "79a26d981246978135edadf1", "file" : "/home/flexops/node_server/dev_api/controllers/receivecode_controller.js", "_receivecode" : "SCYDG", "_instrumentID" : "5abcecc0de91bd75beb21a0e" }, "hostname" : "node01-cl01-cc" } ```