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2019-05-05 19:13:56 +00:00
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<small>Last updated : 16 October 2018</small>
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<input id="chp_denomination2" name="denomination" type="text" maxlength="235" class="text" value=""
title="Registered company name (235 characters max) : You may type the full name or a part of the name. Name used in the company legal statute."
alt="Registered company name (235 characters max) : You may type the full name or a part of the name. Name used in the company legal statute.">
<li class="col1">
<label for="chp_siren">SIREN :</label>
<input id="chp_siren" name="siren" type="text" maxlength="9" class="text car9" value=""
title="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity"
alt="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity">
<li class="col2">
<label for="chp_cib">CIB :</label>
<input id="chp_cib" name="cib" type="text" maxlength="5" class="text car5" value=""
title="CIB or bank code (5 digits) : Code attributed to credit institutions authorised by the Autorité de contrôle prudential."
alt="CIB or bank code (5 digits) : Code attributed to credit institutions authorised by the Autorité de contrôle prudential.">
<li class="col3">
<label for="chp_bic">BIC :</label>
<input id="chp_bic" name="bic" type="text" maxlength="15" class="text car15" value=""
title="BIC Bank Identifier Code (8 to 15 characters) : A standard numbering system developed to identify bank accounts from around the world. The BIC is an 8-character code also known as the SWIFT address. When a branch is added, the BIC has 15 characters."
alt="BIC Bank Identifier Code (8 to 15 characters) : A standard numbering system developed to identify bank accounts from around the world. The BIC is an 8-character code also known as the SWIFT address. When a branch is added, the BIC has 15 characters.">
<label for="chp_nom">Name :</label>
<input id="chp_nom" name="nom" type="text" maxlength="235" class="text" value=""
title="Services provider agent's name : Natural person's surname or legal entity's registered name. Agents are mandated by a credit or a payment institution to carry out payment services."
alt="Services provider agent's name : Natural person's surname or legal entity's registered name. Agents are mandated by a credit or a payment institution to carry out payment services.">
<li class="col1">
<label for="chp_siren_agent">SIREN :</label>
<input id="chp_siren_agent" name="siren_agent" type="text" maxlength="9" class="text car9" value=""
title="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity"
alt="Siren - Identification system of companies directory (9 digits) : Digital unique identifier attributed by the INSEE to each French natural person or legal entity">
<li class="col4">
<label for="chp_num">Registration number :</label>
<input id="chp_num" name="num" type="text" maxlength="12" class="text car12" value=""
title="Registration number (9 to 12 digits) : This number is given by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel. It identifies the payment services provider agent."
alt="Registration number (9 to 12 digits) : This number is given by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel. It identifies the payment services provider agent.">
<legend>Global search</legend>
<label for="chp_cat">Category :</label>
<select id="chp_cat" name="cat"
title="Category : Each category is composed of companies which had obtained a specific authorization to practice regulated activities defined by the financial monetary code."
alt="Category : Each category is composed of companies which had obtained a specific authorization to practice regulated activities defined by the financial monetary code.">
<option value="0">Choose category</option>
<option value="42-TBR07">Account information services provider</option>
<option value="34-TBR07">Agent (Payment services)</option>
<option value="13-TBR07">Clearing house</option>
<option value="01-TBR07">Credit institution</option>
<option value="14-TBR07">Custody account-keeper</option>
<option value="22-TBR07">Electronic money institution</option>
<option value="31-TBR07">Exempt firm</option>
<option value="09-TBR07">Financial holding company</option>
<option value="36-TBR07">Financial institution</option>
<option value="26-TBR07">Financing Company</option>
<option value="02-TBR07">Investment firm</option>
<option value="25-TBR07">Microfinance institution</option>
<option value="37-TBR07">Mixed activity holding company</option>
<option value="39-TBR07">Mixed activity parent undertaking of financing companies</option>
<option value="35-TBR07">Mixed financial holding compagny</option>
<option value="20-TBR07">Money changer</option>
<option value="38-TBR07">Parent undertaking of financing companies</option>
<option value="21-TBR07" selected="selected">Payment institution</option>
<option value="40-TBR07">Third-party financing company</option>
<option value="41-TBR07">Third country CI authorised to market banking services</option>
<label class="long-label">Company which authorisation withdrawal is in process :</label>
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<h2>Banking authorisation activity</h2>
<li><a href="spip.php?article7">Authorization on financial sector</a></li>
<li><a href="spip.php?article9">Authorization types</a></li>
<li><a href="spip.php?article8">Information contained in REGAFI</a></li>
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<li><a href="spip.php?article16" target="_blank">Withdrawal of license</a></li>
<li><a href="spip.php?article36" target="_blank">Warnings</a></li>
<li><a href="spip.php?article17" target="_blank">Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution</a></li>
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<h1>Search results</h1>
<p class="sttr"><strong>Registered name : </strong>BD MULTIMEDIA</p>
<p class="sttr"><strong>Bank code (CIB) : </strong>16748</p><a href="#Imprimer" class="imprimer">Print</a>
<table class="tabs" summary="">
<td class="active"><a href="#zone_description">Company description</a></td>
<td class="right-corner right-corner-active">&nbsp;</td>
<td><a href="#zone_en_france">Activities based<br> in France</a></td>
<td class="right-corner">&nbsp;</td>
<td><a href="#zone_en_europe">Activities based<br> in Europe</a></td>
<td class="right-corner">&nbsp;</td>
<td><a href="#zone_agents">Agents<br> (payment services providers)</a></td>
<td class="right-corner">&nbsp;</td>
<div id="zone_description" class="zone" style="display: block;"><h2 class="hide" style="display: none;">Company description</h2>
<ul class="nopuce">
<li>Registered name : <span>BD MULTIMEDIA</span></li>
<li>Trade name : <span>STARPASS</span></li>
<li>Acronym : <span>BDM</span></li>
<li>Legal Form : <span>Société anonyme</span></li>
<li class="pre-espacement">Bank code (CIB) : <span>16748</span></li>
<li>SIREN : <span>334517562</span></li>
<li>LEI : <span>969500XNFFXX16Q1ES22</span></li>
<strong class="description">Payment institution</strong>
<ul class="nopuce">
<li>Authorisation type : <span>Licenced by ACPR</span></li>
<li>Status : <span>Legal entity/ Company</span></li>
<li class="pre-espacement post-espacement">Head office address : <span>16 Cité Joly</span></li>
<li>Post code : <span>75011</span></li>
<li>City : <span>PARIS</span></li>
<li>Country : <span>FRANCE</span></li>
<li>Phone : <span>0153362424</span></li>
<li class="post-espacement website">Website : <a href="http://www.starpass.fr" target="_blank">http://www.starpass.fr</a>
<div id="zone_en_france" class="zone" style="display: none;"><h2 class="hide" style="display: none;">Activities based<br> in France
<p class="activites-cochees">Services de paiement</p>
<table summary="List of activities in the payment services field">
<caption>List of activities in the payment services field</caption>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">1</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">2</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">3</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's
payment service provider or with another payment service provider:
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">4</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the funds are covered by a credit line for a payment service
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Issuing of payment instruments</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Acquiring of payment transactions</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">6</td>
<td colspan="2">Money remittance</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the consent of the payer to execute a payment transaction is
given by means of any telecommunication, digital or IT device and the payment is made to the telecommunication, IT
system or network operator, acting only as an intermediary between the payment service user and the supplier of the
goods and services
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Payment initiation services</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">8</td>
<td colspan="2">Account information services</td>
<div id="zone_en_europe" class="zone" style="display: none;"><h2 class="hide" style="display: none;">Activities based<br> in Europe
<form action="" method="post" class="form-choix-pays">
<legend>Country list</legend>
<label for="liste-pays">Country list :</label><select name="liste-pays" id="liste-pays">
<option value="all">All countries</option>
<option value="BE-TBR48">BELGIUM</option>
<option value="DE-TBR48">GERMANY</option>
<option value="ES-TBR48">SPAIN</option>
<div id="zone_succ_BE-TBR48" class="zone_succ"><p>Country : <strong class="description">BELGIUM</strong></p>
<p><strong class="description">Activities provided on a cross-border basis</strong></p>
<table summary="List of activities in the payment services field">
<caption>List of activities in the payment services field</caption>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">1</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">2</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">3</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's
payment service provider or with another payment service provider:
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">4</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the funds are covered by a credit line for a payment service
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Issuing of payment instruments</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Acquiring of payment transactions</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">6</td>
<td colspan="2">Money remittance</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the consent of the payer to execute a payment transaction is
given by means of any telecommunication, digital or IT device and the payment is made to the telecommunication,
IT system or network operator, acting only as an intermediary between the payment service user and the supplier
of the goods and services
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Payment initiation services</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">8</td>
<td colspan="2">Account information services</td>
<div id="zone_succ_DE-TBR48" class="zone_succ"><p>Country : <strong class="description">GERMANY</strong></p>
<p><strong class="description">Activities provided on a cross-border basis</strong></p>
<table summary="List of activities in the payment services field">
<caption>List of activities in the payment services field</caption>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">1</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">2</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">3</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's
payment service provider or with another payment service provider:
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">4</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the funds are covered by a credit line for a payment service
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Issuing of payment instruments</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Acquiring of payment transactions</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">6</td>
<td colspan="2">Money remittance</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the consent of the payer to execute a payment transaction is
given by means of any telecommunication, digital or IT device and the payment is made to the telecommunication,
IT system or network operator, acting only as an intermediary between the payment service user and the supplier
of the goods and services
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Payment initiation services</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">8</td>
<td colspan="2">Account information services</td>
<div id="zone_succ_ES-TBR48" class="zone_succ"><p>Country : <strong class="description">SPAIN</strong></p>
<p><strong class="description">Activities provided on a cross-border basis</strong></p>
<table summary="List of activities in the payment services field">
<caption>List of activities in the payment services field</caption>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">1</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">2</td>
<td colspan="2">Services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for
operating a payment account
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">3</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the user's
payment service provider or with another payment service provider:
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">4</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the funds are covered by a credit line for a payment service
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">a)</td>
<td>execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">b)</td>
<td>execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero"></td>
<td class="numero">c)</td>
<td>execution of credit transfers, including standing orders</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Issuing of payment instruments</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/checked.png" alt="Ticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">5</td>
<td colspan="2">Acquiring of payment transactions</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">6</td>
<td colspan="2">Money remittance</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Execution of payment transactions where the consent of the payer to execute a payment transaction is
given by means of any telecommunication, digital or IT device and the payment is made to the telecommunication,
IT system or network operator, acting only as an intermediary between the payment service user and the supplier
of the goods and services
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">7</td>
<td colspan="2">Payment initiation services</td>
<td><img src="squelettes/img/unchecked.png" alt="Unticked activity"></td>
<td class="numero">8</td>
<td colspan="2">Account information services</td>
<div id="zone_agents" class="zone" style="display: none;"><h2 class="hide" style="display: none;">Agents<br> (payment services
<p class="liste_agents">List of Agents appointed by the institution to carry on payment services</p>
<ul class="nopuce">
<div id="zone_lastupdate" class="zone" style="display: none;"><h2 class="hide" style="text-align: right; display: none;">Last
updated : 16 October 2018</h2></div>
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