const tape = require('tape'); const _test = require('tape-promise').default; // <---- notice 'default' const test = _test(tape); // decorate tape const fs = require('fs'); const jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const StaticServer = require('static-server'); const path = require('path'); const Czech = require('../ncas/cz'); const sourcePath = path.join(__dirname, 'data/cz/'); var server = new StaticServer({ 'rootPath': sourcePath, // required, the root of the server file tree 'port': 7357, // required, the port to listen 'name': 'my-http-server', // optional, will set "X-Powered-by" HTTP header // 'host': '', // optional, defaults to any interface 'cors': '*', // optional, defaults to undefined 'followSymlink': true, // optional, defaults to a 404 error 'templates': { 'index': 'foo.html', // optional, defaults to 'index.html' 'notFound': '404.html' // optional, defaults to undefined } }); server.start(function () { console.log('Server listening to', server.port); console.log('Serving', server.rootPath); }); test.skip('CZECH:: Captcha Handler', async t => { t.test('CZECH::Break the captcha', async t => { const expectedJSON = '095471'; // jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/se/ci001-detail.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); await czScraper._initBrowser(true); = await czScraper.browser.newPage(); await'', { 'waitUntil': 'networkidle2' }); // await'', { 'waitUntil': 'networkidle0' }); const result = await czScraper.captchaTest(); await cz.browser.close(); t.equals(result, expectedJSON, 'Busted captcha'); t.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('CZECH:: Scrape a Payment Service', async t => { t.test('CZECH::Extract Basic Payment Services from Page', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/ps001.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/ps001.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractEntityDetails(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Details from Page'); t.end(); }); t.test('CZECH::Extract More advanced details Payment Services from Page', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/ps002.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/ps002.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractEntityDetails(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Details from Page'); t.end(); }); t.test('CZECH::Extract More Authorized activities for Payment Services from Page', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/ps003_auth.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/ps003_auth.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractEntityAuthority(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Authorized activities from Page'); t.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('CZECH:: Scrape creditServices Authorised activitites', async t => { t.test('CZECH::Extract Authorized activities ( No 7 section, wih Matrix )', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_001.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_001.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractCreditServicesEntityAuthority(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Details from Page'); t.end(); }); t.test('CZECH::Extract Authorized activities ( 7 Section no active, no Matrix )', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_002.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_002.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractCreditServicesEntityAuthority(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Details from Page'); t.end(); }); t.test('CZECH::Extract Authorized activities ( With 7 Section and Matrix )', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_003.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_003.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractCreditServicesEntityAuthority(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Details from Page'); t.end(); }); t.test('CZECH::Extract Authorized activities ( 4 tables including Matrix )', async t => { const psDetail = fs.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_004.html'); const expectedJSON = jsonfile.readFileSync('tests/data/cz/cs_004.json'); const czScraper = new Czech(); czScraper.urlPrefix = ''; const output = await czScraper.extractCreditServicesEntityAuthority(psDetail); t.deepEquals(output, expectedJSON, 'Extracted Details from Page'); t.end(); }); t.end(); });