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Financial holding companies
Investment firms
Specialised PFS
Support PFS
Payment institutions
Electronic money institutions
Undertakings for collective investment that fall under the Law of 17 December 2010
Specialised investment funds that fall under the Law of 13 February 2007
Foreign undertakings for collective investment authorised to market their units/shares in Luxembourg
Management companies authorised under Chapter 15 of the Law of 17 December 2010
Management companies authorised under Chapter 16 of the Law of 17 December 2010
Alternative investment fund managers according to the Law of 12 July 2013
Pension funds
Liability managers
Investment companies in risk capital (SICARs)
Securitisation undertakings
Tied agents established in Luxembourg
Credit institutions and persons originating from third countries exercising financial sector activities by free provision of services
Issuers of securities for which Luxembourg is the home Member State pursuant to the Transparency Law
Regulated markets
Multilateral trading facilities (MTF)
Recognised deposit guarantee and investor-compensation schemes