JSC "LatCard"
Registration number | 40103453692 |
Legal address | Krišjāņa Barona iela 55-17, Rīga, LV-1001 |
Home country | Latvia |
Supervisory authority (WWW) | http://www.fktk.lv |
Agents of e-money distribution and servicing:
1. Patollo Ltd (Registration number: 40003413049)
Address: Blaumaņu iela 10-9, Rīga, LV-1011
2. E-Cosmetics Ltd (Registration number: 40103469015)
Address: Aleksandra Čaka iela 62-8, Rīga, LV-1011;
3. First LatCard Ltd (Registration number: 40103645767)
Address: Krišjāņa Barona iela 55-18, Rīga, LV-1011;
4. Bulta-Turs Ltd (Registration number: 40003144578)
Address: Kaļķu iela 11, Rīga, LV-1050
Market segments
Market segment: | Electronic money institutions |
Related persons
Name / First name, Surname: | Nataļja Junele |
Personal Identification Number: | Chairwoman of the Executive Board |
Licenses / Types of activities
Type of activities: | Issuing of electronic money |
Operating from: | 2011-12-30 |
Type of activities: | Issuing and/or acquiring of payment instrument |
Operating from: | 2011-12-30 |
Type of activities: | execution of payment transactions,inc.transfers of funds on a payment account,execution of direct debits,also one-off direct debits,execution of payment transactions through a payment card,a similar device,execution of credit transfers,also standing order |
Operating from: | 2011-12-30 |
Type of activities: | Execution of a payment transaction by means of distance communication, a digital or an IT device and where the payment is made to the telecommunication, IT system or network operator. |
Operating from: | 2011-12-30 |
Type of activities: | Money remittance |
Operating from: | 2011-12-30 |
Type of infringement: | Breaches of AML/CTF law and FCMC regulatory requirements: weaknesses in customer due diligence and transaction monitoring |
Date: | 2018-10-05 |
Status: | In force |
Sanctions imposed: | A fine of 9825,26 euro imposed on the electronic money institution, dismissal of member of the Board N.Junele from the field of the AML/CTF compliance and issued a warning to her |
Related article: | FKTK noslēdz administratīvo līgumu ar e-naudas iestādi LatCard AS, piemērojot sankcijas un vienojoties par turpmākiem LatCard AS iekšējās kontroles sistēmas uzlabojumiem |