Information detail



Statutory name: Intersolve EGI B.V.
Trade name: Intersolve EGI B.V., Intersolve E-Money Services, FEET EGI
Address: Fonteinkruid 4
Place of residence: WOUDENBERG
Country: Netherlands
Disclosure: Stichting Derdengelden Intersolve, Stichting Derdengelden Intersolve EGI inzake Boekenbon, Stichting Derdengelden Intersolve EGI inzake VVV Cards Producten en Stichting Derdengelden FEET zijn als derdengelden entiteit gelieerd aan Intersolve Egi B.V. en wordt derhalve door De Nederlandsche Bank in haar toezicht betrokken#Stichting Derdengelden Intersolve, Stichting Derdengelden Intersolve EGI inzake Boekenbon, Stichting Derdengelden Intersolve EGI inzake VVV Cards Producten en Stichting Derdengelden FEET are as third party account entity related to Intersolve Egi B.V. and in that matter supervised by De Nederlandsche Bank.

Chamber of Commerce 32159718
Category Electronic money institution
  1. Contacts
  2. Application


Business address

Address:Place of residence:Country:
Fonteinkruid 4WOUDENBERGNetherlands

Mailing address

Address:Place of residence:Country:
Fonteinkruid 4WOUDENBERGNetherlands


Financial serviceActivity / BrancheDate of entranceEnddate
2:10b Carrying on the business of an electronic money institution1. Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account.05-07-2012
1.0 Issuing, distribution and redemption of electronic money05-07-2012
2. Services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account.05-07-2012
3a. Execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits.05-07-2012
3b. Execution of payment transactions through a debit card or similar device.05-07-2012
3c. Execution of credit transfers, including standing orders.05-07-2012
4a. Execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits.05-07-2012
4b. Execution of payment transactions through a debit card or similar device.05-07-2012
4c. Execution of credit transfers, including standing orders.05-07-2012
5. Issue and/or acquisition of payment instruments.05-07-2012
6. Money remittance.05-07-2012
7. Execution of payment transactions where the consent of the payor to execute a payment transaction05-07-2012