var tape = require('tape'); var _test = require('tape-promise').default; // <---- notice 'default' var test = _test(tape); // decorate tape for Promis handling const Scraper = require('../helpers/scraper'); test('SCRAPER::Explode URL', t => { const s = new Scraper(); t.deepEqual(s.explodeURL(''), { 'tld': '', 'domain': '', 'sub': 'www' }, 'Check a standard domain'); t.deepEqual(s.explodeURL(''), { 'tld': 'io', 'domain': '', 'sub': 'mail' }, 'One with an odd TLD'); t.deepEqual(s.explodeURL(''), { 'tld': '', 'domain': '', 'sub': 'register' }); t.deepEqual(s.explodeURL(''), { 'tld': 'ie', 'domain': '', 'sub': 'registers' }); t.deepEqual(s.explodeURL(''), { 'tld': 'dk', 'domain': '', 'sub': 'vut' }); t.equal(s.explodeURL(''), null, 'Test against an empty string'); t.equal(s.explodeURL(), null, 'Test against a null value'); t.end(); }); test('SCRAPER::Scraper WHOIS', async function(t) { const s = new Scraper(); await s._getWhoIsRaw('').then((r) => { const testReg = /Namesco Limited/; t.equal(testReg.test(r), true, 'Get Raw WhoIS'); }); await s._getWhoIsJSON('').then((r) => { t.equal(r.domainName, '', 'Get JSON WhoIS'); }); await s._getWhoIsRaw().catch((e) => { t.true(e, '_getWhoIsRaw Promise is caught'); // t.false(e); }); await s._getWhoIsJSON().catch((e) => { t.true(e, '_getWhoIsJSON Promise is caught'); // t.false(e); }); t.end(); }); test('SCRAPER::Scraper WHOIS French Test', async function(t) { const s = new Scraper(); t.plan(3); const url = ''; await s._getWhoIsJSON(url).then((r) => { t.equal(r.domain, '', 'Get FR TLD'); }); await s._getWhoIsRaw(url).then((r) => { const testReg = /; t.equal(testReg.test(r), true, 'Get Raw FR WhoIS'); }); await s._getWhoIsIPJSON(url).then((r) => { t.equal(r.origin, 'AS3215', 'Get JSON WhoIS for IP Address'); }); t.end(); }); test('SCRAPER::Scraper IP Address WHOIS', async function(t) { const s = new Scraper(); t.plan(4); await s._getWhoIsIPRaw('').then((r) => { const testReg = /; t.equal(testReg.test(r), true, 'Get Raw WhoIS for IP Address'); }); await s._getWhoIsIPJSON('').then((r) => { t.equal(r.origin, 'AS8622', 'Get JSON WhoIS for IP Address'); }); await s._getWhoIsIPRaw().catch((e) => { t.true(e, '_getWhoIsIPRaw Promise is caught'); }); await s._getWhoIsIPJSON().catch((e) => { t.true(e, '_getWhoIsIPJSON Promise is caught'); }); t.end(); }); test('SCRAPER::Scraper SSL Certificate', async function(t) { const s = new Scraper(); t.plan(3); await s._getSSLCert('').then((r) => { t.equal(r.fingerprint, '08:0F:E9:A3:BC:61:FD:A4:97:92:C6:23:16:97:5E:B0:A0:A3:4D:2C', 'Match fingerprint of SSL certificate'); }); await s._getSSLCert('', 5000) .then((r) => { t.equal(r.fingerprint, '1B:91:7D:B6:D4:34:FF:F7:7A:05:80:8A:B5:94:EF:22:18:61:39:DF', 'Match fingerprint of SSL certificate'); }); await s._getSSLCert('http://does.not.exists').catch((err) => { t.true(err instanceof Error, '_getSSLCert Promise is caught'); }); t.end(); }); test('SCRAPER::Sraper _getParamsFromUrl', function(t) { const s = new Scraper(); t.plan(2); t.deepEqual(s._getParamsFromUrl('¶m2=B&Param3=C'), { 'param1': 'A', 'param2': 'B', 'Param3': 'C' }, 'Handle a url with params'); t.deepEqual(s._getParamsFromUrl(''), { }, 'Handle a url with NO params'); t.end(); });