mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:50:00 +00:00
157 lines
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157 lines
4.1 KiB
'use strict';
var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
db = require('./db'),
http = require('http'),
nodeStatic = require('node-static'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
Steppy = require('twostep').Steppy,
_ = require('underscore'),
reader = require('./lib/reader'),
notifier = require('./lib/notifier'),
project = require('./lib/project'),
libLogger = require('./lib/logger'),
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var app = new EventEmitter(),
logger = libLogger('app'),
httpApi = require('./httpApi')(app);
var staticServer = new nodeStatic.Server('./static');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
if (req.url.indexOf('/api/') === 0) {
return httpApi(req, res);
if (req.url.indexOf('/data.io.js') === -1) {
if (/(js|css|fonts)/.test(req.url)) {
staticServer.serve(req, res);
} else {
// serve index for all app pages
if (env === 'development') {
var jade = require('jade');
// Compile a function
var index = jade.compileFile(__dirname + '/views/index.jade');
res.write(index({env: env}));
} else {
staticServer.serve(req, res);
var socketio = require('socket.io')(server);
var dataio = require('./dataio')(socketio);
app.server = server;
app.dataio = dataio;
app.lib = {};
app.lib.reader = reader;
app.lib.notifier = notifier;
app.lib.logger = libLogger;
var configDefaults = {
notify: {},
http: {host: '', port: 3000}
function() {
app.config = {};
app.config.paths = {};
// path to root dir (with projects, builds etc)
app.config.paths.data = path.join(process.cwd(), 'data');
app.config.paths.projects = path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'projects');
app.config.paths.builds = path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'builds');
app.config.paths.db = path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'db');
app.config.paths.preload = path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'preload.json');
var buildDirExistsCallback = this.slot();
fs.exists(app.config.paths.builds, function(isExists) {
buildDirExistsCallback(null, isExists);
var preloadExistsCallback = this.slot();
fs.exists(app.config.paths.preload, function(isExists) {
preloadExistsCallback(null, isExists);
function(err, isBuildsDirExists, isPreloadExists) {
if (!isBuildsDirExists) {
fs.mkdir(app.config.paths.builds, this.slot());
} else {
if (isPreloadExists) {
var preload = require(app.config.paths.preload);
// register rc plugins
_(preload.plugins).each(function(plugin) {
logger.log('Preload plugin "%s"', plugin);
reader.load(app.config.paths.data, 'config', this.slot());
function(err, mkdirResult, config) {
logger.log('Server config:', JSON.stringify(app.config, null, 4));
db.init(app.config.paths.db, {
db: require(app.config.storage.backend),
valueEncoding: 'json'
}, this.slot());
function() {
// load all projects for the first time
project.loadAll(app.config.paths.projects, this.slot());
function(err, projects) {
// note that `app.projects` is live variable
app.projects = projects;
logger.log('Loaded projects: ', _(app.projects).pluck('name'));
require('./distributor').init(app, this.slot());
function(err, distributor) {
app.distributor = distributor;
// register other plugins
_(app.config.plugins).each(function(plugin) {
logger.log('Load plugin "%s"', plugin);
notifier.init(app.config.notify, this.slot());
require('./projectsWatcher').init(app, this.slot());
require('./scheduler').init(app, this.slot());
// notify about first project loading
_(app.projects).each(function(project) {
app.emit('projectLoaded', project);
// init resources
function(err) {
var host = app.config.http.host,
port = app.config.http.port;
logger.log('Start http server on %s:%s', host, port);
app.server.listen(port, host);
function(err) {
if (err) throw err;