/*jshint node:true*/ 'use strict'; var db = require('../units/db-connector').dbConnection; var dbAccounts = require('../units/db-accounts')(db); var logger = require('log4js').getLogger(); module.exports = function(app) { var express = require('express'); var tokenRouter = express.Router(); tokenRouter.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send({ token: [] }); }); tokenRouter.post('/', function(req, res) { if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('grant_type')) { if (req.body.grant_type === 'password') { dbAccounts.findAccount({ email: req.body.username, password: req.body.password }) .then(function(d) { let loginObj = { access_token: 'secret token!', account_id: d.uid, username: d.username, account: d.email }; // Res.status(200).send('{ "access_token": "secret token!", "account_id": d.id }'); res.status(200).send(loginObj); }) .catch(function(err) { logger.error(err); res.status(400).send( '{ "error": "No account could be found with those details" }'); }); } else { logger.error('A'); res.status(400).send( '{ "error": "No account could be found with those details" }'); } } else { logger.error('B'); logger.warn(req.body.hasOwnProperty('grant_type')); res.status(400).send( '{ "error": "No account could be found with those details" }'); } }); app.use('/token', require('body-parser').urlencoded()); app.use('/token', tokenRouter); };