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<label for="chp_siren">SIREN :</label>
<input id="chp_siren" name="siren" type="text" maxlength="9" class="text car9" value="" title="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity" alt="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity" />
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<label for="chp_cib">CIB :</label>
<input id="chp_cib" name="cib" type="text" maxlength="5" class="text car5" value="" title="CIB or bank code (5 digits) : Code attributed to credit institutions authorised by the Autorit&eacute; de contr&ocirc;le prudential." alt="CIB or bank code (5 digits) : Code attributed to credit institutions authorised by the Autorit&eacute; de contr&ocirc;le prudential." />
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<label for="chp_bic">BIC :</label>
<input id="chp_bic" name="bic" type="text" maxlength="15" class="text car15" value="" title="BIC Bank Identifier Code (8 to 15 characters) : A standard numbering system developed to identify bank accounts from around the world. The BIC is an 8-character code also known as the SWIFT address. When a branch is added, the BIC has 15 characters." alt="BIC Bank Identifier Code (8 to 15 characters) : A standard numbering system developed to identify bank accounts from around the world. The BIC is an 8-character code also known as the SWIFT address. When a branch is added, the BIC has 15 characters." />
<label for="chp_nom">Name :</label>
<input id="chp_nom" name="nom" type="text" maxlength="235" class="text" value="" title="Services provider agent's name : Natural person's surname or legal entity's registered name. Agents are mandated by a credit or a payment institution to carry out payment services." alt="Services provider agent's name : Natural person's surname or legal entity's registered name. Agents are mandated by a credit or a payment institution to carry out payment services." />
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<input id="chp_siren_agent" name="siren_agent" type="text" maxlength="9" class="text car9" value="" title="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity" alt="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity" />
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<label for="chp_num">Registration number :</label>
<input id="chp_num" name="num" type="text" maxlength="12" class="text car12" value="" title="Registration number (9 to 12 digits) : This number is given by the Autorit&eacute; de contr&ocirc;le prudentiel. It identifies the payment services provider agent." alt="Registration number (9 to 12 digits) : This number is given by the Autorit&eacute; de contr&ocirc;le prudentiel. It identifies the payment services provider agent." />
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<option value="42-TBR07">Account information services provider</option><option value="34-TBR07">Agent (Payment services)</option><option value="13-TBR07">Clearing house</option><option value="01-TBR07" selected="selected">Credit institution</option><option value="14-TBR07">Custody account-keeper</option><option value="22-TBR07">Electronic money institution</option><option value="31-TBR07">Exempt firm</option><option value="09-TBR07">Financial holding company</option><option value="36-TBR07">Financial institution</option><option value="26-TBR07">Financing Company</option><option value="02-TBR07">Investment firm</option><option value="25-TBR07">Microfinance institution</option><option value="37-TBR07">Mixed activity holding company</option><option value="39-TBR07">Mixed activity parent undertaking of financing companies</option><option value="35-TBR07">Mixed financial holding compagny</option><option value="20-TBR07">Money changer</option><option value="38-TBR07">Parent undertaking of financing companies</option><option value="21-TBR07">Payment institution</option><option value="40-TBR07">Third-party financing company</option><option value="41-TBR07">Third country CI authorised to market banking services</option>
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<h2>Banking authorisation activity</h2>
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<span class="exportresults"><a href="/spip.php?type=advanced&id_secteur=3&lang=en&denomination=&siren=&cib=&bic=&nom=&siren_agent=&num=&cat=01-TBR07&retrait=0&pg=11&page=results">Back to the results list</a></span><h1>Search results</h1><p class="sttr"><strong>Registered name : </strong>Bank Audi France</p><p class="sttr"><strong>Bank code (CIB) : </strong>18089</p><a href="#Imprimer" class="imprimer">Print</a><table class="tabs" summary=""><tr><td><a href="#zone_description">Company description</a></td><td class="right-corner">&nbsp;</td><td><a href="#zone_en_france">Activities based<br/> in France</a></td><td class="right-corner">&nbsp;</td><td><a href="#zone_agents">Agents<br/> (payment services providers)</a></td><td class="right-corner">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><div id="zone_description" class="zone"><h2 class="hide">Company description</h2><ul class="nopuce"><li>Registered name : <span>Bank Audi France</span></li><li>Legal Form : <span>Soci&eacute;t&eacute; anonyme</span></li><li class="pre-espacement">Bank code (CIB) : <span>18089</span></li><li>SIREN : <span>315768176</span></li><li>LEI : <span>969500F3KYDJBFS4XM73</span></li></ul><strong class="description">Credit institution - Bank - Investment services provider</strong><ul class="nopuce"><li>Authorisation type : <span>Licenced by ACPR</span></li><li>Status : <span>Legal entity/ Company</span></li><li class="pre-espacement post-espacement">Head office address : <span>73 avenue des Champs-Elysées</span></li><li>Post code : <span>75008</span></li><li>City : <span>PARIS</span></li><li>Country : <span>FRANCE</span></li><li>Phone : <span>0153835000</span></li><li class="post-espacement website">Website : <a href="http://www.bankaudi.fr/" target="_blank">http://www.bankaudi.fr/</a></li></ul></div><div id="zone_en_france" class="zone"><h2 class="hide">Activities based<br/> in France</h2><p class="activites-cochees">The activities for which the company has been authorised have been ticked.</p><table summary=""><tr><td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity" /></td><td>Regulated guarantees</td></table><h3>Autorisation :</h3><table summary=""><tr><td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity" /></td><td>Clearing of financial instruments</td></tr><tr><td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity" /></td><td>Account keeping</td></tr><tr><td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity" /></td><td>Central counterparty (CCP)</td></tr><tr><td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity" /></td><td>Approval of the terms of reference of UCITS depository</td></tr></table><table class="petite-police services-invest" summary="Investment services"><caption>Investment services</caption><tr><th colspan="2" rowspan="2"></th><th id="L1C2" colspan="11" class="surtitre">Financial instruments</th></tr><tr><th id="L2C2">C1 - Transferable securities (within the meaning of&nbsp; MiFID II) (equity securities and debt securities other than MMI)</th><th id="L2C3">C2 - Money-market instruments (MMI) (within the meaning of point (17) of Article&nbsp; 4 (1) of MiFID II)</th><th id="L2C4">C3 - Units in collective investment undertakings (CIU)</th><th id="L2C5">C4 - Financial contracts on financial underlyings that may be settled physically or in cash (see point C4 of Annex I of MiFID II)</th><th id="L2C6">C5 - Financial contracts on commodities that must be settled in cash or may be settled in cash at the option of one of the parties (see point C5 of Annex I of MiFID II)</th><th id="L2C7">C6 - Financial contracts on commodities that can be physically settled and traded on a regulated market, a MTF or an OTF (see point C6 of Annex I of MiFID II)</th><th id="L2C8">C7 - Financial contracts on commodities that can be physically settled not otherwise mentioned in C6 and not being for commercial purposes (see point C7 of Annex I of MiFID II)</th><th id="L2C9">C8 - Derivative instruments for the transfer of credit&nbsp;risk</th><th id="L2C10">C9 - Financial contracts for differences</th><th id="L2C11">C
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