[ { "Country": "BELGIUM", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "GERMANY", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "IRELAND", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "ITALY", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ], [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "LUXEMBOURG", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "MALTA", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "NETHERLANDS", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "POLAND", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "PORTUGAL", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "SPAIN", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] }, { "Country": "UNITED KINGDOM", "paymentServices": [ [ "3", "Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's payment service provider or with another payment service provider:" ], [ "3a", "execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits" ], [ "3c", "execution of credit transfers, including standing orders" ], [ "5", "Acquiring of payment transactions" ] ], "crossBorder": [] } ]