11536 lines
1.1 MiB
11536 lines
1.1 MiB
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"+Yj7": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("5Sh8"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("D3O6"), s = e("WDs4"),
c = e("bm2B");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
}), n.b = h;
var p = [["button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding-top:4px!important;padding-bottom:4px!important}"]],
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"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 5).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleKeyPressed(e) && u);
"modelUpdated" === n && (u = !1 !== a.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](5, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
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sharedService: [8, "sharedService"]
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cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed",
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"
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"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.goToFirstPage() && t);
return t
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"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.previousPage() && t);
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var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
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"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== a.onKeyGo(e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== e.target.select() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](41, 16384, null, 0, c.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, c.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, c.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [c.c]), t["\u0275did"](43, 671744, null, 0, c.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, c.k]], {model: [0, "model"]}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, c.l, null, [c.p]), t["\u0275did"](45, 16384, null, 0, c.m, [c.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](46, null, [" ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [s.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](48, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-light"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.goToPage() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](49, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [s.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-md-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](57, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-light"], ["style", "width:100%"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.nextPage() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](59, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](63, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-md-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](65, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-light"], ["style", "width:100%"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.goToLastPage() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](66, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-forward"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](69, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](71, 0, null, null, 15, "div", [["style", "white-space:nowrap;text-align: center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](73, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "width:40%"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](74, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [s.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](77, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["style", "width:15%"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "keyup"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.rowCount = e) && u);
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== a.onKeyRefresh(e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== e.target.select() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](78, 16384, null, 0, c.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, c.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, c.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [c.c]), t["\u0275did"](80, 671744, null, 0, c.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, c.k]], {model: [0, "model"]}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, c.l, null, [c.p]), t["\u0275did"](82, 16384, null, 0, c.m, [c.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](84, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-light"], ["style", "width:28%;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.refresh() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](85, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.height, e.suppressMovableColumns, e.suppressLoadingOverlay, e.headerHeight, e.sharedService), l(n, 43, 0, e.pageNumber), l(n, 80, 0, e.rowCount)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("TOTAL_ELEMENTS")), e.count), l(n, 27, 0, e.pageNumber <= 1), l(n, 38, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 38, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).transform("PAGE"))), l(n, 40, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).ngClassPending), l(n, 46, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 46, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).transform("OF")), e.Math.ceil(e.count / e.actualRowCount)), l(n, 49, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 49, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 50).transform("GO_TO_PAGE"))), l(n, 57, 0, e.pageNumber >= e.Math.ceil(e.count / e.actualRowCount)), l(n, 74, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 74, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 75).transform("RESULTS"))), l(n, 77, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 82).ngClassPending)
t["\u0275ccf"]("grid-pagination", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "grid-pagination", [], null, null, null, h, m)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, u.a, [i.a, o.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
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sharedService: "sharedService"
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"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return c
var t = e("dp5l"), u = e("GUcs"), a = e("Ew9o"), r = e("E9Oi"), i = e("kTHb"), o = e("9Qcf"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("FKed"),
c = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t) {
this.exportList = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.loaderService = e, this.translate = t, this.height = "1200px"
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_AREA_DOWNLOAD"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_AREA_DOWNLOAD"), this.userLang = localStorage.getItem("userLang"), this.getRowData(this.userLang), this.defaultColDef = {
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onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this}, rowHeight: 40
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.keyClicked = function (l) {
try {
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.getRowData = function (l) {
var n = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.exportList.getResults(l).subscribe(function (l) {
n.rowData = l, n.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(n.createColDef()), n.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), n.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.noPermission = function (l) {
this.text = l, this.title = "NOPERMISSION", this.warningModal.open()
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return [{
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cellRendererFramework: a.a
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: d.a}, {type: t.a}, {type: o.b}]
}, l
}, "/v70": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qVhd"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return p
var d = [["div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(2n){background:#f9f9f9}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(odd){background:#fff}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:5px}.tab-container[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;border-left:1px solid #ddd;border-right:1px solid #ddd;padding:25px}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%] button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:5px}"]],
s = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: d, data: {}});
function c(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 253, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 10px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](6, null, ["\n ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 195, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](19, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](25, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](28, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](29, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](35, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](39, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](44, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](45, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](48, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](49, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](54, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](55, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](58, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](59, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](64, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](65, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](68, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](69, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 15, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](74, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](75, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](78, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](79, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](81, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-md-2"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](82, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](85, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](86, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](89, 0, null, null, 15, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](91, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](92, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](95, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](96, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](98, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-md-2"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](99, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](102, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](103, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](106, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](108, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](109, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](112, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](113, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](116, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](118, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](119, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](122, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](123, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](126, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](128, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](129, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](132, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](133, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](136, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](138, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](139, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](142, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](143, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](146, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](148, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](149, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](152, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](153, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](156, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](158, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](159, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](162, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](163, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](166, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](168, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](169, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](172, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](173, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](176, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](178, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](179, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](182, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](183, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](186, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](188, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](189, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](192, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](193, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](196, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](198, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](199, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](202, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](203, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](207, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["id", "pulsantiera"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](209, 0, null, null, 9, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 73%; float: left;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](211, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](212, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](215, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openIntermediary() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](216, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](220, 0, null, null, 31, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 25%; float: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](222, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](223, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](226, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "btn-group dropup"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](228, 0, null, null, 4, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "btn btn-primary gradient dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](229, null, ["\n ", " "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](231, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](234, 0, null, null, 11, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](236, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](237, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](238, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](241, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](242, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](243, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](248, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"], ["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](249, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_OFFICE_DETAIL"))), l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.searchDate), l(n, 15, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 15, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_INTERMEDIARY"))), l(n, 19, 0, "0" != (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.idAbi) ? null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.idAbi : "N/A"), l(n, 25, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 25, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_INTERMEDIARY"))), l(n, 29, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.idPartner), l(n, 35, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 35, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 36).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TELLER_CODE"))), l(n, 39, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.idTeller), l(n, 45, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 45, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 46).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CAB"))), l(n, 49, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.cabTeller), l(n, 55, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 55, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 56).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"))), l(n, 59, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.address), l(n, 65, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 65, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 66).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"))), l(n, 69, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.zipCode), l(n, 75, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 75, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 76).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"))), l(n, 79, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.village), l(n, 82, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 82, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_HAMLET"))), l(n, 86, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.hamlet), l(n, 92, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 92, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 93).transform("GIAVA_WORKING_MESSAGES_STATUS"))), l(n, 96, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.stateCod), l(n, 99, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 99, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 100).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_LOCATION_CODE"))), l(n, 103, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.locationCode), l(n, 109, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 109, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 110).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS_WEB"))), l(n, 113, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.website), l(n, 119, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 119, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 120).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_PEC"))), l(n, 123, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.pecEmailAddress), l(n, 129, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 129, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 130).transform("USER_PANEL_EMAIL"))), l(n, 133, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.email), l(n, 139, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 139, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 140).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_PHONE"))), l(n, 143, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.phoneNumber), l(n, 149, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 149, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 150).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_FAX"))), l(n, 153, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.faxNumber), l(n, 159, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 159, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TYPE"))), l(n, 163, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.tellerTypeElement), l(n, 169, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 169, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_START_DATE_ACTIVITY"))), l(n, 173, 0, "01-01-0001" != (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.startActivationDate) ? e.intermediary.startActivationDate : ""), l(n, 179, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 179, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 180).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLOSURE_DATE"))), l(n, 183, 0, "9999-12-31" != (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.endActivationDate) ? e.intermediary.endActivationDate : ""), l(n, 189, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 189, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE"))), l(n, 193, 0, "01-01-0001" != (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.validityStartDate) ? e.intermediary.validityStartDate : ""), l(n, 199, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 199, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 200).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE"))), l(n, 203, 0, "9999-12-31" != (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.validityEndDate) ? e.intermediary.validityEndDate : ""), l(n, 212, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 212, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_OTHER_INFORMATION_AGENCY"))), l(n, 216, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 216, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 217).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL"))), l(n, 223, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 223, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 224).transform("GIAVA_APPLICATION_BAR_UTILITIES_LABEL"))), l(n, 229, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 229, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPORT"))), l(n, 238, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 238, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 239).transform("EXPORT_XML_FORMAT"))), l(n, 243, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 243, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 244).transform("EXPORT_CSV_FORMAT"))), l(n, 249, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 249, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 250).transform("GIAVA_PRINT_LABEL")))
var p = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-succursali-details", r.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-succursali-details", [], null, null, null, c, s)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, 0: function (l, n, e) {
l.exports = e("cDNt")
}, "0D5Z": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("KpaK"), a = e("GLd3"), r = e("g1//"), i = e("bm2B"), o = e("D3O6"), d = e("WDs4"), s = e("XQj1"),
c = e("qbdv"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("sxG7"), f = e("B4uV"), g = e("dp5l"), v = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return C
var I = [[""]], A = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: I, data: {}});
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "dateRef"], ["name", "dateRef"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "keyup"], [null, "blur"], [null, "input"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onBlur() && u);
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, u.a, u.a, []), t["\u0275did"](2, 671744, [[2, 4], ["dp", 4]], 0, a.a, [u.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, r.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [a.a, i.c]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [2, i.j], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 2, {dp: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 195, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 96, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["name", "intSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "Intermediary"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 13)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 13).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 13)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 13)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 14).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 14).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareIntermediarySearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](13, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](14, 212992, null, 0, i.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, i.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [i.c, i.s]), t["\u0275did"](16, 671744, null, 0, i.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.p]), t["\u0275did"](18, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](19, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 77, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 24).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 24).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](23, 16384, null, 0, i.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](24, 540672, null, 0, i.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.b, null, [i.h]), t["\u0275did"](26, 16384, null, 0, i.n, [i.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](28, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "elementValue"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](33, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "elementValue"], ["id", "elementValue"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 40)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 40).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 40)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 40)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](40, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](42, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](44, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](48, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "abiCode"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](52, null, ["", "**"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](57, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "abiCode"], ["id", "abiCode"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 58)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 58).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 58)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 58)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](58, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](59, 540672, null, 0, i.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](62, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [2, i.j], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](64, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](68, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](70, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "dateRef"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](73, null, ["", "**"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](77, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](79, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](82, 16384, null, 0, c.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](84, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](86, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](88, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](91, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](93, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](101, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](102, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](106, 0, null, null, 80, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](108, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](110, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["name", "memSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "Member"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 111)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 111).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 111)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 111)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 112).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 112).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareMemberSearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](111, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](112, 212992, null, 0, i.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, i.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [i.c, i.s]), t["\u0275did"](114, 671744, null, 0, i.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.p]), t["\u0275did"](116, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](117, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](120, 0, null, null, 61, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 122).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 122).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](121, 16384, null, 0, i.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](122, 540672, null, 0, i.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.b, null, [i.h]), t["\u0275did"](124, 16384, null, 0, i.n, [i.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](126, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](128, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](130, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "surname"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](131, null, ["", "**"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](135, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](137, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "surname"], ["id", "surname"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 138)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 138).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 138)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 138)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](138, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](140, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](142, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](146, 0, null, null, 16, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](148, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](149, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "name"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](150, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](153, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](155, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "name"], ["id", "name"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 156)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 156).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 156)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 156)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](156, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](158, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](160, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](164, 0, null, null, 16, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](166, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](167, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "taxCode"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](168, null, ["", "**"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](171, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](173, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "taxCode"], ["id", "taxCode"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 174)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 174).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 174)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 174)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](174, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](176, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](178, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](183, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](184, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](188, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](190, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](191, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](194, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetAll() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](199, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](200, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](201, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 14, 0, "intSearch", "Intermediary");
l(n, 16, 0, "intSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 24, 0, e.intermediaryForm);
l(n, 42, 0, "elementValue");
l(n, 59, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 62, 0, "abiCode"), l(n, 82, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 112, 0, "memSearch", "Member");
l(n, 114, 0, "memSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 122, 0, e.memberForm);
l(n, 140, 0, "surname");
l(n, 158, 0, "name");
l(n, 176, 0, "taxCode");
l(n, 200, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_SEARCH"))), l(n, 12, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 18).ngClassPending), l(n, 19, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 19, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 20).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_SEARCH_INT"))), l(n, 22, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 26).ngClassPending), l(n, 33, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 33, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 34).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 39, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassPending), l(n, 52, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 52, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 53).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"))), l(n, 57, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 59).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 59).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).ngClassPending), l(n, 73, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 73, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 74).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 102, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 102, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 103).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_ONE_FIELD"))), l(n, 110, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassPending), l(n, 117, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 117, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 118).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_SEARCH_EXP"))), l(n, 120, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).ngClassPending), l(n, 131, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 131, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 132).transform("USER_PANEL_LASTNAME"))), l(n, 137, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).ngClassPending), l(n, 150, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 150, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 151).transform("USER_PANEL_NAME"))), l(n, 155, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).ngClassPending), l(n, 168, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 168, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 169).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"))), l(n, 173, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 178).ngClassPending), l(n, 184, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 184, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 185).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_ONE_FIELD"))), l(n, 191, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 191, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 192).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 201, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 201, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).transform(e.text)))
var C = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-orso-search", s.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-orso-search", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, R, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, s.a, [h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, d.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "170t": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("hWiz"), i = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return c
var o = [["div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(2n){background:#f9f9f9}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(odd){background:#fff}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:5px}"]],
d = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: o, data: {}});
function s(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](13, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](17, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](23, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](27, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](33, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](37, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](43, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](47, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](53, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](57, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](60, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](63, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](66, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](67, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTRY_CODE"))), l(n, 7, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.subjectCode), l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 17, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.idPartner), l(n, 23, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 23, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 24).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_LEGAL_CASE"))), l(n, 27, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.agreementType), l(n, 33, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 33, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 34).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"))), l(n, 37, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.taxCode), l(n, 43, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 43, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ECONOMIC_ACTIVITY"))), l(n, 47, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.id), l(n, 53, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 53, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CCIAA"))), l(n, 57, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.cciaa), l(n, 63, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 63, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE"))), l(n, 67, 0, e.getSedeLegale())
var c = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-anagrafica-soggetti", r.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-anagrafica-soggetti", [], null, null, null, s, d)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, r.a, [i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "21uA": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("BkNc"), o = e("7OR+"), d = e("vsrN"), s = e("YP7I"),
c = e("dp5l"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("DAWl"), f = e("sxG7"), g = e("JPoI"), v = e("xSiW"), I = e("dY+t"), A = e("qO7Q"),
b = e("B4uV");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return Q
var R = [[".tab-container[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;border-left:1px solid #ddd;border-right:1px solid #ddd;padding:25px}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%] button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:5px}"]],
C = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: R, data: {}});
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 10px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", " ", ", ", " ", " ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, "0" == (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) ? "" : (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) + " -", null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.name, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FROM")), null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.establishmentDate, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 4, t["\u0275nov"](n, 3).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.cessationDate)
function _(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 10px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", " ", " ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, "0" == (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) ? "" : (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) + " -", null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.name, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.searchDate)
function D(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 7, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, y)), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, _)), t["\u0275did"](6, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, !e.originDate), l(n, 6, 0, e.originDate)
}, null)
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "li", [["aria-selected", "true"], ["class", "active"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {
routerLinkActiveOptions: [0, "routerLinkActiveOptions"],
routerLinkActive: [1, "routerLinkActive"]
}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 4, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 5, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), t["\u0275pod"](4, {exact: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 7).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](7, 671744, [[5, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](8, 1), t["\u0275pod"](9, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](10, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](11, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](12, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, l(n, 4, 0, !0), "active"), l(n, 7, 0, l(n, 11, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, "anagrafica")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).href), l(n, 12, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 12, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 13).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTRY")))
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {
routerLinkActiveOptions: [0, "routerLinkActiveOptions"],
routerLinkActive: [1, "routerLinkActive"]
}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 6, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 7, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), t["\u0275pod"](4, {exact: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 7).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](7, 671744, [[7, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](8, 1), t["\u0275pod"](9, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](10, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](11, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](12, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, l(n, 4, 0, !0), "active"), l(n, 7, 0, l(n, 11, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, "anagrafica-soggetti")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).href), l(n, 12, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 12, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 13).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTRY_DATA_SUBJECTS")))
function O(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 8, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 9, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[9, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "albi")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERS")))
function S(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 10, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 11, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[11, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "att-autorizzate")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITIES")))
function N(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 12, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 13, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[13, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "rapporti")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_RELATIONSHIPS")))
function L(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 14, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 15, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[15, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "provvedimenti")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VIGILANCE_MEASURES")))
function w(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 16, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 17, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[17, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "competenze-vigilanza")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VIGILANCE_SKILLS")))
function F(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 18, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 19, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[19, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "profili-analisi")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ANALYSIS_PROFILES")))
function k(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 20, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 21, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[21, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "classificazioni")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATIONS")))
function P(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSuccursali() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_BRANCHES")))
function U(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openOrso() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_ORSO")))
function V(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openOicr() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_OICR")))
function G(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openAgenti() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("INTERMEDIARY_AGENTS")))
function x(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 61, "div", [["id", "pulsantiera"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 25, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 73%; float: left;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openGroup() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openModal() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](13, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, P)), t["\u0275did"](17, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, U)), t["\u0275did"](20, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, V)), t["\u0275did"](23, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, G)), t["\u0275did"](26, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 31, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 25%; float: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](32, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "btn-group dropup"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 4, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "btn btn-primary gradient dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](38, null, ["\n ", " "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](43, 0, null, null, 11, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](45, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["id", "xmlExport"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](47, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["id", "csvExport"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](52, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](57, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"], ["id", "pdfExport"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](58, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 17, 0, e.isSuccursali), l(n, 20, 0, e.isOrso && !(null == (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs) || 0 == (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs.length))), l(n, 23, 0, e.isOicr), l(n, 26, 0, e.isAgente)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_OTHER_INFORMATION_INTERMEDIARY"))), l(n, 8, 0, !(null != e.intermediary && e.intermediary.isModified)), l(n, 9, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 10).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_GROUP"))), l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_HISTORY"))), l(n, 32, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 32, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 33).transform("GIAVA_APPLICATION_BAR_UTILITIES_LABEL"))), l(n, 38, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 38, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPORT"))), l(n, 46, 0, e.xmlExportLink), l(n, 47, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 47, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 48).transform("EXPORT_XML_FORMAT"))), l(n, 51, 0, e.csvExportLink), l(n, 52, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 52, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 53).transform("EXPORT_CSV_FORMAT"))), l(n, 57, 0, e.pdfExportLink), l(n, 58, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 59).transform("GIAVA_PRINT_LABEL")))
function M(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-intermediary-history", [], null, null, null, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, [[3, 4], ["history", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
function Y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 3, {history: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 50, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](6, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, D)), t["\u0275did"](9, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 37, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 28, "ul", [["class", "nav nav-tabs"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](17, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, T)), t["\u0275did"](20, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, O)), t["\u0275did"](23, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, S)), t["\u0275did"](26, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, N)), t["\u0275did"](29, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, L)), t["\u0275did"](32, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, w)), t["\u0275did"](35, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, F)), t["\u0275did"](38, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, k)), t["\u0275did"](41, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](44, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "tab-container"], ["style", "height:501px; overflow-y: auto;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [["name", "intAlbiDetailsOutlet"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](47, 212992, null, 0, i.o, [i.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, "intAlbiDetailsOutlet"], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, x)), t["\u0275did"](52, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 5, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](56, 49152, [[1, 4], ["mymodal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
title2: [2, "title2"],
size: [3, "size"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, 0, 1, null, M)), t["\u0275did"](59, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](63, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](64, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 9, 0, e.isTitleVisible), l(n, 17, 0, e.intermediary), l(n, 20, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_INT_SCHEDA_AS") && e.intermediary), l(n, 23, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryBoards), l(n, 26, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorizations), l(n, 29, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryAssociations), l(n, 32, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures), l(n, 35, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs), l(n, 38, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryAnalysisProfiles), l(n, 41, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryClassifications), l(n, 47, 0), l(n, 52, 0, e.intermediary);
l(n, 56, 0, !1, "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_HISTORY", e.selected, "lg"), l(n, 59, 0, e.modal.isOpen());
l(n, 63, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL"))), l(n, 64, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 64, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 65).transform(e.text)))
var Q = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-int-albi-details", h.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-int-albi-details", [], null, null, null, Y, C)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, h.a, [i.k, c.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, I.a, A.a, b.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "2zxb": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("DCLI"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-oicr-classificazioni", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-oicr-classificazioni", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "3Bc0": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("nOql"), u = this && this.__assign || Object.assign || function (l) {
for (var n, e = 1, t = arguments.length; e < t; e++) for (var u in n = arguments[e]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, u) && (l[u] = n[u]);
return l
function a(l) {
return l.replace(/\[.*/, "").replace(/\..*/, "")
function r(l, n) {
var e = a(n), t = n.replace(e, "").trim().split("."), u = l.value;
try {
t.forEach(function (l) {
l.length > 0 && (u = u[l])
} catch (l) {
return ""
return u
var i = function () {
function l() {
this.colDefList = []
return l.prototype.add = function (n, e, i, o, d, s, c) {
void 0 === o && (o = null), void 0 === d && (d = null), void 0 === s && (s = !1), void 0 === c && (c = null);
var p = "function" == typeof n ? n() : n, m = {headerName: p, field: a(e), headerTooltip: p};
return o && (m.width = o), d && (m.minWidth = d), c && (m.cellStyle = c), m.fullField = e, m.comparator = function (l, n) {
var e = 0, t = m.fullField, u = r({value: l}, t), a = r({value: n}, t);
return +u && +a ? e = a - u : a > u ? e = 1 : a < u && (e = -1), e
}, m.formatterFunction = i || l.defaultFormatter, m.valueFormatter = function (l) {
return l.colDef.formatterFunction(l, e)
}, m.cellStyle = c || function (l) {
var n = l.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.colDef.field
}), e = Object(t.a)(0, n, l);
return s && (e = u({}, e, {"text-decoration": "underline", color: "#0167bf", cursor: "pointer", "font-weight": "bold"})), e
}, this.colDefList.push(m), this
}, l.prototype.build = function () {
return this.colDefList
}, l.abiCodeFormatter = function (l, n) {
var e = l.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.colDef.field
}), u = Object(t.c)(0, e, l);
return "999999" == u || "0" == u ? "N/A" : u
}, l.dateFormatter = function (l, n) {
var e = r(l, n);
return "9999-12-31" == e || "0-12-30" == e || "1-01-01" == e || "0001-01-01" == e ? "" : e
}, l.taxCodeFormatter = function (l, n) {
var e = l.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.colDef.field
}), u = Object(t.c)(0, e, l);
return null != u && (u = u.replace(/^00000/, "")), "" != u && "" == u.trim() ? "N/A" : u
}, l.notesFormatter = function (l, n) {
return l.colDef.cellStyle = {
"border-bottom": "solid #ccc 1px",
"border-right": "solid #ccc 1px",
"overflow-y": "auto",
"white-space": "normal",
color: "red"
}, r(l, n)
}, l.defaultFormatter = function (l, n) {
var e = l.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.colDef.field
}), u = Object(t.c)(0, e, l);
return "string" != typeof u && (u = r(l, n)), u
}, l.flagFormatter = function (l, n) {
var e = l.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.colDef.field
}), u = Object(t.c)(0, e, l);
return "S" == u || "s" == u ? u = "SI" : "N" != u && "n" != u || (u = "NO"), u
}, l.DATE_FORMATTER = l.dateFormatter, l.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER = l.taxCodeFormatter, l.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER = l.abiCodeFormatter, l.DEFAULT_FORMATTER = l.defaultFormatter, l.NOTES_FORMATTER = l.notesFormatter, l.FLAG_FORMATTER = l.flagFormatter, l
}, "4Kxh": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return a
var t = e("KArD"), u = e("WgGk"), a = (e("eGX5").a, t.a, u.a, function () {
return function () {
}, "4LKh": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("TZe3"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](2, null, ["Filiale territoriale competente: ", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 7).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](7, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 7, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.registeredOffice ? null : e.intermediary.registeredOffice.description)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-competenze-vigilanza", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-competenze-vigilanza", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "4P8T": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var t = e("RHpV"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("sxG7"), r = e("JPoI"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("zyRY"), d = e("FKed"), s = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.router = l, this.spinner = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.oicrResultsService = u, this.intermediary = {}, this.isTitleVisible = !1, this.authStructure = new o.a
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_OICR_DETAIL"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_OICR_DETAIL");
var n = this.breadcrumb.getData("Oicr");
this.originDate = this.breadcrumb.getData("OriginDate"), this.searchDate = n.establishmentDate, this.authStructure.setFuncitionList(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("functionList"))), this.breadcrumb.getData("IsNewDetail") ? (this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.subs1 = this.oicrResultsService.getWorkingCompartmentDetails(n).subscribe(function (e) {
l.intermediary = e, l.isTitleVisible = !0, l.breadcrumb.putData("Detail", l.intermediary), l.localStorageService.setItem("oicrDetails", JSON.stringify(l.intermediary));
var t = n.subjectCode;
(n = l.intermediary).subjectCode = t, l.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1), l.subs2 = l.oicrResultsService.getWorkingCompartmentActivities(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization = n, console.log(l.intermediary, l.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization), l.isTitleVisible = !0, l.breadcrumb.putData("Detail", l.intermediary), l.localStorageService.setItem("oicrDetails", JSON.stringify(l.intermediary)), l.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}), l.subs3 = l.oicrResultsService.getWorkingCompartmentMeasures(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures = n, l.isTitleVisible = !0, l.breadcrumb.putData("Detail", l.intermediary), l.localStorageService.setItem("oicrDetails", JSON.stringify(l.intermediary)), l.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
})) : (this.intermediary = this.breadcrumb.getData("Detail"), this.isTitleVisible = !0, this.localStorageService.setItem("oicrDetails", JSON.stringify(this.intermediary)), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1))
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
try {
this.subs1.unsubscribe(), this.subs2.unsubscribe(), this.subs3.unsubscribe()
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.openIntermediary = function () {
var l = this, n = {};
n.establishmentDate = this.searchDate, n.idIntermediary = this.intermediary.idPartner;
var e = {};
e.Intermediary = n, e.OriginDate = !0, e.IsNewDetail = !0, e.IsOicr = !0, "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url && this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/intermediary", null, null, e).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 30)
}), "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url && this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details", null, null, e).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 30)
}), "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url && this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/intermediary", null, null, e).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 30)
}), "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url && this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/details", null, null, e).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 30)
}, l.prototype.getLinkStampa = function (l) {
var n = d.a.getContextPath() + "/getCompartmentDetailExport.do", e = {}, t = this.intermediary;
e.exportType = l, e.username = localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), e.subjectCode = t.subjectCode;
var u = t.establishmentDate;
null != u ? (e.establishmentDate = u, e.dataRiferimento = u) : (e.establishmentDate = d.a.formatDate(new Date), e.dataRiferimento = d.a.formatDate(new Date)), window.open(n + "?" + d.a.uriParams(e), "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.k}, {type: i.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: t.a}]
}, l
}, "5/+1": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return T
var t = e("NfBh"), u = e("ulSM"), a = e("7Biy"), r = e("DCLI"), i = e("C/KR"), o = e("gXsc"), d = e("sgMY"), s = e("4P8T"),
c = e("bCkd"), p = e("q8Yj"), m = e("qVhd"), h = e("Xt4+"), f = e("hWiz"), g = e("OQU6"), v = e("XgWn"), I = e("7TTz"), A = e("kQn6"),
b = e("TZe3"), R = e("6dMS"), C = e("DEjw"), y = e("DAWl"), _ = e("fVbD"), D = e("NIvD"), E = e("868Z"),
T = (e("M0Wv").a, E.a, D.a, u.a, t.a, c.a, s.a, d.a, o.a, i.a, r.a, a.a, _.a, y.a, h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, I.a, A.a, b.a, R.a, C.a, p.a, m.a, function () {
return function () {
}, "5D0N": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("KpaK"), a = e("GLd3"), r = e("g1//"), i = e("bm2B"), o = e("D3O6"), d = e("WDs4"), s = e("cH03"),
c = e("dp5l"), p = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.gruppiSearchService = l, this.loaderService = n, this.selectedOption = new t.EventEmitter, this.gridOptions = {}, this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
context: {parent: this}, onGridReady: function (l) {
}, getRowStyle: function (l) {
return l.data.code === l.context.parent.selectedRow.code && l.data.description === l.context.parent.selectedRow.description && l.data.startDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.startDate && l.data.endDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.endDate ? {"background-color": "#42d4f4"} : null
}, suppressNoRowsOverlay: !0
}, l.prototype.select = function () {
null != this.selectedRow.code && (this.selectedOption.emit(this.selectedRow), this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "")
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.modal.isOpen()) if (this.searchString.length > 2) {
this.selectedRow = {};
var n = void 0, e = void 0, t = new Date;
"getTownCodes" == this.type ? (n = "COMUNE", e = "COMUNI4") : "getCountryCodes" == this.type && (n = "STATOEST", e = "ALL"), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.gruppiSearchService.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate(n, e, t.getTime(), this.searchString).subscribe(function (n) {
l.rowData = n.elements, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} else this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.reset = function () {
this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
this.selectedRow = l.data, this.gridOptions.api.redrawRows()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{headerName: "Codice", field: "code", width: 130}, {
headerName: "Descrizione",
field: "description",
width: 350
}, {headerName: "Inizio Validit\xe0", field: "startDate", width: 180}, {
headerName: "Fine Validit\xe0",
field: "endDate",
width: 180
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
if ("Enter" === l.key) {
var n = null;
try {
Object.keys(l.path[0]).forEach(function (e) {
e.startsWith("__AG") && ((n = l.path[0][e].cellComp.rowNode).column = {}, n.column.colId = l.path[0].attributes[3].value, n.colDef = l.path[0][e].cellComp.column.colDef, n.src = l.path[0][e].cellComp.eGui)
} catch (l) {
null == n && this.search()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: s.a}, {type: c.a}]
}, l
}(), m = e("GCIz"), h = e("dALX"), f = e("sxG7"), g = e("jIk+"), v = e("kSty"), I = [[""]],
A = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: I, data: {}});
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 26, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-sm-offset-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "stato"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Descrizione"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "col-sm-7"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 16, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "descrizione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.searchString = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](14, 671744, null, 0, i.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {model: [0, "model"]}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.p]), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 6, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 32).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, m.b, m.a)), t["\u0275did"](32, 376832, null, 0, h.a, [c.a, f.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.select() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Seleziona"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, g.b, g.a)), t["\u0275did"](40, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, v.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](41, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 14, 0, e.searchString), l(n, 32, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions);
l(n, 40, 0, !0, "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ATTENTION", "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPending), l(n, 36, 0, !e.selectedRow.code), l(n, 41, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 41, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 42).transform("GIAVA_SPORTELLI_TELLER_COUNTRY_CODES_SEARCH_ALERT")))
t["\u0275ccf"]("app-gruppi-search-modal", p, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-gruppi-search-modal", [], null, [["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, b, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, p, [s.a, c.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {type: "type", modal: "modal"}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"}, []);
var R = e("868Z"), C = e("qbdv"), y = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return F
var _ = [[".ng-valid.required[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .ng-valid[required][_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-left:5px solid #42a948 }.ng-invalid[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:not(form){border-left:5px solid #a94442 }"]],
D = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: _, data: {}});
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "data_riferimento"], ["name", "dateRef"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "keyup"], [null, "blur"], [null, "input"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onBlur() && u);
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, u.a, u.a, []), t["\u0275did"](2, 671744, [[4, 4], ["dp", 4]], 0, a.a, [u.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, r.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [a.a, i.c]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [2, i.j], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, i.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, i.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, i.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, null == n.context.$implicit ? null : n.context.$implicit.description)
function O(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "refDateCom"], ["name", "refDateCom"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "keyup"], [null, "blur"], [null, "input"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onBlur() && u);
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, u.a, u.a, []), t["\u0275did"](2, 671744, [[5, 4], ["dp2", 4]], 0, a.a, [u.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, r.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [a.a, i.c]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [2, i.j], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function S(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, i.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, i.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, i.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function N(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, i.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, i.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, i.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function L(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-gruppi-search-modal", [], null, [[null, "selectedOption"], ["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"selectedOption" === n && (u = !1 !== a.selectedOption(e) && u);
return u
}, b, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, [[3, 4], ["searchmodal", 4]], 0, p, [s.a, c.a], {
type: [0, "type"],
modal: [1, "modal"]
}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"})], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, e.type, e.modal)
}, null)
function w(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 3, {searchmodal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 4, {dp: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 5, {dp2: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 446, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](8, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 126, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](13, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["name", "grSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "Group"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 17).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 17).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareGroupSearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](17, 212992, null, 0, i.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, i.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [i.c, i.s]), t["\u0275did"](19, 671744, null, 0, i.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.p]), t["\u0275did"](21, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](22, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 107, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 27).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 27).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](26, 16384, null, 0, i.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](27, 540672, null, 0, i.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.b, null, [i.h]), t["\u0275did"](29, 16384, null, 0, i.n, [i.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](33, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "data_riferimento"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](36, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](45, 16384, null, 0, C.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](47, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](49, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](54, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](63, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](65, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](67, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "alboElenco"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](68, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](74, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "alboType"], ["id", "alboElenco"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 75).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 75).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](75, 16384, null, 0, i.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.v]), t["\u0275did"](77, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](79, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](81, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](82, 147456, null, 0, i.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, i.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](83, 147456, null, 0, i.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](84, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, T)), t["\u0275did"](87, 802816, null, 0, C.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](92, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](94, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](96, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "denominazione"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](97, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](101, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](103, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "elementValue"], ["id", "denominazione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 104)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 104).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 104)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 104)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](104, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](106, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](108, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](112, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](114, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](115, 0, null, null, 3, "label", [["for", "codMecca"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](116, null, ["", "", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](120, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](122, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "abiCode"], ["id", "codMecca"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 123)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 123).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 123)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 123)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](123, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](124, 540672, null, 0, i.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](127, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [2, i.j], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](129, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](134, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](135, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](139, 0, null, null, 289, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](141, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](143, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["name", "comSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "Component"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 144)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 144).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 144)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 144)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 145).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 145).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareComponentSearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](144, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](145, 212992, null, 0, i.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, i.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [i.c, i.s]), t["\u0275did"](147, 671744, null, 0, i.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.p]), t["\u0275did"](149, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](150, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](153, 0, null, null, 270, "form", [["id", "componentSearchForm"], ["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 155).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 155).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](154, 16384, null, 0, i.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](155, 540672, null, 0, i.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.b, null, [i.h]), t["\u0275did"](157, 16384, null, 0, i.n, [i.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](159, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](161, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](163, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "refDateCom"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](164, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](168, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](170, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, O)), t["\u0275did"](173, 16384, null, 0, C.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](175, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](177, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp2.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](179, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](182, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp2.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](184, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](191, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](193, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](195, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "alboType"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](196, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](200, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](202, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "alboType"], ["id", "alboType"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 203).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 203).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](203, 16384, null, 0, i.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.v]), t["\u0275did"](205, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](207, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](209, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](210, 147456, null, 0, i.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, i.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](211, 147456, null, 0, i.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](212, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, S)), t["\u0275did"](215, 802816, null, 0, C.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](220, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](222, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](224, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "denComp"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](225, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](229, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](231, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "elementValue"], ["id", "denComp"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](232, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](234, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](236, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](240, 0, null, null, 40, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](242, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](244, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "tipoGruppoCapogruppo"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](245, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](249, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](251, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](253, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-4"], ["for", "tipoGruppoCapogruppo"], ["style", "text-align:right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](254, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](257, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "groupType"], ["id", "tipoGruppoCapogruppo"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "chief"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 258)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 258).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 258)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 258)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 259).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 259).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](258, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](259, 212992, null, 0, i.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, i.z, t.Injector], {
formControlName: [0, "formControlName"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [i.c, i.s]), t["\u0275did"](261, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](263, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](265, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-4"], ["for", "tipoGruppoComponente"], ["style", "text-align:right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](266, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](269, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "groupType"], ["id", "tipoGruppoComponente"], ["name", "groupType"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "component"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 270)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 270).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 270)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 270)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 271).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 271).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](270, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](271, 212992, null, 0, i.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, i.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [i.c, i.s]), t["\u0275did"](273, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](275, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](277, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "col-sm-2 glyphicon glyphicon-remove"], ["style", "float:inherit;color:red;text-align:right;padding-top:2px;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("groupType") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](282, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](284, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](285, 0, null, null, 3, "label", [["for", "codComp"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](286, null, ["", "", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](290, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](292, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "abiCode"], ["id", "codComp"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 293)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 293).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 293)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 293)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](293, 16384, null, 0, i.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, i.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](294, 540672, null, 0, i.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.c]), t["\u0275did"](297, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [2, i.j], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](299, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](303, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](305, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](307, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "classIntBoards"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](308, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](312, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](314, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "intermediaryBoards"], ["id", "classIntBoards"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 315).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 315).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](315, 16384, null, 0, i.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, i.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [i.v]), t["\u0275did"](317, 671744, null, 0, i.f, [[3, i.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, i.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, i.l, null, [i.f]), t["\u0275did"](319, 16384, null, 0, i.m, [i.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](321, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](322, 147456, null, 0, i.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, i.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](323, 147456, null, 0, i.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](324, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, N)), t["\u0275did"](327, 802816, null, 0, C.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](332, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](334, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](336, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "genDirect"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](337, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](341, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](343, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](345, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](346, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](348, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](350, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "genDirect"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getTownCodes", "intermediaryTellers") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](352, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](355, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("intermediaryTellers") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](357, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](364, 0, null, null, 28, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](366, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](367, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "regOffice"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](368, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](371, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](373, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](375, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](376, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](378, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](380, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "regOffice"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getTownCodes", "registeredOffice") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](382, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](385, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("registeredOffice") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](387, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](394, 0, null, null, 28, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](396, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](397, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "stCode"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](398, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](401, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](403, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](405, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](406, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](408, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](410, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "stCode"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getCountryCodes", "stateCod") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](412, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](415, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("stateCod") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](417, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](425, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](426, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](430, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](432, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](433, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](436, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetAll() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](440, 0, null, null, 5, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, g.b, g.a)), t["\u0275did"](441, 49152, [[1, 4], ["mymodal", 4]], 0, v.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, 0, 1, null, L)), t["\u0275did"](444, 16384, null, 0, C.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](447, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, g.b, g.a)), t["\u0275did"](448, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, v.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](449, 0, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 17, 0, "grSearch", "Group");
l(n, 19, 0, "grSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 27, 0, e.groupSearchForm), l(n, 45, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 77, 0, "alboType"), l(n, 87, 0, e.groupTypeOptions);
l(n, 106, 0, "elementValue");
l(n, 124, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 127, 0, "abiCode");
l(n, 145, 0, "comSearch", "Component");
l(n, 147, 0, "comSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 155, 0, e.componentSearchForm), l(n, 173, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 205, 0, "alboType"), l(n, 215, 0, e.groupTypeOptionsComponent);
l(n, 234, 0, "elementValue");
l(n, 259, 0, "groupType", "chief");
l(n, 261, 0, "groupType");
l(n, 271, 0, "groupType", "groupType", "component");
l(n, 273, 0, "groupType");
l(n, 294, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 297, 0, "abiCode");
l(n, 317, 0, "intermediaryBoards"), l(n, 327, 0, e.intermediaryBoardsOptions);
l(n, 441, 0, !1, "Consulta Codici", "lg"), l(n, 444, 0, e.modal.isOpen());
l(n, 448, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 8, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUPS_SEARCH"))), l(n, 15, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassPending), l(n, 22, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 22, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 23).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUPS_SEARCH_GROUP"))), l(n, 25, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassPending), l(n, 36, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 36, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 37).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 68, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 68, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 69).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 74, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassPending);
l(n, 81, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 84, 0, e.groupSearchForm.get("alboType").value), l(n, 97, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 97, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 98).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 103, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).ngClassPending), l(n, 116, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 116, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 117).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_CONTROL_CHAR_CHIEF_1")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 116, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 118).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_CONTROL_CHAR_CHIEF_2"))), l(n, 122, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 129).ngClassPending), l(n, 135, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 135, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 136).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 143, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 149).ngClassPending), l(n, 150, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 150, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 151).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUPS_SEARCH_COMPONENT"))), l(n, 153, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 157).ngClassPending), l(n, 164, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 164, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 165).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 196, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 196, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 197).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 202, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 207).ngClassPending);
l(n, 209, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 212, 0, e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value), l(n, 225, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 225, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 226).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_COMPONENT"))), l(n, 231, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 236).ngClassPending), l(n, 245, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 245, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 246).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TYPE"))), l(n, 254, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 254, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 255).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CHIEF"))), l(n, 257, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 263).ngClassPending), l(n, 266, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 266, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 267).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COMPONENT"))), l(n, 269, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 275).ngClassPending), l(n, 286, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 286, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 287).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_CONTROL_CHAR_CHIEF_1")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 286, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 288).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_CONTROL_CHAR_COMPONENT"))), l(n, 292, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 294).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 294).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 299).ngClassPending), l(n, 308, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 308, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 309).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"))), l(n, 314, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 319).ngClassPending);
l(n, 321, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 324, 0, e.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryBoards").value), l(n, 337, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 337, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 338).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE"))), l(n, 346, 0, null == e.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryTellers").value ? null : e.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryTellers").value.description), l(n, 350, 0, null == e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value || "" == e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value), l(n, 368, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 368, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 369).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE"))), l(n, 376, 0, null == e.componentSearchForm.get("registeredOffice").value ? null : e.componentSearchForm.get("registeredOffice").value.description), l(n, 380, 0, null == e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value || "" == e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value), l(n, 398, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 398, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 399).transform("STATO"))), l(n, 406, 0, null == e.componentSearchForm.get("stateCod").value ? null : e.componentSearchForm.get("stateCod").value.description), l(n, 410, 0, null == e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value || "" == e.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value), l(n, 426, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 426, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 427).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 433, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 433, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 434).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 449, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 449, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 450).transform(e.text)))
var F = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-gruppi-search", R.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-gruppi-search", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, w, D)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, R.a, [f.a, s.a, c.a, y.a, d.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "5Sh8": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return r
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("dp5l"), a = e("sxG7"), r = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.loaderService = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.gridOptions = {}, this.height = "600px", this.searchOrderItems = [], this.initialize = !1, this.suppressMovableColumns = !0, this.suppressLoadingOverlay = !0, this.headerHeight = 50, this.rowCount = "30", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 30, this.Math = Math, this.cellClicked = new t.EventEmitter, this.keyPressed = new t.EventEmitter, this.modelUpdated = new t.EventEmitter
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.initialize && (this.actualRowCount = +this.rowCount, this.getResults())
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.handleKeyPressed = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getResults = function () {
var l = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), null != this.searchForm && null != this.service && (this.searchElement = {
searchElement: this.searchForm,
rowCount: +this.rowCount,
startIndex: this.startIndex,
endIndex: this.endIndex,
searchOrderItems: this.searchOrderItems
}, this.service.getResults(this.searchElement).subscribe(function (n) {
l.data = n, l.rowData = n, l.numElem = 0, l.actualRowCount = +l.rowCount, l.actualPageNumber = l.pageNumber, l.breadcrumb && (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Results = l.rowData, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.ActualRowCount = l.actualRowCount, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.ActualPageNumber = l.actualPageNumber, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.PageNumber = l.pageNumber, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.RowCount = l.rowCount, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.StartIndex = l.startIndex, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.EndIndex = l.endIndex), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.previousPage = function () {
this.pageNumber <= 1 || (this.rowCount = "" + this.actualRowCount, this.startIndex -= +this.rowCount, this.endIndex -= +this.rowCount, this.pageNumber = this.actualPageNumber, this.pageNumber--, this.getResults())
}, l.prototype.nextPage = function () {
this.pageNumber >= Math.ceil(this.count / this.actualRowCount) || (this.rowCount = "" + this.actualRowCount, this.startIndex += +this.rowCount, this.endIndex += +this.rowCount, this.pageNumber = this.actualPageNumber, this.pageNumber++, this.getResults())
}, l.prototype.goToPage = function () {
this.pageNumber <= Math.ceil(this.count / this.actualRowCount) && this.pageNumber >= 1 ? (this.rowCount = "" + this.actualRowCount, this.startIndex = this.pageNumber * +this.rowCount - +this.rowCount + 1, this.endIndex = this.pageNumber * +this.rowCount, this.getResults()) : this.pageNumber = this.actualPageNumber
}, l.prototype.refresh = function () {
+this.rowCount >= 1 && +this.rowCount <= 100 ? (this.pageNumber = 1, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = +this.rowCount, this.getResults()) : this.rowCount = "" + this.actualRowCount
}, l.prototype.goToLastPage = function () {
this.pageNumber = Math.ceil(this.count / this.actualRowCount), this.goToPage()
}, l.prototype.goToFirstPage = function () {
this.pageNumber = 1, this.goToPage()
}, l.prototype.onKeyGo = function (l) {
"Enter" === l.key && this.goToPage()
}, l.prototype.onKeyRefresh = function (l) {
"Enter" === l.key && this.refresh()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.a}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, "6dMS": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("nOql"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryAnalysisProfiles, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.defaultColDef = {type: "text"}, this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryAnalysisProfiles
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TYPE", t), field: "profileType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 150, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_PROFILE", t), field: "profile", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 500, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_PROFILE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "startValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "endValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, "7Biy": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("nOql"), a = e("dp5l"), r = e("9Qcf"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("oicrDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.relationships, this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("oicrDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.relationships
}), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.subLength = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.subLength.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ROLE", t), field: "intermediaryCode", comparator: function (l, n) {
return l < n ? 1 : l > n ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ROLE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY", t), field: "intermediaryName", comparator: function (l, n) {
return l < n ? 1 : l > n ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TIE_TYPE", t), field: "relationshipType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TIE_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "validityStartDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "validityEndDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: r.b}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, "7OR+": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("vsrN"), d = e("YP7I"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return p
}), n.b = m;
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid1: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 4).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](4, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid1", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 4, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions3, e.defaultColDef)
}, null)
t["\u0275ccf"]("app-intermediary-history", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-intermediary-history", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, r.a, s.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "7TTz": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("nOql"), a = e("dp5l"), r = e("9Qcf"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryAssociations, this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryAssociations
}), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.subLength = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.subLength.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ROLE", t), field: "role", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 250, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ROLE")
}, {
field: "secondaryId",
width: 500,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_OICR")
}, {
field: "intermediaryModified",
width: 200,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "startValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 170, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "endValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 170, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: r.b}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, "7f3t": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return T
var t = e("NfBh"), u = e("ulSM"), a = e("7Biy"), r = e("DCLI"), i = e("C/KR"), o = e("gXsc"), d = e("sgMY"), s = e("4P8T"),
c = e("bCkd"), p = e("qVhd"), m = e("q8Yj"), h = e("fVbD"), f = e("OQU6"), g = e("hWiz"), v = e("Xt4+"), I = e("XgWn"), A = e("DEjw"),
b = e("TZe3"), R = e("6dMS"), C = e("kQn6"), y = e("7TTz"), _ = e("DAWl"), D = e("x1or"), E = e("yt5I"),
T = (e("Qj10").a, u.a, t.a, c.a, s.a, d.a, o.a, i.a, r.a, a.a, E.a, D.a, _.a, v.a, g.a, f.a, I.a, y.a, C.a, b.a, R.a, A.a, h.a, m.a, p.a, function () {
return function () {
}, "7sJu": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, "868Z": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("FKed"), a = e("9Qcf"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("bm2B"),
o = this && this.__extends || (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
t(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), d = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
establishmentDate: new i.e({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, [i.w.required]), elementValue: new i.e(""), alboType: new i.e(""), abiCode: new i.e(""), isModified: new i.e(!1)
}) || this
return o(n, l), n
}(i.g), s = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
groupType: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
elementValue: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
alboType: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}, [i.w.required]),
intermediaryBoards: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
establishmentDate: new i.e({
value: {
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, disabled: !0
}, [i.w.required]),
abiCode: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
intermediaryTellers: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
registeredOffice: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
stateCod: new i.e({value: "", disabled: !0})
}) || this
return o(n, l), n
}(i.g), c = e("cH03"), p = e("sxG7"), m = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var h = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.breadcrumb = l, this.gruppiSearchService = n, this.loaderService = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.translateService = u, this.calendarOptions = {dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy"}, this.groupSearchForm = new d, this.componentSearchForm = new s, this.intermediaryBoardsOptions = [], this.groupTypeOptions = [{
description: "",
code: "-1"
}], this.groupTypeOptionsComponent = [], this.show2 = !0
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
switch (this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.translateService.getTranslation(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.calendarOptions.dayLabels = {
su: n.SUN,
mo: n.MON,
tu: n.TUE,
we: n.WED,
th: n.THU,
fr: n.FRI,
sa: n.SAT
}, l.calendarOptions.todayBtnTxt = n.TODAY, l.calendarOptions.monthLabels = {
1: n.JAN,
2: n.FEB,
3: n.MAR,
4: n.APR,
5: n.MAY,
6: n.JUN,
7: n.JUL,
8: n.AUG,
9: n.SEP,
10: n.OCT,
11: n.NOV,
12: n.DEC
}, l.show2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
return l.show2 = !0
}, 10)
}), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_GROUP_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_GROUP_SEARCH"), this.gruppiSearchService.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate("GI_TIPOALBO", "GI_TIPOALBOGRP", (new Date).getTime(), "").subscribe(function (n) {
for (var e = 0, t = n.elements; e < t.length; e++) {
var u = t[e];
}), this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch"), null == this.typeOfSearch && (this.typeOfSearch = "Group", this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchForm", this.groupSearchForm)), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.groupSearchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm");
this.groupTypeOptions = this.breadcrumb.getData("GroupTypeOptions"), this.intermediaryBoardsOptions = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryBoardsOptions"), this.groupTypeOptionsComponent = this.breadcrumb.getData("GroupTypeOptionsComponent"), this.prepareComponentSearch(), this.componentSearchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm")
}, l.prototype.prepareGroupSearch = function () {
this.componentSearchForm.reset(), this.componentSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.componentSearchForm.disable(), this.groupSearchForm.enable()
}, l.prototype.prepareComponentSearch = function () {
var l = this;
this.groupSearchForm.reset(), this.groupSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.groupSearchForm.disable(), this.componentSearchForm.enable(), 0 == this.groupTypeOptionsComponent.length && (this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.gruppiSearchService.getElements("GI_TIPOALBO").subscribe(function (n) {
l.groupTypeOptionsComponent = n, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.prepareSubscribe()
}, l.prototype.prepareSubscribe = function () {
var l = this;
this.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").valueChanges.subscribe(function (n) {
var e = l.groupTypeOptionsComponent.find(function (n) {
return n.description == l.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value
null != e && "" != e && (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), l.gruppiSearchService.getCompliantElements(e.code, "INQ_INT_TIPOALBO", "GI_CODCLASSIF").subscribe(function (n) {
l.intermediaryBoardsOptions = n, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
switch (this.typeOfSearch) {
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.requiredFieldMessage = function () {
this.title = "REQUIREDFIELDHEADER", this.text = "REQUIREDFIELDBODY", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.groupSearch = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.groupSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").invalid) this.requiredFieldMessage(); else {
if (this.groupSearchForm.invalid) return this.title = "", this.text = "NOPARAMETERS", void this.warningModal.open();
var n = {};
n.establishmentDate = u.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.groupSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").value);
var e = this.groupTypeOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.description == l.groupSearchForm.get("alboType").value
null != e && null != e.code && "-1" != e.code && (n.activityId = e.code), null != this.groupSearchForm.get("elementValue").value && "" != this.groupSearchForm.get("elementValue").value && (n.elementValue = this.groupSearchForm.get("elementValue").value), null != this.groupSearchForm.get("abiCode").value && "" != this.groupSearchForm.get("abiCode").value && (n.abiCode = this.groupSearchForm.get("abiCode").value);
var t = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.gruppiSearchService.getGroupCount(t).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.putData("TypeOfSearch", l.typeOfSearch), l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchForm", l.groupSearchForm), l.breadcrumb.putData("Count", e), t.endIndex = e, l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", n), l.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !0), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.componentSearch = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.componentSearchForm.invalid) this.requiredFieldMessage(); else {
var n = {};
n.establishmentDate = u.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.componentSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").value);
var e = this.groupTypeOptionsComponent.find(function (n) {
return n.description == l.componentSearchForm.get("alboType").value
if (n.activityId = e.code, "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("elementValue").value && (n.elementValue = this.componentSearchForm.get("elementValue").value), "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("groupType").value && (n.modifyType = this.componentSearchForm.get("groupType").value), "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("abiCode").value && (n.abiCode = this.componentSearchForm.get("abiCode").value), "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryBoards").value) {
var t = this.intermediaryBoardsOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.description == l.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryBoards").value
n.cciaa = t.code
null != this.componentSearchForm.get("stateCod").value && "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("stateCod").value && (n.subjectCode = this.componentSearchForm.get("stateCod").value.code), null != this.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryTellers").value && "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryTellers").value && (n.agreementType = this.componentSearchForm.get("intermediaryTellers").value.code), null != this.componentSearchForm.get("registeredOffice").value && "" != this.componentSearchForm.get("registeredOffice").value && (n.id = this.componentSearchForm.get("registeredOffice").value.code);
var a = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.gruppiSearchService.getComponentCount(a).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.putData("TypeOfSearch", l.typeOfSearch), l.breadcrumb.putData("Count", e), l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchForm", l.componentSearchForm), l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", n), l.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !0), l.breadcrumb.putData("GroupTypeOptions", l.groupTypeOptions), l.breadcrumb.putData("IntermediaryBoardsOptions", l.intermediaryBoardsOptions), l.breadcrumb.putData("GroupTypeOptionsComponent", l.groupTypeOptionsComponent), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.openSearchModal = function (l, n) {
var e = this;
this.type = l, this.owner = n, this.modal.open(), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
}, l.prototype.selectedOption = function (l) {
switch (this.modal.close(), this.owner) {
}, l.prototype.resetField = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.groupSearchForm.reset(), this.componentSearchForm.reset(), this.groupSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.componentSearchForm.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" !== l.key || this.modal.isOpen() || "noname" == l.target.name || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == l.namespaceURI || (this.dp.closeCalendar(), this.dp2.closeCalendar(), this.search())
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: p.a}, {type: c.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: m.a}, {type: a.b}]
}, l
}, "8z8h": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, "9/xk": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("/0jc"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("jIk+"), s = e("kSty"),
c = e("D3O6"), p = e("WDs4"), m = e("kTHb"), h = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return I
var f = [[""]], g = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: f, data: {}});
function v(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 4).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.keyClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](4, 376832, null, 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
initialize: [4, "initialize"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, d.b, d.a)), t["\u0275did"](8, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, s.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, c.a, [p.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 4, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, !0);
l(n, 8, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 9, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 10).transform(e.text)))
var I = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-area-download", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-area-download", [], null, null, null, v, g)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [m.a, h.a, i.a, p.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "9FSA": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("HsJT");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return d
var r = [[""]], i = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: r, data: {}});
function o(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
var d = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-agenti", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti", [], null, null, null, o, i)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, a.a, [], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "9VbS": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, "9t1V": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("kQn6"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], [null, "modelUpdated"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"modelUpdated" === n && (u = !1 !== a.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed",
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-provvedimenti-albi", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-provvedimenti-albi", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [d.a, s.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "A+XM": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("Ew9o"), a = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 2, styles: [], data: {}});
function r(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["style", "text-align: center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 0, "img", [["alt", "Download pdf"], ["src", "assets/images/icons/PDF-128_bianco.jpg"], ["style", "cursor: pointer; width: 32px; margin: 2px;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.download() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, null)
var i = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, r, a)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, ACI4: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("fnhJ"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, ADze: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("7Biy"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], [null, "modelUpdated"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"modelUpdated" === n && (u = !1 !== a.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed",
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-oicr-legami-albi", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-oicr-legami-albi", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [d.a, s.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, AgLy: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("bm2B"), a = e("KpaK"), r = e("GLd3"), i = e("g1//"), o = e("D3O6"), d = e("WDs4"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("dY+t"), p = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.succursaliSearchService = l, this.loaderService = n, this.selectedOption = new t.EventEmitter, this.gridOptions = {}, this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
context: {parent: this}, onGridReady: function (l) {
}, getRowStyle: function (l) {
return l.data.code === l.context.parent.selectedRow.code && l.data.description === l.context.parent.selectedRow.description && l.data.startDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.startDate && l.data.endDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.endDate ? {"background-color": "#42d4f4"} : null
}, suppressNoRowsOverlay: !0
}, l.prototype.select = function () {
null != this.selectedRow.code && (this.selectedOption.emit(this.selectedRow), this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "")
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.modal.isOpen()) if (this.searchString.length > 2) {
this.selectedRow = {};
var n = void 0, e = void 0, t = new Date;
"getTownCodes" == this.type ? (n = "COMUNE", e = "COMUNI4") : "getCountryCodes" == this.type && (n = "STATOEST", e = "ALL"), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.succursaliSearchService.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate(n, e, t.getTime(), this.searchString).subscribe(function (n) {
l.rowData = n.elements, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} else this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.reset = function () {
this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
this.selectedRow = l.data, this.gridOptions.api.redrawRows()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{headerName: "Codice", field: "code", width: 130}, {
headerName: "Descrizione",
field: "description",
width: 350
}, {headerName: "Inizio Validit\xe0", field: "startDate", width: 180}, {
headerName: "Fine Validit\xe0",
field: "endDate",
width: 180
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
if ("Enter" === l.key) {
var n = null;
try {
Object.keys(l.path[0]).forEach(function (e) {
e.startsWith("__AG") && ((n = l.path[0][e].cellComp.rowNode).column = {}, n.column.colId = l.path[0].attributes[3].value, n.colDef = l.path[0][e].cellComp.column.colDef, n.src = l.path[0][e].cellComp.eGui)
} catch (l) {
null == n && this.search()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: c.a}, {type: s.a}]
}, l
}(), m = e("GCIz"), h = e("dALX"), f = e("sxG7"), g = e("jIk+"), v = e("kSty"), I = [[""]],
A = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: I, data: {}});
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 26, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-sm-offset-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "stato"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Descrizione"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "col-sm-7"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 16, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "descrizione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.searchString = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](14, 671744, null, 0, u.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {model: [0, "model"]}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.p]), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 6, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 32).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, m.b, m.a)), t["\u0275did"](32, 376832, null, 0, h.a, [s.a, f.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.select() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Seleziona"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, g.b, g.a)), t["\u0275did"](40, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, v.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](41, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 14, 0, e.searchString), l(n, 32, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions);
l(n, 40, 0, !0, "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ATTENTION", "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPending), l(n, 36, 0, !e.selectedRow.code), l(n, 41, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 41, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 42).transform("GIAVA_SPORTELLI_TELLER_COUNTRY_CODES_SEARCH_ALERT")))
t["\u0275ccf"]("app-succursali-search-modal", p, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-succursali-search-modal", [], null, [["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, b, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, p, [c.a, s.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {type: "type", modal: "modal"}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"}, []);
var R = e("qbdv"), C = e("tGHQ"), y = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return N
var _ = [[""]], D = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: _, data: {}});
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "dateRef"], ["name", "dateRef"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onBlur() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, a.a, a.a, []), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, [[4, 4], ["dp", 4]], 0, r.a, [a.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, i.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, r.a]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function O(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-succursali-search-modal", [], null, [[null, "selectedOption"], ["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"selectedOption" === n && (u = !1 !== a.selectedOption(e) && u);
return u
}, b, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, [[3, 4], ["searchmodal", 4]], 0, p, [c.a, s.a], {
type: [0, "type"],
modal: [1, "modal"]
}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"})], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, e.type, e.modal)
}, null)
function S(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 3, {searchmodal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 4, {dp: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 226, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 201, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 190, "form", [["class", "form-horizontal"], ["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 14).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 14).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](13, 16384, null, 0, u.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](14, 540672, null, 0, u.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.b, null, [u.h]), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, u.n, [u.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "dateRef"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](21, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](29, 16384, null, 0, R.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](33, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](47, 0, null, null, 15, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](49, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "denInterm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](50, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "denInt"], ["id", "denInterm"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 56)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 56).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 56)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 56)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](56, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](58, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](60, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](64, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](66, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "codInterm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](67, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](70, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "codInt"], ["id", "codInterm"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 73)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 73).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 73)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 73)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](73, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](74, 540672, null, 0, u.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](77, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](79, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](83, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](85, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "branchType"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](86, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](89, 0, null, null, 12, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](91, 0, null, null, 9, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "tipoSuccurs"], ["id", "branchType"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 92).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 92).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](92, 16384, null, 0, u.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.v]), t["\u0275did"](94, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](96, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, T)), t["\u0275did"](99, 802816, null, 0, R.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](104, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](106, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "zipCode"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](107, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](110, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](112, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "cap"], ["id", "zipCode"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 113)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 113).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 113)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 113)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](113, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](114, 540672, null, 0, u.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](117, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](119, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](123, 0, null, null, 38, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](125, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](127, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr"], ["formControlName", "sel"], ["id", "sel"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "localita"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 128)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 128).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 128)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 128)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 129).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 129).onTouched() && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.setRadio("localita") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](128, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](129, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
formControlName: [0, "formControlName"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](131, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](133, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](135, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr"], ["for", "place"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](136, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](140, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](142, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](144, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](145, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](147, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](149, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "place"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getTownCodes", "localita") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](151, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](154, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("localita") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](156, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](163, 0, null, null, 38, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](165, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](167, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr"], ["formControlName", "sel"], ["id", "sel"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "stato"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 168)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 168).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 168)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 168)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 169).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 169).onTouched() && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.setRadio("localita") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](168, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](169, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
formControlName: [0, "formControlName"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](171, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](173, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](175, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr"], ["for", "country"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](176, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](180, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](182, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](184, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](185, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](187, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](189, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "country"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getCountryCodes", "stato") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](191, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](194, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("stato") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](196, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](204, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](205, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](209, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](211, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](212, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](215, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetAll() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](219, 0, null, null, 5, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, g.b, g.a)), t["\u0275did"](220, 49152, [[1, 4], ["mymodal", 4]], 0, v.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, 0, 1, null, O)), t["\u0275did"](223, 16384, null, 0, R.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](226, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, g.b, g.a)), t["\u0275did"](227, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, v.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](228, 0, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 14, 0, e.searchFormSuccursali), l(n, 29, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 58, 0, "denInt");
l(n, 74, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 77, 0, "codInt");
l(n, 94, 0, "tipoSuccurs"), l(n, 99, 0, e.branchesTypeList);
l(n, 114, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 117, 0, "cap");
l(n, 129, 0, "sel", "localita");
l(n, 131, 0, "sel");
l(n, 169, 0, "sel", "stato");
l(n, 171, 0, "sel");
l(n, 220, 0, !1, "Consulta Codici", "lg"), l(n, 223, 0, e.modal.isOpen());
l(n, 227, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 9, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 10).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_BRANCHES_SEARCH"))), l(n, 12, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPending), l(n, 21, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 21, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 22).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE"))), l(n, 50, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 50, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 51).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_INTERMEDIARY"))), l(n, 55, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).ngClassPending), l(n, 67, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 67, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 68).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_INTERMEDIARY"))), l(n, 72, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 74).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 74).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).ngClassPending), l(n, 86, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 86, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 87).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BRANCH_TYPE"))), l(n, 91, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).ngClassPending), l(n, 107, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 107, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 108).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"))), l(n, 112, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 114).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 114).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).ngClassPending), l(n, 127, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassPending), l(n, 136, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 136, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 137).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_PLACE"))), l(n, 145, 0, null == e.searchFormSuccursali ? null : null == e.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").value ? null : e.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").value.description), l(n, 149, 0, "localita" != e.searchFormSuccursali.get("sel").value), l(n, 167, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 173).ngClassPending), l(n, 176, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 176, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 177).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"))), l(n, 185, 0, null == e.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").value ? null : e.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").value.description), l(n, 189, 0, "stato" != e.searchFormSuccursali.get("sel").value), l(n, 205, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 205, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 206).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 212, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 212, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 228, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 228, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 229).transform(e.text)))
var N = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-succursali-search", C.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-succursali-search", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, S, D)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, C.a, [f.a, c.a, s.a, y.a, d.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, B4uV: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getIntermediaryCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getWorkingPosition", l)
}, l.prototype.getMemberCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchWorkingCompanyMember", l)
}, l.prototype.getCompliantElements = function (l, n, e) {
return this.httpRest.post("getCompliantElements?inputElementValue=" + l + "&inputDomainId=" + n + "&compatibleDomainId=" + e, null)
}, l.prototype.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate = function (l, n, e, t) {
return this.httpRest.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=" + l + "&setId=" + n + "&referenceDate=" + e + "&searchString=" + t, null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, BHD6: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return E
var t = e("NfBh"), u = e("ulSM"), a = e("qVhd"), r = e("q8Yj"), i = e("fVbD"), o = e("6dMS"), d = e("TZe3"), s = e("kQn6"),
c = e("7TTz"), p = e("XgWn"), m = e("OQU6"), h = e("Xt4+"), f = e("hWiz"), g = e("DAWl"), v = e("C/KR"), I = e("sgMY"), A = e("gXsc"),
b = e("7Biy"), R = e("DCLI"), C = e("DEjw"), y = e("4P8T"), _ = e("bCkd"), D = e("fAhc"),
E = (e("VRqL").a, D.a, u.a, t.a, _.a, y.a, I.a, A.a, v.a, R.a, b.a, g.a, h.a, f.a, m.a, p.a, c.a, s.a, d.a, o.a, C.a, i.a, r.a, a.a, function () {
return function () {
}, BJbv: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, "BYQ/": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t = e("DTtM"), u = e("Ovdf"), a = e("HsJT"), r = e("gzNZ"), i = e("d2k+"), o = (a.a, r.a, u.a, i.a, t.a, t.a, function () {
return function () {
}, BsFr: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, BwHf: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("JPoI"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.localStorageService = l
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_ORSO_SEARCH")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, "C/KR": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("nOql"), a = e("dp5l"), r = e("9Qcf"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("oicrDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures, this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("oicrDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures
}), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.subLength = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.subLength.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE", t), field: "measureType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE", t), field: "measureCode", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 400, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_DATA", t), field: "startDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 170, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_DATA")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_DATA", t), field: "endDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 170, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_DATA")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_REASON", t), field: "endCause", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_REASON")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE_2", t), field: "measureSizeType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.code : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.code < n.code ? 1 : l.code > n.code ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE_2")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_2", t), field: "measureSize", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.code : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.code < n.code ? 1 : l.code > n.code ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_2")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: r.b}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, CkaT: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("bm2B"), a = e("KpaK"), r = e("GLd3"), i = e("g1//"), o = e("D3O6"), d = e("WDs4"), s = e("qbdv"),
c = e("fAhc"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("sxG7"), f = e("qO7Q"), g = e("dp5l"), v = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return _
var I = [[".radio-button-oicr[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding-top:0}.col-sm-1[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{width:auto}.one[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding-left:0}"]],
A = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: I, data: {}});
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "data_riferimento"], ["name", "dateRef"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onBlur() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, a.a, a.a, []), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, [[2, 4], ["dp", 4]], 0, r.a, [a.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, i.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, r.a]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 2, {dp: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 300, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 287, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 276, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](11, 16384, null, 0, u.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](12, 540672, null, 0, u.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.b, null, [u.h]), t["\u0275did"](14, 16384, null, 0, u.n, [u.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "data_riferimento"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](21, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](27, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](30, 16384, null, 0, s.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](41, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](48, 0, null, null, 15, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "denominazioneSGR"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](51, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](54, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "elementValue"], ["id", "denominazioneSGR"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 57)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 57).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 57)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 57)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](57, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](59, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](61, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](65, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](67, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "codiceSGR"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](68, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](71, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](73, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "codiceSGR"], ["id", "codiceSGR"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 74)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 74).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 74)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 74)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](74, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](75, 540672, null, 0, u.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](78, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](80, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](84, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](86, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "codiceOICR"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](87, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](90, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](92, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "codiceOICR"], ["id", "codiceOICR"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 93)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 93).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 93)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 93)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](93, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](94, 540672, null, 0, u.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](97, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](99, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](103, 0, null, null, 15, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](105, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "denominazione"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](106, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](109, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](111, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "denominazione"], ["id", "denominazione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 112)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 112).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 112)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 112)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](112, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.c]), t["\u0275did"](114, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](116, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](120, 0, null, null, 24, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](122, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "fondoSICAV"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](123, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](126, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](128, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "fondoSICAV"], ["id", "fondoSICAV"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 129).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 129).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](129, 16384, null, 0, u.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.v]), t["\u0275did"](131, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](133, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](135, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](136, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](137, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](138, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](141, 802816, null, 0, s.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](146, 0, null, null, 24, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](148, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "struttura"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](149, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](152, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](154, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "struttura"], ["id", "struttura"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 155).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 155).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](155, 16384, null, 0, u.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.v]), t["\u0275did"](157, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](159, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](161, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](162, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](163, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](164, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](167, 802816, null, 0, s.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](172, 0, null, null, 113, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](174, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "caratteristiche"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](175, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](178, 0, null, null, 106, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](180, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-4 one"], ["for", "caratteristiche1S"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](181, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](184, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "oicvm"], ["id", "caratteristiche1S"], ["name", "oicvm"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "SI"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 185)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 185).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 185)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 185)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 186).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 186).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](185, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](186, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](188, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](190, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](192, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-4"], ["for", "caratteristiche1N"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](193, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](196, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "oicvm"], ["id", "caratteristiche1N"], ["name", "oicvm"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "NO"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 197)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 197).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 197)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 197)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 198).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 198).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](197, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](198, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](200, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](202, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](204, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["for", "caratteristiche1NA"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["N/A"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](207, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "oicvm"], ["id", "caratteristiche1NA"], ["name", "oicvm"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 208)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 208).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 208)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 208)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 209).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 209).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](208, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](209, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](211, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](213, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](215, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-4 one"], ["for", "caratteristiche2S"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](216, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](219, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "fiares"], ["id", "caratteristiche2S"], ["name", "fiares"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "SI"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 220)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 220).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 220)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 220)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 221).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 221).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](220, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](221, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](223, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](225, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](227, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-4"], ["for", "caratteristiche2N"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](228, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](231, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "fiares"], ["id", "caratteristiche2N"], ["name", "fiares"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "NO"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 232)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 233).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 233).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](232, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](233, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](235, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](237, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](239, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["for", "caratteristiche2NA"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["N/A"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](242, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "fiares"], ["id", "caratteristiche2NA"], ["name", "fiares"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 243)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 243).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 243)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 243)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 244).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 244).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](243, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](244, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](246, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](248, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](250, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-4 one"], ["for", "caratteristiche3S"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](251, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](254, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "fiacon"], ["id", "caratteristiche3S"], ["name", "fiacon"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "SI"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 255)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 255).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 255)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 255)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 256).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 256).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](255, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](256, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](258, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](260, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](262, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-4"], ["for", "caratteristiche3N"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](263, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](266, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "fiacon"], ["id", "caratteristiche3N"], ["name", "fiacon"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "NO"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 267)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 267).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 267)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 267)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 268).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 268).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](267, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](268, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](270, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](272, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](274, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["for", "caratteristiche3NA"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["N/A"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](277, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-oicr col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "fiacon"], ["id", "caratteristiche3NA"], ["name", "fiacon"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 278)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 278).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 278)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 278)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 279).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 279).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](278, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](279, 212992, null, 0, u.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, u.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
formControlName: [1, "formControlName"],
value: [2, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, u.s]), t["\u0275did"](281, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](283, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](288, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](289, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](293, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](295, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](296, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](299, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.reset() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](304, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](305, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](306, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 12, 0, e.searchFormOicr), l(n, 30, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 59, 0, "elementValue");
l(n, 75, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 78, 0, "codiceSGR");
l(n, 94, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 97, 0, "codiceOICR");
l(n, 114, 0, "denominazione");
l(n, 131, 0, "fondoSICAV"), l(n, 141, 0, e.fundOptions);
l(n, 157, 0, "struttura"), l(n, 167, 0, e.structOptions);
l(n, 186, 0, "oicvm", "oicvm", "SI");
l(n, 188, 0, "oicvm");
l(n, 198, 0, "oicvm", "oicvm", "NO");
l(n, 200, 0, "oicvm");
l(n, 209, 0, "oicvm", "oicvm", "");
l(n, 211, 0, "oicvm");
l(n, 221, 0, "fiares", "fiares", "SI");
l(n, 223, 0, "fiares");
l(n, 233, 0, "fiares", "fiares", "NO");
l(n, 235, 0, "fiares");
l(n, 244, 0, "fiares", "fiares", "");
l(n, 246, 0, "fiares");
l(n, 256, 0, "fiacon", "fiacon", "SI");
l(n, 258, 0, "fiacon");
l(n, 268, 0, "fiacon", "fiacon", "NO");
l(n, 270, 0, "fiacon");
l(n, 279, 0, "fiacon", "fiacon", "");
l(n, 281, 0, "fiacon");
l(n, 305, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_OICRS_SEARCH"))), l(n, 10, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).ngClassPending), l(n, 21, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 21, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 22).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 51, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 51, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 52).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_SGR_SICAV_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 56, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).ngClassPending), l(n, 68, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 68, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 69).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_CONTROL_CHAR_SGR_SICAV"))), l(n, 73, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 75).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 75).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).ngClassPending), l(n, 87, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 87, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).transform("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_CODE_OICR"))), l(n, 92, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 94).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 94).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).ngClassPending), l(n, 106, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 106, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 107).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 111, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).ngClassPending), l(n, 123, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 123, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 124).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_TYPE"))), l(n, 128, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 133).ngClassPending);
l(n, 135, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 138, 0, e.searchFormOicr.get("fondoSICAV").value), l(n, 149, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 149, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 150).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_STRUCTURE"))), l(n, 154, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 159).ngClassPending);
l(n, 161, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 164, 0, e.searchFormOicr.get("struttura").value), l(n, 175, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 175, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 176).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FEATURES"))), l(n, 181, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 181, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 182).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CLASS01_S"))), l(n, 184, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 190).ngClassPending), l(n, 193, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 193, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 194).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CLASS01_N"))), l(n, 196, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 202).ngClassPending), l(n, 207, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 213).ngClassPending), l(n, 216, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 216, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 217).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CLASS02_S"))), l(n, 219, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).ngClassPending), l(n, 228, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 228, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 229).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CLASS02_N"))), l(n, 231, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 237).ngClassPending), l(n, 242, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 248).ngClassPending), l(n, 251, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 251, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 252).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CLASS03_S"))), l(n, 254, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 260).ngClassPending), l(n, 263, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 263, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 264).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CLASS03_N"))), l(n, 266, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 272).ngClassPending), l(n, 277, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 283).ngClassPending), l(n, 289, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 289, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 290).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 296, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 296, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 297).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 306, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 306, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 307).transform(e.text)))
var _ = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-oicr-search", c.a, function (l) {
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var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, y, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, c.a, [h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, d.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, DAWl: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var t = e("B4uV"), u = e("qO7Q"), a = e("BkNc"), r = e("sxG7"), i = e("JPoI"), o = e("dp5l"), d = e("zyRY"), s = e("dY+t"),
c = e("FKed"), p = e("xSiW"), m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a, r, i) {
this.router = l, this.spinner = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.intAlbiResultsService = u, this.succursaliSearchService = a, this.oicrSearchService = r, this.orsoSearchService = i, this.isOicr = !1, this.isOrso = !1, this.isAgente = !1, this.isSuccursali = !1, this.intermediary = {}, this.isTitleVisible = !1, this.authStructure = new d.a
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
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this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL"), this.authStructure.setFuncitionList(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("functionList"))), this.breadcrumb.getData("IsNewDetail") ? (this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.subs = this.intAlbiResultsService.getIntermediaryDetails(n).subscribe(function (n) {
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l.breadcrumb.putData("IsOrso", l.isOrso), null != l.searchDate && "" != l.searchDate || (l.searchDate = l.intermediary.establishmentDate), "0" == l.intermediary.modifyType || null == l.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs || 0 == l.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs.length || null == l.intermediary.intermediaryType || "003" != l.intermediary.intermediaryType.code && "007" != l.intermediary.intermediaryType.code && "011" != l.intermediary.intermediaryType.code || (l.isSuccursali = !0), l.isTitleVisible = !0, l.breadcrumb.putData("Detail", l.intermediary), l.localStorageService.setItem("intermediaryDetails", JSON.stringify(n)), l.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
})) : (this.intermediary = this.breadcrumb.getData("Detail"), this.isTitleVisible = !0, this.localStorageService.setItem("intermediaryDetails", JSON.stringify(this.intermediary)), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1), this.pdfExportLink = this.getLinkStampa("PDF"), this.csvExportLink = this.getLinkStampa("CSV"), this.xmlExportLink = this.getLinkStampa("XML"))
}, l.prototype.openOicr = function () {
var l = this, n = {IsNewSearch: !0, NewSearch: !0, SecondType: !0}, e = {};
e.id = this.intermediary.abiCode, e.establishmentDate = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentDate, "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url && (e.establishmentDate = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").startActivationDate), null == e.establishmentDate && (e.establishmentDate = this.intermediary.establishmentDate), n.SearchElement = e;
var t = {searchElement: n.SearchElement, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.oicrSearchService.getOicrCount(t).subscribe(function (e) {
n.Count = e, l.spinner.displayLoader(!1), "/oicr" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result", null, null, n) : "/gruppi" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/oicrResult", null, null, n) : "/int-albi" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url || "/orso" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/oicrResult", null, null, n) : l.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/oicrResult", null, null, n)
}, l.prototype.openOrso = function () {
var l = {SearchElement: {}};
l.SearchElement.mecCode = this.intermediary.abiCode, this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), l.SearchElement.referenceDate = this.searchDate, l.TypeOfSearch = "IntermediarySub", this.spinner.displayLoader(!1), "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/orsoResult", null, null, l) : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/orsoResult", null, null, l) : "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url || "/variazioni" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/orsoResult", null, null, l) : "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/orsoResult", null, null, l) : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/orso/result", null, null, l)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
try {
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.openGroup = function () {
var l = this;
this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", {establishmentDate: this.searchDate}), this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("Group", this.intermediary), "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? (this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details").then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["gruppi/result/details"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
})) : "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? (this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/details/group").then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["succursali/result/details/group"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
})) : "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? (this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/group").then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["oicr/result/details/group"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
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})) : (this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details/group").then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["/int-albi/result/details/group"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}, l.prototype.openSuccursali = function () {
var l = this;
var n = {};
(n = {}).userId = this.intermediary.abiCode, n.activityId = this.intermediary.idIntermediary, n.startActivationDate = this.searchDate, this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", n), this.breadcrumb.putData("TypeOfSearch", "subList"), this.succursaliSearchService.getSuccursaliCount({
searchElement: n,
rowCount: 0,
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 0,
searchOrderItems: null
}).subscribe(function (n) {
n > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.putData("Count", n), l.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !0), "/int-albi" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details/branches", null, null, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["int-albi/result/details/branches"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}) : "/succursali" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result", null, null, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["succursali/result"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}) : "/gruppi" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/branches", null, null, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["/gruppi/result/details/branches"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}) : "/oicr" == l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? l.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/branches", null, null, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["/oicr/result/details/branches"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}) : (l.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url, l.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result/details/branches", null, null, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data).then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["/variazioni/result/details/branches"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}))) : l.noResult()
}, l.prototype.openAgenti = function () {
var l = this;
this.breadcrumb.putData("IntermediaryAgent", this.intermediary), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/agenti/search/tabResult").then(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
l.router.navigate(["/agenti/search/tabResult"]), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 30)
}, l.prototype.openModal = function () {
var l = this;
this.selected = ("99999" != this.intermediary.abiCode && "0" != this.intermediary.abiCode ? this.intermediary.abiCode + " - " : "") + this.intermediary.name;
var n = {};
n.idIntermediary = this.intermediary.idIntermediary, n.taxCode = this.intermediary.taxCode, this.modal.open(), setTimeout(function () {
l.history.init(n), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.getLinkStampa = function (l) {
var n = c.a.getContextPath() + "/getLegalPersonDetailExport.do", e = {
establishmentDate: this.intermediary.establishmentDate,
dataRiferimento: this.intermediary.establishmentDate,
idIntermediary: this.intermediary.idIntermediary,
exportType: l,
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser")
return n + "?" + c.a.uriParams(e)
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: a.k}, {type: o.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: p.a}, {type: s.a}, {type: u.a}, {type: t.a}]
}, l
}, DCLI: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("nOql"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("oicrDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.classifications, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.defaultColDef = {type: "text"}, this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("oicrDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.classifications
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
field: "classificationSystem",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description.substring(4)
} catch (l) {
return ""
width: 200,
comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION_SYSTEM")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION", t), field: "classificationCode", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 300, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "validityStartDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "validityEndDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, DEjw: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("nOql"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryClassifications, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.defaultColDef = {type: "text"}, this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryClassifications
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
field: "classificationSystem",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
width: 200,
comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION_SYSTEM")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION", t), field: "classification", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 300, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "startValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "endValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, DTtM: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var t = e("BkNc"), u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("sxG7"), r = e("JPoI"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("EkHy"), d = e("3Bc0"), s = e("kR6K"),
c = e("WFHM"), p = e("OJ8u"), m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a, r) {
this.agentiResultsService = l, this.router = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.loaderService = u, this.translate = a, this.agentiSearchService = r, this.typeOfSearch = this.router.snapshot.routeConfig.path, this.rowData = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: p.a
}, this.s = {}, this.searchOrderItems = []
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
l.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.context.componentParent.initializeGrid()
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50, suppressNoRowsOverlay: !0
}, l.prototype.initializeGrid = function () {
var l = this;
this.s.abiCode = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryAgent").abiCode, window.location.href.includes("/GIAVAFEInquiry") ? (this.s.dataNascita = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryAgent").establishmentDate, this.s.dataRevoca = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryAgent").cessationDate) : (this.s.dataNascita = null, this.s.dataRevoca = null), this.tempCall = {
rowCount: 0,
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 1e4,
searchOrderItems: this.searchOrderItems,
searchElement: this.s
var n = this.router.snapshot.routeConfig.path;
if (window.location.href.includes("/GIAVAFEInquiry")) if ("italiani" == n) {
this.s.stato = "ITALIA", this.getResults();
var e = 0;
this.langSubscrIta = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
if (0 != e) {
try {
setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDefAgentiItalianiInterno()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
} catch (n) {
}), this.initializeAgentiItalianiInterno()
} else {
this.s.stato = "estero", this.getResults();
var t = 0;
this.langSubscrEst = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
0 != t && (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
try {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDefAgentiEsteriInterno()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} catch (n) {
}, 500)), t++
}), this.initializeAgentiEsteriInterno()
} else if ("italiani" == n) {
this.s.stato = "ITALIA", this.getResults();
var u = 0;
this.langSubscrIta = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
0 != u && (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
try {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDefAgentiItalianiEsterno()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} catch (n) {
}, 500)), u++
}), this.initializeAgentiItaliani()
} else {
this.s.stato = "estero", this.getResults();
var a = 0;
this.langSubscrEst = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
0 != a && (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
try {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDefAgentiEsteriEsterno()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} catch (n) {
}, 500)), a++
}), this.initializeAgentiEsteri()
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
try {
} catch (l) {
try {
} catch (l) {
try {
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiEsteri = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriEsterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiEsteriEsterno()
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiItaliani = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiEsterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiItalianiEsterno()
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiItalianiInterno = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiInterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiItalianiInterno()
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiEsteriInterno = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriInterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiEsteriInterno()
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiEsterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(3, 2, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriEsterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(9, 2, "stato", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(5, 3, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiInterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(3, 2, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(11, 3, "dataNomina", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriInterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(9, 2, "stato", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(5, 3, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(10, 4, "dataInizioValidita", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(12, 5, "dataNomina", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiItalianiEsterno = function () {
return (new d.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_INTERMEDIARY"), "denominazioneIntermediario", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 300, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 155).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_OAM_COD"), "oam", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 170).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"), "codFisc", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_PROV"), "provincia", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiEsteriEsterno = function () {
return (new d.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 250, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 155).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_IDENTIFICATION_CODE"), "codFisc", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 200).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stato", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiItalianiInterno = function () {
return "it" == this.translate.currentLang ? (new d.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 160, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_OAM_COD"), "oam", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 170).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"), "codFisc", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_PROV"), "provincia", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_DESIGNATION_DATE"), "dataNomina", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TERMINATION_DATE"), "dataRevoca", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).build() : (new d.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 160, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 240).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_OAM_COD"), "oam", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 170).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"), "codFisc", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_PROV"), "provincia", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_DESIGNATION_DATE"), "dataNomina", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TERMINATION_DATE"), "dataRevoca", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiEsteriInterno = function () {
return (new d.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 250, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_IDENTIFICATION_CODE"), "codFisc", d.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 200).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stato", d.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE"), "dataInizioValidita", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE"), "dataFineValidita", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_DESIGNATION_DATE"), "dataNomina", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TERMINATION_DATE"), "dataRevoca", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).build()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
"denominazioneIntermediario" == l.column.colId && this.breadcrumb.goToPreviousNode()
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getResults = function () {
var l = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.agentiSearchService.getAgentiCount(this.tempCall).subscribe(function (n) {
l.count = n, "ITALIA" == l.s.stato ? l.localStorageService.setItem("ExportItalia", "" + l.count) : l.localStorageService.setItem("ExportEstero", "" + l.count), n > 0 ? l.agentiResultsService.getResults(l.tempCall).subscribe(function (n) {
l.rowData = n, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1))
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: s.a}, {type: t.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: c.a}]
}, l
}, DuVG: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("M0Wv");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return d
var r = [[""]], i = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: r, data: {}});
function o(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](2, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0)
}, null)
var d = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-gruppi", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-gruppi", [], null, null, null, o, i)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, a.a, [], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, E2hl: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("CPp0"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.http = l
return l.prototype.getAll = function () {
return this.http.get("/api/users", this.jwt()).map(function (l) {
return l.json()
}, l.prototype.getById = function (l) {
return this.http.get("/api/users/" + l, this.jwt()).map(function (l) {
return l.json()
}, l.prototype.create = function (l) {
return this.http.post("/api/users", l, this.jwt()).map(function (l) {
return l.json()
}, l.prototype.update = function (l) {
return this.http.put("/api/users/" + l.id, l, this.jwt()).map(function (l) {
return l.json()
}, l.prototype.delete = function (l) {
return this.http.delete("/api/users/" + l, this.jwt()).map(function (l) {
return l.json()
}, l.prototype.jwt = function () {
var l = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("currentUser"));
if (l && l.token) {
var n = new t.d({Authorization: "Bearer " + l.token});
return new t.j({headers: n})
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.e}]
}, l
}, E9Oi: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("FKed"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.lang = localStorage.getItem("userLang").toUpperCase()
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l
}, l.prototype.download = function () {
var l = this,
n = {exportType: "XML", exportProduct: this.params.data.productName, strReferenceDate: this.params.data.strReferenceDate};
this.params.context.componentParent.exportList.checkAreaDownloadElements(n).subscribe(function (n) {
if ("AREADOWNLOAD_OK" == n.code) {
var e = t.a.getContextPath() + "/getAreaDownloadExport.do", u = {
referenceDate: l.params.data.strReferenceDate,
product: l.params.data.productName,
language: l.lang,
exportType: "XML",
window.open(e + "?" + t.a.uriParams(u), "_self")
} else l.params.context.componentParent.noPermission(n.code)
}, l
}, ECCM: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return c
var t = e("sxG7"), u = e("KN/I"), a = e("ixkR"), r = e("BkNc"), i = e("wvet"), o = e("VC2l"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a, r) {
this.toastr = l, this.noteInfoService = n, this.localStorageService = e, this.loaderService = t, this.route = u, this.authService = a, this.httpRest = r, this.noteInformative = {
noteInformative: [],
noteLegali: []
}, this.title = "ERR_LOAD_TITLE", this.text = "ERR_LOAD_TEXT"
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_HOME"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_HOME"), window.location.href.indexOf("/GIAVAInquiry") < 0 ? this.authService.login().subscribe(function (n) {
localStorage.setItem("jwt", n.jwt), l.init()
}, function (n) {
}) : window.location.href.indexOf("/GIAVAInquiry-public") < 0 ? this.authService.logout().subscribe(function () {
l.authService.login().subscribe(function (n) {
localStorage.setItem("jwt", n.jwt), l.init()
}, function (n) {
}, function (n) {
}) : (localStorage.setItem("jwt", ""), this.init())
}, l.prototype.init = function () {
var l = this;
this.authService.getUserId().subscribe(function (n) {
n && n.username && "OBLIXANONYMOUS" != (n.username + "").toUpperCase() && (e = n.username), l.localStorageService.setItem("currentUser", e), l.getAuthStructure(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
l.localStorageService.setItem("currentUser", "OBLIXANONYMOUS"), l.getAuthStructure(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.loaderService.reset()
}, l.prototype.getAuthStructure = function () {
var l = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.authService.getAuthStructure().subscribe(function (n) {
l.localStorageService.setItem("functionList", JSON.stringify(n)), null != n && n[0].functionName.indexOf("1000003") >= 0 ? t.a.setSemaforo(!0) : l.userLangSubscription = l.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
}), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
return l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
try {
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.updateLang = function (l) {
var n = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.noteInfoService.getNoteInformative(l).subscribe(function (l) {
n.noteInformative = l, n.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.testWhiteSpace = function (l) {
return /^\s+.+/.test(l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.h}, {type: o.a}, {type: d.a}, {type: s.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, EkHy: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function (l, n, e, t) {
this.columnIndex = l, this.insertedIndexColumn = n, this.dataField = e, this.descending = t
}, Ew9o: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("FKed"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.lang = localStorage.getItem("userLang").toUpperCase()
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l
}, l.prototype.download = function () {
var l = this,
n = {exportType: "PDF", exportProduct: this.params.data.productName, strReferenceDate: this.params.data.strReferenceDate};
this.params.context.componentParent.exportList.checkAreaDownloadElements(n).subscribe(function (n) {
if ("AREADOWNLOAD_OK" == n.code) {
var e = t.a.getContextPath() + "/getAreaDownloadExport.do", u = {
referenceDate: l.params.data.strReferenceDate,
product: l.params.data.productName,
language: l.lang,
exportType: "PDF",
window.open(e + "?" + t.a.uriParams(u), "_self")
} else l.params.context.componentParent.noPermission(n.code)
}, l
}, FG5C: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("BwHf"), r = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](2, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0)
}, null)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-orso", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-orso", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, a.a, [r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, FKed: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("p5Ee"), u = function () {
function l() {
return l.uriParams = function (n) {
var e = "", t = 0;
if (null != n) for (var u in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
var a = n[u];
a instanceof Date && (a = l.formatDate(a)), e += (0 == t ? "" : "&") + encodeURI(u) + "=" + encodeURI(a || ""), t++
return e
}, l.formatDate = function (l) {
return l.getFullYear() + "-" + (l.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" : "") + (l.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (l.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + l.getDate()
}, l.formatFileSize = function (l) {
var n = l / 1024;
return n > 1023 ? Math.round(n / 1024 * 100) / 100 + " Mb" : Math.round(100 * n) / 100 + " Kb"
}, l.getBasePath = function () {
return ((window.location.href || "").match(/^.+?[^\/:](?=[?\/]|$)/) || [""])[0]
}, l.getContextPath = function () {
return !t.a.production || window.location.href.indexOf("/GIAVAFEInquiry/") > 0 ? t.a.baseUrl + "/GIAVAFEInquiry" : window.location.href.indexOf("/GIAVAInquiry-public/") > 0 ? t.a.baseUrl + "/GIAVAInquiry-public" : t.a.baseUrl + "/GIAVAInquiry"
}, l.getUserLang = function () {
return localStorage.getItem("userLang") || t.a.defaultLang
}, l.formatDateDatepicker = function (l) {
if (null == l) return "";
var n = new Date(+l.date.year, +l.date.month - 1, +l.date.day);
return n.getFullYear() + "-" + (n.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" : "") + (n.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (n.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + n.getDate()
}, l
}, GCIz: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("TqIW"), o = e("qbdv"), d = e("4PyC"), s = e("NmEI"),
c = e("QzoW"), p = e("xJFE"), m = e("dp5l"), h = e("sxG7");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return g
}), n.b = v;
var f = [[""]], g = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: f, data: {}});
function v(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 16777216, null, null, 7, "ag-grid-angular", [["class", "ag-theme-fresh"]], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "modelUpdated"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"modelUpdated" === n && (t = !1 !== u.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && t);
return t
}, i.b, i.a)), t["\u0275did"](5, 278528, null, 0, o.m, [t.KeyValueDiffers, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer], {ngStyle: [0, "ngStyle"]}, null), t["\u0275pod"](6, {
width: 0,
height: 1
}), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, d.Ng2FrameworkFactory, d.Ng2FrameworkFactory, [s.BaseComponentFactory, t.NgZone]), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, c.Ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper, c.Ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper, []), t["\u0275did"](9, 4898816, null, 1, p.AgGridNg2, [t.ElementRef, t.ViewContainerRef, d.Ng2FrameworkFactory, c.Ng2FrameworkComponentWrapper, t.ComponentFactoryResolver], {
gridOptions: [0, "gridOptions"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
columnDefs: [2, "columnDefs"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
headerHeight: [4, "headerHeight"],
enableColResize: [5, "enableColResize"],
suppressLoadingOverlay: [6, "suppressLoadingOverlay"],
suppressMovableColumns: [7, "suppressMovableColumns"]
}, {
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated",
cellClicked: "cellClicked"
}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 1, {columns: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, l(n, 6, 0, "100%", e.height));
l(n, 9, 0, e.gridOptions, e.rowData, e.columnDefs, e.defaultColDef, e.headerHeight, !0, e.suppressLoadingOverlay, e.suppressMovableColumns)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION")))
t["\u0275ccf"]("grid", r.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, v, g)), t["\u0275did"](1, 376832, null, 0, r.a, [m.a, h.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {
columnDefs: "columnDefs",
rowData: "rowData",
gridOptions: "gridOptions",
defaultColDef: "defaultColDef",
height: "height",
service: "service",
searchElement: "searchElement",
searchForm: "searchForm",
count: "count",
searchOrderItems: "searchOrderItems",
properties: "properties",
initialize: "initialize",
suppressMovableColumns: "suppressMovableColumns",
suppressLoadingOverlay: "suppressLoadingOverlay",
headerHeight: "headerHeight",
sharedService: "sharedService"
}, {cellClicked: "cellClicked", keyPressed: "keyPressed", modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"}, [])
}, GUcs: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("FKed"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.lang = localStorage.getItem("userLang").toUpperCase()
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l
}, l.prototype.download = function () {
var l = this,
n = {exportType: "CSV", exportProduct: this.params.data.productName, strReferenceDate: this.params.data.strReferenceDate};
this.params.context.componentParent.exportList.checkAreaDownloadElements(n).subscribe(function (n) {
if ("AREADOWNLOAD_OK" == n.code) {
var e = t.a.getContextPath() + "/getAreaDownloadExport.do", u = {
referenceDate: l.params.data.strReferenceDate,
product: l.params.data.productName,
language: l.lang,
exportType: "CSV",
window.open(e + "?" + t.a.uriParams(u), "_self")
} else l.params.context.componentParent.noPermission(n.code)
}, l
}, HGKz: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("7OR+"), a = e("vsrN"), r = e("YP7I"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("WDs4"), d = e("D3O6"), s = e("fVbD"),
c = e("GCIz"), p = e("dALX"), m = e("sxG7"), h = e("jIk+"), f = e("kSty"), g = e("qbdv"), v = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return C
var I = [[".tab-container[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;border-left:1px solid #ddd;border-right:1px solid #ddd;padding:25px}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%] button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:5px}td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:20px}.tab-header[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:right;color:#043c7b;font-weight:700;font-size:14px}"]],
A = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: I, data: {}});
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-intermediary-history", [], null, null, null, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, [[3, 4], ["history", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a, o.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 3, {history: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 148, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](6, null, ["\n ", " '", "' ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 56, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](13, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 49, "table", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 46, "tbody", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 19, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](23, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](27, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](30, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](33, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](34, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 0, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 0, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](41, 0, null, null, 22, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](43, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](44, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](47, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](48, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](51, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](54, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](55, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](57, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](58, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](61, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](62, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](68, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](70, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 31, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](74, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](75, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](78, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](79, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](82, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](83, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](86, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 87).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.keyClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, c.b, c.a)), t["\u0275did"](87, 376832, null, 0, p.a, [i.a, m.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
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gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
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cellClicked: "cellClicked",
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}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](89, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](91, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](92, null, ["", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](95, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](97, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](98, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](101, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 102).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.keyClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, c.b, c.a)), t["\u0275did"](102, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, p.a, [i.a, m.a], {
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cellClicked: "cellClicked",
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}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](105, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["id", "pulsantiera"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](107, 0, null, null, 9, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 73%; float: left;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](109, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](110, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](113, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openModal("storia") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](114, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](118, 0, null, null, 31, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 25%; float: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](120, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](121, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](124, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "btn-group dropup"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](126, 0, null, null, 4, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "btn btn-primary gradient dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](127, null, ["\n ", " "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](129, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](132, 0, null, null, 11, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](134, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](135, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](136, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](139, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](140, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](141, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](146, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](147, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, d.a, [o.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](153, 0, null, null, 5, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, h.b, h.a)), t["\u0275did"](154, 49152, [[2, 4], ["mymodal", 4]], 0, f.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
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}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, 0, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](157, 16384, null, 0, g.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 87, 0, e.firstColumnDefs, e.firstRowData, e.gridOptions1, e.defaultColDef, "133px");
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l(n, 154, 0, !1, e.title, e.selected, "lg"), l(n, 157, 0, e.modal.isOpen())
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETAIL_GROUP")), e.gruppo.name, t["\u0275unv"](n, 6, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.stringDate), l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("GROUP"))), l(n, 23, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 23, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 24).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_PARENT"))), l(n, 27, 0, e.gruppo.abiCode), l(n, 30, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 30, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 31).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_GROUP"))), l(n, 34, 0, e.gruppo.name), l(n, 44, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 44, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 45).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BOARD_TYPE_2"))), l(n, 48, 0, null == e.gruppo ? null : null == e.gruppo.intermediaryBoards[0] ? null : null == e.gruppo.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType ? null : e.gruppo.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType.description), l(n, 51, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 51, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 52).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DATA_ENTRY"))), l(n, 55, 0, e.gruppo.establishmentDate), l(n, 58, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 59).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_DATE"))), l(n, 62, 0, "9999-12-31" != e.gruppo.cessationDate ? e.gruppo.cessationDate : ""), l(n, 75, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 75, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 76).transform("COMPOSITION"))), l(n, 79, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 79, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 80).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION2"))), l(n, 83, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 83, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 84).transform("GROUPS_DETAIL_GRID1"))), l(n, 92, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 92, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 93).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COMPONENT_NUMBER")), e.count), l(n, 98, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 98, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).transform("GROUPS_DETAIL_GRID2"))), l(n, 110, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 110, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 111).transform("GROUP_OTHER_INFORMATION"))), l(n, 114, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 114, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 115).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUP_HISTORY"))), l(n, 121, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 121, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 122).transform("GIAVA_APPLICATION_BAR_UTILITIES_LABEL"))), l(n, 127, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 127, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 128).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPORT"))), l(n, 136, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 136, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 137).transform("EXPORT_XML_FORMAT"))), l(n, 141, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 141, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).transform("EXPORT_CSV_FORMAT"))), l(n, 147, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 147, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 148).transform("GIAVA_PRINT_LABEL")))
var C = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-gruppi-details", s.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-gruppi-details", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).focusFirstGrid(e) && u), u
}, R, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, s.a, [i.a, v.a, r.a, o.a, m.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, HnJ7: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("E9Oi"), a = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 2, styles: [], data: {}});
function r(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["style", "text-align: center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 0, "img", [["alt", "Download xml"], ["src", "assets/images/icons/XML-128_bianco.jpg"], ["style", "cursor: pointer; width: 32px; margin: 2px;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.download() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, null)
var i = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, r, a)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, HsJT: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return []
}, l
}, I6W6: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("eGX5");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return d
var r = [[""]], i = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: r, data: {}});
function o(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
var d = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-authentication", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-authentication", [], null, null, null, o, i)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, a.a, [], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, I9WJ: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("QE01"), r = e("eLVC");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](2, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0)
}, null)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-variazioni", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-variazioni", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, a.a, [r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, IYdP: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = [""]
}, JPoI: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("Dqrr"), u = (e.n(t), function () {
function l() {
this.subjects = {}
return l.prototype.setItem = function (l, n) {
localStorage.setItem(l, n), this.changeSubjectValue(l, n)
}, l.prototype.removeItem = function (l) {
localStorage.removeItem(l), this.changeSubjectValue(l, null)
}, l.prototype.getItem = function (l) {
var n = this.subjects[l];
return n || (this.subjects[l] = new t.BehaviorSubject(localStorage.getItem(l)), n = this.subjects[l]), n.asObservable()
}, l.prototype.changeSubjectValue = function (l, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = null);
var e = this.subjects[l];
e ? e.next(n) : (this.subjects[l] = new t.BehaviorSubject(n), e = this.subjects[l])
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return []
}, l
}, KArD: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t = e("BkNc"), u = e("ixkR"), a = e("JPoI"), r = e("xCFl"), i = e("wvet"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.route = l, this.router = n, this.auth = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.toastr = u, this.user = new r.a
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.returnUrl = this.route.snapshot.queryParams.returnUrl || "/"
}, l.prototype.handleLoginResponse = function (l, n, e) {
var t = l ? "User logged in as " + n.email : e.message || "Check your credentials";
l ? (this.toastr.success(t), this.router.navigateByUrl(this.returnUrl), this.localStorageService.setItem("currentUser", JSON.stringify(n))) : this.toastr.error(t)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: t.k}, {type: u.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: i.h}]
}, l
}, "KN/I": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return d
var t = e("dp5l"), u = e("sxG7"), a = e("BkNc"), r = e("0JBt"), i = e("riZV"), o = e("XKz0"), d = (e("GQSG"), function () {
function l(l, n, e, t) {
this.http = l, this.router = n, this.breadcrumbService = e, this.loaderService = t, this.urlRoot = "api/"
return l.prototype.get = function (l, n) {
return null != n ? (this.setHeaders(n), this.http.get(this.urlRoot + l, {headers: n}).pipe(Object(i.a)(this.handleError))) : this.http.get(this.urlRoot + l, {headers: this.headers}).pipe(Object(i.a)(this.handleError))
}, l.prototype.getText = function (l, n) {
return null != n ? (this.setHeaders(n), this.http.get(this.urlRoot + l, {
headers: n,
responseType: "text"
}).pipe(Object(i.a)(this.handleError))) : this.http.get(this.urlRoot + l, {headers: this.headers}).pipe(Object(i.a)(this.handleError))
}, l.prototype.post = function (l, n, e) {
return null != e ? (this.setHeaders(e), this.http.post(this.urlRoot + l, n, {headers: e}).pipe(Object(i.a)(this.handleError))) : this.http.post(this.urlRoot + l, n, {headers: this.headers}).pipe(Object(i.a)(this.handleError))
}, l.prototype.setHeaders = function (l) {
return (new o.g).set("authorization", "Basic RDIzMzc5MDpEMjMzNzkw").set("jwt", l).set("localMode", "1")
}, l.prototype.handleError = function (l) {
try {
l.error.indexOf("1000003") >= 0 ? u.a.setSemaforo(!0) : 404 == l.status && u.a.staticRouter.navigate(["pageNotFound"])
} catch (l) {
return new r.a("Something bad happened; please try again later.")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: o.c}, {type: a.k}, {type: u.a}, {type: t.a}]
}, l
}, KoRw: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return A
var t = e("QE01"), u = e("wNhw"), a = e("oMNG"), r = e("DAWl"), i = e("Xt4+"), o = e("hWiz"), d = e("OQU6"), s = e("XgWn"),
c = e("7TTz"), p = e("kQn6"), m = e("TZe3"), h = e("DEjw"), f = e("6dMS"), g = e("qVhd"), v = e("fVbD"), I = e("q8Yj"),
A = (t.a, u.a, a.a, v.a, I.a, g.a, r.a, i.a, o.a, d.a, s.a, c.a, p.a, m.a, f.a, h.a, function () {
return function () {
}, KtZZ: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, KufG: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("NfBh"), i = e("GCIz"), o = e("dALX"), d = e("dp5l"), s = e("sxG7"),
c = e("JPoI"), p = e("fVab");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return g
var m = [[".tab-container[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;border-left:1px solid #ddd;border-right:1px solid #ddd;padding:25px}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%] button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:5px}td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:10px 20px 10px 20px}.tab-header[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:right;color:#043c7b;font-weight:700;font-size:14px}"]],
h = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: m, data: {}});
function f(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 3, {history: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 147, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](6, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 91, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](12, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 84, "table", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 81, "tbody", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](22, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](26, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](32, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](36, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](41, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](42, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](45, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](46, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](49, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](52, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](56, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](59, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](61, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](62, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](65, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](66, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](69, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](71, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](72, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](75, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](76, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](79, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](81, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](82, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](85, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](86, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](89, 0, null, null, 8, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](91, 0, null, null, 2, "td", [["class", "tab-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](92, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](95, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](96, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](102, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](104, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](106, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](108, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](109, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](112, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 113).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, i.b, i.a)), t["\u0275did"](113, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"],
initialize: [5, "initialize"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](116, 0, null, null, 34, "div", [["id", "pulsantiera"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](118, 0, null, null, 31, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](120, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](121, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](124, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "btn-group dropup"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](126, 0, null, null, 4, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "btn btn-primary gradient dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](127, null, ["\n ", " "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](129, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](132, 0, null, null, 11, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](134, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](135, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](136, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](139, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](140, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](141, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](146, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"], ["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](147, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 113, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "600px", !1)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_DETAIL"))), l(n, 12, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 12, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 13).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_PERSONAL_DATA"))), l(n, 22, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 22, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 23).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTRY_CODE"))), l(n, 26, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.personCode), l(n, 32, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 32, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 33).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"))), l(n, 36, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.taxCode), l(n, 42, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 42, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 43).transform("USER_PANEL_LASTNAME"))), l(n, 46, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.surname), l(n, 52, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 52, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 53).transform("USER_PANEL_NAME"))), l(n, 56, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.name), l(n, 62, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 62, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 63).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENDER"))), l(n, 66, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.gender), l(n, 72, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 72, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 73).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BIRTH_OF_DATE"))), l(n, 76, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.birthDate), l(n, 82, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 82, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BIRTH_COMMON_FOREIGN_STATE"))), l(n, 86, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.birthPlace), l(n, 92, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 92, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 93).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_RESIDENCE_COMMON_FOREIGN_STATE"))), l(n, 96, 0, null == e.orso ? null : null == e.orso.person ? null : e.orso.person.residenceDistrict), l(n, 109, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 109, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 110).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_HISTORY_POSITIONS"))), l(n, 121, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 121, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 122).transform("GIAVA_APPLICATION_BAR_UTILITIES_LABEL"))), l(n, 127, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 127, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 128).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPORT"))), l(n, 136, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 136, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 137).transform("EXPORT_XML_FORMAT"))), l(n, 141, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 141, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 142).transform("EXPORT_CSV_FORMAT"))), l(n, 147, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 147, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 148).transform("GIAVA_PRINT_LABEL")))
var g = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-orso-details", r.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-orso-details", [], null, null, null, f, h)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, r.a, [d.a, c.a, p.a, a.a, s.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "Lu+s": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return c
var t = e("IYdP"), u = e("/oeL"), a = e("mWpY"), r = e("D3O6"), i = e("WDs4"), o = [t.a],
d = u["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: o, data: {}});
function s(l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, r.a, [i.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var c = u["\u0275ccf"]("app", a.a, function (l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, s, d)), u["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, a.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, M0Wv: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return []
}, l
}, NIvD: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("FKed"), a = e("/oeL"), r = e("EkHy"), i = e("nOql"), o = e("YP7I"), d = e("fOoL"), s = e("sxG7"),
c = e("JPoI"), p = this && this.__assign || Object.assign || function (l) {
for (var n, e = 1, t = arguments.length; e < t; e++) for (var u in n = arguments[e]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, u) && (l[u] = n[u]);
return l
}, m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t) {
this.gruppiResultsService = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.localStorageService = e, this.translate = t, this.result = new a.EventEmitter, this.properties = ["tipo_albo", "den_gruppo", "ruolo_comp", "abi_componente", "den_comp", "classificazione", "cab_com_ita_sl", "cab_com_ita_dg", "stato", "data_isc_comp", "data_can_comp"], this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.rowData = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 120,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: d.a
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return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
switch (this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch"), this.rowData = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results"), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.typeOfExport = "group", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_GROUP_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_GROUP_LIST");
this.typeOfExport = "component", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_GROUP_COMPONENT_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_GROUP_COMPONENT_LIST")
this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, headerHeight: 50, rowHeight: 50
}, this.numElem = 0, this.count = this.breadcrumb.getData("Count"), this.searchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement");
try {
this.stringDate = u.a.formatDate(this.searchForm.establishmentDate)
} catch (l) {
this.stringDate = this.searchForm.establishmentDate
"Group" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeGroup(), "Component" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeComponent(), this.breadcrumb.getData("NewSearch") ? (this.rowCount = "100", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !1), this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.searchOrderItems), this.breadcrumb.putData("RowCount", this.rowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualRowCount", this.actualRowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("PageNumber", this.pageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualPageNumber", this.actualPageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("EndIndex", this.endIndex), this.breadcrumb.putData("StartIndex", this.startIndex), this.rowData = []) : (this.searchOrderItems = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchOrder"), this.rowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("RowCount"), this.actualRowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualRowCount"), this.pageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("PageNumber"), this.actualPageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualPageNumber"), this.endIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("EndIndex"), this.startIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("StartIndex"), this.initialize = !1)
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeGroup = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsGroup(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefGroup()
}, l.prototype.initializeComponent = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsComponent(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefComponent(), this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: d.a
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsGroup = function () {
var l = new r.a(1, 1, "denGruppo", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsComponent = function () {
var l = new r.a(1, 1, "denGruppo", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createColDefGroup = function () {
return [{
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_PARENT", field: "abi_capogruppo", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "999999" == l.value ? "N/A" : l.value
}, width: 200, minWidth: 195, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_PARENT")
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field: "den_gruppo",
width: 300,
cellStyle: {"text-decoration": "underline", color: "#0167bf", cursor: "pointer", "font-weight": "bold"},
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GROUP_DENOMINATION")
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field: "tipo_albo",
width: 150,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BOARD_TYPE_2")
}, {
field: "data_isc_gruppo",
width: 130,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DATA_REGISTRATION_GROUP")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DATA_DELETE_GROUP", field: "data_can_gruppo", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.data.data_can_gruppo ? "" : l.data.data_can_gruppo
}, width: 130, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DATA_DELETE_GROUP")
}, l.prototype.createColDefComponent = function () {
return [{
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER", field: "tipo_albo", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 0, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
return Object(i.a)(0, 0, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, width: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GROUP_DENOMINATION", field: "den_gruppo", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 1, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
var n = Object(i.a)(0, 1, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return null != l.value && "" != l.value ? p({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
}) : n
}, minWidth: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GROUP_DENOMINATION")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COMPONENT_TYPE", field: "ruolo_comp", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 2, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
return Object(i.a)(0, 2, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, width: 100, minWidth: 160, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COMPONENT_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_COMPONENT", field: "abi_componente", valueFormatter: function (l) {
var n = Object(i.c)(0, 3, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return "999999" == n ? "N/A" : n
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
return Object(i.a)(0, 3, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, width: 100, minWidth: 210, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_COMPONENT")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_COMPONENT", field: "den_comp", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 4, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
var n = Object(i.a)(0, 4, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return null != l.value && "" != l.value ? p({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
}) : n
}, width: 300, minWidth: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_COMPONENT")
}, {
field: "classificazione",
width: 300,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION")
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field: "cab_com_ita_sl",
width: 100,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE")
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field: "cab_com_ita_dg",
width: 150,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
}, {
field: "stato",
width: 150,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY")
}, {
field: "data_isc_comp",
width: 130,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DATA_ENTRY")
}, {
field: "data_can_comp",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.data.data_can_comp ? "" : l.data.data_can_comp
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
width: 130,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_DATE")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("den_gruppo" == l.column.colId) {
(n = {}).name = l.data.id_gruppo, n.establishmentDate = this.searchForm.establishmentDate;
this.breadcrumb.putData("Group", n), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details")
if ("den_comp" == l.column.colId) {
var n = {};
this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !0), n.name = l.data.id_gruppo, n.abiCode = l.data.abi_componente, n.establishmentDate = this.searchForm.establishmentDate, n.idIntermediary = l.data.id_int;
this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/intermediary")
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
if ("PDF" == l && this.count > 350) this.modal.open(); else {
var n = u.a.getContextPath() + "/getGroupListExport.do?";
if (n += "exportType=" + l, n += "&subType=" + this.typeOfExport, null != this.searchForm.elementValue && (n += "&elementValue=" + this.encodeUri(this.searchForm.elementValue)), null != this.searchForm.abiCode && (n += "&abiCode=" + this.searchForm.abiCode), null != this.searchForm.cciaa && (n += "&cciaa=" + this.searchForm.cciaa), null != this.searchForm.id && (n += "&id=" + this.searchForm.id), null != this.searchForm.establishmentDate) {
n += "&establishmentDate=" + this.searchForm.establishmentDate
null != this.searchForm.activityId && (n += "&activityId=" + this.searchForm.activityId), null != this.searchForm.subjectCode && (n += "&subjectCode=" + this.searchForm.subjectCode), null != this.searchForm.agreementType && (n += "&agreementType=" + this.searchForm.agreementType), null != this.searchForm.modifyType && (n += "&modifyType=" + this.searchForm.modifyType), n += "&username=" + localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), window.open(n, "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: o.a}, {type: s.a}, {type: c.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, NfBh: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var t = e("fVab"), u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("3Bc0"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = e("FKed"), d = e("sxG7"), s = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.spinner = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.orsoResultsService = e, this.translate = t, this.breadcrumb = u, this.orso = {}, this.isTitleVisible = !1, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
width: 120,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass"
}, this.selected = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_DETAIL"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_ORSO_DETAIL"), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50, enableSorting: !0
}, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.secondColumnDefs = this.createColDef();
var n = this.breadcrumb.getData("Orso");
this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.orsoResultsService.getWorkingCompanyMemberDetails(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.orso = n, l.isTitleVisible = !0, l.rowData = n.positions, l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}), this.subLength = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.spinner.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return (new a.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"), "id", a.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"), "idPartner", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 350).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ORSO"), "positionElement.description", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_APPOINTMENT_DATE"), "appointmentDate", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_NOMINATING_UNIT"), "appointingAuthElement.description", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TERMINATION_DATE"), "cessationDate", a.a.DATE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TERMINATION_CAUSAL"), "cessationReasonElement.description", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPIRATION_DATE"), "expirationDate", a.a.DATE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_SUSPENSION_ASSIGNMENT"), "suspensionFlag", a.a.FLAG_FORMATTER).build()
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLinkStampa = function (l) {
var n = this.breadcrumb.getData("Orso"), e = o.a.getContextPath() + "/getOrsoDetailExport.do", t = {
exportType: l,
dataRiferimento: o.a.formatDate(new Date),
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser"),
taxCode: null != n.person.taxCode && "" != n.person.taxCode ? n.person.taxCode : "",
personCode: null != n.person.personCode && "" != n.person.personCode ? n.person.personCode : ""
window.open(e + "?" + o.a.uriParams(t), "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: r.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: t.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: d.a}]
}, l
}, O5TQ: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("bCkd"), i = e("+Yj7"), o = e("5Sh8"), d = e("dp5l"), s = e("sxG7"),
c = e("jIk+"), p = e("kSty"), m = e("RHpV"), h = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return I
var f = [[""]], g = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: f, data: {}});
function v(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 44, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 41, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, null, ["", " ", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, null, 19, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](27, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](33, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](48, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](49, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, i.b, i.a)), t["\u0275did"](53, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchForm: [5, "searchForm"],
count: [6, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [7, "searchOrderItems"],
properties: [8, "properties"],
initialize: [9, "initialize"],
rowCount: [10, "rowCount"],
actualRowCount: [11, "actualRowCount"],
pageNumber: [12, "pageNumber"],
actualPageNumber: [13, "actualPageNumber"],
startIndex: [14, "startIndex"],
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}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, c.b, c.a)), t["\u0275did"](57, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, p.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](58, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 53, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.oicrResultsService, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.properties, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]);
l(n, 57, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 9, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 10).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_OICRS_LIST")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 11).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.stringDate), l(n, 49, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 49, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 50).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_OICR-SEARCH"))), l(n, 58, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 59).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED1")), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED2")))
var I = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-oicr-grid-result", r.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-oicr-grid-result", [], null, null, null, v, g)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, r.a, [s.a, m.a, h.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, OGRO: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return c
var t = e("IYdP"), u = e("/oeL"), a = e("OJ8u"), r = e("D3O6"), i = e("WDs4"), o = [t.a],
d = u["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: o, data: {}});
function s(l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, r.a, [i.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var c = u["\u0275ccf"]("app", a.a, function (l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, s, d)), u["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, a.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, OJ8u: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder()
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this, n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.tempCall.searchOrderItems = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems, this.params.context.componentParent.getResults()
}, l
}, OQU6: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("dp5l"), a = e("JPoI"), r = e("3Bc0"), i = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryBoards, this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryBoards
}), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return (new r.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER"), "boardType.description", r.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DATA_ENTRY"), "inscriptionDate", r.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REGISTRATION_NUMBER"), "inscriptionProtocol", r.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_DATE"), "cancellationDate", r.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_REASON"), "cancellationCause.description", function (l) {
return "000" != l.value.code && l.value.description ? l.value.description : ""
}, 150).build()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: a.a}, {type: t.b}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, Ovdf: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var t = e("kR6K"), u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("dp5l"), r = e("/oeL"), i = e("BkNc"), o = e("EkHy"), d = e("mWpY"), s = e("3Bc0"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("JPoI"), m = e("FKed"), h = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a) {
this.agentiResultsService = l, this.router = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.loaderService = u, this.translate = a, this.result = new r.EventEmitter, this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.text1 = "LIMIT_SURPASSED1", this.text2 = "LIMIT_SURPASSED2", this.rowData1 = [], this.rowData2 = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: d.a
}, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 30, this.Math = Math, this.searchOrderItems = []
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
switch (this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_AGENTI_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_AGENTI_LIST"), this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch"), this.count = this.breadcrumb.getData("Count"), this.searchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement"), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
l.api.setColumnDefs(this.context.componentParent.columnDefs), l.api.sizeColumnsToFit()
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, this.breadcrumb.getData("NewSearch") ? (this.rowCount = "100", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !1), this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.searchOrderItems), this.breadcrumb.putData("RowCount", this.rowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualRowCount", this.actualRowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("PageNumber", this.pageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualPageNumber", this.actualPageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("EndIndex", this.endIndex), this.breadcrumb.putData("StartIndex", this.startIndex), this.rowData1 = []) : (this.searchOrderItems = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchOrder"), this.rowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("RowCount"), this.actualRowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualRowCount"), this.pageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("PageNumber"), this.actualPageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualPageNumber"), this.endIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("EndIndex"), this.startIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("StartIndex"), this.rowData1 = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results"), this.initialize = !1), this.csvExportLink = this.getLink("CSV"), this.xmlExportLink = this.getLink("XML"), this.pdfExportLink = this.getLink("PDF")
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiItalianiEsterno = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiEsterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiItalianiEsterno()
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiEsteriEsterno = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriEsterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiEsteriEsterno()
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiItalianiInterno = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiInterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiItalianiInterno()
}, l.prototype.initializeAgentiEsteriInterno = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriInterno(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAgentiEsteriInterno()
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiEsterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(3, 2, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriEsterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(9, 2, "stato", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(5, 3, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsItalianiInterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(3, 2, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(11, 3, "dataNomina", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsEsteriInterno = function () {
var l = [], n = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1);
return l.push(n), n = new o.a(9, 2, "stato", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(5, 3, "denominazione", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(10, 4, "dataInizioValidita", !1), l.push(n), n = new o.a(12, 5, "dataNomina", !1), l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiItalianiEsterno = function () {
return (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_INTERMEDIARY"), "denominazioneIntermediario", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 300, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 155).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_OAM_COD"), "oam", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 170).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"), "codFisc", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_PROV"), "provincia", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiEsteriEsterno = function () {
return (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 250, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 155).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_IDENTIFICATION_CODE"), "codFisc", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 200).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stato", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiItalianiInterno = function () {
return "it" == this.translate.currentLang ? (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 160, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_OAM_COD"), "oam", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 170).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"), "codFisc", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_PROV"), "provincia", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_DESIGNATION_DATE"), "dataNomina", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TERMINATION_DATE"), "dataRevoca", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).build() : (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 160, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 240).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_OAM_COD"), "oam", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 170).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"), "codFisc", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_PROV"), "provincia", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_DESIGNATION_DATE"), "dataNomina", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TERMINATION_DATE"), "dataRevoca", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAgentiEsteriInterno = function () {
return (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_ABICODE"), "abiCode", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 220).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"), "denominazioneIntermediario", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 250, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"), "tipoSoggetto", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_IDENTIFICATION_CODE"), "codFisc", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 200).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMN_DENOMINATION"), "denominazione", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 280).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "indirizzo", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "localita", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "cap", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stato", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE"), "dataInizioValidita", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE"), "dataFineValidita", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_DESIGNATION_DATE"), "dataNomina", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).add(this.translate.instant("AGENTS_TERMINATION_DATE"), "dataRevoca", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 110).build()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("denominazioneIntermediario" == l.column.colId) {
var n = {};
n.idIntermediary = l.data.idInt, n.establishmentDate = l.data.dataInizioValidita, this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details")
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.check = function () {
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
var n = {
exportType: l,
subType: this.typeOfSearch.includes("Italiana") ? "italiani" : "esteri",
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser"),
abiCode: this.searchForm.abiCode,
denominazioneIntermediario: this.searchForm.denominazioneIntermediario,
oam: this.searchForm.oam,
cognome: this.searchForm.cognome,
denominazione: this.searchForm.denominazione,
localita: this.searchForm.localita,
codFisc: this.searchForm.codFisc,
tipoSoggetto: this.searchForm.tipoSoggetto,
idAgent: this.searchForm.idAgent,
idInt: this.searchForm.idInt,
nome: this.searchForm.nome,
indirizzo: this.searchForm.indirizzo,
cap: this.searchForm.cap,
provincia: this.searchForm.provincia,
stato: this.searchForm.stato,
dataNascita: this.searchForm.dataNascita,
dataNomina: this.searchForm.dataNomina,
dataRevoca: this.searchForm.dataRevoca,
dataInizioValidita: this.searchForm.dataInizioValidita,
dataFineValidita: this.searchForm.dataFineValidita
return m.a.getContextPath() + "/getAgentiListExport.do" + "?" + m.a.uriParams(n)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: i.k}, {type: c.a}, {type: p.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: u.b}]
}, l
}, P6GK: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("j2lg"), r = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-succursali", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-succursali", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, a.a, [r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, P8JP: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("q8Yj"), o = e("+Yj7"), d = e("5Sh8"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("d8I1"), f = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return b
var g = [[""]], v = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: g, data: {}});
function I(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, null == e.nome ? null : e.nome.name)
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 47, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 44, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 9, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 6, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, null, ["", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, I)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](13, null, ["\n ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 19, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](28, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](52, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](56, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchForm: [5, "searchForm"],
count: [6, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [7, "searchOrderItems"],
properties: [8, "properties"],
initialize: [9, "initialize"],
rowCount: [10, "rowCount"],
actualRowCount: [11, "actualRowCount"],
pageNumber: [12, "pageNumber"],
actualPageNumber: [13, "actualPageNumber"],
startIndex: [14, "startIndex"],
endIndex: [15, "endIndex"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](59, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](60, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](61, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 12, 0, "subList" == e.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch")), l(n, 56, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.succursaliResultsService, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.properties, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]);
l(n, 60, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 9, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 10).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_BRANCH_LIST"))), l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.stringDate), l(n, 52, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 52, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 53).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_SUCCURSALI-SEARCH"))), l(n, 61, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 61, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 62).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED1")), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 61, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 63).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED2")))
var b = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-succursali-grid-result", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-succursali-grid-result", [], null, null, null, A, v)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, i.a, [h.a, c.a, f.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, QE01: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("eLVC"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.variazioniSharedService = l
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, Qj10: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return []
}, l
}, QufT: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("WdxK"), a = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 2, styles: [], data: {}});
function r(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["style", "text-align:center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["aria-label", "Dettaglio"], ["class", "btn btn-default"], ["style", "margin-top:20px;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openModal() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, null)
var i = t["\u0275ccf"]("search-icon", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "search-icon", [], null, null, null, r, a)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, R175: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return T
var t = e("NfBh"), u = e("ulSM"), a = e("7Biy"), r = e("DCLI"), i = e("C/KR"), o = e("gXsc"), d = e("sgMY"), s = e("4P8T"),
c = e("bCkd"), p = e("qVhd"), m = e("DAWl"), h = e("Xt4+"), f = e("hWiz"), g = e("OQU6"), v = e("XgWn"), I = e("7TTz"), A = e("kQn6"),
b = e("TZe3"), R = e("6dMS"), C = e("DEjw"), y = e("fVbD"), _ = e("j2lg"), D = e("tGHQ"), E = e("q8Yj"),
T = (_.a, D.a, E.a, u.a, t.a, c.a, s.a, d.a, o.a, i.a, r.a, a.a, p.a, m.a, h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, I.a, A.a, b.a, R.a, C.a, m.a, h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, I.a, A.a, b.a, R.a, C.a, y.a, function () {
return function () {
}, REbH: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("sgMY"), o = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var d = [["div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(2n){background:#f9f9f9}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(odd){background:#fff}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:5px}"]],
s = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: d, data: {}});
function c(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", "\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.histConfigs[0].name70)
function p(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", "\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, null == e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization[0].countryCode ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization[0].countryCode.description)
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](13, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](17, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](23, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](27, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](33, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, c)), t["\u0275did"](37, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](43, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](47, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](53, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](57, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](60, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](63, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](66, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-8 col-md-8"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](67, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](70, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-4 col-md-4"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](73, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, p)), t["\u0275did"](77, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 37, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.histConfigs), l(n, 77, 0, e.intermediary && e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_SGR_SICAV"))), l(n, 7, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.id), l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_SGR_SICAV_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 17, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.userId), l(n, 23, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 23, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 24).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_CONTROL_CHAR_CHIEF_1"))), l(n, 27, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.activityId), l(n, 33, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 33, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 34).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 43, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 43, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_APPROVAL_DATE"))), l(n, 47, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.approvalDate), l(n, 53, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 53, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_OPERATIONAL_DATE"))), l(n, 57, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.operationalStartDate), l(n, 63, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 63, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_TYPE"))), l(n, 67, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.jurisdictionState ? null : e.intermediary.jurisdictionState.description), l(n, 73, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 73, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 74).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_STATE_JURISDICTION")))
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-oicr-anagrafica", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-oicr-anagrafica", [], null, null, null, m, s)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, i.a, [o.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {intermediary: "intermediary"}, {}, [])
}, RHpV: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("searchWorkingCompartment", l)
}, l.prototype.getWorkingCompartmentActivities = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getWorkingCompartmentActivities", l)
}, l.prototype.getWorkingCompartmentMeasures = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getWorkingCompartmentMeasures", l)
}, l.prototype.getWorkingCompartmentDetails = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getWorkingCompartmentDetails", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, ROiS: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("bm2B"), i = e("qbdv"), o = e("KpaK"), d = e("GLd3"), s = e("g1//"),
c = e("dp5l"), p = e("WZnb"), m = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.intAlbiSearchService = l, this.loaderService = n, this.selectedOption = new t.EventEmitter, this.gridOptions = {}, this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
context: {parent: this}, onGridReady: function (l) {
}, getRowStyle: function (l) {
return l.data.code === l.context.parent.selectedRow.code && l.data.description === l.context.parent.selectedRow.description && l.data.startDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.startDate && l.data.endDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.endDate ? {"background-color": "#42d4f4"} : null
}, suppressNoRowsOverlay: !0
}, l.prototype.select = function () {
null != this.selectedRow.code && (this.selectedOption.emit(this.selectedRow), this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "")
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.modal.isOpen()) if (this.searchString.length > 2) {
this.selectedRow = {};
var n = void 0, e = void 0, t = new Date;
"getTownCodes" == this.type ? (n = "COMUNE", e = "COMUNI4") : "getCountryCodes" == this.type && (n = "STATOEST", e = "ALL"), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.intAlbiSearchService.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate(n, e, t.getTime(), this.searchString).subscribe(function (n) {
l.rowData = n.elements, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} else this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.reset = function () {
this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
this.selectedRow = l.data, this.gridOptions.api.redrawRows()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{headerName: "Codice", field: "code", width: 130}, {
headerName: "Descrizione",
field: "description",
width: 350
}, {headerName: "Inizio Validit\xe0", field: "startDate", width: 180}, {
headerName: "Fine Validit\xe0",
field: "endDate",
width: 180
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
if ("Enter" === l.key) {
var n = null;
try {
Object.keys(l.path[0]).forEach(function (e) {
e.startsWith("__AG") && ((n = l.path[0][e].cellComp.rowNode).column = {}, n.column.colId = l.path[0].attributes[3].value, n.colDef = l.path[0][e].cellComp.column.colDef, n.src = l.path[0][e].cellComp.eGui)
} catch (l) {
null == n && this.search()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: p.a}, {type: c.a}]
}, l
}(), h = e("GCIz"), f = e("dALX"), g = e("sxG7"), v = e("jIk+"), I = e("kSty"), A = [[""]],
b = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: A, data: {}});
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 26, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-sm-offset-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "stato"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Descrizione"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "col-sm-7"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 16, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "descrizione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 12)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.searchString = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.c]), t["\u0275did"](14, 671744, null, 0, r.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {model: [0, "model"]}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.p]), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 6, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 32).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, h.b, h.a)), t["\u0275did"](32, 376832, null, 0, f.a, [c.a, g.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.select() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Seleziona"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, v.b, v.a)), t["\u0275did"](40, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, I.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](41, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 14, 0, e.searchString), l(n, 32, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions);
l(n, 40, 0, !0, "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ATTENTION", "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 16).ngClassPending), l(n, 36, 0, !e.selectedRow.code), l(n, 41, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 41, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 42).transform("GIAVA_SPORTELLI_TELLER_COUNTRY_CODES_SEARCH_ALERT")))
t["\u0275ccf"]("app-int-albi-search-modal", m, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-int-albi-search-modal", [], null, [["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, R, b)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, m, [p.a, c.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {type: "type", modal: "modal"}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"}, []);
var C = e("yt5I"), y = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return H
var _ = [[""]], D = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: _, data: {}});
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["(", " ", ")"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("CLOSED")), n.parent.context.$implicit.endDate)
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], {ngValue: [0, "ngValue"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], {ngValue: [0, "ngValue"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", " "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null)], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, n.context.$implicit), l(n, 2, 0, n.context.$implicit), l(n, 5, 0, e.isClosed(n.context.$implicit))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function O(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "dateRef"], ["name", "dateRef"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "keyup"], [null, "blur"], [null, "input"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onBlur() && u);
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, o.a, o.a, []), t["\u0275did"](2, 671744, [[4, 4], ["dp", 4]], 0, d.a, [o.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, s.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [d.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [d.a, r.c]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [2, r.j], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function S(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], {ngValue: [0, "ngValue"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], {ngValue: [0, "ngValue"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, n.context.$implicit), l(n, 2, 0, n.context.$implicit)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function N(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "intermediaryBoards"], ["id", "classificazione"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, S)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "intermediaryBoards"), l(n, 13, 0, e.intermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryBoards").value ? null : e.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryBoards").value.description)
function L(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], {ngValue: [0, "ngValue"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], {ngValue: [0, "ngValue"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, n.context.$implicit), l(n, 2, 0, n.context.$implicit)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function w(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "intermediaryAuthorizations"], ["id", "attAutorizzate"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, L)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "intermediaryAuthorizations"), l(n, 13, 0, e.intermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryAuthorizations").value ? null : e.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryAuthorizations").value.description)
function F(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "establishmentDate"], ["id", "dateRef2"], ["name", "dateRef2"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "keyup"], [null, "blur"], [null, "input"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onBlur() && u);
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, o.a, o.a, []), t["\u0275did"](2, 671744, [[5, 4], ["dp2", 4]], 0, d.a, [o.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, s.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [d.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [d.a, r.c]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [2, r.j], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "establishmentDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function k(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function P(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "intermediaryType"], ["id", "intermediaryType"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, k)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "intermediaryType"), l(n, 13, 0, e.intermediaryTypeOptions)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, e.searchFormForeign.get("intermediaryType").value)
function U(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function V(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "operationType"], ["id", "operationType"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, U)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "operationType"), l(n, 13, 0, e.operationTypeOptions)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, e.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").value)
function G(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function x(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "freedom"], ["id", "freedom"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, G)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "freedom"), l(n, 13, 0, e.freedomOptions)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, e.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").value)
function M(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function Y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "branches"], ["id", "branches"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, M)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "branches"), l(n, 13, 0, e.branchesOptions)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, e.searchFormForeign.get("branches").value)
function Q(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "alboElenco"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Y)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 12, 0, n.component.showSelect)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ITALIAN_BRANCHES")))
function B(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-int-albi-search-modal", [], null, [[null, "selectedOption"], ["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"selectedOption" === n && (u = !1 !== a.selectedOption(e) && u);
return u
}, R, b)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, [[3, 4], ["searchmodal", 4]], 0, m, [p.a, c.a], {
type: [0, "type"],
modal: [1, "modal"]
}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"})], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, e.type, e.modal)
}, null)
function z(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 3, {searchmodal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 4, {dp: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 5, {dp2: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 471, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](8, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 60, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](13, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["name", "histSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "History"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 16)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 17).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 17).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareHistSearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](17, 212992, null, 0, r.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, r.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [r.c, r.s]), t["\u0275did"](19, 671744, null, 0, r.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.p]), t["\u0275did"](21, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](22, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 45, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 27).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 27).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](26, 16384, null, 0, r.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](27, 540672, null, 0, r.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.b, null, [r.h]), t["\u0275did"](29, 16384, null, 0, r.n, [r.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](33, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "denominazione"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](36, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "elementValue"], ["id", "denominazione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 43)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 43).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 43)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 43)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](43, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.c]), t["\u0275did"](45, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](47, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](54, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "codMecca"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](55, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](58, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](60, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "abiCode"], ["id", "codMecca"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 61)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 61).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 61)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 61)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](61, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](62, 540672, null, 0, r.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.c]), t["\u0275did"](65, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [2, r.j], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](67, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](73, 0, null, null, 271, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](75, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](77, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["name", "advSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "Advanced"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 78)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 79).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 79).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareAdvSearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](78, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](79, 212992, null, 0, r.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, r.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [r.c, r.s]), t["\u0275did"](81, 671744, null, 0, r.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.p]), t["\u0275did"](83, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](84, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](87, 0, null, null, 252, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 89).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 89).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](88, 16384, null, 0, r.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](89, 540672, null, 0, r.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.b, null, [r.h]), t["\u0275did"](91, 16384, null, 0, r.n, [r.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](93, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](95, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](97, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "alboElenco"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](98, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](102, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](104, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "alboType"], ["id", "alboElenco"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 105).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 105).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](105, 16384, null, 0, r.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.v]), t["\u0275did"](107, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](109, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](111, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](112, 147456, null, 0, r.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, r.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](113, 147456, null, 0, r.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](114, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, T)), t["\u0275did"](117, 802816, null, 0, i.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](122, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](124, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](126, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "dateRef"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](127, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](131, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](133, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, O)), t["\u0275did"](136, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](138, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](140, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](142, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](145, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](147, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](154, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](156, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](158, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "denominazioneAdv"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](159, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](163, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](165, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "elementValue"], ["id", "denominazioneAdv"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 166)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 166).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 166)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 166)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](166, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.c]), t["\u0275did"](168, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](170, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](174, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](176, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](178, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "classificazione"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](179, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](183, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, N)), t["\u0275did"](186, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](190, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](192, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](194, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "mechCode"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](195, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](199, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](201, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "activityId"], ["id", "mechCode"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 202)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 202).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 202)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 202)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](202, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](203, 540672, null, 0, r.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.c]), t["\u0275did"](206, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [2, r.j], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](208, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](212, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](214, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](216, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "numIscrizione"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](217, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](221, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](223, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "numIscrizione"], ["id", "numIscrizione"], ["pattern", "[0-9]*"], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "pattern", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 224)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 224).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 224)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 224)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](224, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](225, 540672, null, 0, r.r, [], {pattern: [0, "pattern"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.r]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.c]), t["\u0275did"](228, 671744, null, 0, r.f, [[3, r.b], [2, r.j], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.f]), t["\u0275did"](230, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](234, 0, null, null, 28, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](236, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](237, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "dirGenerale"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](238, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](241, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](243, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](245, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](246, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](248, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](250, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "dirGenerale"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getTownCodes", "intermediaryTellers") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](252, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](255, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("intermediaryTellers") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](257, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](264, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](266, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](268, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "sedeLegale"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](269, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](273, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](275, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](277, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](278, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](280, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](282, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "sedeLegale"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getTownCodes", "registeredOffice") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](284, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](287, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("registeredOffice") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](289, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](296, 0, null, null, 28, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](298, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](299, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "stato"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](300, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](303, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](305, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](307, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](308, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](310, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](312, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "stato"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getCountryCodes", "stateCod") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](314, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](317, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("stateCod") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](319, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](326, 0, null, null, 12, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](328, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](329, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "attAutorizzate"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](330, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](333, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, w)), t["\u0275did"](336, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](341, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](342, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](346, 0, null, null, 107, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](348, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](350, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["name", "forSearch"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "Foreign"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 351)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 351).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 351)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 351)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 352).onChange() && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 352).onTouched() && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.typeOfSearch = e) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.prepareForeignSearch() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](351, 16384, null, 0, r.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, r.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](352, 212992, null, 0, r.s, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, r.z, t.Injector], {
name: [0, "name"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, r.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [r.c, r.s]), t["\u0275did"](354, 671744, null, 0, r.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, r.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.l, null, [r.p]), t["\u0275did"](356, 16384, null, 0, r.m, [r.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](357, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](360, 0, null, null, 88, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 362).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 362).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](361, 16384, null, 0, r.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](362, 540672, null, 0, r.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, r.b, null, [r.h]), t["\u0275did"](364, 16384, null, 0, r.n, [r.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](366, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](368, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](370, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "dateRef2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](371, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](375, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](377, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, F)), t["\u0275did"](380, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](382, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](384, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp2.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](386, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](389, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp2.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](391, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](398, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](400, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](402, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "intermediaryType"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](403, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](407, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, P)), t["\u0275did"](410, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](414, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](416, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](418, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "operationType"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](419, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](423, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, V)), t["\u0275did"](426, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](430, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](432, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](434, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "freedom"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](435, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](439, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, x)), t["\u0275did"](442, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Q)), t["\u0275did"](447, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](450, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](451, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](455, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](457, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](458, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](461, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetAll() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](465, 0, null, null, 5, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, v.b, v.a)), t["\u0275did"](466, 49152, [[1, 4], ["mymodal", 4]], 0, I.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, 0, 1, null, B)), t["\u0275did"](469, 16384, null, 0, i.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](472, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, v.b, v.a)), t["\u0275did"](473, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, I.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](474, 0, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 17, 0, "histSearch", "History");
l(n, 19, 0, "histSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 27, 0, e.searchFormHistory);
l(n, 45, 0, "elementValue");
l(n, 62, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 65, 0, "abiCode");
l(n, 79, 0, "advSearch", "Advanced");
l(n, 81, 0, "advSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 89, 0, e.searchFormAdvanced);
l(n, 107, 0, "alboType"), l(n, 117, 0, e.alboTypeOptionsAdv), l(n, 136, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 168, 0, "elementValue"), l(n, 186, 0, e.showSelect);
l(n, 203, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 206, 0, "activityId");
l(n, 225, 0, "[0-9]*");
l(n, 228, 0, "numIscrizione"), l(n, 336, 0, e.showSelect2);
l(n, 352, 0, "forSearch", "Foreign");
l(n, 354, 0, "forSearch", e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 362, 0, e.searchFormForeign), l(n, 380, 0, e.show2), l(n, 410, 0, e.showSelect), l(n, 426, 0, e.showSelect), l(n, 442, 0, e.showSelect), l(n, 447, 0, "INTERMEDIARI ESTERI IN ITALIA" == e.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").value);
l(n, 466, 0, !1, "Consulta Codici", "lg"), l(n, 469, 0, e.modal.isOpen());
l(n, 473, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 8, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARIES_SEARCH"))), l(n, 15, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).ngClassPending), l(n, 22, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 22, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 23).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARIES_SEARCH_HIST"))), l(n, 25, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 29).ngClassPending), l(n, 36, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 36, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 37).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 42, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassPending), l(n, 55, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 55, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 56).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"))), l(n, 60, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 62).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 62).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 67).ngClassPending), l(n, 77, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).ngClassPending), l(n, 84, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 84, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 85).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARIES_SEARCH_ADVANCED"))), l(n, 87, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 91).ngClassPending), l(n, 98, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 98, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 99).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 104, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassPending);
l(n, 111, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 114, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value ? null : e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value.description), l(n, 127, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 127, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 128).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 159, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 159, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 160).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 165, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 170).ngClassPending), l(n, 179, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 179, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 180).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"))), l(n, 195, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 195, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 196).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"))), l(n, 201, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 203).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 203).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 208).ngClassPending), l(n, 217, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 217, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 218).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REGISTRATION_NUMBER"))), l(n, 223, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).pattern ? t["\u0275nov"](n, 225).pattern : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 230).ngClassPending), l(n, 238, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 238, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 239).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE"))), l(n, 246, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryTellers").value ? null : e.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryTellers").value.description), l(n, 250, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value || "" == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value), l(n, 269, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 269, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 270).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE"))), l(n, 278, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("registeredOffice").value ? null : e.searchFormAdvanced.get("registeredOffice").value.description), l(n, 282, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value || "" == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value), l(n, 300, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 300, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 301).transform("STATO"))), l(n, 308, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("stateCod").value ? null : e.searchFormAdvanced.get("stateCod").value.description), l(n, 312, 0, null == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value || "" == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value || "ELENCO DELLE SGR E DELLE SICAF/SICAV ITALIANE" == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value), l(n, 317, 0, "ELENCO DELLE SGR E DELLE SICAF/SICAV ITALIANE" == e.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value), l(n, 330, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 330, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 331).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITIES"))), l(n, 342, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 342, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 343).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 350, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 356).ngClassPending), l(n, 357, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 357, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 358).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARIES_SEARCH_FOREIGN"))), l(n, 360, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 364).ngClassPending), l(n, 371, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 371, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 372).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REFERENCE_DATE_REQUIRED"))), l(n, 403, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 403, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 404).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE"))), l(n, 419, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 419, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 420).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OPERATION_TYPE"))), l(n, 435, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 435, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 436).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_LPS"))), l(n, 451, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 451, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 452).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 458, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 458, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 459).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 474, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 474, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 475).transform(e.text)))
var H = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-int-albi-search", C.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-int-albi-search", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, z, D)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, C.a, [p.a, y.a, c.a, g.a, a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, RVGv: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("ulSM"), o = e("+Yj7"), d = e("5Sh8"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("GCIz"), m = e("dALX"), h = e("jIk+"), f = e("kSty"), g = e("fVab"), v = e("BkNc"), I = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return O
var A = [[""]], b = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: A, data: {}});
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.searchForm.referenceDate)
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 5, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](6, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 6, 0, e.searchForm && e.searchForm.referenceDate)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_INT_LIST")))
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_EXP_LIST")))
function _(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", "\n ", " ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_INT_LIST")), null == e.nome ? null : e.nome.name, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.searchForm.referenceDate)
function D(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_ORSO-INTSEARCH")))
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_ORSO-ESPSEARCH")))
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {grid2: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 3, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 42, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, y)), t["\u0275did"](11, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, _)), t["\u0275did"](14, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 19, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](27, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](33, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](41, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("PDF") && t);
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}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, D)), t["\u0275did"](51, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](54, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], [[8, "hidden", 0]], [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
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"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](57, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a], {
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cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](60, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], [[8, "hidden", 0]], [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 63).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](63, 376832, [[2, 4], ["grid2", 4]], 0, m.a, [s.a, c.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchElement: [5, "searchElement"],
searchForm: [6, "searchForm"],
count: [7, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [8, "searchOrderItems"],
initialize: [9, "initialize"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](67, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, h.b, h.a)), t["\u0275did"](68, 49152, [[3, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, f.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](69, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, "Intermediary" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 11, 0, "Member" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 14, 0, "IntermediarySub" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 51, 0, "Intermediary" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 54, 0, "Member" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 57, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData1, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.orsoResultsService, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]), l(n, 63, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData2, e.gridOptions2, e.defaultColDef, e.orsoResultsService, e.searchElement, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.initialize2);
l(n, 68, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 56, 0, "IntermediarySub" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 62, 0, "IntermediarySub" != e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 69, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 69, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 70).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED1")), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 69, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 71).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED2")))
var O = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-orso-grid-result", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-orso-grid-result", [], null, null, null, T, b)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, i.a, [g.a, v.k, c.a, I.a, s.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, RrBt: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("oMNG"), o = e("+Yj7"), d = e("5Sh8"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("tBNU"), f = e("JPoI"), g = e("BkNc");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return _
var v = [[""]], I = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: v, data: {}});
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 4, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", "\n ", " ", "\n ", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_VARIATION_INT_LIST")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 3).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FROM")), null == e.searchForm ? null : null == e.searchForm.establishmentReason ? null : e.searchForm.establishmentReason.startDate, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 3, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), null == e.searchForm ? null : null == e.searchForm.establishmentReason ? null : e.searchForm.establishmentReason.endDate)
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 4, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", "\n ", " ", " \n ", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_VARIATION_GROUP_LIST")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 3).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FROM")), null == e.searchForm ? null : null == e.searchForm.establishmentReason ? null : e.searchForm.establishmentReason.startDate, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 3, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), null == e.searchForm ? null : null == e.searchForm.establishmentReason ? null : e.searchForm.establishmentReason.endDate)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_VARIAZIONI-INTSEARCH")))
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_VARIAZIONI-GRPSEARCH")))
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 42, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](9, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, [" \n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 19, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](28, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](50, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](53, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](56, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchForm: [5, "searchForm"],
count: [6, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [7, "searchOrderItems"],
properties: [8, "properties"],
initialize: [9, "initialize"],
rowCount: [10, "rowCount"],
actualRowCount: [11, "actualRowCount"],
pageNumber: [12, "pageNumber"],
actualPageNumber: [13, "actualPageNumber"],
startIndex: [14, "startIndex"],
endIndex: [15, "endIndex"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](59, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](60, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
size: [1, "size"],
top: [2, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](61, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 9, 0, "000" == e.searchForm.establishmentReason.description), l(n, 12, 0, "002" == e.searchForm.establishmentReason.description), l(n, 50, 0, "000" == e.searchForm.establishmentReason.description), l(n, 53, 0, "002" == e.searchForm.establishmentReason.description), l(n, 56, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.variazioniResultsService, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.properties, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]);
l(n, 60, 0, !0, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 61, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 61, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 62).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED1")), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 61, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 63).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED2")))
var _ = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-variazioni-grid-result", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-variazioni-grid-result", [], null, null, null, y, I)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, i.a, [h.a, c.a, f.a, g.k], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, Rtkw: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("KArD"), a = e("bm2B"), r = e("BkNc"), i = e("qbdv"), o = e("ixkR"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("wvet");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 62, "div", [["class", "container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 59, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 30px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "col-md-12"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 1, "h1", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Login"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 0, "hr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 44, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 41, "div", [["class", "col-md-6"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "form-group"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "email"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Email"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "email"], ["name", "email"], ["placeholder", "enter email"], ["required", ""], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "required", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 26)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 26).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 26)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 26)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.user.email = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](26, 16384, null, 0, a.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, a.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](27, 16384, null, 0, a.u, [], {required: [0, "required"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.u]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.c]), t["\u0275did"](30, 671744, null, 0, a.p, [[8, null], [2, a.j], [8, null], [2, a.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, a.l, null, [a.p]), t["\u0275did"](32, 16384, null, 0, a.m, [a.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "form-group"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "password"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Password"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "password"], ["name", "password"], ["placeholder", "enter password"], ["required", ""], ["type", "password"]], [[1, "required", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 41)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.user.password = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](41, 16384, null, 0, a.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, a.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](42, 16384, null, 0, a.u, [], {required: [0, "required"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.u]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.c]), t["\u0275did"](45, 671744, null, 0, a.p, [[8, null], [2, a.j], [8, null], [2, a.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, a.l, null, [a.p]), t["\u0275did"](47, 16384, null, 0, a.m, [a.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default"], ["type", "submit"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Submit"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, null, 5, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 15px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["routerLink", "/auth/register"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 56).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](56, 671744, null, 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, i.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Register"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 27, 0, "");
l(n, 30, 0, "email", e.user.email);
l(n, 42, 0, "");
l(n, 45, 0, "password", e.user.password);
l(n, 56, 0, "/auth/register")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 25, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 27).required ? "" : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassPending), l(n, 40, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 42).required ? "" : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 47).ngClassPending), l(n, 55, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 56).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 56).href)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-login", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-login", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, u.a, [r.a, r.k, o.a, d.a, s.h], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "SKf/": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getSearchCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchVariation", l)
}, l.prototype.getElements = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getElements?domainId=" + l, null)
}, l.prototype.getCompliantElements = function (l, n, e) {
return this.httpRest.post("getCompliantElements?inputElementValue=" + l + "&inputDomainId=" + n + "&compatibleDomainId=" + e, null)
}, l.prototype.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate = function (l, n, e, t) {
return this.httpRest.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=" + l + "&setId=" + n + "&referenceDate=" + e + "&searchString=" + t, null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, "TU+8": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", {value: !0});
var t = e("GWWY"), u = (e.n(t), e("f/CF")), a = (e.n(u), e("KvE9")), r = (e.n(a), e("zbpw")), i = (e.n(r), e("NzKl")),
o = (e.n(i), e("ajBu")), d = (e.n(o), e("feEK")), s = (e.n(d), e("r24B")), c = (e.n(s), e("pEMT")), p = (e.n(c), e("jOBH")),
m = (e.n(p), e("Rjcp")), h = (e.n(m), e("W8w6")), f = (e.n(h), e("GngD")), g = (e.n(f), e("yJzT")), v = (e.n(g), e("/wY1")),
I = (e.n(v), e("+iEx")), A = (e.n(I), e("eFQL"));
}, TZe3: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("nOql"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.defaultColDef = {type: "text"}, this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryVigilanceCompetenceHistConfigs
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VIGILANCE_TYPE", t),
field: "vigilanceType.description",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return l.value.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
width: 150,
comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VIGILANCE_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SERVICE_BRANCH", t),
field: "serviceCompetence.description",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "0" == l.value.code ? "" : l.value.code
} catch (l) {
return ""
width: 150,
comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.code < n.code ? 1 : l.code > n.code ? -1 : 0
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SERVICE_BRANCH")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DIVISION", t), field: "divisionCompetence.description", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "0" == l.value.code ? "" : l.value.code
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 300, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DIVISION")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "startValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE", t), field: "endValidityDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
try {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, width: 80, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_INTERMEDIARY")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, Tk2l: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("W4Tn"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, TyS1: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("xImE"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, "U/mq": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("Xt4+"), o = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return g
var d = [["div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(2n){background:#f9f9f9}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(odd){background:#fff}div.row[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:5px}"]],
s = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: d, data: {}});
function c(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null))], null, null)
function p(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["-"]))], null, null)
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null))], null, null)
function h(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["-"]))], null, null)
function f(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](13, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](17, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](23, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](27, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](33, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](37, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](43, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](47, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, c)), t["\u0275did"](49, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](50, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, p)), t["\u0275did"](52, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](53, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](58, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](59, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](63, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, m)), t["\u0275did"](65, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](66, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, h)), t["\u0275did"](68, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](69, null, ["\n ", " \n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](74, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](75, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](78, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](79, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](82, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](84, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](85, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](88, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](89, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](92, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](94, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](95, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](98, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](99, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](102, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](104, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-3"], ["style", "font-weight: bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](105, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](108, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](109, null, ["\n ", " ", " \n ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](114, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "well"], ["style", "width: 860px; margin-top: 30px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](115, null, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 49, 0, e.getIndirizzoDirezioneGenerale() && e.getPaeseDirezioneGenerale()), l(n, 52, 0, e.getIndirizzoDirezioneGenerale() && e.getPaeseDirezioneGenerale()), l(n, 65, 0, e.getIndirizzoSedeLegale() && e.getPaeseSedeLegale()), l(n, 68, 0, e.getIndirizzoSedeLegale() && e.getPaeseSedeLegale())
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"))), l(n, 7, 0, "0" != (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) ? null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode : "N/A"), l(n, 13, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 13, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 14).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_PARENT"))), l(n, 17, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.activityId), l(n, 23, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 23, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 24).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"))), l(n, 27, 0, e.getTaxCode()), l(n, 33, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 33, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 34).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 37, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.name), l(n, 43, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 43, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 44).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE_MUNICIPALITY"))), l(n, 47, 0, e.getIndirizzoDirezioneGenerale()), l(n, 50, 0, e.getZipDirezioneGenerale()), l(n, 53, 0, e.getPaeseDirezioneGenerale()), l(n, 59, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 59, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE"))), l(n, 63, 0, e.getIndirizzoSedeLegale()), l(n, 66, 0, e.getZipSedeLegale()), l(n, 69, 0, e.getPaeseSedeLegale()), l(n, 75, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 75, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 76).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"))), l(n, 79, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.stateCod), l(n, 85, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 85, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 86).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE"))), l(n, 89, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.intermediaryType ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryType.description), l(n, 95, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 95, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 96).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"))), l(n, 99, 0, null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.elementValue), l(n, 105, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 105, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 106).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VALIDITY_TIME"))), l(n, 109, 0, null != e.intermediary && e.intermediary.establishmentDate ? t["\u0275unv"](n, 109, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 110).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FROM")) : "", null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.establishmentDate, null != e.intermediary && e.intermediary.cessationDate ? t["\u0275unv"](n, 109, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 111).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")) : "", null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.cessationDate), l(n, 115, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 115, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 116).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TELLER_DETAILS_NOTE")))
var g = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-anagrafica", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-anagrafica", [], null, null, null, f, s)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, i.a, [o.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, V2Ft: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("C/KR"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], [null, "modelUpdated"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"modelUpdated" === n && (u = !1 !== a.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed",
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-oicr-provvedimenti-albi", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-oicr-provvedimenti-albi", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [d.a, s.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, VC2l: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.http = l
return l.prototype.getNoteInformative = function (l) {
var n = this;
return this.http.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=GI_HOMEPAGE&setId=GI_HOMEPAGE&referenceDate=" + (new Date).getTime(), null).map(function (e) {
var t = e.elements, u = {noteInformative: [], noteLegali: []};
return (t = t.sort(function (l, n) {
return +(l.code.split(";")[2] + l.code.split(";")[3]) - +(n.code.split(";")[2] + n.code.split(";")[3])
})).forEach(function (e) {
var t = e.code.split(";"), a = t[0], r = t[1];
if (a == l.toLocaleUpperCase()) if ("A" == r) {
var i = n.escapeUnicode(e.description.split(";")[0]), o = n.escapeUnicode(e.description.split(";")[1]),
d = n.escapeUnicode(e.description.split(";")[2]);
u.noteInformative.push({register: i, lawSource: o, availableInfo: d})
} else if ("N" == r) {
var s = t[2] - 1, c = (t[3], n.escapeUnicode(e.description));
8 != s && s < u.noteLegali.length ? u.noteLegali[s].description += c : u.noteLegali.push({description: c})
}), u
}, l.prototype.escapeUnicode = function (l) {
return (l || "").replace(/\\u00e0/g, "a'").replace(/\\u00e8/g, "e'").replace(/\\u000D/g, "\n").replace(/\\u0009/g, "\t").replace(/\\u0020/g, " ")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, VRqL: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("JPoI"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.localStorageService = l
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_OICR_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_OICR_SEARCH")
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, W4Tn: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
"stateCod" != this.params.column.colId && "address" != this.params.column.colId && "zipCode" != this.params.column.colId && (this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder())
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this;
if ("stateCod" != this.params.column.colId && "address" != this.params.column.colId && "zipCode" != this.params.column.colId) {
var n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.goToFirstPage()
}, l
}, WFHM: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getAgentiCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchAgenti", l)
}, l.prototype.getElements = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getElements?domainId=" + l, null)
}, l.prototype.getCompliantElements = function (l, n, e) {
var t = "getCompliantElements?";
return null != l && (t += "inputElementValue=" + l + "&"), this.httpRest.post(t + "inputDomainId=" + n + "&compatibleDomainId=" + e, null)
}, l.prototype.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate = function (l, n, e, t) {
return this.httpRest.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=" + l + "&setId=" + n + "&referenceDate=" + e + "&searchString=" + t, null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, WO5p: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("OQU6"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], [null, "modelUpdated"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"modelUpdated" === n && (u = !1 !== a.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed",
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-albi", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-albi", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [d.a, s.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, WZnb: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getHistoryCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchIntermediariesHist", l)
}, l.prototype.getAdvancedCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchIntermediariesAdv", l)
}, l.prototype.getForeignCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchIntermediariesFor", l)
}, l.prototype.getElements = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getElements?domainId=" + l, null)
}, l.prototype.getCompliantElements = function (l, n, e) {
return this.httpRest.post("getCompliantElements?inputElementValue=" + l + "&inputDomainId=" + n + "&compatibleDomainId=" + e, null)
}, l.prototype.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate = function (l, n, e, t) {
return this.httpRest.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=" + l + "&setId=" + n + "&referenceDate=" + e + "&searchString=" + t, null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, WdxK: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l
}, l.prototype.refresh = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.openModal = function () {
this.params.context.componentParent.selected = ("0" != this.params.data.abiCode ? this.params.data.abiCode + " - " : "") + this.params.data.name;
var l = {};
l.idIntermediary = this.params.data.idIntermediary, l.taxCode = this.params.data.taxCode, this.params.context.componentParent.openModal(l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return []
}, l
}, WgGk: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("BkNc"), u = e("wvet"), a = e("E2hl"), r = e("xCFl"), i = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.router = l, this.userService = n, this.toastr = e, this.user = new r.a
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.prototype.onRegister = function () {
var l = this;
this.userService.create(this.user).then(function (n) {
}).catch(function (n) {
l.handleLoginResponse(!1, n)
}, l.prototype.handleLoginResponse = function (l, n) {
var e = l ? "User created successfully!" : n.message || "Something went wrong";
l ? this.toastr.success(e) : this.toastr.error(e)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.k}, {type: a.a}, {type: u.h}]
}, l
}, WqRl: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("/oeL"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("WFHM"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("9Qcf"), c = e("nOql"),
p = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t) {
this.agentiSearchService = l, this.loaderService = n, this.localStorageService = e, this.translate = t, this.selectedOption = new u.EventEmitter, this.gridOptions = {}, this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.gridOptions = {
context: {parent: this}, onGridReady: function (l) {
}, getRowStyle: function (l) {
return l.data.code === l.context.parent.selectedRow.code && l.data.description === l.context.parent.selectedRow.description && l.data.startDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.startDate && l.data.endDate === l.context.parent.selectedRow.endDate ? {"background-color": "#42d4f4"} : null
}, suppressNoRowsOverlay: !0
}, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), setTimeout(function () {
}, 50)
}, l.prototype.select = function () {
null != this.selectedRow.code && (this.selectedOption.emit(this.selectedRow), this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "")
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.modal.isOpen()) if (this.searchString.length > 2) {
this.selectedRow = {};
var n = void 0, e = void 0, t = new Date;
"getTownCodes" == this.type ? (n = "COMUNE", e = "COMUNI5") : "getCountryCodes" == this.type && (n = "STATOEST", e = "ALL"), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.agentiSearchService.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate(n, e, t.getTime(), this.searchString).subscribe(function (n) {
l.rowData = n.elements, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
} else this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.reset = function () {
this.rowData = [], this.searchString = "", this.selectedRow = {}
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
this.selectedRow = l.data, this.gridOptions.api.redrawRows()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(c.b)("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_CODE", t),
field: "code",
width: 130
}, {
headerName: Object(c.b)("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION", t),
field: "description",
width: 350
}, {
headerName: Object(c.b)("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_START_DATE", t),
field: "startDate",
width: 180
}, {headerName: Object(c.b)("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_END_DATE", t), field: "endDate", width: 180}]
}, l.prototype.prepareGrid = function () {
var l = this;
this.translate.use(this.translate.currentLang).subscribe(function (n) {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
if ("Enter" === l.key) {
var n = null;
try {
Object.keys(l.path[0]).forEach(function (e) {
e.startsWith("__AG") && ((n = l.path[0][e].cellComp.rowNode).column = {}, n.column.colId = l.path[0].attributes[3].value, n.colDef = l.path[0][e].cellComp.column.colDef, n.src = l.path[0][e].cellComp.eGui)
} catch (l) {
null == n && this.search()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: o.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: d.a}, {type: s.b}]
}, l
}(), m = e("bm2B"), h = e("GCIz"), f = e("dALX"), g = e("sxG7"), v = e("jIk+"), I = e("kSty"), A = [[""]],
b = u["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: A, data: {}});
function R(l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [u["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-sm-offset-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "stato"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 19, "div", [["class", "col-sm-7"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 16, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "descrizione"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 13)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 13).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 13)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 13)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
"ngModelChange" === n && (t = !1 !== (a.searchString = e) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](13, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.c]), u["\u0275did"](15, 671744, null, 0, m.p, [[8, null], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {model: [0, "model"]}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.p]), u["\u0275did"](17, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 6, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 1, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 33).onKeyupHandler(e) && t);
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== a.cellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, h.b, h.a)), u["\u0275did"](33, 376832, null, 0, f.a, [i.a, g.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary"]], [[8, "disabled", 0]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.select() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](38, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](41, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, v.b, v.a)), u["\u0275did"](42, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, I.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](43, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 15, 0, e.searchString), l(n, 33, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions);
l(n, 42, 0, !0, "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ATTENTION", "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION"))), l(n, 12, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 17).ngClassPending), l(n, 37, 0, !e.selectedRow.code), l(n, 38, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 38, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 39).transform("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_SELECT_CODE_LABEL"))), l(n, 43, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 43, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).transform("GIAVA_SPORTELLI_TELLER_COUNTRY_CODES_SEARCH_ALERT")))
u["\u0275ccf"]("app-agenti-search-modal", p, function (l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti-search-modal", [], null, [["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
return "document:keyup" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && t), t
}, R, b)), u["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, p, [o.a, i.a, d.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {type: "type", modal: "modal"}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"}, []);
var C = e("gzNZ"), y = e("qbdv");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return O
var _ = [[""]], D = u["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: _, data: {}});
function E(l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti-search-modal", [], null, [[null, "selectedOption"], ["document", "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keyup" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && t);
"selectedOption" === n && (t = !1 !== a.selectedOption(e) && t);
return t
}, R, b)), u["\u0275did"](1, 114688, [[1, 4], ["searchmodal", 4]], 0, p, [o.a, i.a, d.a, r.a], {
type: [0, "type"],
modal: [1, "modal"]
}, {selectedOption: "selectedOption"})], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, e.type, e.modal)
}, null)
function T(l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [u["\u0275qud"](671088640, 1, {searchmodal: 0}), u["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), u["\u0275qud"](402653184, 3, {warningModal: 0}), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 246, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 221, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](8, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 210, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"submit" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 13).onSubmit(e) && t);
"reset" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 13).onReset() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, m.y, [], null, null), u["\u0275did"](13, 540672, null, 0, m.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.b, null, [m.h]), u["\u0275did"](15, 16384, null, 0, m.n, [m.b], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 34, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 28, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 25, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "true"], ["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "nazionalita"], ["id", "nazionalitaId"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "ITALIA"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 27)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 27).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 27)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 27)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
"change" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 28).onChange() && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 28).onTouched() && t);
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== a.actionsIfItalianNationality() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](27, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275did"](28, 212992, null, 0, m.s, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, m.z, u.Injector], {
formControlName: [0, "formControlName"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [m.c, m.s]), u["\u0275did"](30, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](32, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-5"], ["for", "nazionalita"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](35, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 6, "input", [["aria-checked", "false"], ["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-1"], ["formControlName", "nazionalita"], ["id", "nazionalitaId"], ["type", "radio"], ["value", "estera"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "click"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "change"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 39)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 39).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 39)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 39)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
"change" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 40).onChange() && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 40).onTouched() && t);
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== a.actionsIfForeignNationality() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](39, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275did"](40, 212992, null, 0, m.s, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, m.z, u.Injector], {
formControlName: [0, "formControlName"],
value: [1, "value"]
}, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [m.c, m.s]), u["\u0275did"](42, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](44, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](46, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "radio-button-gruppi col-sm-5"], ["for", "nazionalita"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](47, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](57, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "denominazioneIntermediarioId"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](58, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](64, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "denominazioneIntermediario"], ["id", "denominazioneIntermediarioId"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 65)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 65).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 65)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 65)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](65, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.c]), u["\u0275did"](67, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](69, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](73, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](75, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](77, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "codiceMeccanograficoIntermediarioId"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](78, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](82, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](84, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "codiceMeccanograficoIntermediario"], ["id", "codiceMeccanograficoIntermediarioId"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 85)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 85).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 85)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 85)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](85, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.c]), u["\u0275did"](87, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](89, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](93, 0, null, null, 35, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](95, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](97, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "tipoSoggettoId"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](98, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](102, 0, null, null, 25, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](104, 0, null, null, 22, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "tipoSoggetto"], ["id", "tipoSoggettoId"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"change" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 105).onChange(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 105).onTouched() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](105, 16384, null, 0, m.v, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.v]), u["\u0275did"](107, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](109, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](111, 0, null, null, 2, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](112, 147456, null, 0, m.q, [u.ElementRef, u.Renderer2, [2, m.v]], null, null), u["\u0275did"](113, 147456, null, 0, m.A, [u.ElementRef, u.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](115, 0, null, null, 4, "option", [["value", "PERSONA FISICA"]], null, null, null, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](116, 147456, null, 0, m.q, [u.ElementRef, u.Renderer2, [2, m.v]], {value: [0, "value"]}, null), u["\u0275did"](117, 147456, null, 0, m.A, [u.ElementRef, u.Renderer2, [8, null]], {value: [0, "value"]}, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](118, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](121, 0, null, null, 4, "option", [["value", "PERSONA GIURIDICA"]], null, null, null, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](122, 147456, null, 0, m.q, [u.ElementRef, u.Renderer2, [2, m.v]], {value: [0, "value"]}, null), u["\u0275did"](123, 147456, null, 0, m.A, [u.ElementRef, u.Renderer2, [8, null]], {value: [0, "value"]}, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](124, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](130, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](132, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](134, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "truncate"], ["for", "cognomeODenominazioneId"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](135, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](139, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](141, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "cognomeODenominazione"], ["id", "cognomeODenominazioneId"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 142)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 142).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 142)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 142)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](142, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.c]), u["\u0275did"](144, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](146, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](150, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](152, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](154, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "codiceFiscale"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](155, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](159, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](161, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "codiceFiscale"], ["id", "codiceFiscale"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 162)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 162).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 162)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 162)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](162, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.c]), u["\u0275did"](164, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](166, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](170, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](172, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](174, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "codiceOAM"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](175, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](179, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](181, 0, null, null, 5, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "codiceOAM"], ["id", "codiceOAM"], ["type", "text"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
"input" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 182)._handleInput(e.target.value) && t);
"blur" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 182).onTouched() && t);
"compositionstart" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 182)._compositionStart() && t);
"compositionend" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 182)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), u["\u0275did"](182, 16384, null, 0, m.c, [u.Renderer2, u.ElementRef, [2, m.a]], null, null), u["\u0275prd"](1024, null, m.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [m.c]), u["\u0275did"](184, 671744, null, 0, m.f, [[3, m.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, m.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), u["\u0275prd"](2048, null, m.l, null, [m.f]), u["\u0275did"](186, 16384, null, 0, m.m, [m.l], null, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](190, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](192, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](194, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["for", "nationAg"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](195, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](199, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-5"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](201, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](203, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [["class", "form-control"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](204, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](206, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](208, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["id", "nationAg"], ["name", "noname"], ["type", "button"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openSearchModal("getTownCodes", "localita") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](210, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-search"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, [" \n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](213, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"], ["type", "button"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetField("localita") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](215, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](223, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](224, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](228, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](230, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](231, null, ["", ""])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](234, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetAll() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](238, 0, null, null, 5, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, v.b, v.a)), u["\u0275did"](239, 49152, [[2, 4], ["mymodal", 4]], 0, I.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"]
}, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275and"](16777216, null, 0, 1, null, E)), u["\u0275did"](242, 16384, null, 0, y.j, [u.ViewContainerRef, u.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), u["\u0275eld"](245, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, v.b, v.a)), u["\u0275did"](246, 49152, [[3, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, I.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](247, 0, ["\n ", "\n "])), u["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, u.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), u["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 13, 0, e.agentiSearchForm);
l(n, 28, 0, "nazionalita", "ITALIA");
l(n, 30, 0, "nazionalita");
l(n, 40, 0, "nazionalita", "estera");
l(n, 42, 0, "nazionalita");
l(n, 67, 0, "denominazioneIntermediario");
l(n, 87, 0, "codiceMeccanograficoIntermediario");
l(n, 107, 0, "tipoSoggetto");
l(n, 116, 0, "PERSONA FISICA");
l(n, 117, 0, "PERSONA FISICA");
l(n, 122, 0, "PERSONA GIURIDICA");
l(n, 123, 0, "PERSONA GIURIDICA");
l(n, 144, 0, "cognomeODenominazione");
l(n, 164, 0, "codiceFiscale");
l(n, 184, 0, "codiceOAM");
l(n, 239, 0, !1, "GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_CODE_TITLE", "lg"), l(n, 242, 0, e.modal.isOpen());
l(n, 246, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 8, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("AGENTS_SEARCH"))), l(n, 11, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassPending), l(n, 26, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 32).ngClassPending), l(n, 35, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 35, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 36).transform("AGENTS_NATIONALITY_ITALIAN"))), l(n, 38, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 44).ngClassPending), l(n, 47, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 47, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 48).transform("AGENTS_NATIONALITY_FOREIGN"))), l(n, 58, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 59).transform("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_NAME"))), l(n, 64, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 69).ngClassPending), l(n, 78, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 78, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 79).transform("AGENTS_INTERMEDIARY_COD"))), l(n, 84, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 89).ngClassPending), l(n, 98, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 98, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 99).transform("AGENTS_SUBJECT_TYPE"))), l(n, 104, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 109).ngClassPending), l(n, 118, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 118, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 119).transform("AGENTS_PHYSICAL_PERSON"))), l(n, 124, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 124, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 125).transform("AGENTS_LEGAL_PERSON"))), l(n, 135, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 135, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 136).transform("AGENTS_SURNAME_OR_DENOMINATION"))), l(n, 141, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 146).ngClassPending), l(n, 155, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 155, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 156).transform("AGENTS_TAX_CODE"))), l(n, 161, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 166).ngClassPending), l(n, 175, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 175, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 176).transform("AGENTS_OAM_COD"))), l(n, 181, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassUntouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassTouched, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassPristine, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassDirty, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassValid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassInvalid, u["\u0275nov"](n, 186).ngClassPending), l(n, 195, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 195, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 196).transform("AGENTS_PLACE"))), l(n, 204, 0, null == e.agentiSearchForm ? null : null == e.agentiSearchForm.get("localita").value ? null : e.agentiSearchForm.get("localita").value.description), l(n, 224, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 224, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 225).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 231, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 231, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 232).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 247, 0, u["\u0275unv"](n, 247, 0, u["\u0275nov"](n, 248).transform(e.text)))
var O = u["\u0275ccf"]("app-agenti-search", C.a, function (l) {
return u["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), u["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti-search", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (t = !1 !== u["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && t), t
}, T, D)), u["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, C.a, [d.a, g.a, r.a, o.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, XQj1: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("JPoI"), r = e("FKed"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("B4uV"), d = e("sxG7"), s = e("bm2B"),
c = this && this.__extends || (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
t(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), p = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
elementValue: new s.e(""),
establishmentDate: new s.e,
abiCode: new s.e("")
}, h("establishmentDate", "abiCode")) || this
return c(n, l), n
}(s.g), m = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
surname: new s.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
name: new s.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
taxCode: new s.e({value: "", disabled: !0})
}, h("surname", "taxCode")) || this
return c(n, l), n
function h(l, n) {
return function (e) {
var t = e.controls[l].value, u = e.controls[n].value;
return console.log(t, u), null != t && "" != t || null != u && "" != u ? null : {fieldsNotNull: !0}
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return f
var f = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.breadcrumb = l, this.orsoSearchService = n, this.loaderService = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.translateService = u, this.calendarOptions = {dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy"}, this.intermediaryForm = new p, this.memberForm = new m, this.show2 = !0
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
switch (this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.translateService.getTranslation(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.calendarOptions.dayLabels = {
su: n.SUN,
mo: n.MON,
tu: n.TUE,
we: n.WED,
th: n.THU,
fr: n.FRI,
sa: n.SAT
}, l.calendarOptions.todayBtnTxt = n.TODAY, l.calendarOptions.monthLabels = {
1: n.JAN,
2: n.FEB,
3: n.MAR,
4: n.APR,
5: n.MAY,
6: n.JUN,
7: n.JUL,
8: n.AUG,
9: n.SEP,
10: n.OCT,
11: n.NOV,
12: n.DEC
}, l.show2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
return l.show2 = !0
}, 10)
}), this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch, null == this.typeOfSearch && (this.typeOfSearch = "Intermediary", this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = this.intermediaryForm), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.intermediaryForm = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm;
this.memberForm = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm, this.prepareMemberSearch()
}, l.prototype.prepareIntermediarySearch = function () {
this.memberForm.get("surname").setValue(""), this.memberForm.get("name").setValue(""), this.memberForm.get("taxCode").setValue(""), this.memberForm.disable(), this.intermediaryForm.enable()
}, l.prototype.prepareMemberSearch = function () {
this.intermediaryForm.get("abiCode").setValue(""), this.intermediaryForm.get("elementValue").setValue(""), this.intermediaryForm.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.intermediaryForm.disable(), this.memberForm.enable()
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
return "Intermediary" == this.typeOfSearch ? this.searchIntermediary() : this.searchMember()
}, l.prototype.searchIntermediary = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.intermediaryForm.invalid) return this.requiredFieldMessage();
var n = {};
null != this.intermediaryForm.get("establishmentDate").value && (n.referenceDate = r.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.intermediaryForm.get("establishmentDate").value)), n.mecCodeDescription = this.intermediaryForm.get("elementValue").value, "" != this.intermediaryForm.get("abiCode").value && (n.mecCode = this.intermediaryForm.get("abiCode").value);
var e = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.orsoSearchService.getMemberCount(e).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = l.intermediaryForm, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Count = e, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchElement = n, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.NewSearch = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/orso/result")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.searchMember = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.memberForm.invalid) return this.requiredFieldMessage();
var n = {};
n.surname = this.memberForm.get("surname").value, n.name = this.memberForm.get("name").value, n.taxCode = this.memberForm.get("taxCode").value, this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0);
var e = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.orsoSearchService.getMemberCount(e).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = l.memberForm, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Count = e, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchElement = n, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.NewSearch = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/orso/result")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.requiredFieldMessage = function () {
this.title = "REQUIREDFIELDHEADER", this.text = "REQUIREDFIELDBODY", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" === l.key && "noname" != l.target.name && "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" != l.namespaceURI && (this.dp.closeCalendar(), this.search())
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.memberForm.get("surname").setValue(""), this.memberForm.get("name").setValue(""), this.memberForm.get("taxCode").setValue(""), this.intermediaryForm.get("abiCode").setValue(""), this.intermediaryForm.get("elementValue").setValue(""), this.intermediaryForm.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: d.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: u.b}]
}, l
}, XgWn: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("nOql"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorizations, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.defaultColDef = {type: "text"}, this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorizations
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITY", t), field: "activityAuthType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 300, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITY")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LPS", t), field: "lpsFlag", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value
}, width: 50, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LPS")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY", t), field: "countryCode", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 100, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATE", t), field: "authoritazionStartDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 100, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_CLOSURE_DATE", t), field: "expectedEndDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 100, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_CLOSURE_DATE")
}, {
field: "activityExerciseHistories",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value && l.value[0] && l.value[0].startDate && "9999-12-31" != l.value[0].startDate && "0001-01-01" != l.value[0].startDate ? l.value[0].startDate : ""
width: 100,
comparator: function (l, n) {
return "" == l ? -1 : "" == n ? 1 : l[0].startDate < n[0].startDate ? 1 : l[0].startDate > n[0].startDate ? -1 : 0
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_OPERATIONAL_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_OPERATIONAL_DATE", t), field: "endDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 100, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_OPERATIONAL_DATE")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, "Xt4+": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("JPoI"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n))
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.prototype.getTaxCode = function () {
if (this.intermediary) {
if (null == this.intermediary.taxCode || "" == this.intermediary.taxCode.trim()) return "N/A";
try {
return this.intermediary.taxCode.replace(/^00000/, "")
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.prototype.getIndirizzoDirezioneGenerale = function () {
try {
return this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].address
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.prototype.getZipDirezioneGenerale = function () {
try {
return this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].zipCode
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.prototype.getPaeseDirezioneGenerale = function () {
try {
return this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].cabPlaceIta.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.prototype.getIndirizzoSedeLegale = function () {
try {
return this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[1].tellerHistConfigs[0].address
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.prototype.getZipSedeLegale = function () {
try {
return this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[1].tellerHistConfigs[0].zipCode
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.prototype.getPaeseSedeLegale = function () {
try {
return this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[1].tellerHistConfigs[0].cabPlaceIta.description
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, YP7I: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return a
var t = e("KN/I"), u = e("sxG7"), a = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.httpRest = l, this.breadcrumb = n
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
switch (this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch")) {
return this.httpRest.post("searchGroups", l);
return this.httpRest.post("searchGroupsByComponent", l)
return null
}, l.prototype.getGruppiDetails = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getGroupDetails", l)
}, l.prototype.getGroupHead = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getGroupHead", l)
}, l.prototype.getGroupComposition = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getGroupComposition", l)
}, l.prototype.getIntermediaryHistory = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getIntermediaryHistory", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, YdrA: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("VRqL"), r = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-oicr", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-oicr", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, a.a, [r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, ZErz: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("jIk+"), o = e("kSty"), d = e("ECCM"), s = e("wvet"),
c = e("VC2l"), p = e("JPoI"), m = e("dp5l"), h = e("BkNc"), f = e("ixkR"), g = e("KN/I");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return C
var v = [[".jumbotron[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:20px 30px}"]], I = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: v, data: {}});
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 10, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], [[4, "white-space", null]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](6, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 1, "td", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, n.component.testWhiteSpace(n.context.$implicit.register) ? "pre" : "normal"), l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.register), l(n, 6, 0, n.context.$implicit.lawSource), l(n, 9, 0, n.context.$implicit.availableInfo)
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, n.context.$implicit.description)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 58, "div", [["id", "my-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "alert alert-info"], ["role", "alert"], ["style", "margin-top: 10px; text-align: center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](6, null, ["\n ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](9, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 35, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 32, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-top: 50px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](19, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 25, "table", [["class", "table table-hover table-striped"], ["style", "overflow-x: auto; display: block; width: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 16, "thead", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 13, "tr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](28, 0, null, null, 2, "th", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](29, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 2, "th", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](33, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 2, "th", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](37, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 4, "tbody", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](45, 802816, null, 0, r.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "jumbotron footer"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, null, 4, "ol", [["class", "footnote"], ["style", "margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](56, 802816, null, 0, r.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](61, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, i.b, i.a)), t["\u0275did"](62, 49152, [["warningModal", 4]], 0, o.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](63, 0, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 45, 0, e.noteInformative.noteInformative), l(n, 56, 0, e.noteInformative.noteLegali);
l(n, 62, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).transform("HOME_HEADER_ROW_1"))), l(n, 9, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 9, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 10).transform("HOME_HEADER_ROW_2"))), l(n, 19, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 19, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 20).transform("INFORMATIVE_NOTES"))), l(n, 29, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 29, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 30).transform("ALBI_ELENCHI"))), l(n, 33, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 33, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 34).transform("FONTE_NORMATIVA"))), l(n, 37, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 37, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 38).transform("INFO_DISPONIBILI"))), l(n, 63, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 63, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).transform(e.text)))
var C = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-home", d.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-home", [], null, null, null, R, I)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, d.a, [s.h, c.a, p.a, m.a, h.a, f.a, g.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, bCkd: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("FKed"), a = e("/oeL"), r = e("EkHy"), i = e("nOql"), o = e("RHpV"), d = e("fnhJ"), s = e("sxG7"),
c = e("JPoI"), p = this && this.__assign || Object.assign || function (l) {
for (var n, e = 1, t = arguments.length; e < t; e++) for (var u in n = arguments[e]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, u) && (l[u] = n[u]);
return l
}, m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t) {
this.breadcrumb = l, this.oicrResultsService = n, this.localStorageService = e, this.translate = t, this.result = new a.EventEmitter, this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.properties = ["id", "userId", "activityId", "stateCod"], this.rowData = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: d.a
}, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 100, this.Math = Math, this.searchOrderItems = []
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_OICR_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_OICR_LIST"), this.rowData = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results"), this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, this.numElem = 0, this.count = this.breadcrumb.getData("Count"), this.searchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement"), this.initializeGrid();
try {
this.stringDate = u.a.formatDate(this.searchForm.establishmentDate)
} catch (l) {
this.stringDate = this.searchForm.establishmentDate
this.searchForm.establishmentDate = this.stringDate, this.breadcrumb.getData("NewSearch") ? (this.rowCount = "100", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !1), this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.searchOrderItems), this.breadcrumb.putData("RowCount", this.rowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualRowCount", this.actualRowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("PageNumber", this.pageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualPageNumber", this.actualPageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("EndIndex", this.endIndex), this.breadcrumb.putData("StartIndex", this.startIndex), this.rowData = []) : (this.searchOrderItems = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchOrder"), this.rowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("RowCount"), this.actualRowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualRowCount"), this.pageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("PageNumber"), this.actualPageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualPageNumber"), this.endIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("EndIndex"), this.startIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("StartIndex"), this.initialize = !1)
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeGrid = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItems(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.breadcrumb.getData("SecondType") && this.columnDefs.splice(0, 2)
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItems = function () {
var l = new r.a(0, 1, "id", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new r.a(3, 2, "stateCod", !1), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_SGR_SICAV", field: "id", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 0, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
return Object(i.a)(0, 0, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, width: 130, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_SGR_SICAV")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_SGR_SICAV_DENOMINATION", field: "userId", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 1, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
var n = Object(i.a)(0, 1, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return null != l.value && "" != l.value ? p({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
}) : n
}, width: 300, minWidth: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_SGR_SICAV_DENOMINATION")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_CODE", field: "activityId", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 2, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
return Object(i.a)(0, 2, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, width: 155, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_CODES_SEARCH_CODE")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION", field: "stateCod", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(i.c)(0, 3, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
}, cellStyle: function (l) {
var n = Object(i.a)(0, 3, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return null != l.value && "" != l.value ? p({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
}) : n
}, width: 300, minWidth: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION")
}, {
field: "approvalDate",
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
width: 150,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_APPROVAL_DATE")
}, {
field: "operationalStartDate",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.data.operationalStartDate || "0001-01-01" == l.data.operationalStartDate ? "" : l.data.operationalStartDate
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
width: 130,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_OPERATIONAL_DATE")
}, {
field: "operationalEndDate",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.data.operationalEndDate || "0001-01-01" == l.data.operationalEndDate ? "" : l.data.operationalEndDate
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
width: 130,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_OPERATIONAL_DATE")
}, {
field: "agreementType",
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
width: 220,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_TYPE")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("userId" == l.column.colId) {
var n = {};
n.establishmentDate = this.stringDate, n.idIntermediary = l.data.idPartner;
var e = {};
e.Intermediary = n, e.OriginDate = !0, e.IsNewDetail = !0, e.IsOicr = !0, "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/intermediary", null, null, e) : "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details", null, null, e) : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/intermediary", null, null, e) : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/details", null, null, e)
} else "stateCod" == l.column.colId && (this.breadcrumb.putData("Oicr", l.data), "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details") : "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/oicrResult/details") : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/oicrResult/details") : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/oicrResult/details"))
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
if ("PDF" == l && this.count > 350) this.modal.open(); else {
var n = u.a.getContextPath() + "/getCompartmentListExport.do?";
if (n += "exportType=" + l, n += "&subType=search", null != this.searchForm.id && (n += "&id=" + this.searchForm.id), null != this.searchForm.userId && (n += "&userId=" + this.encodeUri(this.searchForm.userId)), null != this.searchForm.subjectCode && (n += "&subjectCode=" + this.searchForm.subjectCode), null != this.searchForm.establishmentDate) n += "&establishmentDate=" + this.searchForm.establishmentDate;
if (null != this.searchForm.histConfigs && this.searchForm.histConfigs.length > 0 && null != this.searchForm.histConfigs[0].name70 && (n += "&name70=" + this.searchForm.histConfigs[0].name70), null != this.searchForm.jurisdictionState && (n += "&type=" + this.encodeUri(this.searchForm.jurisdictionState.description)), null != this.searchForm.classifications && this.searchForm.classifications.length > 0) for (var e = 0, t = this.searchForm.classifications; e < t.length; e++) {
var a = t[e];
if (a.classificationCode) switch (a.classificationCode.description) {
n += "&strComboType=" + a.classificationCode.code;
n += "&armonizzato=" + a.classificationCode.code;
n += "&riservato=" + a.classificationCode.code;
n += "&speculativo=" + a.classificationCode.code
n += "&username=" + localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), window.open(n, "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: s.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: c.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, bMWh: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("x1or"), o = e("+Yj7"), d = e("5Sh8"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("xSiW"), f = e("BkNc"), g = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return E
var v = [[""]], I = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: v, data: {}});
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TEXT_LIST_INTERMEDIARIES_STORIC")))
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", " ", "\n ", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TEXT_LIST_INTERMEDIARIES_ADVANCED")), null == e.searchForm ? null : null == e.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0] ? null : null == e.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType ? null : e.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType.description, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.stringDate)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", " ", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TEXT_LIST_INTERMEDIARIES_FOREIGN")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.stringDate)
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_INTALBI-HISTSEARCH")))
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_INTALBI-ADVSEARCH")))
function _(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_INTALBI-FORSEARCH")))
function D(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 42, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](7, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](10, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](13, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "btn-group dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 19, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](28, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](40, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](50, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, y)), t["\u0275did"](53, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, _)), t["\u0275did"](56, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](58, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](59, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchForm: [5, "searchForm"],
count: [6, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [7, "searchOrderItems"],
initialize: [8, "initialize"],
rowCount: [9, "rowCount"],
actualRowCount: [10, "actualRowCount"],
pageNumber: [11, "pageNumber"],
actualPageNumber: [12, "actualPageNumber"],
startIndex: [13, "startIndex"],
endIndex: [14, "endIndex"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](63, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](64, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 7, 0, "History" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 10, 0, "Advanced" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 13, 0, "Foreign" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 50, 0, "History" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 53, 0, "Advanced" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 56, 0, "Foreign" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 59, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.intAlbiResultsService, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]);
l(n, 63, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 64, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 64, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 65).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED1")), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 64, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 66).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED2")))
var E = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-int-albi-grid-result", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-int-albi-grid-result", [], null, null, null, D, I)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, i.a, [h.a, f.k, c.a, g.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, cDNt: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", {value: !0});
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("p5Ee"), a = function () {
return function () {
}(), r = e("BkNc"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("JPoI"), d = e("FKed"), s = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.loaderService = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.route = e
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.loaderService.getLoaderStatus().subscribe(function (n) {
l.objLoaderStatus = n
}), u.a.production && (u.a.baseUrl = d.a.getBasePath());
var n = this.getBrowser();
switch (n.name) {
this.isSupported = n.version > 10;
this.isSupported = n.version > 55;
this.isSupported = n.version > 10;
this.isSupported = n.version > 44;
this.isSupported = !1
}, l.prototype.getBrowser = function () {
var l, n = navigator.userAgent, e = n.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
if (/trident/i.test(e[1])) return {name: "IE", version: (l = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(n) || [])[1] || ""};
if ("Chrome" === e[1]) {
if (null != (l = n.match(/\b(OPR|Opera)\/(\d+)/))) return {name: "Opera", version: l[2]};
if (null != (l = n.match(/\bEdge\/(\d+)/))) return {name: "Edge", version: l[1]}
return e = e[2] ? [e[1], e[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, "-?"], null != (l = n.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) && e.splice(1, 1, l[1]), {
name: e[0],
version: e[1]
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}(), c = e("ZErz"), p = e("QufT"), m = e("Tk2l"), h = e("xLBC"), f = e("vKqi"), g = e("RVGv"), v = e("KufG"), I = e("O5TQ"),
A = e("qtdi"), b = e("REbH"), R = e("rAz8"), C = e("V2Ft"), y = e("2zxb"), _ = e("ADze"), D = e("ROiS"), E = e("bMWh"), T = e("21uA"),
O = e("U/mq"), S = e("170t"), N = e("WO5p"), L = e("t2CE"), w = e("sD5H"), F = e("9t1V"), k = e("4LKh"), P = e("nNOT"), U = e("pjmA"),
V = e("HGKz"), G = e("P8JP"), x = e("/v70"), M = e("1oR+"), Y = e("TyS1"), Q = e("DuVG"), B = e("5D0N"), z = e("e5wP"), H = e("mo/f"),
j = e("YdrA"), q = e("CkaT"), K = e("ACI4"), W = e("FG5C"), X = e("0D5Z"), J = e("I9WJ"), Z = e("z9bX"), $ = e("RrBt"),
ll = e("vMZT"), nl = e("P6GK"), el = e("AgLy"), tl = e("9/xk"), ul = e("HnJ7"), al = e("nWGI"), rl = e("A+XM"), il = e("XKG+"),
ol = e("I6W6"), dl = e("Rtkw"), sl = e("kVA5"), cl = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("functionList"));
this.messageIT = l[1].functionName, this.messageEN = l[2].functionName
}, l
}(), pl = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 2, styles: [], data: {}});
function ml(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "text-align:center;padding-top:20px"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", "\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 1, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "text-align:center;padding-top:20px"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](4, null, ["\n ", "\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, e.messageIT), l(n, 4, 0, e.messageEN)
var hl = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-semaforo", cl, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-semaforo", [], null, null, null, ml, pl)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, cl, [], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, []), fl = e("qbdv"), gl = function () {
function l(l) {
this.spinner = l
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}]
}, l
vl = [[".error-404[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:200px auto;text-align:center}.error-404[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .error-code[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{bottom:60%;color:#4686cc;font-size:96px;line-height:100px;font-weight:700}.error-404[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .error-desc[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{font-size:12px;color:#647788}.error-404[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .m-b-10[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:10px!important}.error-404[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .m-b-20[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:20px!important}.error-404[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .m-t-20[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:20px!important}"]],
Il = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: vl, data: {}});
function Al(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 24, "div", [["class", "error-404"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "error-code m-b-10 m-t-20"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["404 "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "fa fa-warning"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 1, "h2", [["class", "font-bold"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Oops 404! That page can\u2019t be found."])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 14, "div", [["class", "error-desc"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Sorry, but the page you are looking for was either not found or does not exist. "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Try refreshing the page or click the button below to go back to the Homepage.\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](13, 0, null, null, 9, "div", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["class", "btn btn-primary"], ["routerLink", "/home"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 19).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](19, 671744, null, 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-home"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, [" Go back to Homepage"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 19, 0, "/home")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 18, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 19).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 19).href)
var bl = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-page-not-found", gl, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-page-not-found", [], null, null, null, Al, Il)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, gl, [i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, []), Rl = e("9FSA"), Cl = e("WqRl"), yl = e("z+Mh"), _l = e("pBtf"), Dl = e("tzV1"), El = e("Lu+s"), Tl = e("OGRO"),
Ol = e("D3O6"), Sl = e("WDs4"), Nl = e("bm2B"), Ll = e("9Qcf"), wl = e("ixkR"), Fl = e("zyRY"), kl = e("sxG7"), Pl = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a) {
var r = this;
this.router = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.translate = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.auth = u, this.loaderService = a, this.isLoggedIn = !1, this.authStructure = new Fl.a, this.isSemaforo = !1, this.currentUser = "", this.currentUserSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("currentUser").subscribe(function (l) {
try {
r.currentUser = l.toUpperCase()
} catch (l) {
r.isLoggedIn = !!r.currentUser && "OBLIXANONYMOUS" != r.currentUser.toUpperCase() && "OBLYXANONYMOUS" != r.currentUser.toUpperCase()
}), this.localStorageService.setItem("userLang", d.a.getUserLang()), this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (l) {
return l.prototype.onResize = function (l) {
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth
}, l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth, this.localStorageService.getItem("helpTitle").subscribe(function (n) {
l.helpTitle = n
}), this.localStorageService.getItem("helpContent").subscribe(function (n) {
l.helpContent = n
}), this.localStorageService.getItem("functionList").subscribe(function (n) {
l.authStructure.setFuncitionList(JSON.parse(n)), null != l.authStructure && null != l.authStructure.getFuncitionList() && l.authStructure.getFuncitionList().length > 0 && l.authStructure.getFuncitionList()[0].functionName.indexOf("1000003") >= 0 && (l.isSemaforo = !0)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.currentUserSubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.useLanguage = function (l) {
this.localStorageService.setItem("userLang", l)
}, l.prototype.logOut = function () {
var l = this;
if (window.location.href.indexOf("/GIAVAFEInquiry/") > 0) try {
} catch (l) {
} else this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.localStorageService.removeItem("currentUser"), this.auth.logout().subscribe(function () {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), window.open("https://login.bancaditalia.it/logout?end_url=" + d.a.getBasePath() + "/GIAVAInquiry-public/ng/", "_self")
}, function (n) {
}, l.prototype.login = function () {
var l = this;
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.auth.logout().subscribe(function () {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.localStorageService.removeItem("currentUser"), window.open(u.a.baseUrl + "/GIAVAInquiry/ng/", "_self")
}, function (n) {
}, l.prototype.openHelpModal = function (l, n) {
}, l.prototype.semaforo = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: r.k}, {type: kl.a}, {type: Ll.b}, {type: o.a}, {type: wl.a}, {type: i.a}]
}, l
}(), Ul = e("jIk+"), Vl = e("kSty"),
Gl = [["nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{z-index:1000!important}.dropdown-toggle[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .nav.navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > li[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > a[_ngcontent-%COMP%], nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#ddd!important}.nav.navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > .open[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > a[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .nav.navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > li.active[_ngcontent-%COMP%] > a[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:#002b4d}.nav.navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%] ul.dropdown-menu[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%] a[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#000!important}.navbar[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#ccc;z-index:1000!important}.navbar-brand[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .navbar.blue[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:#004072;min-height:70px!important}.navbar.lightblue[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:#005393;min-height:50px!important;height:50px!important}.nav.navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:8px}.navbar.lightblue[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:0 auto!important;float:none;display:inline-block}.navbar.lightblue[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .navbar-nav[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:0}.navbar-toggle[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:0 0;margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:0}"]],
xl = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: Gl, data: {}});
function Ml(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "h3", [["style", "position: absolute;width: 100%;left: 0;top: 0;text-align: center;z-index:-1;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TITLE")))
function Yl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 0, "div", [], null, null, null, null, null))], null, null)
function Ql(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["style", "cursor: default !important;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["\n ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("USER_PANEL_USERID")), e.currentUser)
function Bl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 0, "div", [], null, null, null, null, null))], null, null)
function zl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 41, "ul", [["class", "nav navbar-nav navbar-right"], ["style", "margin-right: 10px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Ql)), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 4, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"], ["style", "cursor: pointer;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openHelpModal() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 20, "li", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 6, "a", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["href", "javascript:void(0);"], ["role", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-globe"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](19, null, [" ", " "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 9, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu"], ["style", "z-index: 991001 !important;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 2, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](27, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.useLanguage("it") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Italiano"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 2, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.useLanguage("en") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["English"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](36, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Bl)), t["\u0275did"](39, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {
ngIf: [0, "ngIf"],
ngIfThen: [1, "ngIfThen"],
ngIfElse: [2, "ngIfElse"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, e.isLoggedIn), l(n, 39, 0, e.isLoggedIn, t["\u0275nov"](n.parent, 61), t["\u0275nov"](n.parent, 59))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 10, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 10, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 11).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP"))), l(n, 19, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 19, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 20).transform("LINGUA")))
function Hl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 0, "div", [], null, null, null, null, null))], null, null)
function jl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 7, "nav", [["class", "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top lightblue"], ["style", "margin-top: 70px; z-index: 900 !important;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "container-fluid"], ["style", "text-align: center !important;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Hl)), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {
ngIf: [0, "ngIf"],
ngIfThen: [1, "ngIfThen"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, n.component.innerWidth > 767, t["\u0275nov"](n.parent, 57))
}, null)
function ql(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 10, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {
routerLinkActiveOptions: [0, "routerLinkActiveOptions"],
routerLinkActive: [1, "routerLinkActive"]
}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 2, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 3, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), t["\u0275pod"](4, {exact: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "int-albi"], ["name", "int-albi"], ["routerLink", "/int-albi"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 7).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/int-albi") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](7, 671744, [[3, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](8, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, l(n, 4, 0, !1), "active");
l(n, 7, 0, "/int-albi")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 6, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 7).href), l(n, 8, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 8, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("INTERMEDIARI_ALBI")))
function Kl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 4, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 5, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "gruppi"], ["routerLink", "/gruppi"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/gruppi") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[5, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/gruppi")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("GRUPPI")))
function Wl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 6, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 7, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "variazioni"], ["routerLink", "/variazioni"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/variazioni") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[7, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/variazioni")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("VARIAZIONI")))
function Xl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 8, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 9, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "succursali"], ["routerLink", "/succursali"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/succursali") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[9, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/succursali")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("SUCCURSALI")))
function Jl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 10, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 11, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "oicr"], ["routerLink", "/oicr"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/oicr") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[11, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/oicr")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("OICR")))
function Zl(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 12, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 13, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "orso"], ["routerLink", "/orso"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/orso") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[13, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/orso")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("ORGANI_SOCIALI")))
function $l(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 14, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 15, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "agenti"], ["routerLink", "/agenti"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/agenti") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[15, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/agenti")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("AGENTS")))
function ln(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 9, "li", [["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, r.l, [r.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 16, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 17, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["id", "area-download"], ["routerLink", "/area-download"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== a.breadcrumb.goToModule("/area-download") && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[17, 4]], 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, fl.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](7, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active");
l(n, 6, 0, "/area-download")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 7, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 7, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).transform("AREA_DOWNLOAD")))
function nn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 25, "ul", [["class", "nav navbar-nav navbar-center"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, ql)), t["\u0275did"](4, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Kl)), t["\u0275did"](7, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Wl)), t["\u0275did"](10, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Xl)), t["\u0275did"](13, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Jl)), t["\u0275did"](16, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Zl)), t["\u0275did"](19, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, $l)), t["\u0275did"](22, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, ln)), t["\u0275did"](25, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 4, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_INT_ALBI")), l(n, 7, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_GRUPPI_RICERCA")), l(n, 10, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_VARIAZIONI")), l(n, 13, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_INT_SEDI")), l(n, 16, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_OICR_RICERCA")), l(n, 19, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_ORSO_RICERCA")), l(n, 22, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_AGENTI")), l(n, 25, 0, e.authStructure.isAuth("INQ_AREA_DOWNLOAD"))
}, null)
function en(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 8, "form", [["class", "navbar-form navbar-right"], ["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](2, 16384, null, 0, Nl.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, Nl.o, [[8, null], [8, null]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, Nl.b, null, [Nl.o]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, Nl.n, [Nl.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default"], ["type", "button"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.login() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Login"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending)
function tn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 8, "form", [["class", "navbar-form navbar-right"], ["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](2, 16384, null, 0, Nl.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, Nl.o, [[8, null], [8, null]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, Nl.b, null, [Nl.o]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, Nl.n, [Nl.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default"], ["type", "button"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.logOut() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Logout"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending)
function un(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 43, "nav", [["class", "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top blue"], ["style", "border: none !important;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 40, "div", [["class", "container-fluid"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, null, 35, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "text-align:center"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](8, 0, null, null, 18, "div", [["class", "navbar-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 10, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["class", "navbar-toggle collapsed"], ["data-target", "#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"], ["data-toggle", "collapse"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 1, "span", [["class", "sr-only"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Toggle navigation"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "icon-bar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "icon-bar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "icon-bar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](22, 0, null, null, 3, "a", [["class", "navbar-brand"], ["href", "javascript:void(0);"], ["style", "padding-top: 3px;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.breadcrumb.goHome() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 0, "img", [["alt", "Home"], ["src", "./assets/images/logo-bankit.jpg"], ["style", "margin-left: 23px; height: 65px; display: inline-block;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Ml)), t["\u0275did"](29, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "collapse navbar-collapse"], ["id", "bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, Yl)), t["\u0275did"](35, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {
ngIf: [0, "ngIf"],
ngIfThen: [1, "ngIfThen"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, zl)), t["\u0275did"](38, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, jl)), t["\u0275did"](47, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](49, 0, null, null, 6, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, Ul.b, Ul.a)), t["\u0275did"](50, 49152, [[1, 4], ["helpModal", 4]], 0, Vl.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, 0, 1, "div", [["class", "help-content"]], [[8, "innerHTML", 1]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, [["toolbar", 2]], null, 0, null, nn)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, [["loginButton", 2]], null, 0, null, en)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, [["logoutButton", 2]], null, 0, null, tn))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 29, 0, e.innerWidth > 1224), l(n, 35, 0, e.innerWidth <= 767, t["\u0275nov"](n, 57)), l(n, 38, 0, !e.isSemaforo), l(n, 47, 0, e.innerWidth > 767);
l(n, 50, 0, !1, t["\u0275unv"](n, 50, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 51).transform(e.helpTitle)), "lg", "100px")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 53, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 53, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).transform(e.helpContent)))
t["\u0275ccf"]("app-navbar", Pl, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-navbar", [], null, [["window", "resize"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "window:resize" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onResize(e) && u), u
}, un, xl)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, Pl, [r.k, kl.a, Sl.a, o.a, wl.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, []);
var an = function () {
function l(l) {
this.breadcrumb = l
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: kl.a}]
}, l
}(), rn = [[""]], on = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: rn, data: {}});
function dn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 4, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"], ["style", "cursor: pointer; color: #005393"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.breadcrumb.goTo(l.parent.context.$implicit) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [], [[8, "className", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "glyphicon glyphicon-", n.parent.context.$implicit.icon, "")), l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform(n.parent.context.$implicit.text)))
function sn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 4, "span", [["class", "activated text-muted"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [], [[8, "className", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, [" ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "glyphicon glyphicon-", n.parent.context.$implicit.icon, "")), l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform(n.parent.context.$implicit.text)))
function cn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 7, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, dn)), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, sn)), t["\u0275did"](6, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.index < e.breadcrumb.nodes.length - 1), l(n, 6, 0, n.context.index == e.breadcrumb.nodes.length - 1)
}, null)
function pn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 4, "ol", [["class", "breadcrumb"], ["style", "background-color: transparent; padding-left: 80px; margin-bottom: 32px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, cn)), t["\u0275did"](3, 802816, null, 0, fl.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.component.breadcrumb.nodes)
}, null)
t["\u0275ccf"]("giava-breadcrumb", an, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "giava-breadcrumb", [], null, null, null, pn, on)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, an, [kl.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, []);
var mn = [['@media (max-width:767px){#sub-navbar[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:70px!important}}.loading[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{z-index:99999;height:2em;width:2em;overflow:show;margin:auto;bottom:0;right:0}\n\n.loading[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .loading[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:before{position:fixed;top:0;left:0}.loading[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:before{content:"";display:block;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.3)}\n\n.loading[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:not(:required){\n font:0/0 a;color:transparent;text-shadow:none;background-color:transparent;border:0}.loading[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:not(:required):after{content:"";display:block;font-size:10px;width:1em;height:1em;margin-top:-.5em\n }']],
hn = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: mn, data: {}});
function fn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "width:100%;background-color:bisque;text-align:center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, Ol.a, [Sl.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("COMPATIBILITY")))
function gn(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-navbar", [], null, [["window", "resize"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"window:resize" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onResize(e) && u);
return u
}, un, xl)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, Pl, [r.k, kl.a, Sl.a, o.a, wl.a, i.a], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["class", "loading"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 0, "img", [["src", "assets/images/loader-dark.gif"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["id", "sub-navbar"], ["style", "margin-top: 120px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, fn)), t["\u0275did"](14, 16384, null, 0, fl.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 1, "giava-breadcrumb", [], null, null, null, pn, on)), t["\u0275did"](17, 114688, null, 0, an, [kl.a], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](20, 212992, null, 0, r.o, [r.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0), l(n, 14, 0, !e.isSupported), l(n, 17, 0), l(n, 20, 0)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, !n.component.objLoaderStatus)
var vn = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-root", s, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-root", [], null, null, null, gn, hn)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, s, [i.a, o.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, []), In = e("XKz0"), An = e("fc+i"), bn = e("f9zQ"), Rn = e("fL27"), Cn = e("xR1M"), yn = e("Y6e2"), _n = e("NmEI"),
Dn = e("KN/I"), En = e("VC2l"), Tn = e("g1//"), On = e("xSiW"), Sn = e("WZnb"), Nn = e("YP7I"), Ln = e("cH03"), wn = e("RHpV"),
Fn = e("qO7Q"), kn = e("B4uV"), Pn = e("fVab"), Un = e("tBNU"), Vn = e("eLVC"), Gn = e("SKf/"), xn = e("d8I1"), Mn = e("dY+t"),
Yn = e("kTHb"), Qn = e("9Es1"), Bn = e("CPp0");
function zn(l, n, e) {
var t = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("users")) || [];
return l.connections.subscribe(function (l) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (l.request.url.endsWith("/api/authenticate") && l.request.method === Bn.i.Post) {
var u = JSON.parse(l.request.getBody()), a = t.filter(function (l) {
return l.email === u.email && l.password === u.password
if (a.length) {
var r = a[0];
l.mockRespond(new Bn.k(new Bn.l({
status: 200,
body: {id: r.id, email: r.email, firstName: r.firstName, lastName: r.lastName, token: "fake-jwt-token"}
} else l.mockError(new Error("Email or password is incorrect"))
} else if (l.request.url.match(/\/api\/users\/\d+$/) && l.request.method === Bn.i.Get) if ("Bearer fake-jwt-token" === l.request.headers.get("Authorization")) {
var i = l.request.url.split("/"), o = parseInt(i[i.length - 1]), d = t.filter(function (l) {
return l.id === o
r = d.length ? d[0] : null;
l.mockRespond(new Bn.k(new Bn.l({status: 200, body: r})))
} else l.mockRespond(new Bn.k(new Bn.l({status: 401}))); else {
if (l.request.url.endsWith("/api/users") && l.request.method === Bn.i.Post) {
var s = JSON.parse(l.request.getBody());
return t.filter(function (l) {
return l.email === s.email
}).length ? l.mockError(new Error('Email "' + s.email + '" is already taken')) : (s.id = t.length + 1, t.push(s), localStorage.setItem("users", JSON.stringify(t)), void l.mockRespond(new Bn.k(new Bn.l({status: 200}))))
var c = new Bn.e(e, n), p = new Bn.j({
method: l.request.method,
headers: l.request.headers,
body: l.request.getBody(),
url: l.request.url,
withCredentials: l.request.withCredentials,
responseType: l.request.responseType
c.request(l.request.url, p).subscribe(function (n) {
}, function (n) {
}, 600)
}), new Bn.e(l, n)
Bn.e, Qn.a, Bn.a, Bn.m;
var Hn = e("EyWH"), jn = e("wvet"), qn = e("a3e3"), Kn = e("kkjc");
function Wn(l) {
return new Kn.a(l, "./assets/i18n/", ".json")
var Xn = e("t0d0"), Jn = e("R08E"), Zn = e("Qg/J"), $n = e("maBJ"), le = function () {
function l(l) {
this.router = l
return l.prototype.canActivate = function (l, n) {
return !!localStorage.getItem("currentUser") || (this.router.navigate(["/auth/login"], {queryParams: {returnUrl: n.url}}), !1)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: r.k}]
}, l
}(), ne = e("E2hl"), ee = e("kR6K"), te = e("WFHM"), ue = e("LJ7c"), ae = e("ECCM"), re = e("Qj10"), ie = e("ulSM"), oe = e("NfBh"),
de = e("bCkd"), se = e("4P8T"), ce = e("sgMY"), pe = e("gXsc"), me = e("C/KR"), he = e("DCLI"), fe = e("7Biy"), ge = e("yt5I"),
ve = e("x1or"), Ie = e("DAWl"), Ae = e("Xt4+"), be = e("hWiz"), Re = e("OQU6"), Ce = e("XgWn"), ye = e("7TTz"), _e = e("kQn6"),
De = e("TZe3"), Ee = e("6dMS"), Te = e("DEjw"), Oe = e("fVbD"), Se = e("q8Yj"), Ne = e("qVhd"), Le = e("M0Wv"), we = e("868Z"),
Fe = e("NIvD"), ke = e("VRqL"), Pe = e("fAhc"), Ue = e("BwHf"), Ve = e("XQj1"), Ge = e("QE01"), xe = e("wNhw"), Me = e("oMNG"),
Ye = e("j2lg"), Qe = e("tGHQ"), Be = e("/0jc"), ze = e("eGX5"), He = e("KArD"), je = e("WgGk"), qe = e("HsJT"), Ke = e("gzNZ"),
We = e("Ovdf"), Xe = e("d2k+"), Je = e("DTtM"), Ze = e("fBXP"), $e = e("GWzR"), lt = e("pEw3"), nt = e("BJbv"), et = e("7f3t"),
tt = e("PAwZ"), ut = e("7sJu"), at = e("5/+1"), rt = e("hA2n"), it = e("BHD6"), ot = e("KtZZ"), dt = e("sj5L"), st = e("9VbS"),
ct = e("KoRw"), pt = e("hmgx"), mt = e("R175"), ht = e("fwGM"), ft = e("BsFr"), gt = e("tGyn");
var vt = function () {
function l(l) {
!function (l, n) {
if (l) throw new Error(n + " has already been loaded. Import Core modules in the AppModule only.")
}(l, "CoreModule")
return l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: l, decorators: [{type: t.Optional}, {type: t.SkipSelf}]}]
}, l
}(), It = e("4Kxh"), At = e("8z8h"), bt = function () {
return function () {
}(), Rt = e("BYQ/"), Ct = e("usXY"), yt = t["\u0275cmf"](a, [s], function (l) {
return t["\u0275mod"]([t["\u0275mpd"](512, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t["\u0275CodegenComponentFactoryResolver"], [[8, [c.a, p.a, m.a, h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, I.a, A.a, b.a, R.a, C.a, y.a, _.a, D.a, E.a, T.a, O.a, S.a, N.a, L.a, w.a, F.a, k.a, P.a, U.a, V.a, G.a, x.a, M.a, Y.a, Q.a, B.a, z.a, H.a, j.a, q.a, K.a, W.a, X.a, J.a, Z.a, $.a, ll.a, nl.a, el.a, tl.a, ul.a, al.a, rl.a, il.a, ol.a, dl.a, sl.a, hl, bl, Rl.a, Cl.a, yl.a, _l.a, Dl.a, El.a, Tl.a, vn]], [3, t.ComponentFactoryResolver], t.NgModuleRef]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, In.i, In.n, [fl.c, t.PLATFORM_ID, In.l]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, In.o, In.o, [In.i, In.m]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, In.a, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [In.o]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, In.k, In.k, []), t["\u0275mpd"](6144, In.j, null, [In.k]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, In.h, In.h, [In.j]), t["\u0275mpd"](6144, In.b, null, [In.h]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, In.f, In.p, [In.b, [2, In.a]]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, In.c, In.c, [In.f]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, t.LOCALE_ID, t["\u0275m"], [[3, t.LOCALE_ID]]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, fl.l, fl.k, [t.LOCALE_ID]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, t.APP_ID, t["\u0275f"], []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, t.IterableDiffers, t["\u0275k"], []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, t.KeyValueDiffers, t["\u0275l"], []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, An.c, An.t, [fl.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](6144, t.Sanitizer, null, [An.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, An.f, An.g, []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, An.d, function (l, n, e, t) {
return [new An.l(l), new An.p(n), new An.o(e, t)]
}, [fl.c, fl.c, fl.c, An.f]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, An.e, An.e, [An.d, t.NgZone]), t["\u0275mpd"](135680, An.n, An.n, [fl.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, An.m, An.m, [An.e, An.n]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, bn.a, Rn.d, []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, bn.c, Rn.e, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, bn.b, Rn.c, [bn.a, bn.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, t.RendererFactory2, Rn.f, [An.m, bn.b, t.NgZone]), t["\u0275mpd"](6144, An.q, null, [An.n]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, t.Testability, t.Testability, [t.NgZone]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, An.h, An.h, [fl.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, An.j, An.j, [fl.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Nl.z, Nl.z, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Cn.a, Cn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, yn.Ng2ComponentFactory, yn.Ng2ComponentFactory, [t.ComponentFactoryResolver]), t["\u0275mpd"](6144, _n.BaseComponentFactory, null, [yn.Ng2ComponentFactory]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, kl.a, kl.a, [r.k]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, i.a, i.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Dn.a, Dn.a, [In.c, r.k, kl.a, i.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, En.a, En.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Nl.d, Nl.d, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Tn.a, Tn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, On.a, On.a, [Dn.a, kl.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Sn.a, Sn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Nn.a, Nn.a, [Dn.a, kl.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Ln.a, Ln.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, wn.a, wn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Fn.a, Fn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, kn.a, kn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Pn.a, Pn.a, [Dn.a, kl.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Un.a, Un.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Vn.a, Vn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Gn.a, Gn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, xn.a, xn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Mn.a, Mn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Yn.a, Yn.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Qn.a, Qn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Bn.a, Bn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Bn.c, Bn.c, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Bn.l, Bn.b, []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, Bn.n, Bn.o, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Bn.m, Bn.m, [Bn.c, Bn.l, Bn.n]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, Bn.e, zn, [Qn.a, Bn.a, Bn.m]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Bn.j, Bn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Hn.b, Rn.b, [t.RendererFactory2, An.b]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, jn.b, jn.b, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, jn.a, jn.a, [jn.b, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.ApplicationRef]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, jn.h, jn.h, [jn.c, jn.a, t.Injector, An.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, qn.b, Wn, [In.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Xn.a, Xn.b, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Jn.b, Jn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Zn.b, Zn.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, $n.a, $n.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, Sl.a, Sl.a, [$n.a, qn.b, Xn.a, Jn.b, Zn.b, Sl.b, Sl.c]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, wl.a, wl.a, [In.c, Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, le, le, [r.k]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, ne.a, ne.a, [Bn.e]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, o.a, o.a, []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, r.a, r.x, [r.k]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, r.d, r.d, []), t["\u0275mpd"](6144, r.f, null, [r.d]), t["\u0275mpd"](135680, r.p, r.p, [r.k, t.NgModuleFactoryLoader, t.Compiler, t.Injector, r.f]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, r.e, r.e, []), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, r.h, r.A, [r.y]), t["\u0275mpd"](5120, t.APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.h]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, ee.a, ee.a, [Dn.a, kl.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](4608, te.a, te.a, [Dn.a]), t["\u0275mpd"](512, In.e, In.e, []), t["\u0275mpd"](512, In.d, In.d, []), t["\u0275mpd"](512, fl.b, fl.b, []), t["\u0275mpd"](1024, t.ErrorHandler, An.r, []), t["\u0275mpd"](1024, t.NgProbeToken, function () {
return [r.t()]
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return [An.s(l, n), r.z(e)]
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u.a.production && Object(t.enableProdMode)(), Object(An.k)().bootstrapModuleFactory(yt).catch(function (l) {
return console.log(l)
}, cH03: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getGroupCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchGroups", l)
}, l.prototype.getComponentCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchGroupsByComponent", l)
}, l.prototype.getElements = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getElements?domainId=" + l, null)
}, l.prototype.getCompliantElements = function (l, n, e) {
return this.httpRest.post("getCompliantElements?inputElementValue=" + l + "&inputDomainId=" + n + "&compatibleDomainId=" + e, null)
}, l.prototype.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate = function (l, n, e, t) {
return this.httpRest.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=" + l + "&setId=" + n + "&referenceDate=" + e + "&searchString=" + t, null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
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"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder()
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this, n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.goToFirstPage()
}, l
}, "d2k+": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return p
var t = e("WFHM"), u = e("kR6K"), a = e("9Qcf"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("/oeL"), o = e("BkNc"), d = e("sxG7"), s = e("JPoI"),
c = e("FKed"), p = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a, r) {
this.agentiResultsService = l, this.router = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.loaderService = u, this.translate = a, this.agentiSearchService = r, this.result = new i.EventEmitter, this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.text1 = "LIMIT_SURPASSED1", this.text2 = "LIMIT_SURPASSED2", this.text = "NOEXPORT", this.searchOrderItems = []
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_AGENTI_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_AGENTI_LIST"), this.intermediary = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryAgent"), this.csvExportLinkIta = this.getLink("CSV", "ITALIA"), this.xmlExportLinkIta = this.getLink("XML", "ITALIA"), this.pdfExportLinkIta = this.getLink("PDF", "ITALIA"), this.csvExportLinkEst = this.getLink("CSV", "estero"), this.xmlExportLinkEst = this.getLink("XML", "estero"), this.pdfExportLinkEst = this.getLink("PDF", "estero")
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.onActivate = function (l) {
this.typeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, this.searchElement = l.searchElement
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l, n) {
var e, t, u = this, a = {
exportType: l,
subType: "ITALIA" == n ? "italiani" : "esteri",
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser"),
abiCode: this.intermediary.abiCode,
stato: n
return "ITALIA" == n ? this.localStorageService.getItem("ExportItalia").subscribe(function (l) {
u.isExportIta = +l > 0
}) : this.localStorageService.getItem("ExportEstero").subscribe(function (l) {
u.isExportEst = +l > 0
}), window.location.href.includes("/GIAVAFEInquiry") ? (e = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryAgent").establishmentDate, t = this.breadcrumb.getData("IntermediaryAgent").cessationDate) : (e = null, t = null), a.dataNascita = e, a.dataRevoca = t, c.a.getContextPath() + "/getAgentiListExport.do" + "?" + c.a.uriParams(a)
}, l.prototype.check = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.modal.open()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: d.a}, {type: s.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: a.b}, {type: t.a}]
}, l
}, d8I1: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("searchBranches", l)
}, l.prototype.getExport = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.get(l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, dALX: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return r
var t = e("dp5l"), u = e("/oeL"), a = e("sxG7"), r = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.loaderService = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.gridOptions = {}, this.height = "600px", this.searchOrderItems = [], this.initialize = !1, this.suppressMovableColumns = !0, this.suppressLoadingOverlay = !0, this.headerHeight = 50, this.cellClicked = new u.EventEmitter, this.keyPressed = new u.EventEmitter, this.modelUpdated = new u.EventEmitter
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.initialize && this.getResults()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getResults = function () {
var l = this;
null != this.searchForm && null != this.service && (this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.service.getResults(this.searchElement).subscribe(function (n) {
l.data = n, l.rowData = n, l.breadcrumb && (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Results = l.rowData), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.onResize = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.ngDoCheck = function () {
null != this.gridOptions && null != this.gridOptions.api && this.gridOptions.api.getDisplayedRowCount() > 0 && this.onResize(null)
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
var n = this;
if ("Enter" === l.key) {
var e = "percorso non trovato";
try {
Object.keys(l.path[0]).forEach(function (t) {
t.startsWith("__AG") && ((e = l.path[0][t].cellComp.rowNode).column = {}, e.column.colId = l.path[0].attributes[3].value, e.colDef = l.path[0][t].cellComp.column.colDef, e.src = l.path[0][t].cellComp.eGui, n.keyPressed.emit(e))
} catch (l) {
} else if (32 == l.keyCode && l.ctrlKey) {
var t = this.gridOptions.columnApi.getAllDisplayedColumns()[0];
this.gridOptions.api.ensureColumnVisible(t), this.gridOptions.api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(0) && this.gridOptions.api.setFocusedCell(0, t)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, "dY+t": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getSuccursaliCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchBranches", l)
}, l.prototype.getElements = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getElements?domainId=" + l, null)
}, l.prototype.getCompliantElements = function (l, n, e) {
var t = "getCompliantElements?";
return null != l && (t += "inputElementValue=" + l + "&"), this.httpRest.post(t + "inputDomainId=" + n + "&compatibleDomainId=" + e, null)
}, l.prototype.getDomainListByDomainIdAndSetIdAndDate = function (l, n, e, t) {
return this.httpRest.post("getDomainListByDomainIdSetIdDate?domainId=" + l + "&setId=" + n + "&referenceDate=" + e + "&searchString=" + t, null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, dp5l: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("eoFs"), u = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.displayLoader = function (n) {
l.c = Math.max(l.c + (n ? 1 : -1), 0), l.loaderStatus.next(l.c > 0)
}, l.prototype.reset = function () {
l.c = 0, l.loaderStatus.next(!1)
}, l.prototype.getLoaderStatus = function () {
return l.loaderStatus
}, l.staticReset = function () {
l.c = 0, l.loaderStatus.next(!1)
}, l.c = 0, l.loaderStatus = new t.a(!1), l
}, e5wP: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("NIvD"), o = e("+Yj7"), d = e("5Sh8"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("YP7I"), f = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return y
var g = [[""]], v = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: g, data: {}});
function I(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", "\n ", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUPS_LIST")), t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.stringDate)
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "h3", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GROUP_LIST_AT")), e.stringDate)
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_GRUPPI-GRPSEARCH")))
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_GRUPPI-COMPSEARCH")))
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 42, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 39, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, I)), t["\u0275did"](7, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](10, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 30, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 19, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLink("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](47, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](50, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](53, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchElement: [5, "searchElement"],
searchForm: [6, "searchForm"],
count: [7, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [8, "searchOrderItems"],
properties: [9, "properties"],
initialize: [10, "initialize"],
rowCount: [11, "rowCount"],
actualRowCount: [12, "actualRowCount"],
pageNumber: [13, "pageNumber"],
actualPageNumber: [14, "actualPageNumber"],
startIndex: [15, "startIndex"],
endIndex: [16, "endIndex"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](57, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](58, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 7, 0, "Group" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 10, 0, "Component" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 47, 0, "Group" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 50, 0, "Component" == e.typeOfSearch), l(n, 53, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.gruppiResultsService, e.searchForm, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.properties, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]);
l(n, 57, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 58, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 59).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED1")), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 58, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 60).transform("LIMIT_SURPASSED2")))
var y = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-gruppi-grid-result", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-gruppi-grid-result", [], null, null, null, C, v)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, i.a, [h.a, c.a, f.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, eGX5: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return []
}, l
}, eLVC: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
return l.prototype.setSearchForm = function (l) {
this.searchForm = l
}, l.prototype.getSearchForm = function () {
return this.searchForm
}, l.prototype.setTypeOfSearch = function (l) {
this.typeOfSearch = l
}, l.prototype.getTypeOfSearch = function () {
return this.typeOfSearch
}, l.prototype.setResults = function (l) {
this.results = l
}, l.prototype.getResults = function () {
return this.results
}, l.prototype.setCount = function (l) {
this.count = l
}, l.prototype.getCount = function () {
return this.count
}, l.prototype.setSearchElement = function (l) {
this.searchElement = l
}, l.prototype.getSearchElement = function () {
return this.searchElement
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.count = null, this.results = null, this.searchForm = null, this.typeOfSearch = null
}, l.prototype.isNewSearch = function () {
return this.isNSearch
}, l.prototype.setNewSearch = function (l) {
this.isNSearch = l
}, l.prototype.setSearchOrder = function (l) {
this.searchOrder = l
}, l.prototype.getSearchOrder = function () {
return this.searchOrder
}, l.prototype.setRowCount = function (l) {
this.rowCount = l
}, l.prototype.getRowCount = function () {
return this.rowCount
}, l.prototype.setActualRowCount = function (l) {
this.actualRowCount = l
}, l.prototype.getActualRowCount = function () {
return this.actualRowCount
}, l.prototype.setPageNumber = function (l) {
this.pageNumber = l
}, l.prototype.getPageNumber = function () {
return this.pageNumber
}, l.prototype.setActualPageNumber = function (l) {
this.actualPageNumber = l
}, l.prototype.getActualPageNumber = function () {
return this.actualPageNumber
}, l.prototype.setEndIndex = function (l) {
this.endIndex = l
}, l.prototype.getEndIndex = function () {
return this.endIndex
}, l.prototype.setStartIndex = function (l) {
this.startIndex = l
}, l.prototype.getStartIndex = function () {
return this.startIndex
}, l
}, fAhc: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("FKed"), a = e("9Qcf"), r = e("JPoI"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("qO7Q"), d = e("bm2B"),
s = this && this.__extends || (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
t(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), c = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
elementValue: new d.e(""),
codiceSGR: new d.e(""),
codiceOICR: new d.e(""),
denominazione: new d.e(""),
establishmentDate: new d.e({
date: {year: (new Date).getFullYear(), month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1, day: (new Date).getDate()},
epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, [d.w.required]),
fondoSICAV: new d.e(""),
struttura: new d.e(""),
oicvm: new d.e(""),
fiares: new d.e(""),
fiacon: new d.e("")
}) || this
return s(n, l), n
}(d.g), p = e("sxG7");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.breadcrumb = l, this.oicrSearchService = n, this.loaderService = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.translateService = u, this.fundOptions = [{
label: "",
data: "-1"
}, {label: "FONDO", data: "FONDO"}, {label: "SICAV/SICAF", data: "SICAV"}], this.structOptions = [{
label: "",
data: "-1"
}, {label: "Aperto", data: "111_01"}, {
label: "Chiuso",
data: "111_02"
}], this.calendarOptions = {dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy"}, this.searchFormOicr = new c, this.show2 = !0
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.translateService.getTranslation(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.calendarOptions.dayLabels = {
su: n.SUN,
mo: n.MON,
tu: n.TUE,
we: n.WED,
th: n.THU,
fr: n.FRI,
sa: n.SAT
}, l.calendarOptions.todayBtnTxt = n.TODAY, l.calendarOptions.monthLabels = {
1: n.JAN,
2: n.FEB,
3: n.MAR,
4: n.APR,
5: n.MAY,
6: n.JUN,
7: n.JUL,
8: n.AUG,
9: n.SEP,
10: n.OCT,
11: n.NOV,
12: n.DEC
}, l.show2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
return l.show2 = !0
}, 10)
}), this.searchFormOicr = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm"), null == this.searchFormOicr && (this.searchFormOicr = new c)
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
if (this.searchFormOicr.invalid) return this.title = "REQUIREDFIELDHEADER", this.text = "REQUIREDFIELDBODY", void this.warningModal.open();
}, l.prototype.oicrSearch = function () {
var l = this, n = {classifications: [], histConfigs: []};
if (n.establishmentDate = u.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.searchFormOicr.get("establishmentDate").value), null != this.searchFormOicr.get("elementValue").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("elementValue").value && (n.userId = "%" + this.searchFormOicr.get("elementValue").value + "%"), n.id = this.searchFormOicr.get("codiceSGR").value, null != this.searchFormOicr.get("codiceOICR").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("codiceOICR").value && (n.subjectCode = this.searchFormOicr.get("codiceOICR").value), null != this.searchFormOicr.get("denominazione").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("denominazione").value) {
var e = {};
e.name70 = "%" + this.searchFormOicr.get("denominazione").value + "%", n.histConfigs.push(e)
if (null != this.searchFormOicr.get("fondoSICAV").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("fondoSICAV").value) {
var t = {}, a = this.fundOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.searchFormOicr.get("fondoSICAV").value
t.description = "%" + a.data + "%", n.jurisdictionState = t
if (null != this.searchFormOicr.get("struttura").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("struttura").value) {
var r = {}, i = {description: "STRUTTURA"}, o = this.structOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.searchFormOicr.get("struttura").value
i.code = o.data, r.classificationCode = i, n.classifications.push(r)
if (null != this.searchFormOicr.get("oicvm").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("oicvm").value) {
r = {};
(i = {description: "ARMONIZZATO"}).code = this.searchFormOicr.get("oicvm").value, r.classificationCode = i, n.classifications.push(r)
if (null != this.searchFormOicr.get("fiares").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("fiares").value) {
r = {};
(i = {description: "FIA RISERVATO"}).code = this.searchFormOicr.get("fiares").value, r.classificationCode = i, n.classifications.push(r)
if (null != this.searchFormOicr.get("fiacon").value && "" != this.searchFormOicr.get("fiacon").value) {
r = {};
(i = {description: "FIA USO SOSTANZIALE LEVA"}).code = this.searchFormOicr.get("fiacon").value, r.classificationCode = i, n.classifications.push(r)
var d = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.oicrSearchService.getOicrCount(d).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchForm", l.searchFormOicr), l.breadcrumb.putData("Count", e), l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", n), l.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !0), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result"), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)) : l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
}, l.prototype.reset = function () {
this.searchFormOicr.reset(), this.searchFormOicr.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.searchFormOicr.get("fiacon").setValue(""), this.searchFormOicr.get("fiares").setValue(""), this.searchFormOicr.get("oicvm").setValue("")
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" === l.key && "noname" != l.target.name && "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" != l.namespaceURI && (this.dp.closeCalendar(), this.search())
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: p.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: a.b}]
}, l
}, fBXP: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, fOoL: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1, this.fieldMapping = ["abiCapogruppo", "denGruppo", "tipoAlbo", "dataIscGruppo", "dataCanGruppo"], this.fieldMappingComp = ["tipoAlbo", "denGruppo", "ruoloComp", "abiComponente", "denComp", "classificazione", "cabComItaSl", "cabComItaDg", "stato", "dataIscComp", "dataCanComp"]
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
var n, e = this;
this.params = l, n = "Group" == this.params.context.componentParent.typeOfSearch ? this.fieldMapping.find(function (l) {
return "dat" != l.substr(0, 3) ? l.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase() == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase() : l.substr(4, 3).toUpperCase() == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(5, 3).toUpperCase()
}) : this.fieldMappingComp.find(function (l) {
return "dat" == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3) ? l.substr(4, 3).toUpperCase() == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(5, 3).toUpperCase() : "den" == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3) && "den" == l.substr(0, 3) ? l.substr(3, 3).toUpperCase() == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(4, 3).toUpperCase() : "cab" == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3) ? l.substr(9, 2).toUpperCase() == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(12, 2).toUpperCase() : l.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase() == e.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase()
for (var t = 0, u = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; t < u.length; t++) {
var a = u[t];
if (a.dataField == n) {
this.sortOrder = a, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
"stato" != this.params.column.colId && "cab_com_ita_sl" != this.params.column.colId && "cab_com_ita_dg" != this.params.column.colId && (this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder())
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this;
if ("stato" != this.params.column.colId && "cab_com_ita_sl" != this.params.column.colId && "cab_com_ita_dg" != this.params.column.colId) {
var n;
n = "Group" == this.params.context.componentParent.typeOfSearch ? this.fieldMapping.find(function (n) {
return "dat" != n.substr(0, 3) ? n.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase() == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase() : n.substr(4, 3).toUpperCase() == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(5, 3).toUpperCase()
}) : this.fieldMappingComp.find(function (n) {
return "dat" == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3) ? n.substr(4, 3).toUpperCase() == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(5, 3).toUpperCase() : "den" == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3) && "den" == n.substr(0, 3) ? n.substr(3, 3).toUpperCase() == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(4, 3).toUpperCase() : "cab" == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3) ? n.substr(9, 2).toUpperCase() == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(12, 2).toUpperCase() : n.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase() == l.params.column.colDef.field.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase()
var e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (l) {
return l.dataField == n
if (null != e) e.descending = !e.descending; else {
var u = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, n, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(u), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(u), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.getResults()
}, l
}, fVab: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return a
var t = e("KN/I"), u = e("sxG7"), a = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.httpRest = l, this.breadcrumb = n
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
return this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch"), this.httpRest.post("searchWorkingCompanyMember", l)
}, l.prototype.getWorkingCompanyMemberDetails = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getWorkingCompanyMemberDetails", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, fVbD: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return p
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("sxG7"), a = e("JPoI"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("FKed"), o = e("3Bc0"), d = e("YP7I"), s = e("WdxK"),
c = this && this.__assign || Object.assign || function (l) {
for (var n, e = 1, t = arguments.length; e < t; e++) for (var u in n = arguments[e]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, u) && (l[u] = n[u]);
return l
}, p = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.spinner = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.gruppiResultsService = e, this.translate = t, this.breadcrumb = u, this.gruppo = {}, this.isTitleVisible = !1, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
width: 150,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass"
}, this.selected = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_GROUP_DETAIL"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_GROUP_DETAIL"), this.gridOptions2 = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
l.api.getDisplayedRowCount() > 0 && l.api.sizeColumnsToFit()
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50, enableSorting: !0
}, this.gruppo.intermediaryBoards = [];
try {
this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentReason.endDate ? this.stringDate = i.a.formatDate(this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentReason.endDate) : this.stringDate = i.a.formatDate(this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentDate)
} catch (l) {
try {
this.stringDate = i.a.formatDate(this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentDate)
} catch (l) {
this.stringDate = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentDate
this.gridOptions1 = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
l.api.getDisplayedRowCount() > 0 && l.api.sizeColumnsToFit()
}, context: {componentParent: this}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, setTimeout(function () {
l.columnDefs = l.createColDef(), l.firstColumnDefs = l.createFirstColumnDefs(), l.secondColumnDefs = l.createColDef()
}, 100);
var n = this.breadcrumb.getData("Group");
n.establishmentDate = this.stringDate, this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.gruppiResultsService.getGruppiDetails(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.gruppo = n, l.isTitleVisible = !0, l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}), this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.gruppiResultsService.getGroupHead(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.firstRowData = n, l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}), this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.gruppiResultsService.getGroupComposition(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.secondRowData = n, l.secondRowData && (l.count = l.secondRowData.length), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
alert(n.message), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}), this.subLength = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.spinner.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions1.api.setColumnDefs(l.createFirstColumnDefs()), l.gridOptions1.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.gridOptions2.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions2.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
var l = (new o.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL_COMPONENT"), "abiCode", o.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 180, 180).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_GROUP"), "name", o.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 200, 150, !0, function (l) {
var n = {"border-bottom": "solid #ccc 1px", "border-right": "solid #ccc 1px", "overflow-y": "auto"};
return "0" != l.data.abiCode && (n = c({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
})), n
}).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE"), "intermediaryType.description", o.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"), "elementValue", o.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 200, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE"), "cciaa", o.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE_MUNICIPALITY"), "activityId", o.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stateCod", o.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DATA_ENTRY"), "establishmentDate", o.a.DATE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_DATE"), "cessationDate", o.a.DATE_FORMATTER).build(),
n = {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_HISTORY"),
field: "mod",
cellRendererFramework: s.a,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"]
return l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createFirstColumnDefs = function () {
return [{
field: "abiCode",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "999999" == l.value || "0" == l.value ? "N/A" : l.value
width: 180,
minWidth: 180
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_GROUP"), field: "name", cellStyle: function (l) {
var n = {"border-bottom": "solid #ccc 1px", "border-right": "solid #ccc 1px", "overflow-y": "auto"};
return "0" != l.data.abiCode && (n = c({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
})), n
}, width: 200, minWidth: 150
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE"),
field: "intermediaryType",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value.description
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"),
field: "elementValue"
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE"),
field: "cciaa"
}, {
field: "activityId"
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"),
field: "stateCod"
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DATA_ENTRY"), field: "establishmentDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0-12-30" == l.value || "1-01-01" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_DATE"), field: "cessationDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0-12-30" == l.value || "1-01-01" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, {
headerName: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_STORY_PARENT"),
field: "mod",
cellRendererFramework: s.a,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"]
}, l.prototype.cellClicked = function (l) {
if ("name" == l.column.colId && "0" != l.data.abiCode) {
var n = l.data;
n.establishmentDate = this.stringDate, this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/details", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/intermediary", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/intermediary", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result/details", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data)
}, l.prototype.keyClicked = function (l) {
if ("name" == l.column.colId && "0" != l.data.abiCode) this.cellClicked(l); else if ("mod" == l.column.colId) try {
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLinkStampa = function (l) {
var n = i.a.getContextPath() + "/getGroupDetailExport.do", e = {
name: this.gruppo.idIntermediary,
dataRiferimento: i.a.formatDate(new Date),
idIntermediary: "null",
exportType: l,
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser"),
establishmentDate: i.a.formatDate(new Date),
subType: "null"
window.open(n + "?" + i.a.uriParams(e), "_self")
}, l.prototype.openModal = function (l) {
var n = this;
"storia" === l ? (this.selected = ("99999" != this.gruppo.abiCode && "0" != this.gruppo.abiCode ? this.gruppo.abiCode + " - " : "") + this.gruppo.name, (l = {}).idIntermediary = this.gruppo.idIntermediary, l.taxCode = this.gruppo.taxCode, this.title = "GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUP_HISTORY") : this.title = "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_HISTORY", this.spinner.displayLoader(!0), this.modal.open(), setTimeout(function () {
n.history.init(l), n.spinner.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.focusFirstGrid = function (l) {
var n = this;
32 == l.keyCode && l.shiftKey && setTimeout(function () {
var l = n.gridOptions1.columnApi.getAllDisplayedColumns()[0];
n.gridOptions1.api.ensureColumnVisible(l), n.gridOptions1.api.setFocusedCell(0, l)
}, 50)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: r.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: d.a}, {type: t.b}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, fnhJ: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder()
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this, n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.goToFirstPage()
}, l
}, fwGM: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, gFIY: function (l, n, e) {
var t = {
"./agenti/agenti.module.ngfactory": ["f0ls", 9],
"./area-download/area-download.module.ngfactory": ["Vz4m", 8],
"./authentication/authentication.module.ngfactory": ["YznW", 7],
"./gruppi/gruppi.module.ngfactory": ["WXCH", 6],
"./home/home.module.ngfactory": ["iS93", 5],
"./int-albi/int-albi.module.ngfactory": ["yvX/", 4],
"./oicr/oicr.module.ngfactory": ["/ZcG", 3],
"./orso/orso.module.ngfactory": ["3q9k", 2],
"./succursali/succursali.module.ngfactory": ["HbyF", 1],
"./variazioni/variazioni.module.ngfactory": ["Gi/B", 0]
function u(l) {
var n = t[l];
return n ? e.e(n[1]).then(function () {
return e(n[0])
}) : Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot find module '" + l + "'."))
u.keys = function () {
return Object.keys(t)
}, u.id = "gFIY", l.exports = u
}, gXsc: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("nOql"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("oicrDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization, this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.defaultColDef = {type: "text"}, this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.userLangSubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("oicrDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.userLangSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITY", t), field: "activityAuthType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 300, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITY")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LPS", t), field: "lpsFlag", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value
}, width: 50, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LPS")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY", t), field: "countryCode", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 100, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATE", t), field: "authoritazionStartDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 100, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_AUTH_NOTIFY_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_CLOSURE_DATE", t), field: "expectedEndDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 100, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_CLOSURE_DATE")
}, {
field: "activityExerciseHistories",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return l.value && l.value[0] && l.value[0].startDate && "9999-12-31" != l.value[0].startDate && "0001-01-01" != l.value[0].startDate ? l.value[0].startDate : ""
width: 100,
comparator: function (l, n) {
return "" == l ? -1 : "" == n ? 1 : l[0].startDate < n[0].startDate ? 1 : l[0].startDate > n[0].startDate ? -1 : 0
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_OPERATIONAL_DATE")
}, {
headerName: Object(a.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_OPERATIONAL_DATE", t), field: "endDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 100, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_OPERATIONAL_DATE")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, gzNZ: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("sxG7"), a = e("bm2B"),
r = this && this.__extends || (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
t(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), i = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
nazionalita: new a.e("", [a.w.required]),
denominazioneIntermediario: new a.e(""),
codiceMeccanograficoIntermediario: new a.e(""),
tipoSoggetto: new a.e(""),
cognomeODenominazione: new a.e(""),
codiceFiscale: new a.e(""),
codiceOAM: new a.e(""),
localita: new a.e("")
}) || this
return r(n, l), n
}(a.g), o = e("JPoI"), d = e("p5Ee"), s = e("9Qcf"), c = e("WFHM"), p = function () {
function l() {
return l.createFakeAgent = function () {
var n = new l;
return n.idAgent = "0001", n.abiCode = "32532", n.denominazioneIntermediario = "QUI! FINANCIAL SERVICES S.P.A.", n.idInt = "50000", n.tipoSoggetto = "PERSONA GIURIDICA", n.oam = "1000", n.denominazione = "AGENT CORP.", n.nome = "Giovanni", n.cognome = "Rossi", n.indirizzo = "VIA XX SETTEMBRE, 29/7", n.localita = "ROMA", n.cap = "00100", n.provincia = "RM", n.stato = "ITALIA", n.codFisc = "321H74HJD83H501", n.isPhysicalPerson = !0, n.dataNascita = "1950-11-23", n.dataNomina = "2000-10-01", n.dataRevoca = "9999-04-05", n.dataInizioValidita = "2000-10-01", n.dataFineValidita = "9999-04-05", n
}, l
}(), m = e("dp5l");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var h = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.translateService = e, this.agentiSearchService = t, this.loaderService = u, this.agentiSearchForm = new i
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_AGENTI_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_AGENTI_SEARCH"), this.lang = localStorage.getItem("userLang") || d.a.defaultLang, this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.lang = n
}), this.agentiSearchForm.controls.nazionalita.setValue("ITALIA"), this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm") && (this.agentiSearchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm"))
}, l.prototype.openSearchModal = function (l, n) {
var e = this;
this.type = l, this.owner = n, this.modal.open(), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
}, l.prototype.resetField = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.selectedOption = function (l) {
switch (this.modal.close(), this.owner) {
}, l.prototype.actionsIfItalianNationality = function () {
}, l.prototype.actionsIfForeignNationality = function () {
this.agentiSearchForm.controls.codiceOAM.disable(), this.agentiSearchForm.controls.codiceOAM.setValue("")
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
var l = this;
var n = new p;
n.abiCode = this.agentiSearchForm.get("codiceMeccanograficoIntermediario").value, n.denominazioneIntermediario = this.agentiSearchForm.get("denominazioneIntermediario").value, n.oam = this.agentiSearchForm.get("codiceOAM").value, n.cognome = this.agentiSearchForm.get("cognomeODenominazione").value, n.denominazione = this.agentiSearchForm.get("cognomeODenominazione").value, this.agentiSearchForm.get("localita").value.code ? n.localita = this.agentiSearchForm.get("localita").value.description : n.localita = "", n.codFisc = this.agentiSearchForm.get("codiceFiscale").value, n.isPhysicalPerson = !0, n.tipoSoggetto = this.agentiSearchForm.get("tipoSoggetto").value, n.nome = null, n.idAgent = null, n.idInt = null, n.provincia = null, n.stato = this.agentiSearchForm.get("nazionalita").value, n.indirizzo = null, n.cap = null, n.dataNascita = null, n.dataNomina = null, n.dataRevoca = null;
var e = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.agentiSearchService.getAgentiCount(e).subscribe(function (t) {
if (t > 0) switch (l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchForm", l.agentiSearchForm), l.breadcrumb.putData("Count", t), e.endIndex = t, l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", n), l.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !0), l.breadcrumb.putData("TypeOfSearch", l.getTypeOfSearch()), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.agentiSearchForm.controls.nazionalita.value) {
l.breadcrumb.navigate("agenti/search/results", "AGENTS_ITALIAN_LIST");
l.breadcrumb.navigate("agenti/search/results", "AGENTS_FOREIGN_LIST")
} else l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult()
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.agentiSearchForm.reset(), this.agentiSearchForm.get("localita").setValue(""), this.agentiSearchForm.controls.nazionalita.setValue("ITALIA"), this.agentiSearchForm.controls.codiceOAM.enable()
}, l.prototype.getTypeOfSearch = function () {
if (window.location.href.includes("/GIAVAFEInquiry")) switch (this.agentiSearchForm.controls.nazionalita.value) {
return "internaItaliana";
return "internaEstera"
} else if (window.location.href.includes("/GIAVAInquiry")) switch (this.agentiSearchForm.controls.nazionalita.value) {
return "esternaItaliana";
return "esternaEstera"
} else {
switch (this.agentiSearchForm.controls.nazionalita.value) {
return "esternaItaliana";
return "esternaEstera"
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" !== l.key || this.modal.isOpen() || "noname" == l.target.name || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == l.namespaceURI || this.search()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: o.a}, {type: u.a}, {type: s.b}, {type: c.a}, {type: m.a}]
}, l
}, hA2n: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, hWiz: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("JPoI"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n))
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.prototype.getSedeLegale = function () {
try {
var l = this.intermediary.intermediaryTellers[2], n = void 0, e = "";
return null != l && null != (n = l.tellerHistConfigs[0]) && (e = n.zipCode, null != n.cabPlaceIta && null != n.cabPlaceIta.description && (null != e && e.length > 0 && (e += " - "), e += n.cabPlaceIta.description)), e
} catch (l) {
return ""
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, hmgx: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, ixkR: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("XD1n"), u = (e.n(t), e("XKz0")), a = e("CPp0"), r = e("KN/I"), i = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.http = l, this.httpRest = n, this.BASE_URL = "http://localhost:5000/auth", this.headers = new a.d({"Content-Type": "application/json"})
return l.prototype.register = function (l) {
return this.http.post("${this.BASE_URL}/register", l).toPromise()
}, l.prototype.login = function () {
return this.httpRest.get("login")
}, l.prototype.getAuthStructure = function () {
return this.httpRest.get("getAuthStr").map(function (l) {
return l.functionList
}, l.prototype.logout = function () {
return this.httpRest.get("logout")
}, l.prototype.getUserId = function () {
return this.httpRest.get("getUserId")
}, l.prototype.testCall = function () {
return this.httpRest.post("testpoint", null)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.c}, {type: r.a}]
}, l
}, j2lg: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("JPoI"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.localStorageService = l
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_BRANCH_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_BRANCH_SEARCH")
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, "jIk+": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("Is1N"), a = e("qbdv"), r = e("YC9l"), i = e("xR1M"), o = e("OcqV"), d = e("KGm6"), s = e("D3O6"),
c = e("WDs4"), p = e("np0u"), m = e("bzLd"), h = e("EYva"), f = e("6kBq"), g = e("kSty");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return I
}), n.b = A;
var v = [[""]], I = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: v, data: {}});
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 26, "bs-modal", [], [[2, "fade", null], [2, "modal", null], [1, "role", 0], [1, "tabindex", 0]], null, null, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 278528, null, 0, a.m, [t.KeyValueDiffers, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer], {ngStyle: [0, "ngStyle"]}, null), t["\u0275pod"](3, {top: 0}), t["\u0275did"](4, 4964352, [[1, 4], ["modal", 4]], 0, r.a, [t.ElementRef, i.a, t.NgZone], {size: [0, "size"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](6, 0, null, 0, 6, "bs-modal-header", [], null, null, null, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](7, 49152, null, 0, d.a, [r.a], {showDismiss: [0, "showDismiss"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, 0, 2, "h4", [["class", "modal-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", " ", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, s.a, [c.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, 0, 4, "bs-modal-body", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](15, 49152, null, 0, m.a, [], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), t["\u0275ncd"](0, 0), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](20, 0, null, 0, 6, "bs-modal-footer", [], null, null, null, h.b, h.a)), t["\u0275did"](21, 49152, null, 0, f.a, [r.a], {showDefaultButtons: [0, "showDefaultButtons"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, 0, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 4).close() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](24, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, s.a, [c.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, 0, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, l(n, 3, 0, e.top)), l(n, 4, 0, e.size), l(n, 7, 0, e.showDismiss);
l(n, 21, 0, !1)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).fadeClass, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).modalClass, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).roleAttr, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).tabindexAttr), l(n, 10, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 10, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 11).transform(e.title)), e.title2), l(n, 24, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 24, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).transform("CLOSE")))
t["\u0275ccf"]("app-modal", g.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, A, I)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, g.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {showButtons: "showButtons", showDismiss: "showDismiss", title: "title", title2: "title2", size: "size", top: "top"}, {}, ["*"])
}, kQn6: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return o
var t, u = e("nOql"), a = e("dp5l"), r = e("9Qcf"), i = e("JPoI"), o = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.translate = n, this.loaderService = e, this.gridOptions = {}, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
t = this.translate, this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("intermediaryDetails")), this.rowData = this.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures, this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("intermediaryDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n)), l.rowData = l.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures
}), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, enableSorting: !0, rowHeight: 50
}, this.subLength = this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
l.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(l.createColDef()), l.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, 500)
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
this.intermediarySubscription.unsubscribe(), this.subLength.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE", t), field: "measureType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE", t), field: "measureCode", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 400, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_DATA", t), field: "startDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 170, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_DATA")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_DATA", t), field: "endDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.value || "0001-01-01" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, width: 170, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_DATA")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_REASON", t), field: "endCause", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.description : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.description < n.description ? 1 : l.description > n.description ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CESSATION_REASON")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE_2", t), field: "measureSizeType", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.code : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.code < n.code ? 1 : l.code > n.code ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_TYPE_2")
}, {
headerName: Object(u.b)("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_2", t), field: "measureSize", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return null != l.value ? l.value.code : ""
}, width: 200, comparator: function (l, n) {
return l.code < n.code ? 1 : l.code > n.code ? -1 : 0
}, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_MEASURE_2")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.modelUpdatedEvent = function (l) {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: r.b}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, kR6K: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return a
var t = e("KN/I"), u = e("sxG7"), a = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.httpRest = l, this.breadcrumb = n
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("searchAgenti", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, kSty: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
function l() {
this.showButtons = !1, this.showDismiss = !0, this.title2 = "", this.top = "0"
return l.prototype.open = function () {
}, l.prototype.close = function () {
}, l.prototype.isOpen = function () {
return this.modal.visible
}, l
}, kTHb: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
var n = new Date;
return this.httpRest.get("areaDown?languageId=" + l + "&refDate=" + n.getTime())
}, l.prototype.checkAreaDownloadElements = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.get("checkAreaDownloadElements?" + l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, kVA5: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("WgGk"), a = e("bm2B"), r = e("BkNc"), i = e("qbdv"), o = e("E2hl"), d = e("wvet");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var s = [[""]], c = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: s, data: {}});
function p(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 69, "div", [["class", "container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 66, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 30px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 10, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "col-md-12"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](9, 0, null, null, 1, "h1", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Register"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 0, "hr", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](13, 0, null, null, 0, "br", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 51, "div", [["class", "row"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 48, "div", [["class", "col-md-6"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 45, "form", [["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngSubmit"], [null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 23).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 23).onReset() && u);
"ngSubmit" === n && (u = !1 !== a.onRegister() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](22, 16384, null, 0, a.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](23, 16384, null, 0, a.o, [[8, null], [8, null]], null, {ngSubmit: "ngSubmit"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, a.b, null, [a.o]), t["\u0275did"](25, 16384, null, 0, a.n, [a.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](27, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "form-group"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "email"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Email"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "email"], ["name", "email"], ["placeholder", "enter email"], ["required", ""], ["type", "text"]], [[1, "required", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 33)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 33).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 33)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 33)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.user.email = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](33, 16384, null, 0, a.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, a.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](34, 16384, null, 0, a.u, [], {required: [0, "required"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.u]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.c]), t["\u0275did"](37, 671744, null, 0, a.p, [[2, a.b], [2, a.j], [8, null], [2, a.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, a.l, null, [a.p]), t["\u0275did"](39, 16384, null, 0, a.m, [a.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](42, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "form-group"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](44, 0, null, null, 1, "label", [["for", "password"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Password"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](47, 0, null, null, 7, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["id", "password"], ["name", "password"], ["placeholder", "enter password"], ["required", ""], ["type", "password"]], [[1, "required", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "ngModelChange"], [null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 48)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 48).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 48)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 48)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"ngModelChange" === n && (u = !1 !== (a.user.password = e) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](48, 16384, null, 0, a.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, a.a]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](49, 16384, null, 0, a.u, [], {required: [0, "required"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.u]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, a.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [a.c]), t["\u0275did"](52, 671744, null, 0, a.p, [[2, a.b], [2, a.j], [8, null], [2, a.k]], {
name: [0, "name"],
model: [1, "model"]
}, {update: "ngModelChange"}), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, a.l, null, [a.p]), t["\u0275did"](54, 16384, null, 0, a.m, [a.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](57, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default"], ["type", "submit"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Submit"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](60, 0, null, null, 5, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 15px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["routerLink", "/auth/login"]], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 63).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](63, 671744, null, 0, r.m, [r.k, r.a, i.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Login"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 34, 0, "");
l(n, 37, 0, "email", e.user.email);
l(n, 49, 0, "");
l(n, 52, 0, "password", e.user.password);
l(n, 63, 0, "/auth/login")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 21, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 25).ngClassPending), l(n, 32, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 34).required ? "" : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 39).ngClassPending), l(n, 47, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 49).required ? "" : null, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).ngClassPending), l(n, 62, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 63).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 63).href)
var m = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-register", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-register", [], null, null, null, p, c)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, u.a, [r.k, o.a, d.h], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, mWpY: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder()
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this, n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.goToFirstPage()
}, l
}, "mo/f": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("fOoL"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, nNOT: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("6dMS"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-profili-analisi", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-profili-analisi", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, nOql: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
n.c = function (l, n, e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = null);
return t = e.context.grid.columnDefs, e.node.id <= 0 ? e.value : u(l, n, e, t) ? "" : e.value
}, n.a = function (l, n, e, a) {
void 0 === a && (a = null);
if (a = e.context.grid.columnDefs, null == (e.context.grid.grid || e.context.grid).rowData[+e.node.id + 1]) return {
"border-bottom": "solid #ccc 1px",
"border-right": "solid #ccc 1px",
"overflow-y": "auto",
"z-index": t
if (function l(n, e, t, u) {
if (!u) return !1;
var a = t.context.grid.grid || t.context.grid;
if (n > e) return !1;
if (n == e) return t.data[u[n].field] == a.rowData[+t.node.id + 1][u[n].field];
return t.data[u[n].field] == a.rowData[+t.node.id + 1][u[n].field] && l(n + 1, e, t, u)
}(l, n, e, a)) {
var r = t;
return u(l, n, e, a) && (r = t - 1), {
"border-bottom": "0px",
"border-right": "solid #ccc 1px",
overflow: "visible !important",
"z-index": r
return {"border-bottom": "solid #ccc 1px", "border-right": "solid #ccc 1px", "overflow-y": "auto", "z-index": t - 1}
}, n.b = function (l, n) {
return n.instant(l)
var t = 899;
function u(l, n, e, t) {
if (!t) return !1;
var a = e.context.grid.grid || e.context.grid;
return !(e.node.id <= 0) && (!(l > n) && (l == n ? e.data[t[l].field] == a.rowData[+e.node.id - 1][t[l].field] : e.data[t[l].field] == a.rowData[+e.node.id - 1][t[l].field] && u(l + 1, n, e, t)))
}, nWGI: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GUcs"), a = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 2, styles: [], data: {}});
function r(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 3, "div", [["style", "text-align: center;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 0, "img", [["alt", "Download csv"], ["src", "assets/images/icons/CSV-128_bianco.jpg"], ["style", "cursor: pointer; width: 32px; margin: 2px;"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.download() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, null)
var i = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, r, a)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, oMNG: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return p
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("tBNU"), a = e("BkNc"), r = e("EkHy"), i = e("d+rR"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("FKed"),
c = e("3Bc0"), p = function () {
function l(l, n, e, u) {
this.variazioniResultsService = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.localStorageService = e, this.router = u, this.result = new t.EventEmitter, this.rowData = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 30, this.Math = Math, this.searchOrderItems = [], this.defaultColDef = {
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headerComponentFramework: i.a
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
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onGridReady: function (l) {
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switch (this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentReason.description) {
this.columnDefs = this.createColDefInt(), this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsIntermediary();
this.columnDefs = this.createColDefGrp(), this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsGroup()
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var l = new r.a(1, 1, "subjectCode", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new r.a(8, 2, "expectedEndDate", !1), n.push(l), l = new r.a(2, 3, "elementValue", !1), n.push(l), l = new r.a(2, 4, "id", !1), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsGroup = function () {
var l = new r.a(1, 1, "subjectCode", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new r.a(7, 2, "expectedEndDate", !1), n.push(l), l = new r.a(2, 3, "elementValue", !1), n.push(l), l = new r.a(3, 4, "name", !1), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createColDefInt = function () {
return this.properties = ["activityId", "id", "abiCode", "name", "taxCode", "saeCode", "stateCod", "expectedEndDate"], (new c.a).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER", "activityId", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_EVENT_TYPE", "id", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL", "abiCode", c.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 120).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION", "name", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, 150, !0).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OLD_DENOMINATION", "taxCode", c.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTERED_OFFICE", "saeCode", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_STATE_PARENT", "stateCod", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_EVENT_DATE", "expectedEndDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 120).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefGrp = function () {
return this.properties = ["activityId", "id", "name", "taxCode", "abiCode", "stateCod", "expectedEndDate"], (new c.a).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTER", "activityId", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_EVENT_TYPE", "id", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GROUP_DENOMINATION", "name", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, 150, !0).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OLD_GROUP_DENOMINATION", "taxCode", c.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL", "abiCode", c.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 120).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_COMPONENT", "stateCod", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_EVENT_DATE", "expectedEndDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("name" == l.column.colId && "000" == this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentReason.description) (n = {}).idIntermediary = l.data.idIntermediary, n.establishmentDate = l.data.expectedEndDate, this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result/details"); else if ("name" == l.column.colId && "002" == this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").establishmentReason.description) {
var n;
(n = {}).name = l.data.idIntermediary, n.establishmentDate = l.data.expectedEndDate;
var e = {};
e.Group = n, e.SearchElement = n, this.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result/detail/group", null, null, e)
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
if ("PDF" == l && this.count > 350) this.modal.open(); else {
var n = s.a.getContextPath() + "/getVariationListExport.do?";
n += "exportType=" + l, "000" == this.searchForm.establishmentReason.description && (this.typeOfExport = "intermediary"), "002" == this.searchForm.establishmentReason.description && (this.typeOfExport = "group"), n += "&subType=" + this.typeOfExport, null != this.searchForm.establishmentReason.startDate && (n += "&establishmentStartDate=" + this.searchForm.establishmentReason.startDate), null != this.searchForm.establishmentReason.endDate && (n += "&establishmentEndDate=" + this.searchForm.establishmentReason.endDate), null != this.searchForm.establishmentReason.description && (n += "&establishmentReasonDesc=" + this.searchForm.establishmentReason.description), null != this.searchForm.establishmentReason.code && (n += "&establishmentReasonCode=" + this.searchForm.establishmentReason.code), n += "&username=" + localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), window.open(n, "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: d.a}, {type: a.k}]
}, l
}, p5Ee: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = {envName: "prod", production: !0, defaultLang: "it", baseUrl: ""}
}, pBtf: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("BkNc"), o = e("d2k+"), d = e("jIk+"), s = e("kSty"),
c = e("kR6K"), p = e("sxG7"), m = e("JPoI"), h = e("dp5l"), f = e("WFHM");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return w
var g = [[""]], v = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: g, data: {}});
function I(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", " ", "\n ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FROM")), e.intermediary.establishmentDate, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 3).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.intermediary.cessationDate)
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.xmlExportLinkIta)
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.csvExportLinkIta)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.pdfExportLinkIta)
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.xmlExportLinkEst)
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.csvExportLinkEst)
function _(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.pdfExportLinkEst)
function D(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"]))], null, null)
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"]))], null, null)
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"]))], null, null)
function O(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"]))], null, null)
function S(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"]))], null, null)
function N(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"]))], null, null)
function L(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 101, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 97, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n \n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 5, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](8, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, I)), t["\u0275did"](11, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 84, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 81, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](24, 0, null, null, 73, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](26, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](29, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](35, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](38, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](41, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](44, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](47, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](50, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, y)), t["\u0275did"](53, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, _)), t["\u0275did"](59, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](62, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, D)), t["\u0275did"](65, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](68, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](71, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](74, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, T)), t["\u0275did"](77, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](80, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, O)), t["\u0275did"](83, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](86, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, S)), t["\u0275did"](89, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](92, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, N)), t["\u0275did"](95, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](104, 0, null, null, 42, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](106, 0, null, null, 33, "ul", [["class", "nav nav-tabs"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](108, 0, null, null, 14, "li", [["aria-selected", "true"], ["class", "active"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](109, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {
routerLinkActiveOptions: [0, "routerLinkActiveOptions"],
routerLinkActive: [1, "routerLinkActive"]
}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 2, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 3, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), t["\u0275pod"](112, {exact: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](114, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 115).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](115, 671744, [[3, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](116, 1), t["\u0275pod"](117, {AgentiOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](118, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](119, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](120, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](124, 0, null, null, 14, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](125, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {
routerLinkActiveOptions: [0, "routerLinkActiveOptions"],
routerLinkActive: [1, "routerLinkActive"]
}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 4, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 5, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), t["\u0275pod"](128, {exact: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](130, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 131).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](131, 671744, [[5, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](132, 1), t["\u0275pod"](133, {AgentiOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](134, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](135, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](136, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](141, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "tab-container"], ["style", "height:701px; overflow-y: auto;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](143, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [["name", "AgentiOutlet"]], null, [[null, "activate"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"activate" === n && (t = !1 !== u.onActivate(e) && t);
return t
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](144, 212992, null, 0, i.o, [i.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, "AgentiOutlet"], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, {activateEvents: "activate"}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](148, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, d.b, d.a)), t["\u0275did"](149, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, s.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](150, 0, ["\n ", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 11, 0, e.intermediary.establishmentDate && e.intermediary.cessationDate), l(n, 29, 0, "italiani" == e.typeOfSearch && e.isExportIta), l(n, 35, 0, "italiani" == e.typeOfSearch && e.isExportIta), l(n, 41, 0, "italiani" == e.typeOfSearch && e.isExportIta), l(n, 47, 0, "italiani" != e.typeOfSearch && e.isExportEst), l(n, 53, 0, "italiani" != e.typeOfSearch && e.isExportEst), l(n, 59, 0, "italiani" != e.typeOfSearch && e.isExportEst), l(n, 65, 0, "italiani" == e.typeOfSearch && !e.isExportIta), l(n, 71, 0, "italiani" == e.typeOfSearch && !e.isExportIta), l(n, 77, 0, "italiani" == e.typeOfSearch && !e.isExportIta), l(n, 83, 0, "italiani" != e.typeOfSearch && !e.isExportEst), l(n, 89, 0, "italiani" != e.typeOfSearch && !e.isExportEst), l(n, 95, 0, "italiani" != e.typeOfSearch && !e.isExportEst);
l(n, 109, 0, l(n, 112, 0, !0), "active"), l(n, 115, 0, l(n, 119, 0, l(n, 118, 0, l(n, 117, 0, l(n, 116, 0, "italiani")))));
l(n, 125, 0, l(n, 128, 0, !0), "active"), l(n, 131, 0, l(n, 135, 0, l(n, 134, 0, l(n, 133, 0, l(n, 132, 0, "esteri"))))), l(n, 144, 0);
l(n, 149, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 8, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("INTERMEDIARY_AGENTS"))), l(n, 114, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 115).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 115).href), l(n, 120, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 120, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 121).transform("AGENTS_ITALIAN_LIST"))), l(n, 130, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 131).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 131).href), l(n, 136, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 136, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 137).transform("AGENTS_FOREIGN_LIST"))), l(n, 150, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 150, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 151).transform(e.text)))
var w = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-agenti-grid-tab-result", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti-grid-tab-result", [], null, null, null, L, v)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, o.a, [c.a, i.a, p.a, m.a, h.a, a.a, f.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, pEw3: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, pjmA: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("DEjw"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-classificazioni", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-classificazioni", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, q8Yj: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("/oeL"), a = e("sxG7"), r = e("EkHy"), i = e("FKed"), o = e("nOql"), d = e("3Bc0"), s = e("d8I1"),
c = e("W4Tn"), p = e("JPoI"), m = this && this.__assign || Object.assign || function (l) {
for (var n, e = 1, t = arguments.length; e < t; e++) for (var u in n = arguments[e]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, u) && (l[u] = n[u]);
return l
}, h = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t) {
this.succursaliResultsService = l, this.breadcrumb = n, this.localStorageService = e, this.translate = t, this.result = new u.EventEmitter, this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.properties = ["idAbi", "idPartner"], this.rowData = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 120,
cellClass: ["defaultCellStyle", "cellFormatterClass"],
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: c.a
}, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 30, this.Math = Math, this.searchOrderItems = []
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.nome = this.breadcrumb.getData("Intermediary"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_BRANCH_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_BRANCH_LIST"), "/succursali" != this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !1) : this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !0), this.rowData = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results"), this.typeOfExport = "storic", this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, this.numElem = 0, this.count = this.breadcrumb.getData("Count"), this.searchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement");
try {
this.stringDate = i.a.formatDate(this.searchForm.startActivationDate)
} catch (l) {
this.stringDate = this.searchForm.startActivationDate
"subList" == this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch") ? (this.columnDefs = this.createColDefSubList(), this.properties = ["idTeller", "cabTeller"]) : this.initializeGrid(), this.breadcrumb.getData("NewSearch") ? (this.rowCount = "30", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !1), this.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.searchOrderItems), this.breadcrumb.putData("RowCount", this.rowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualRowCount", this.actualRowCount), this.breadcrumb.putData("PageNumber", this.pageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("ActualPageNumber", this.actualPageNumber), this.breadcrumb.putData("EndIndex", this.endIndex), this.breadcrumb.putData("StartIndex", this.startIndex), this.rowData = []) : (this.searchOrderItems = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchOrder"), this.rowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("RowCount"), this.actualRowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualRowCount"), this.pageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("PageNumber"), this.actualPageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualPageNumber"), this.endIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("EndIndex"), this.startIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("StartIndex"), this.initialize = !1)
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeGrid = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItems(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDef()
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItems = function () {
var l = new r.a(1, 1, "idPartner", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createColDefSubList = function () {
return (new d.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_AGENCY_CODE"), "idTeller", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 150, 120, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CAB"), "cabTeller", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("STATO"), "stateCod", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY"), "village", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_HAMLET"), "hamlet", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS"), "address", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE"), "zipCode", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_LOCATION_CODE"), "locationCode", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_TYPE"), "tellerTypeElement", d.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_START_DATE_ACTIVITY"), "startActivationDate", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLOSURE_DATE"), "endActivationDate", d.a.DATE_FORMATTER).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return [{
field: "idAbi",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
var n = Object(o.c)(0, 0, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return "999999" == n ? "N/A" : n
cellStyle: function (l) {
return Object(o.a)(0, 0, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
width: 130,
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field: "idPartner",
valueFormatter: function (l) {
return Object(o.c)(0, 1, l, l.context.componentParent.properties)
cellStyle: function (l) {
var n = Object(o.a)(0, 1, l, l.context.componentParent.properties);
return null != l.value && "" != l.value ? m({}, n, {
"text-decoration": "underline",
color: "#0167bf",
cursor: "pointer",
"font-weight": "bold"
}) : n
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
width: 400,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION_INTERMEDIARY")
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field: "idTeller",
cellStyle: {"text-decoration": "underline", color: "#0167bf", cursor: "pointer", "font-weight": "bold"},
minWidth: 90,
width: 120,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_AGENCY_CODE")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_CAB",
field: "cabTeller",
minWidth: 90,
width: 120,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CAB")
}, {
headerName: "STATO",
field: "stateCod",
width: 150,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("STATO")
}, {
field: "village",
width: 220,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CITY")
}, {
field: "hamlet",
width: 220,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_HAMLET")
}, {
field: "address",
width: 220,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ADDRESS")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE", field: "zipCode", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "00000" == l.value ? "" : l.value
}, minWidth: 90, width: 120, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ZIP_CODE")
}, {
field: "locationCode",
minWidth: 90,
width: 120,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_LOCATION_CODE")
}, {
field: "tellerTypeElement",
width: 150,
headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_START_DATE_ACTIVITY", field: "startActivationDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.data.startActivationDate || "0-12-30" == l.data.startActivationDate || "1-01-01" == l.data.startActivationDate || "0001-01-01" == l.data.startActivationDate ? "" : l.data.startActivationDate_branchesSt1
}, width: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_TYPE")
}, {
headerName: "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLOSURE_DATE", field: "endActivationDate", valueFormatter: function (l) {
return "9999-12-31" == l.data.endActivationDate || "0-12-30" == l.data.endActivationDate || "1-01-01" == l.data.endActivationDate || "0001-01-01" == l.data.endActivationDate ? "" : l.data.endActivationDate
}, width: 150, headerTooltip: this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_TYPE")
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("idPartner" == l.column.colId) {
var n = {};
n.idIntermediary = l.data.idInt, n.establishmentDate = i.a.formatDate(this.searchForm.startActivationDate), this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/details")
} else "idTeller" == l.column.colId && (this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", l.data), "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details/branches/branchDetail", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/branchDetail", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/branches/branchDetail", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/branches/branchDetail", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data) : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result/details/branches/branchDetail", null, null, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data))
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
if ("PDF" == l && this.count > 350) this.modal.open(); else {
var n = {};
n.exportType = l, n.subType = "list";
var e = i.a.getContextPath() + "/getTellerListExport.do?";
null != this.searchForm.startActivationDate && "" != this.searchForm.startActivationDate && (n.startActivationDate = this.searchForm.startActivationDate), null != this.searchForm.id && "" != this.searchForm.id && (n.id = this.searchForm.id), null != this.searchForm.userId && "" != this.searchForm.userId && (n.userId = this.searchForm.userId), null != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs && this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0] && null != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].tellerTypeElement && "" != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].tellerTypeElement && (n.tellerType = this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].tellerTypeElement.type), null != this.searchForm.zipCode && "" != this.searchForm.zipCode && (n.zipCode = this.searchForm.zipCode), null != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs && this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0] && null != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].cabPlaceIta && (n.cabPlaceIta = this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].cabPlaceIta.code), null != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs && null != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].stateCod && "" != this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].stateCod && (n.stateCod = this.searchForm.tellerHistConfigs[0].stateCod), e += i.a.uriParams(n), e += "&username=" + localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), window.open(e, "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: s.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: p.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, qO7Q: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getOicrCount = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("countSearchWorkingCompartment", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, qVhd: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return r
var t = e("FKed"), u = e("sxG7"), a = e("JPoI"), r = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.breadcrumb = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_BRANCH_DETAIL"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_BRANCH_DETAIL"), this.intermediary = this.breadcrumb.getData("Intermediary");
try {
this.searchDate = t.a.formatDate(this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").startActivationDate)
} catch (l) {
this.searchDate = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement").startActivationDate
}, l.prototype.openIntermediary = function () {
var l = {};
l.idIntermediary = this.intermediary.idInt, l.establishmentDate = this.searchDate, "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details", null, null, {Intermediary: l}) : "/succursali" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/branchDetail/details", null, null, {Intermediary: l}) : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/details/intermediary", null, null, {Intermediary: l}) : "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/details/intermediary", null, null, {Intermediary: l}) : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result/details", null, null, {Intermediary: l})
}, l.prototype.getLinkStampa = function (l) {
var n = t.a.getContextPath() + "/getTellerDetailExport.do", e = {}, u = this.intermediary;
e.dataRiferimento = t.a.formatDate(new Date), e.idAbi = u.idAbi, e.idPartner = u.idPartner, e.idTeller = u.idTeller, e.cabTeller = u.cabTeller, e.stateCod = u.stateCod, e.address = u.address, e.zipCode = u.zipCode, e.village = u.village, e.website = u.website, e.pecEmailAddress = u.pecEmailAddress, e.email = u.email, e.phoneNumber = u.phoneNumber, e.faxNumber = u.faxNumber, e.tellerTypeElement = u.tellerTypeElement, e.startActivationDate = u.startActivationDate, e.endActivationDate = u.endActivationDate, e.validityStartDate = u.validityStartDate, e.validityEndDate = u.validityEndDate, e.hamlet = u.hamlet, e.locationCode = u.locationCode, e.username = localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), e.exportType = l, window.open(n + "?" + t.a.uriParams(e), "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.a}, {type: a.a}]
}, l
}, qtdi: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("BkNc"), o = e("4P8T"), d = e("dp5l"), s = e("sxG7"),
c = e("JPoI"), p = e("RHpV");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return y
var m = [[".tab-container[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;border-left:1px solid #ddd;border-right:1px solid #ddd;padding:25px}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}#pulsantiera[_ngcontent-%COMP%] button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:5px}"]],
h = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: m, data: {}});
function f(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 10px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", " ", ", ", " ", " ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, "0" == (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) ? "" : (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.abiCode) + " -", null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.name, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FROM")), null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.establishmentDate, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 4, t["\u0275nov"](n, 3).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.cessationDate)
function g(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-left: 10px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", " ", " ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 1, 0, "- " + (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.histConfigs[0].name70), t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 1, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TO")), e.searchDate)
function v(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 7, "span", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, f)), t["\u0275did"](3, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, g)), t["\u0275did"](6, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, !e.originDate), l(n, 6, 0, e.originDate && (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.histConfigs))
}, null)
function I(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 5, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 6, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[6, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "att-autorizzate")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ACTIVITY")))
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 7, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 8, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[8, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "classificazioni")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATIONS")))
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 9, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 10, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[10, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "provvedimenti")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VIGILANCE_MEASURES")))
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 13, "li", [["aria-selected", "false"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {routerLinkActive: [0, "routerLinkActive"]}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 11, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 12, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 6).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, [[12, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](7, 1), t["\u0275pod"](8, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](9, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](10, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](11, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, "active"), l(n, 6, 0, l(n, 10, 0, l(n, 9, 0, l(n, 8, 0, l(n, 7, 0, "legami")))))
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).href), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 12).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TIES")))
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {modal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {history: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 95, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "card card-title"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, v)), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 38, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "margin-bottom: 20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](13, 0, null, null, 29, "ul", [["class", "nav nav-tabs"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](15, 0, null, null, 14, "li", [["aria-selected", "true"], ["class", "active"], ["role", "presentation"], ["routerLinkActive", "active"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](16, 1720320, null, 2, i.l, [i.k, t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, t.ChangeDetectorRef], {
routerLinkActiveOptions: [0, "routerLinkActiveOptions"],
routerLinkActive: [1, "routerLinkActive"]
}, null), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 3, {links: 1}), t["\u0275qud"](603979776, 4, {linksWithHrefs: 1}), t["\u0275pod"](19, {exact: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 7, "a", [], [[1, "target", 0], [8, "href", 4]], [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"click" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 22).onClick(e.button, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey) && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](22, 671744, [[4, 4]], 0, i.m, [i.k, i.a, r.g], {routerLink: [0, "routerLink"]}, null), t["\u0275pad"](23, 1), t["\u0275pod"](24, {intAlbiDetailsOutlet: 0}), t["\u0275pod"](25, {outlets: 0}), t["\u0275pad"](26, 1), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](27, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, I)), t["\u0275did"](32, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](35, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](38, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](41, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](44, 0, null, null, 4, "div", [["class", "tab-container"], ["style", "height:501px; overflow-y: auto;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [["name", "intAlbiDetailsOutlet"]], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](47, 212992, null, 0, i.o, [i.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, "intAlbiDetailsOutlet"], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](51, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["id", "pulsantiera"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](53, 0, null, null, 9, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 73%; float: left;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](55, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](56, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](59, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.openIntermediary() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](60, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](64, 0, null, null, 31, "div", [["class", "card"], ["style", "width: 25%; float: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](66, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["style", "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](67, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](70, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "btn-group dropup"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](72, 0, null, null, 4, "button", [["aria-expanded", "false"], ["aria-haspopup", "true"], ["class", "btn btn-primary gradient dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](73, null, ["\n ", " "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](75, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](78, 0, null, null, 11, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](80, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](81, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("XML") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](82, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](85, 0, null, null, 3, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](86, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["href", "javascript:void(0);"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("CSV") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](87, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](92, 0, null, null, 2, "a", [["class", "btn btn-primary gradient"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.getLinkStampa("PDF") && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](93, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, e.isTitleVisible);
l(n, 16, 0, l(n, 19, 0, !0), "active"), l(n, 22, 0, l(n, 26, 0, l(n, 25, 0, l(n, 24, 0, l(n, 23, 0, "anagrafica"))))), l(n, 32, 0, (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization) && (null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryAuthorization.length) > 0), l(n, 35, 0, (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.classifications) && (null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.classifications ? null : e.intermediary.classifications.length) > 0), l(n, 38, 0, (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures) && (null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures ? null : e.intermediary.intermediaryMeasures.length) > 0), l(n, 41, 0, (null == e.intermediary ? null : e.intermediary.relationships) && (null == e.intermediary ? null : null == e.intermediary.relationships ? null : e.intermediary.relationships.length) > 0), l(n, 47, 0)
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_DETAIL"))), l(n, 21, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 22).target, t["\u0275nov"](n, 22).href), l(n, 27, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 27, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 28).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_REGISTRY"))), l(n, 56, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 56, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 57).transform("OICR_OTHER_INFORMATION"))), l(n, 60, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 60, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 61).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SGR_SICAV_DETAIL"))), l(n, 67, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 67, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 68).transform("GIAVA_APPLICATION_BAR_UTILITIES_LABEL"))), l(n, 73, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 73, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 74).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPORT"))), l(n, 82, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 82, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 83).transform("EXPORT_XML_FORMAT"))), l(n, 87, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 87, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).transform("EXPORT_CSV_FORMAT"))), l(n, 93, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 93, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 94).transform("GIAVA_PRINT_LABEL")))
var y = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-oicr-details", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-oicr-details", [], null, null, null, C, h)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [i.k, d.a, s.a, c.a, p.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, rAz8: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("gXsc"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-oicr-att", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-oicr-att", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, sD5H: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("7TTz"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], [null, "modelUpdated"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"modelUpdated" === n && (u = !1 !== a.modelUpdatedEvent(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed",
modelUpdated: "modelUpdated"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-rapporti-albi", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-rapporti-albi", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [d.a, s.a, i.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, sgMY: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("JPoI"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.localStorageService = l, this.intermediary = {}
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.intermediary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("oicrDetails")), this.intermediarySubscription = this.localStorageService.getItem("oicrDetails").subscribe(function (n) {
n && (l.intermediary = JSON.parse(n))
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, sj5L: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return v
var t = e("NfBh"), u = e("DEjw"), a = e("6dMS"), r = e("TZe3"), i = e("kQn6"), o = e("7TTz"), d = e("XgWn"), s = e("OQU6"),
c = e("Xt4+"), p = e("hWiz"), m = e("DAWl"), h = e("ulSM"), f = e("BwHf"), g = e("XQj1"),
v = (f.a, g.a, h.a, t.a, m.a, c.a, p.a, s.a, d.a, o.a, i.a, r.a, a.a, u.a, function () {
return function () {
}, sxG7: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("BkNc"), u = function () {
return function (l, n, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = ""), this.url = l, this.text = n, this.icon = e, this.data = {}
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return a
var a = function () {
function l(n) {
this.router = n, this.nodes = [], this.activeNode = new u("home", "Home", "home"), this.nodes.push(this.activeNode), l.staticRouter = n
return l.prototype.navigate = function (n, e, t, a) {
void 0 === e && (e = null), void 0 === t && (t = ""), void 0 === a && (a = null), n = (n.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + n;
var r, i = this.nodes.findIndex(function (l) {
return l.url == n
return null == e && (e = this.findText(n)), r = new u(n, e, t), -1 == i ? this.nodes.push(r) : (this.nodes[i] = r, this.nodes.splice(i + 1)), this.activeNode = r, a && this.saveData(a), l.semaforo ? this.router.navigate(["semaforo"]) : this.router.navigate([n])
}, l.prototype.goTo = function (n) {
var e = this.nodes.findIndex(function (l) {
return l.url == n.url
return this.activeNode = this.nodes[e], this.nodes.splice(e + 1), l.semaforo ? this.router.navigate(["semaforo"]) : this.router.navigate([n.url])
}, l.prototype.goToPreviousNode = function () {
return this.nodes.pop(), this.router.navigate([this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1].url])
}, l.prototype.goHome = function () {
return this.nodes.splice(1), this.activeNode = this.nodes[0], l.semaforo ? this.router.navigate(["semaforo"]) : this.router.navigate([this.nodes[0].url])
}, l.prototype.goToModule = function (n, e) {
return this.nodes.splice(1), l.semaforo ? this.router.navigate(["semaforo"]) : this.navigate(n, e)
}, l.prototype.saveData = function (l) {
this.activeNode.data = l
}, l.prototype.putData = function (l, n) {
this.activeNode.data[l] = n
}, l.prototype.getData = function (l) {
if (void 0 === l && (l = null), l) {
for (var n = this.nodes.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (null != this.nodes[n].data[l]) return this.nodes[n].data[l];
return null
return this.activeNode.data
}, l.prototype.findText = function (l) {
return r[(l.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + l]
}, l.setSemaforo = function (n) {
l.semaforo = n, l.staticRouter.navigate(["semaforo"])
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.k}]
}, l.semaforo = !1, l
}(), r = {
"/home": "Home",
"/int-albi/search": "RICERCA_INTERMEDIARI_ALBI",
"/int-albi/result/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/int-albi/result/details/group": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETAIL_GROUP",
"/int-albi/result/details/branches": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_BRANCHES_LIST",
"/int-albi/result/details/branches/branchDetail": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OFFICE_DETAIL",
"/int-albi/result/oicrResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OICRS_LIST",
"/int-albi/result/oicrResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_DETAIL",
"/int-albi/result/orsoResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_LIST",
"/int-albi/result/orsoResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETT_EXP",
"/gruppi/search": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_GROUPS",
"/gruppi/result": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_GROUPS_LIST",
"/gruppi/result/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETAIL_GROUP",
"/gruppi/result/details/intermediary": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/gruppi/result/details/branches": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_BRANCHES_LIST",
"/gruppi/result/details/branches/branchDetail": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OFFICE_DETAIL",
"/gruppi/result/oicrResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OICRS_LIST",
"/gruppi/result/oicrResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_DETAIL",
"/gruppi/result/orsoResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_LIST",
"/gruppi/result/orsoResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETT_EXP",
"/succursali/search": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_BRANCHES",
"/succursali/result": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_BRANCHES_LIST",
"/succursali/result/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/succursali/result/branchDetail": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OFFICE_DETAIL",
"/succursali/result/details/group": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETAIL_GROUP",
"/succursali/result/branchDetail/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/succursali/result/oicrResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OICRS_LIST",
"/succursali/result/oicrResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_DETAIL",
"/succursali/result/orsoResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_LIST",
"/succursali/result/orsoResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETT_EXP",
"/variazioni/search": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION",
"/variazioni/result/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/variazioni/result/detail/group": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETAIL_GROUP",
"/variazioni/result/details/branches": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_BRANCHES_LIST",
"/variazioni/result/details/branches/branchDetail": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OFFICE_DETAIL",
"/variazioni/result/orsoResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_LIST",
"/variazioni/result/orsoResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETT_EXP",
"/oicr/result": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_OICRS_LIST",
"/oicr/result/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_OICR_DETAIL",
"/oicr/result/details/intermediary": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/oicr/result/details/group": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETAIL_GROUP",
"/oicr/result/orsoResult": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_LIST",
"/oicr/result/orsoResult/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETT_EXP",
"/orso/search": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_ORSO",
"/orso/result": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_ORSO_LIST",
"/orso/result/details": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DETT_EXP",
"/orso/result/intermediaryDetails": "GIAVA_INQUIRY_INTERMEDIARY_DETAIL",
"/agenti": "AGENTS",
"/agenti/search": "AGENTS",
"/agenti/search/results": "AGENTS_LIST",
"/agenti/search/tabResult": "INTERMEDIARY_AGENTS"
}, t2CE: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("GCIz"), a = e("dALX"), r = e("dp5l"), i = e("sxG7"), o = e("XgWn"), d = e("JPoI"), s = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return h
var c = [[""]], p = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: c, data: {}});
function m(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
return u
}, u.b, u.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, a.a, [r.a, i.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
height: [4, "height"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, "450px")
}, null)
var h = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-details-att-autorizzate", o.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-details-att-autorizzate", [], null, null, null, m, p)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, o.a, [d.a, s.a, r.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, tBNU: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("KN/I"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.httpRest = l
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("searchVariation", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}]
}, l
}, tGHQ: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("FKed"), a = e("9Qcf"), r = e("JPoI"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("dY+t"), d = e("bm2B"),
s = this && this.__extends || (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
t(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), c = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
denInt: new d.e(""),
codInt: new d.e(""),
tipoSuccurs: new d.e(""),
establishmentDate: new d.e({
value: {
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, [d.w.required]),
cap: new d.e(""),
localita: new d.e(""),
stato: new d.e(""),
sel: new d.e("localita")
}) || this
return s(n, l), n
}(d.g), p = e("sxG7");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.breadcrumb = l, this.succursaliSearchService = n, this.loaderService = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.translateService = u, this.calendarOptions = {dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy"}, this.searchFormSuccursali = new c, this.branchesTypeList = [], this.show2 = !0
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.translateService.getTranslation(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.calendarOptions.dayLabels = {
su: n.SUN,
mo: n.MON,
tu: n.TUE,
we: n.WED,
th: n.THU,
fr: n.FRI,
sa: n.SAT
}, l.calendarOptions.todayBtnTxt = n.TODAY, l.calendarOptions.monthLabels = {
1: n.JAN,
2: n.FEB,
3: n.MAR,
4: n.APR,
5: n.MAY,
6: n.JUN,
7: n.JUL,
8: n.AUG,
9: n.SEP,
10: n.OCT,
11: n.NOV,
12: n.DEC
}, l.show2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
return l.show2 = !0
}, 10)
}), this.succursaliSearchService.getCompliantElements(null, "INQ_SEDI_RICERCA", "GI_TIPOSEDE").subscribe(function (n) {
l.branchesTypeList = n
}), this.searchFormSuccursali.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm") && (this.searchFormSuccursali = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm"))
}, l.prototype.requiredFieldMessage = function () {
this.title = "REQUIREDFIELDHEADER", this.text = "REQUIREDFIELDBODY", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
this.searchFormSuccursali.invalid ? this.requiredFieldMessage() : this.succursaliSearch()
}, l.prototype.succursaliSearch = function () {
var l = this, n = {}, e = {};
n.tellerHistConfigs = [], n.startActivationDate = u.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.searchFormSuccursali.get("establishmentDate").value), null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("denInt").value && "" != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("denInt").value && (n.id = "%" + this.searchFormSuccursali.get("denInt").value + "%"), null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("codInt").value && "" != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("codInt").value && (n.userId = this.searchFormSuccursali.get("codInt").value), null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("tipoSuccurs").value && "" != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("tipoSuccurs").value && (e.tellerTypeElement = {}, e.tellerTypeElement.type = this.searchFormSuccursali.get("tipoSuccurs").value), null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("cap").value && "" != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("cap").value && (e.zipCode = this.searchFormSuccursali.get("cap").value), null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").value && "" != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").value && null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").value.code && (e.cabPlaceIta = {}, e.cabPlaceIta.code = this.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").value.code), null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").value && "" != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").value && null != this.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").value.code && (e.stateCod = this.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").value.code), n.tellerHistConfigs.push(e);
var t = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.succursaliSearchService.getSuccursaliCount(t).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchForm", l.searchFormSuccursali), l.breadcrumb.putData("Count", e), l.breadcrumb.putData("SearchElement", n), l.breadcrumb.putData("NewSearch", !0), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result")) : l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, function (n) {
}, l.prototype.openSearchModal = function (l, n) {
var e = this;
this.type = l, this.owner = n, this.modal.open(), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
}, l.prototype.selectedOption = function (l) {
switch (this.modal.close(), this.owner) {
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" !== l.key || this.modal.isOpen() || "noname" == l.target.name || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == l.namespaceURI || (this.dp.closeCalendar(), this.search())
}, l.prototype.setRadio = function (l) {
"localita" == l ? this.searchFormSuccursali.get("stato").reset() : this.searchFormSuccursali.get("localita").reset()
}, l.prototype.resetField = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.searchFormSuccursali.reset(), this.searchFormSuccursali.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.searchFormSuccursali.get("sel").setValue("localita")
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: p.a}, {type: o.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: r.a}, {type: a.b}]
}, l
}, tGyn: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, tzV1: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("DTtM"), a = e("GCIz"), r = e("dALX"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("sxG7"), d = e("kR6K"), s = e("BkNc"),
c = e("JPoI"), p = e("WDs4"), m = e("WFHM");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return v
var h = [[""]], f = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: h, data: {}});
function g(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 0, null, null, 2, "grid", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"], ["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0, a = l.component;
"document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 2).onKeyupHandler(e) && u);
"cellClicked" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
"keyPressed" === n && (u = !1 !== a.handleCellClicked(e) && u);
return u
}, a.b, a.a)), t["\u0275did"](2, 376832, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, r.a, [i.a, o.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
count: [4, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [5, "searchOrderItems"],
initialize: [6, "initialize"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 2, 0, e.columnDefs, e.rowData, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, !1)
}, null)
var v = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-agenti-grid-tab-result-list", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti-grid-tab-result-list", [], null, null, null, g, f)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, u.a, [d.a, s.a, o.a, c.a, i.a, p.a, m.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, ulSM: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return f
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("fVab"), a = e("dp5l"), r = e("nOql"), i = e("/oeL"), o = e("BkNc"), d = e("EkHy"), s = e("vs1k"),
c = e("3Bc0"), p = e("sxG7"), m = e("JPoI"), h = e("FKed"), f = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a) {
this.orsoResultsService = l, this.router = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.loaderService = u, this.translate = a, this.result = new i.EventEmitter, this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.rowData1 = [], this.rowData2 = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.gridOptions2 = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.initialize2 = !1, this.defaultColDef = {}, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 30, this.Math = Math, this.searchOrderItems = [], this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch")
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
switch (this.nome = this.breadcrumb.getData("Intermediary"), "IntermediarySub" != this.typeOfSearch ? this.rowData1 = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results") : this.rowData2 = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results"), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !1), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.typeOfExport = "intermediary", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_INT_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_ORSO_INT_LIST");
this.typeOfExport = "member", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_EXP_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_ORSO_EXP_LIST");
this.typeOfExport = "intermediary", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_ORSO_INT_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_ORSO_INT_LIST")
this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
setTimeout(function () {
l.api.getDisplayedRowCount() > 0 && l.api.sizeColumnsToFit()
}, 1e3)
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), "IntermediarySub" != this.typeOfSearch && (this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: s.a
}), this.numElem = 0, this.count = this.breadcrumb.getData("Count"), this.searchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement"), "Intermediary" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeIntermediary(), "Member" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeMember(), this.gridOptions2 = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
setTimeout(function () {
l.api.getDisplayedRowCount() > 0 && l.api.sizeColumnsToFit()
}, 1e3)
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid2}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, "IntermediarySub" == this.typeOfSearch && (this.initialize = !1, this.initialize2 = !0, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass"
}, this.initializeIntermediarySub(), this.searchElement = {
searchElement: this.searchForm,
searchOrderItems: this.searchOrderItems,
startIndex: 1,
endIndex: 100,
rowCount: 100
}), setTimeout(function () {
}, 1e3), null == this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.RowCount ? (this.rowCount = "30", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchOrder = this.searchOrderItems, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.RowCount = this.rowCount, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.ActualRowCount = this.actualRowCount, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.PageNumber = this.pageNumber, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.ActualPageNumber = this.actualPageNumber, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.EndIndex = this.endIndex, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.StartIndex = this.startIndex, this.rowData1 = [], this.rowData2 = []) : (this.searchOrderItems = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchOrder"), this.rowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("RowCount"), this.actualRowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualRowCount"), this.pageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("PageNumber"), this.actualPageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualPageNumber"), this.endIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("EndIndex"), this.startIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("StartIndex"), this.initialize = !1)
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeIntermediary = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsIntermediary(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefIntermediary()
}, l.prototype.initializeIntermediarySub = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsIntermediarySub(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefIntermediarySub()
}, l.prototype.initializeMember = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsMember(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefMember()
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsMember = function () {
var l = new d.a(3, 1, "surname", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new d.a(4, 2, "name", !1), n.push(l), l = new d.a(5, 3, "birthDate", !1), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsIntermediary = function () {
var l = new d.a(0, 1, "mecCode", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new d.a(1, 2, "mecCodeDescription", !1), n.push(l), l = new d.a(2, 3, "positionCode", !1), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsIntermediarySub = function () {
var l = [], n = new d.a(0, 1, "positionCode", !1);
return l.push(n), l
}, l.prototype.createColDefIntermediarySub = function () {
return (new c.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ORSO"), "positionCode", function (l) {
return "" != Object(r.c)(0, 0, l) ? l.data.positionDescription : ""
}, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_AS_CODE"), "asCode", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150, 120, !0).add(this.translate.instant("USER_PANEL_LASTNAME"), "surname", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("USER_PANEL_NAME"), "name", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", c.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_APPOINTMENT_DATE"), "appointmentDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPIRATION_DATE"), "expirationDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TERMINATION_DATE"), "cessationDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefIntermediary = function () {
return (new c.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"), "mecCode", c.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"), "mecCodeDescription", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, 150, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ORSO"), "positionCode", function (l) {
return "" != Object(r.c)(0, 2, l) ? l.value + " - " + l.data.positionDescription : ""
}, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_AS_CODE"), "asCode", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150, 120, !0).add(this.translate.instant("USER_PANEL_LASTNAME"), "surname", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("USER_PANEL_NAME"), "name", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", c.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_APPOINTMENT_DATE"), "appointmentDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_EXPIRATION_DATE"), "expirationDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TERMINATION_DATE"), "cessationDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefMember = function () {
return (new c.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_AS_CODE"), "asCode", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150, 120, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", c.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("USER_PANEL_LASTNAME"), "surname", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("USER_PANEL_NAME"), "name", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BIRTH_DATE"), "birthDate", c.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_BIRTH_COMMON"), "birthPlace", c.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).build()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("asCode" == l.column.colId) {
var n = {person: {}};
n.person.personCode = "" + l.data.asCode, n.person.taxCode = l.data.asCodeDescription, this.breadcrumb.putData("Orso", n), "/orso" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/orso/result/details") : "/oicr" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/oicr/result/orsoResult/details") : "/int-albi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url || "/variazioni" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/orsoResult/details") : "/gruppi" == this.breadcrumb.nodes[1].url ? this.breadcrumb.navigate("/gruppi/result/orsoResult/details") : this.breadcrumb.navigate("/succursali/result/orsoResult/details")
} else if ("mecCodeDescription" == l.column.colId) {
var e = {};
e.idIntermediary = l.data.description, this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", e), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/orso/result/intermediaryDetails")
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
if ("PDF" == l && this.count > 350) this.modal.open(); else {
var n = {};
n = "Intermediary" == this.typeOfSearch || "IntermediarySub" == this.typeOfSearch ? {
exportType: l,
subType: this.typeOfExport,
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser"),
referenceDate: null != this.searchForm.referenceDate && "" != this.searchForm.referenceDate ? this.searchForm.referenceDate : "",
dataRiferimento: null != this.searchForm.referenceDate && "" != this.searchForm.referenceDate ? this.searchForm.referenceDate : "",
mecCode: null != this.searchForm.mecCode ? this.searchForm.mecCode : ""
} : {
exportType: l,
subType: "exponent",
mecCode: "-1",
username: localStorage.getItem("currentUser"),
surname: null != this.searchForm.surname && "" != this.searchForm.surname ? this.searchForm.surname : "",
taxCode: null != this.searchForm.taxCode && "" != this.searchForm.taxCode ? this.searchForm.taxCode : ""
var e = h.a.getContextPath() + "/getOrsoListExport.do";
window.open(e + "?" + h.a.uriParams(n), "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.a}, {type: o.k}, {type: p.a}, {type: m.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, usXY: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, vKqi: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("BkNc"), a = e("Qj10");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return d
var r = [[""]], i = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: r, data: {}});
function o(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](1, 16777216, null, null, 1, "router-outlet", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](2, 212992, null, 0, u.o, [u.b, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, [8, null], t.ChangeDetectorRef], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 2, 0)
}, null)
var d = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-int-albi", a.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-int-albi", [], null, null, null, o, i)), t["\u0275did"](1, 245760, null, 0, a.a, [], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, vMZT: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("d+rR"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, vs1k: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
"birthPlace" != this.params.column.colId && (this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder())
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this;
if ("birthPlace" != this.params.column.colId) {
var n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.goToFirstPage()
}, l
}, vsrN: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return i
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("dp5l"), a = e("3Bc0"), r = e("YP7I"), i = function () {
function l(l, n, e) {
this.gruppiResultsService = l, this.loaderService = n, this.translate = e, this.properties = ["code", "description"], this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 100,
width: 120,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass"
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
this.gridOptions3 = {context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid1}, rowHeight: 52, headerHeight: 25}, this.rowData = []
}, l.prototype.clear = function () {
this.rowData = []
}, l.prototype.init = function (l) {
var n = this;
this.columnDefs = this.createColDef(), this.intermediary = l, this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0);
var e = this.gruppiResultsService.getIntermediaryHistory(this.intermediary).subscribe(function (l) {
n.rowData = l;
try {
n.gridOptions3.api.getDisplayedRowCount() > 0 && n.gridOptions3.api.sizeColumnsToFit()
} catch (l) {
n.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), e.unsubscribe()
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
}, l.prototype.createColDef = function () {
return (new a.a).add(this.translate.instant("DATE"), "code", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120, 120).add(this.translate.instant("EVENT"), "description", a.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 400, 250).build()
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: r.a}, {type: u.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, wNhw: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("dp5l"), a = e("SKf/");
function r(l) {
return function (n) {
var e = !1, t = n.value.date;
if (null != t && null != t.year) {
e = new Date(t.year, t.month - 1, t.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) > (null != l ? new Date(l) : new Date)
return "" === n.value ? null : e ? {isGreatOfToday: e} : null
function i(l) {
return function (n) {
var e = !1, t = n.value;
if (null != t.date && null != t.date.year) {
e = new Date(t.date.year, t.date.month - 1, t.date.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) < (null != l ? new Date(l) : new Date)
return "" === n.value ? null : e ? {isGreatOfToday: e} : null
var o, d = e("bm2B"), s = this && this.__extends || (o = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
o(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), c = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
startDate: new d.e({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, [d.w.required, i(14516028e5), r()]),
endDate: new d.e({
date: {year: (new Date).getFullYear(), month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1, day: (new Date).getDate()},
epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, [d.w.required, i(14516028e5), r()]),
categories: new d.e("", [d.w.required]),
code: new d.e("")
}, (n = "startDate", e = "endDate", function (l) {
var t = !1, u = l.controls[n].value.date, a = l.controls[e].value.date;
return null != u && null != u.year && null != a && null != a.year && new Date(u.year, u.month - 1, u.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) > new Date(a.year, a.month - 1, a.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) && (t = !0), t ? {dateXisLowerY: !0} : null
})) || this;
var n, e
return s(n, l), n
}(d.g), p = e("FKed"), m = e("sxG7"), h = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return f
var f = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.loaderService = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.variazioniSearchService = t, this.translateService = u, this.calendarOptions = {
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy",
disableUntil: {year: 2015, month: 12, day: 31},
disableSince: {year: (new Date).getFullYear(), month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1, day: (new Date).getDate() + 1}
}, this.variazioniSearchForm = new c, this.categories = [{label: "", data: "-1"}, {
data: "000"
}, {label: "GRUPPO", data: "002"}], this.intEventTypes = [{label: "TUTTI", data: "0"}, {
data: "105"
}, {label: "CANCELLAZIONE DALL'ALBO", data: "106"}, {
data: "104"
}], this.grpEventTypes = [{label: "TUTTI", data: "0"}, {
data: "105"
}, {label: "CANCELLAZIONE DALL'ALBO", data: "106"}, {
data: "107"
}, {label: "CANCELLAZIONE DAL GRUPPO", data: "108"}, {label: "VARIAZIONE DENOMINAZIONE", data: "104"}], this.show2 = !0
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.translateService.getTranslation(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.calendarOptions.dayLabels = {
su: n.SUN,
mo: n.MON,
tu: n.TUE,
we: n.WED,
th: n.THU,
fr: n.FRI,
sa: n.SAT
}, l.calendarOptions.todayBtnTxt = n.TODAY, l.calendarOptions.monthLabels = {
1: n.JAN,
2: n.FEB,
3: n.MAR,
4: n.APR,
5: n.MAY,
6: n.JUN,
7: n.JUL,
8: n.AUG,
9: n.SEP,
10: n.OCT,
11: n.NOV,
12: n.DEC
}, l.show2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
return l.show2 = !0
}, 10)
}), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_VARIATION_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_VARIATION_SEARCH"), this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").valueChanges.subscribe(function (n) {
}), this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm") && (this.variazioniSearchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchForm"))
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.variazioniSearchForm.errors && this.variazioniSearchForm.errors.dateXisLowerY) this.dateMessage(); else if (this.variazioniSearchForm.invalid) this.requiredFieldMessage(); else {
var n = {}, e = {};
if (e.startDate = p.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.variazioniSearchForm.get("startDate").value), e.endDate = p.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.variazioniSearchForm.get("endDate").value), null != this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value && "" != this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value) {
var t = this.categories.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value
e.description = t.data
if (null != this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value && "" != this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value) {
t = void 0;
t = "GRUPPO" == this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value ? this.grpEventTypes.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.variazioniSearchForm.get("code").value
}) : this.intEventTypes.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.variazioniSearchForm.get("code").value
}), e.code = t.data
n.establishmentReason = e;
var u = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.variazioniSearchService.getSearchCount(u).subscribe(function (t) {
if (t > 0) switch (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = l.variazioniSearchForm, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Count = t, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchElement = n, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.NewSearch = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), e.description) {
l.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_CATEGORY_INTERMEDIARY");
l.breadcrumb.navigate("/variazioni/result", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_CATEGORY_GROUP")
} else l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult()
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" !== l.key || this.warningModal.isOpen() || "noname" == l.target.name || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == l.namespaceURI || (this.dp1.closeCalendar(), this.dp2.closeCalendar(), this.search())
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.requiredFieldMessage = function () {
this.title = "REQUIREDFIELDHEADER", this.text = "REQUIREDFIELDBODY", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.dateMessage = function () {
this.title = "WARNING", this.text = "DATE_ERROR", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.variazioniSearchForm.get("code").setValue("TUTTI"), this.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").setValue(""), this.variazioniSearchForm.get("startDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.variazioniSearchForm.get("endDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: u.a}, {type: h.a}, {type: m.a}, {type: a.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, x1or: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return m
var t = e("9Qcf"), u = e("FKed"), a = e("/oeL"), r = e("BkNc"), i = e("xSiW"), o = e("EkHy"), d = e("xImE"), s = e("3Bc0"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("JPoI"), m = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u) {
this.intAlbiResultsService = l, this.router = n, this.breadcrumb = e, this.localStorageService = t, this.translate = u, this.result = new a.EventEmitter, this.title = "GLOBAL_ALERT", this.rowData = [], this.gridOptions = {}, this.initialize = !0, this.defaultColDef = {
cellRendererParams: {suppressCount: !0},
minWidth: 120,
cellClass: "cellFormatterClass",
headerClass: "headerClass",
headerComponentFramework: d.a
}, this.startIndex = 1, this.endIndex = 30, this.Math = Math, this.searchOrderItems = []
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
switch (this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch"), this.rowData = this.breadcrumb.getData("Results"), this.breadcrumb.putData("IsNewDetail", !0), this.breadcrumb.putData("OriginDate", !1), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.typeOfExport = "storic", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_INTERMEDIARY_HIST_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_INTERMEDIARY_HIST_LIST");
this.typeOfExport = "advanced", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_INTERMEDIARY_ADV_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_INTERMEDIARY_ADV_LIST");
this.typeOfExport = "foreign", this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_INTERMEDIARY_FOR_LIST"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_INTERMEDIARY_FOR_LIST")
this.gridOptions = {
onGridReady: function (l) {
}, context: {componentParent: this, grid: this.grid}, rowHeight: 80, headerHeight: 50
}, this.numElem = 0, this.count = this.breadcrumb.getData("Count"), this.searchForm = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchElement");
try {
this.stringDate = u.a.formatDate(this.searchForm.establishmentDate)
} catch (l) {
this.stringDate = this.searchForm.establishmentDate
"History" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeHistory(), "Advanced" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeAdvanced(), "Foreign" == this.typeOfSearch && this.initializeForeign(), null == this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.RowCount ? (this.rowCount = "30", this.pageNumber = 1, this.actualPageNumber = 1, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchOrder = this.searchOrderItems, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.RowCount = this.rowCount, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.ActualRowCount = this.actualRowCount, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.PageNumber = this.pageNumber, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.ActualPageNumber = this.actualPageNumber, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.EndIndex = this.endIndex, this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.StartIndex = this.startIndex, this.rowData = []) : (this.searchOrderItems = this.breadcrumb.getData("SearchOrder"), this.rowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("RowCount"), this.actualRowCount = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualRowCount"), this.pageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("PageNumber"), this.actualPageNumber = this.breadcrumb.getData("ActualPageNumber"), this.endIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("EndIndex"), this.startIndex = this.breadcrumb.getData("StartIndex"), this.initialize = !1)
}, l.prototype.encodeUri = function (l) {
return encodeURI("%" + l + "%")
}, l.prototype.initializeHistory = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsHistory(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefHistory()
}, l.prototype.initializeAdvanced = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsAdvanced(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefAdvanced()
}, l.prototype.initializeForeign = function () {
this.searchOrderItems = this.createSearchOrderItemsForeign(), this.columnDefs = this.createColDefForeign(), "1" == this.searchForm.agreementType && (this.columnDefs[5].headerName = "GIAVA_INQUIRY_STATE_PARENT", this.columnDefs[7].headerName = "GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_ITALIAN_BRANCHES")
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsHistory = function () {
var l = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new o.a(4, 2, "establishmentDate", !0), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsAdvanced = function () {
var l = new o.a(1, 1, "abiCode", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), l = new o.a(4, 2, "expectedEndDate", !0), n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createSearchOrderItemsForeign = function () {
var l = new o.a(1, 1, "name", !1), n = [];
return n.push(l), n
}, l.prototype.createColDefHistory = function () {
return (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE"), "activityId", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"), "abiCode", s.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 155).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"), "name", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, 150, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"), "elementValue", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE"), "establishmentDate", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE"), "cessationDate", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_NOTE"), "id", s.a.NOTES_FORMATTER, 220).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefAdvanced = function () {
return "035" == this.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType.code ? (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"), "abiCode", s.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"), "name", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE"), "modifyType", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stateCod", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"), "elementValue", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_NOTE"), "id", s.a.NOTES_FORMATTER, 220).build() : (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"), "abiCode", s.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REGISTRATION_NUMBER"), "agreementType", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"), "name", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE"), "modifyType", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_COUNTRY"), "stateCod", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 100).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_CLASSIFICATION"), "elementValue", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DATA_ENTRY"), "expectedEndDate", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_DELETE_DATE"), "cessationDate", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 130).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_NOTE"), "id", s.a.NOTES_FORMATTER, 220).build()
}, l.prototype.createColDefForeign = function () {
return (new s.a).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_CODE_MECHANOGRAPHICAL"), "abiCode", s.a.ABI_CODE_FORMATTER, 160).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_TAX_CODE"), "taxCode", s.a.TAX_CODE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_INTERMEDIARY_TYPE"), "activityId", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_DENOMINATION"), "name", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 300, null, !0).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_GENERAL_DIRECTORATE"), "agreementType", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 120).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_FOREIGN_COUNTRY"), "stateCod", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("LPS"), "modifyType", s.a.DEFAULT_FORMATTER, 50).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_ITALY_AGENCY_FOR"), "cciaa", s.a.DATE_FORMATTER, 150).add(this.translate.instant("GIAVA_INQUIRY_LABEL_NOTE"), "id", s.a.NOTES_FORMATTER, 220).build()
}, l.prototype.handleCellClicked = function (l) {
if ("name" == l.column.colId && "History" == this.typeOfSearch) {
var n = this.grid.grid.rowData.find(function (n) {
return n.activityId == l.data.activityId && n.abiCode == l.data.abiCode && n.taxCode == l.data.taxCode && n.name == l.data.name
this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details")
} else if ("name" == l.column.colId && "Advanced" == this.typeOfSearch) {
n = this.grid.grid.rowData.find(function (n) {
return n.activityId == l.data.activityId && n.agreementType == l.data.agreementType && n.abiCode == l.data.abiCode && n.taxCode == l.data.taxCode && n.name == l.data.name
this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details")
} else if ("name" == l.column.colId && "Foreign" == this.typeOfSearch) {
n = this.grid.grid.rowData.find(function (n) {
return n.activityId == l.data.activityId && n.abiCode == l.data.abiCode && n.taxCode == l.data.taxCode && n.activityId == l.data.activityId && n.name == l.data.name
this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", n), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details")
} else "establishmentDate" == l.column.colId && (this.breadcrumb.putData("Intermediary", l.data), this.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result/details"))
}, l.prototype.modelUpdated = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.getLink = function (l) {
if ("PDF" == l && this.count > 350) this.modal.open(); else {
var n = u.a.getContextPath() + "/getLegalPersonListExport.do?";
n += "exportType=" + l, n += "&subType=" + this.typeOfExport, null != this.searchForm.elementValue && (n += "&elementValue=" + this.encodeUri(this.searchForm.elementValue)), null != this.searchForm.abiCode && (n += "&abiCode=" + this.searchForm.abiCode), null != this.searchForm.intermediaryBoards && (this.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType && (n += "&boardType=" + this.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].boardType.code), null != this.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].inscriptionProtocol && (n += "&inscriptionProtocol=" + this.searchForm.intermediaryBoards[0].inscriptionProtocol)), null != this.searchForm.establishmentDate && (n += "&establishmentDate=" + this.searchForm.establishmentDate), null != this.searchForm.activityId && (n += "&activityId=" + this.searchForm.activityId), null != this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers && null != this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs && null != this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].tellerTypeElement && (null != this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].tellerTypeElement.code && (n += "&tellerType=" + this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].tellerTypeElement.code), null != this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].cabPlaceIta && (n += "&cabPlaceIta=" + this.searchForm.intermediaryTellers[0].tellerHistConfigs[0].cabPlaceIta.code)), null != this.searchForm.registeredOffice && (n += "®isteredOffice=" + this.searchForm.registeredOffice.code), this.searchForm.stateCod && (n += "&stateCod=" + this.searchForm.stateCod), null != this.searchForm.intermediaryAuthorizations && this.searchForm.intermediaryAuthorizations.length > 0 && null != this.searchForm.intermediaryAuthorizations[0].activityAuthType && (n += "&activityAuthType=" + this.searchForm.intermediaryAuthorizations[0].activityAuthType.code), null != this.searchForm.agreementType && (n += "&agreementType=" + this.searchForm.agreementType), null != this.searchForm.modifyType && (n += "&modifyType=" + this.searchForm.modifyType), this.searchForm.intermediaryType && (n += "&intermediaryType=" + this.searchForm.intermediaryType.code), n += "&username=" + localStorage.getItem("currentUser"), window.open(n, "_self")
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: i.a}, {type: r.k}, {type: c.a}, {type: p.a}, {type: t.b}]
}, l
}, xCFl: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return t
var t = function () {
return function () {
}, xImE: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("EkHy"), u = function () {
function l() {
this.isSort = !1
return l.prototype.agInit = function (l) {
this.params = l;
for (var n = 0, e = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems; n < e.length; n++) {
var t = e[n];
if (t.dataField == l.column.colDef.field) {
this.sortOrder = t, this.isSort = !0;
}, l.prototype.newSortOrder = function () {
"elementValue" == this.params.column.colId || "stateCod" == this.params.column.colId || "modifyType" == this.params.column.colId || "cciaa" == this.params.column.colId || "agreementType" == this.params.column.colId && "Foreign" == this.params.context.componentParent.typeOfSearch || (this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems = [], this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems = [], this.addSortOrder())
}, l.prototype.addSortOrder = function () {
var l = this;
if ("elementValue" != this.params.column.colId && "stateCod" != this.params.column.colId && "modifyType" != this.params.column.colId && "cciaa" != this.params.column.colId && ("agreementType" != this.params.column.colId || "Foreign" != this.params.context.componentParent.typeOfSearch)) {
var n = this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.find(function (n) {
return n.dataField == l.params.column.colDef.field
if (null != n) n.descending = !n.descending; else {
var e = new t.a(this.params.context.componentParent.columnDefs.findIndex(function (n) {
return n.field == l.params.column.colDef.field
}), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length + 1, this.params.column.colDef.field, !1);
this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems.push(e), this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.length > 1 && this.params.context.componentParent.searchOrderItems.pop()
this.params.context.componentParent.breadcrumb.putData("SearchOrder", this.params.context.grid.searchOrderItems), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(this.params.context.componentParent.grid.columnDefs), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit(), this.params.context.componentParent.grid.goToFirstPage()
}, l
}, xLBC: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("vs1k"), a = e("D3O6"), r = e("WDs4");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return s
var i = [[""]], o = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: i, data: {}});
function d(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 22, "div", [["class", "row"], ["style", "height:100%; white-space: nowrap;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 6, "div", [["class", "col-sm-10 col-header-label"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.newSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 2, "p", [["style", "white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](5, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, a.a, [r.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 1, "p", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](10, 0, null, null, 11, "div", [["class", "col-sm-2 col-header-sorting"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.addSortOrder() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](15, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 3, "small", [["style", "white-space: nowrap;"]], [[8, "hidden", 0]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 0, "i", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"], ["style", "margin-top: 18px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], null, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 5, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 5, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 6).transform(e.params.displayName))), l(n, 12, 0, !e.isSort || e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 15, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn), l(n, 17, 0, !e.isSort || !e.sortOrder.descending), l(n, 20, 0, null == e.sortOrder ? null : e.sortOrder.insertedIndexColumn)
var s = t["\u0275ccf"]("app", u.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app", [], null, null, null, d, o)), t["\u0275did"](1, 49152, null, 0, u.a, [], null, null)], null, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, xSiW: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return a
var t = e("KN/I"), u = e("sxG7"), a = function () {
function l(l, n) {
this.httpRest = l, this.breadcrumb = n
return l.prototype.getResults = function (l) {
switch (this.breadcrumb.getData("TypeOfSearch")) {
return this.httpRest.post("searchIntermediariesHist", l);
return this.httpRest.post("searchIntermediariesAdv", l);
return this.httpRest.post("searchIntermediariesFor", l)
return null
}, l.prototype.getIntermediaryDetails = function (l) {
return this.httpRest.post("getLegalPersonDetails", l)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: t.a}, {type: u.a}]
}, l
}, yt5I: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t, u = e("9Qcf"), a = e("FKed"), r = e("/oeL"), i = e("dp5l"), o = e("WZnb"), d = e("bm2B"),
s = this && this.__extends || (t = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []} instanceof Array && function (l, n) {
l.__proto__ = n
} || function (l, n) {
for (var e in n) n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (l[e] = n[e])
}, function (l, n) {
function e() {
this.constructor = l
t(l, n), l.prototype = null === n ? Object.create(n) : (e.prototype = n.prototype, new e)
}), c = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
elementValue: new d.e(""),
abiCode: new d.e(""),
isModified: new d.e(!1)
}, (n = "elementValue", e = "abiCode", function (l) {
var t = l.controls[n].value, u = l.controls[e].value;
return "" == t && "" == u ? {fieldsNotNull: !0} : null
})) || this;
var n, e
return s(n, l), n
}(d.g), p = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
elementValue: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
alboType: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}, [d.w.required]),
numIscrizione: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
intermediaryBoards: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
establishmentDate: new d.e({
value: {
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, disabled: !0
}, [d.w.required]),
activityId: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
abiCode: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
intermediaryTellers: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
registeredOffice: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
stateCod: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
intermediaryAuthorizations: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0})
}) || this
return s(n, l), n
}(d.g), m = function (l) {
function n() {
return l.call(this, {
establishmentDate: new d.e({
value: {
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, disabled: !0
}, [d.w.required]),
intermediaryType: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}, [d.w.required]),
operationType: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}, [d.w.required]),
freedom: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0}),
branches: new d.e({value: "", disabled: !0})
}) || this
return s(n, l), n
var h = e("JPoI"), f = e("sxG7");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return g
var g = function () {
function l(l, n, e, t, u, a) {
this.intAlbiSearchService = l, this.localStorageService = n, this.loaderService = e, this.breadcrumb = t, this.translateService = u, this.changeDetectorRef = a, this.show2 = !0, this.calendarOptions = {dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy"}, this.showSelect = !0, this.test = !0, this.showSelect2 = !0, this.searchFormHistory = new c, this.searchFormAdvanced = new p, this.searchFormForeign = new m, this.alboTypeOptionsAdv = [], this.intermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv = [], this.intermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv = [], this.intermediaryTypeOptions = [], this.operationTypeOptions = [{
label: "",
data: "-1"
}, {label: "INTERMEDIARI ITALIANI ALL' ESTERO", data: "0"}, {
data: "1"
}], this.freedomOptions = [{label: "", data: "-1"}, {label: "SI", data: "S"}, {
label: "NO",
data: "N"
}], this.branchesOptions = [{label: "", data: "-1"}, {label: "SI", data: "1"}, {label: "NO", data: "0"}]
return l.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
var l = this;
switch (this.localStorageService.getItem("userLang").subscribe(function (n) {
l.translateService.getTranslation(n).subscribe(function (n) {
l.calendarOptions.dayLabels = {
su: n.SUN,
mo: n.MON,
tu: n.TUE,
we: n.WED,
th: n.THU,
fr: n.FRI,
sa: n.SAT
}, l.calendarOptions.todayBtnTxt = n.TODAY, l.calendarOptions.monthLabels = {
1: n.JAN,
2: n.FEB,
3: n.MAR,
4: n.APR,
5: n.MAY,
6: n.JUN,
7: n.JUL,
8: n.AUG,
9: n.SEP,
10: n.OCT,
11: n.NOV,
12: n.DEC
}, l.show2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
return l.show2 = !0
}, 10)
}), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpTitle", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TITLE_INTERMEDIARY_SEARCH"), this.localStorageService.setItem("helpContent", "GIAVA_INQUIRY_HELP_TEXT_INTERMEDIARY_SEARCH"), this.typeOfSearch = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch, null == this.typeOfSearch && (this.typeOfSearch = "History", this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = this.searchFormHistory), this.typeOfSearch) {
this.searchFormHistory = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm;
this.searchFormAdvanced = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm, this.alboTypeOptionsAdv = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.AlboTypeOptionsAdv, this.intermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.IntermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv, this.intermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.IntermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv, this.prepareAdvSearch();
this.searchFormForeign = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm, this.intermediaryTypeOptions = this.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.IntermediaryTypeOptions, this.prepareForeignSearch()
}, l.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
try {
this.subscription2.unsubscribe(), this.subscription1.unsubscribe(), this.subscription3.unsubscribe(), this.subscription4.unsubscribe()
} catch (l) {
}, l.prototype.prepareAdvSubscribe = function () {
var l = this;
this.subscription2 = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").valueChanges.subscribe(function (n) {
if (null != l.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value && "" != l.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value) {
Object.keys(l.searchFormAdvanced.controls).forEach(function (n) {
"alboType" != n && l.searchFormAdvanced.get(n).enable()
var e = n;
if ("005" != e.code && "007" != e.code && "004" != e.code && "006" != e.code && "008" != e.code && (l.searchFormAdvanced.get("numIscrizione").setValue(null), l.searchFormAdvanced.get("numIscrizione").disable()), "035" == e.code) {
code: "86",
description: "ITALIA"
}), l.searchFormAdvanced.get("stateCod").disable()
l.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryBoards").setValue(null), l.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryAuthorizations").setValue(null), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), l.showSelect = !1, l.test = !1, l.subscription3 = l.intAlbiSearchService.getCompliantElements(e.code, "INQ_INT_TIPOALBO", "GI_CODCLASSIF").subscribe(function (n) {
try {
} catch (l) {
l.intermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv = n, setTimeout(function () {
l.showSelect = !0, l.test = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1);
try {
l.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(), l.subscription3.unsubscribe()
} catch (l) {
}, 50)
}), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), l.subscription4 = l.intAlbiSearchService.getCompliantElements(e.code, "GI_TIPOALBO", "GI_TIPOATT").subscribe(function (n) {
l.intermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv = n, l.showSelect2 = !1, setTimeout(function () {
l.showSelect2 = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1);
try {
l.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(), l.subscription4.unsubscribe()
} catch (l) {
}, 50)
} else Object.keys(l.searchFormAdvanced.controls).forEach(function (n) {
"alboType" != n && "establishmentDate" != n ? (l.searchFormAdvanced.get(n).setValue(null), l.intermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv = [], l.intermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv = [], l.searchFormAdvanced.get(n).disable()) : "alboType" != n && l.searchFormAdvanced.get(n).disable()
}, l.prototype.prepareHistSearch = function () {
this.searchFormHistory.enable(), this.searchFormForeign.disable(), this.searchFormForeign.reset(), this.searchFormForeign.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").setValue(null), this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").disable(), this.searchFormHistory.get("elementValue").setValue("")
}, l.prototype.prepareAdvSearch = function () {
var l = this;
this.searchFormForeign.disable(), this.searchFormForeign.reset(), this.searchFormForeign.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.searchFormHistory.disable(), this.searchFormHistory.reset(), this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").enable(), this.alboTypeOptionsAdv.length <= 0 ? (this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.subscription1 = this.intAlbiSearchService.getElements("GI_TIPOALBO").subscribe(function (n) {
l.alboTypeOptionsAdv = n, l.prepareAdvSubscribe(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
})) : this.prepareAdvSubscribe()
}, l.prototype.prepareForeignSearch = function () {
var l = this;
this.searchFormHistory.disable(), this.searchFormHistory.reset(), this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").setValue(null), this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").disable(), this.searchFormForeign.enable(), this.intermediaryTypeOptions.length <= 0 && (this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.intAlbiSearchService.getElements("GI_TIPOINT").subscribe(function (n) {
l.intermediaryTypeOptions = n, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
})), this.checkSelectedItermediaryOperationType(), this.searchFormForeign.get("intermediaryType").valueChanges.subscribe(function (n) {
return l.checkSelectedItermediaryOperationType()
}), this.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").valueChanges.subscribe(function (n) {
return l.checkSelectedItermediaryOperationType()
}, l.prototype.search = function () {
switch (this.typeOfSearch) {
}, l.prototype.onKeyupHandler = function (l) {
"Enter" !== l.key || this.modal.isOpen() || "noname" == l.target.name || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == l.namespaceURI || (this.dp.closeCalendar(), this.dp2.closeCalendar(), this.search())
}, l.prototype.noResult = function () {
this.title = "NORESULT", this.text = "CHANGEPARAMETER", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.requiredFieldMessage = function () {
this.title = "REQUIREDFIELDHEADER", this.text = "REQUIREDFIELDBODY", this.warningModal.open()
}, l.prototype.historySearch = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.searchFormHistory.get("abiCode").invalid) this.requiredFieldMessage(); else {
if (this.searchFormHistory.invalid) return this.title = "", this.text = "NOPARAMETERS", void this.warningModal.open();
var n = this.searchFormHistory.value, e = Object.assign({}, this.searchFormHistory);
"" != this.searchFormHistory.get("elementValue").value ? (n.elementValue = "%" + n.elementValue + "%", e._value.elementValue = n.elementValue) : n.elementValue = null;
var t = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.intAlbiSearchService.getHistoryCount(t).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = l.searchFormHistory, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Count = e, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchElement = n, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.NewSearch = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result", "LISTA_INTERMEDIARI_ALBI")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.advancedSearch = function () {
var l = this, n = {};
null != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("elementValue").value && "" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("elementValue").value && (n.elementValue = "%" + this.searchFormAdvanced.get("elementValue").value + "%");
var e = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("alboType").value;
n.intermediaryBoards = [{boardType: e, inscriptionProtocol: this.searchFormAdvanced.get("numIscrizione").value}];
try {
n.establishmentDate = a.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.searchFormAdvanced.get("establishmentDate").value)
} catch (l) {
return void this.requiredFieldMessage()
if (null != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("activityId").value && "" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("activityId").value && (n.activityId = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("activityId").value.code), n.abiCode = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("activityId").value, null != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryBoards").value && "" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryBoards").value) {
var t = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryBoards").value;
n.activityId = t.code
if (null != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryTellers").value && "" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryTellers").value) {
n.intermediaryTellers = [];
var u = {}, r = {}, i = {code: "002", description: "DIREZIONE GENERALE"};
r.tellerTypeElement = i, r.cabPlaceIta = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryTellers").value, u.tellerHistConfigs = [], u.tellerHistConfigs.push(r), n.intermediaryTellers.push(u)
if ("" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("registeredOffice").value && (n.registeredOffice = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("registeredOffice").value), null != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("stateCod").value && "" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("stateCod").value && (n.stateCod = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("stateCod").value.code), null != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryAuthorizations").value && "" != this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryAuthorizations").value) {
t = this.searchFormAdvanced.get("intermediaryAuthorizations").value;
n.intermediaryAuthorizations = [{activityAuthType: t}]
var o = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.intAlbiSearchService.getAdvancedCount(o).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Count = e, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = l.searchFormAdvanced, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchElement = n, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.AlboTypeOptionsAdv = l.alboTypeOptionsAdv, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.IntermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv = l.intermediaryBoardsOptionsAdv, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.IntermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv = l.intermediaryAuthorizationsOptionsAdv, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.NewSearch = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result", "LISTA_INTERMEDIARI_ALBI")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.foreignSearch = function () {
var l = this;
if (this.searchFormForeign.invalid) this.requiredFieldMessage(); else {
var n = {};
if ("" != this.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").value) {
var e = this.operationTypeOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").value
n.agreementType = e.data
if ("" != this.searchFormForeign.get("intermediaryType").value) {
var t = this.intermediaryTypeOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.description == l.searchFormForeign.get("intermediaryType").value
n.intermediaryType = t
if ("" != this.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").value) {
var u = this.freedomOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").value
n.elementValue = u.data
if ("" != this.searchFormForeign.get("branches").value) {
var r = this.branchesOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.searchFormForeign.get("branches").value
n.modifyType = r.data
n.establishmentDate = a.a.formatDateDatepicker(this.searchFormForeign.get("establishmentDate").value);
var i = {searchElement: n, endIndex: 0, startIndex: 0, rowCount: 0, searchOrderItems: null};
this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), this.intAlbiSearchService.getForeignCount(i).subscribe(function (e) {
e > 0 ? (l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.TypeOfSearch = l.typeOfSearch, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchForm = l.searchFormForeign, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.Count = e, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.SearchElement = n, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.IntermediaryTypeOptions = l.intermediaryTypeOptions, l.breadcrumb.activeNode.data.NewSearch = !0, l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.breadcrumb.navigate("/int-albi/result", "LISTA_INTERMEDIARI_ALBI")) : (l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1), l.noResult())
}, function (n) {
l.noResult(), l.loaderService.displayLoader(!1)
}, l.prototype.openSearchModal = function (l, n) {
var e = this;
this.type = l, this.owner = n, this.modal.open(), this.loaderService.displayLoader(!0), setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
}, l.prototype.selectedOption = function (l) {
switch (this.modal.close(), this.owner) {
}, l.prototype.resetField = function (l) {
}, l.prototype.resetAll = function () {
this.searchFormHistory.reset(), this.searchFormAdvanced.reset(), this.searchFormForeign.reset(), this.searchFormAdvanced.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}), this.searchFormForeign.get("establishmentDate").setValue({
date: {
year: (new Date).getFullYear(),
month: (new Date).getMonth() + 1,
day: (new Date).getDate()
}, epoc: (new Date).getTime() / 1e3
}, l.prototype.checkSelectedItermediaryOperationType = function () {
var l = this;
if (null != this.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").value && null != this.searchFormForeign.get("intermediaryType").value) {
var n = this.intermediaryTypeOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.description == l.searchFormForeign.get("intermediaryType").value
"0" == this.operationTypeOptions.find(function (n) {
return n.label == l.searchFormForeign.get("operationType").value
}).data && "003" == n.code ? (this.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").disable(), this.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").setValue("NO"), this.searchFormForeign.get("branches").setValue("")) : (this.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").enable(), this.searchFormForeign.get("freedom").setValue(""), this.searchFormForeign.get("branches").setValue(""))
}, l.prototype.isClosed = function (l) {
return null != l.description && "" != l.description && l.endDate < a.a.formatDate(new Date)
}, l.ctorParameters = function () {
return [{type: o.a}, {type: h.a}, {type: i.a}, {type: f.a}, {type: u.b}, {type: r.ChangeDetectorRef}]
}, l
}, "z+Mh": function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("D3O6"), a = e("WDs4"), r = e("qbdv"), i = e("Ovdf"), o = e("+Yj7"), d = e("5Sh8"), s = e("dp5l"),
c = e("sxG7"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("kR6K"), f = e("BkNc"), g = e("JPoI");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return _
var v = [[""]], I = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: v, data: {}});
function A(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("AGENTS_ITALIAN_LIST")))
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 5, "div", [["class", "col-md-9"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["style", "margin-top: 5px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 3, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 4).transform("AGENTS_FOREIGN_LIST")))
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, n.component.pdfExportLink)
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.check() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export PDF"]))], null, null)
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {grid: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 2, {modal: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](2, 0, null, null, 48, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](4, 0, null, null, 45, "div", [["class", "row card card-title"], ["style", "margin-bottom:20px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, A)), t["\u0275did"](7, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](10, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](12, 0, null, null, 36, "div", [["class", "col-md-3"], ["style", "text-align: right;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](14, 0, null, null, 33, "div", [["class", "dropdown"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](16, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"], ["data-toggle", "dropdown"], ["type", "button"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n Export "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](18, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "caret"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](21, 0, null, null, 25, "ul", [["class", "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export XML"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](29, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](31, 0, null, null, 1, "a", [["target", "_self"]], [[8, "href", 4]], null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Export CSV"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](35, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](38, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](41, 0, null, null, 4, "li", [], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](44, 16384, null, 0, r.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 2, "span", [["class", "screen-reader-text"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](53, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](56, 0, null, null, 2, "grid-pagination", [], null, [[null, "cellClicked"], [null, "keyPressed"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"cellClicked" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
"keyPressed" === n && (t = !1 !== u.handleCellClicked(e) && t);
return t
}, o.b, o.a)), t["\u0275did"](57, 114688, [[1, 4], ["grid", 4]], 0, d.a, [s.a, c.a], {
columnDefs: [0, "columnDefs"],
rowData: [1, "rowData"],
gridOptions: [2, "gridOptions"],
defaultColDef: [3, "defaultColDef"],
service: [4, "service"],
searchForm: [5, "searchForm"],
count: [6, "count"],
searchOrderItems: [7, "searchOrderItems"],
initialize: [8, "initialize"],
rowCount: [9, "rowCount"],
actualRowCount: [10, "actualRowCount"],
pageNumber: [11, "pageNumber"],
actualPageNumber: [12, "actualPageNumber"],
startIndex: [13, "startIndex"],
endIndex: [14, "endIndex"]
}, {
cellClicked: "cellClicked",
keyPressed: "keyPressed"
}), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](60, 0, null, null, 4, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](61, 49152, [[2, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](62, 0, ["\n ", "", "", "\n"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), t["\u0275pid"](131072, u.a, [a.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 7, 0, e.typeOfSearch.includes("Italia")), l(n, 10, 0, e.typeOfSearch.includes("Estera")), l(n, 38, 0, e.count <= 350), l(n, 44, 0, e.count > 350), l(n, 57, 1, [e.columnDefs, e.rowData1, e.gridOptions, e.defaultColDef, e.agentiResultsService, e.searchForm, e.count, e.searchOrderItems, e.initialize, e.rowCount, e.actualRowCount, e.pageNumber, e.actualPageNumber, e.startIndex, e.endIndex]);
l(n, 61, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 25, 0, e.xmlExportLink), l(n, 31, 0, e.csvExportLink), l(n, 53, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 53, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 54).transform("GRID_NAVIGATION_AGENTI-SEARCH"))), l(n, 62, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 62, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 63).transform(e.text1)), e.count, t["\u0275unv"](n, 62, 2, t["\u0275nov"](n, 64).transform(e.text2)))
var _ = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-agenti-grid-result", i.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-agenti-grid-result", [], null, null, null, y, I)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, i.a, [h.a, f.k, c.a, g.a, s.a, a.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {result: "result"}, [])
}, z9bX: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
var t = e("/oeL"), u = e("bm2B"), a = e("KpaK"), r = e("GLd3"), i = e("g1//"), o = e("D3O6"), d = e("WDs4"), s = e("qbdv"),
c = e("wNhw"), p = e("jIk+"), m = e("kSty"), h = e("dp5l"), f = e("JPoI"), g = e("sxG7"), v = e("SKf/");
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return S
var I = [[""]], A = t["\u0275crt"]({encapsulation: 0, styles: I, data: {}});
function b(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "startDate"], ["id", "startValDate"], ["name", "startValDate"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onBlur() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, a.a, a.a, []), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, [[2, 4], ["dp1", 4]], 0, r.a, [a.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, i.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, r.a]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "startDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function R(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 16777216, null, null, 9, "input", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "endDate"], ["id", "endValDate"], ["name", "endValDate"], ["ngx-mydatepicker", ""], ["style", "float:none"]], [[8, "placeholder", 0], [2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "input"], [null, "blur"], [null, "compositionstart"], [null, "compositionend"], [null, "keyup"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"input" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._handleInput(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
"compositionstart" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionStart() && u);
"compositionend" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1)._compositionEnd(e.target.value) && u);
"keyup" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onKeyUp(e) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 3).onBlur() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, u.c, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef, [2, u.a]], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](512, null, a.a, a.a, []), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, [[3, 4], ["dp2", 4]], 0, r.a, [a.a, t.ViewContainerRef, t.ComponentFactoryResolver, t.Renderer, t.ChangeDetectorRef, t.ElementRef, i.a], {options: [0, "options"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.j, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [r.a]), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l, n) {
return [l, n]
}, [u.c, r.a]), t["\u0275did"](6, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [2, u.j], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](8, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](0, null, null, 0))], function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.component.calendarOptions);
l(n, 6, 0, "endDate")
}, function (l, n) {
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275inlineInterpolate"](1, "", t["\u0275unv"](n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("PLACEHOLDER_INSERT_DATE")), ""), t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 8).ngClassPending)
function C(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function y(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "code"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](1, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef])], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 1, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 2).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_EVENT_TYPE")))
function _(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function D(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "code"], ["id", "code"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, u.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, _)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, s.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "code"), l(n, 13, 0, e.intEventTypes)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, e.variazioniSearchForm.get("code").value)
function E(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], null, null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](2, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](3, null, ["", ""]))], null, function (l, n) {
l(n, 3, 0, n.context.$implicit.label)
function T(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "code"], ["id", "code"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](1, 16384, null, 0, u.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.v]), t["\u0275did"](3, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](5, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](8, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](9, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](10, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, E)), t["\u0275did"](13, 802816, null, 0, s.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 3, 0, "code"), l(n, 13, 0, e.grpEventTypes)
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 0, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 5).ngClassPending);
l(n, 7, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 10, 0, e.variazioniSearchForm.get("code").value)
function O(l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [t["\u0275qud"](402653184, 1, {warningModal: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 2, {dp1: 0}), t["\u0275qud"](671088640, 3, {dp2: 0}), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](3, 0, null, null, 133, "div", [["class", "bdi-container"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](5, 0, null, null, 115, "div", [["class", "card"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](7, 0, null, null, 2, "div", [["class", "card-header"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](8, null, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](11, 0, null, null, 104, "form", [["class", "form-horizontal"], ["novalidate", ""]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "submit"], [null, "reset"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"submit" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 13).onSubmit(e) && u);
"reset" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 13).onReset() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](12, 16384, null, 0, u.y, [], null, null), t["\u0275did"](13, 540672, null, 0, u.h, [[8, null], [8, null]], {form: [0, "form"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.b, null, [u.h]), t["\u0275did"](15, 16384, null, 0, u.n, [u.b], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](17, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](19, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "startValDate"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](20, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](23, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](25, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, b)), t["\u0275did"](28, 16384, null, 0, s.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](30, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](32, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp1.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](34, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](37, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp1.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](39, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](46, 0, null, null, 27, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](48, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "endValDate"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](49, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](52, 0, null, null, 20, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](54, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "input-group input-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, R)), t["\u0275did"](57, 16384, null, 0, s.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](59, 0, null, null, 11, "span", [["class", "input-group-btn"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](61, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp2.toggleCalendar() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](63, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](66, 0, null, null, 3, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.dp2.clearDate() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](68, 0, null, null, 0, "span", [["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](75, 0, null, null, 24, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](77, 0, null, null, 2, "label", [["class", "col-sm-3 col-md-2"], ["for", "categories"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](78, null, ["", "*"])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](81, 0, null, null, 17, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](83, 0, null, null, 14, "select", [["class", "form-control"], ["formControlName", "categories"], ["id", "categories"], ["name", "noname"]], [[2, "ng-untouched", null], [2, "ng-touched", null], [2, "ng-pristine", null], [2, "ng-dirty", null], [2, "ng-valid", null], [2, "ng-invalid", null], [2, "ng-pending", null]], [[null, "change"], [null, "blur"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
"change" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 84).onChange(e.target.value) && u);
"blur" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 84).onTouched() && u);
return u
}, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](84, 16384, null, 0, u.v, [t.Renderer2, t.ElementRef], null, null), t["\u0275prd"](1024, null, u.k, function (l) {
return [l]
}, [u.v]), t["\u0275did"](86, 671744, null, 0, u.f, [[3, u.b], [8, null], [8, null], [2, u.k]], {name: [0, "name"]}, null), t["\u0275prd"](2048, null, u.l, null, [u.f]), t["\u0275did"](88, 16384, null, 0, u.m, [u.l], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](90, 0, null, null, 3, "option", [], [[8, "hidden", 0], [8, "disabled", 0], [8, "selected", 0]], null, null, null, null)), t["\u0275did"](91, 147456, null, 0, u.q, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [2, u.v]], null, null), t["\u0275did"](92, 147456, null, 0, u.A, [t.ElementRef, t.Renderer2, [8, null]], null, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](93, null, ["", ""])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, C)), t["\u0275did"](96, 802816, null, 0, s.i, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef, t.IterableDiffers], {ngForOf: [0, "ngForOf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](101, 0, null, null, 13, "div", [["class", "row form-group form-group-sm"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, y)), t["\u0275did"](104, 16384, null, 0, s.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](106, 0, null, null, 7, "div", [["class", "col-sm-9 col-md-4"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, D)), t["\u0275did"](109, 16384, null, 0, s.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275and"](16777216, null, null, 1, null, T)), t["\u0275did"](112, 16384, null, 0, s.j, [t.ViewContainerRef, t.TemplateRef], {ngIf: [0, "ngIf"]}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](117, 0, null, null, 2, "small", [["style", "font-style: italic;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](118, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](122, 0, null, null, 8, "div", [["style", "text-align: right; margin-bottom: 100px;"]], null, null, null, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](124, 0, null, null, 2, "button", [["class", "btn btn-success gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.search() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](125, null, ["", ""])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](128, 0, null, null, 1, "button", [["class", "btn btn-default gradient"], ["name", "noname"]], null, [[null, "click"]], function (l, n, e) {
var t = !0, u = l.component;
"click" === n && (t = !1 !== u.resetAll() && t);
return t
}, null, null)), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["Reset"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n "])), (l()(), t["\u0275eld"](132, 0, null, null, 3, "app-modal", [], null, null, null, p.b, p.a)), t["\u0275did"](133, 49152, [[1, 4], ["warningModal", 4]], 0, m.a, [], {
showButtons: [0, "showButtons"],
title: [1, "title"],
size: [2, "size"],
top: [3, "top"]
}, null), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](134, 0, ["\n ", "\n "])), t["\u0275pid"](131072, o.a, [d.a, t.ChangeDetectorRef]), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n\n"])), (l()(), t["\u0275ted"](-1, null, ["\n"]))], function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 13, 0, e.variazioniSearchForm), l(n, 28, 0, e.show2), l(n, 57, 0, e.show2);
l(n, 86, 0, "categories"), l(n, 96, 0, e.categories), l(n, 104, 0, "" != e.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value), l(n, 109, 0, "INTERMEDIARIO" == e.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value), l(n, 112, 0, "GRUPPO" == e.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value);
l(n, 133, 0, !0, e.title, "sm", "20%")
}, function (l, n) {
var e = n.component;
l(n, 8, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 8, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 9).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_VARIATION_SEARCH"))), l(n, 11, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 15).ngClassPending), l(n, 20, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 20, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 21).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_START_VALIDITY_DATE"))), l(n, 49, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 49, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 50).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_END_VALIDITY_DATE"))), l(n, 78, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 78, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 79).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_SEARCH_VARIATION_CATEGORY"))), l(n, 83, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassUntouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassTouched, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassPristine, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassDirty, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassValid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassInvalid, t["\u0275nov"](n, 88).ngClassPending);
l(n, 90, 0, !0, !0, !0), l(n, 93, 0, e.variazioniSearchForm.get("categories").value), l(n, 118, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 118, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 119).transform("GIAVA_INQUIRY_REQUIRED_FIELD"))), l(n, 125, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 125, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 126).transform("GIAVA_SEARCH_LABEL"))), l(n, 134, 0, t["\u0275unv"](n, 134, 0, t["\u0275nov"](n, 135).transform(e.text)))
var S = t["\u0275ccf"]("app-variazioni-search", c.a, function (l) {
return t["\u0275vid"](0, [(l()(), t["\u0275eld"](0, 0, null, null, 1, "app-variazioni-search", [], null, [["document", "keydown"]], function (l, n, e) {
var u = !0;
return "document:keydown" === n && (u = !1 !== t["\u0275nov"](l, 1).onKeyupHandler(e) && u), u
}, O, A)), t["\u0275did"](1, 114688, null, 0, c.a, [h.a, f.a, g.a, v.a, d.a], null, null)], function (l, n) {
l(n, 1, 0)
}, null)
}, {}, {}, [])
}, zyRY: function (l, n, e) {
"use strict";
e.d(n, "a", function () {
return u
var t = e("p5Ee"), u = function () {
function l(l) {
this.functionList = l
return l.prototype.getFuncitionList = function () {
return this.functionList
}, l.prototype.setFuncitionList = function (l) {
this.functionList = l
}, l.prototype.isAuth = function (l) {
if ("dev" == t.a.envName) return !0;
var n = !1, e = 0;
if (this.functionList && this.functionList.length > 0) for (; e < this.functionList.length && !n;) l == this.functionList[e].functionName && (n = this.functionList[e].isAuth), e++;
return n
}, l
}, [0]);