'use strict'; var Steppy = require('twostep').Steppy, path = require('path'), _ = require('underscore'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, inherits = require('util').inherits, utils = require('../utils'); function Executor(params) { this.project = params.project; this.cwd = path.join(this.project.dir, 'workspace'); } exports.Executor = Executor; inherits(Executor, EventEmitter); Executor.prototype.throttledEmit = _(function() { this.emit.apply(this, arguments); }).throttle(1500); Executor.prototype._getSources = function(params, callback) { }; Executor.prototype._runStep = function(params, callback) { }; Executor.prototype.run = function(params, callback) { var self = this, project = _({}).extend(self.project, params); Steppy( function() { self.throttledEmit('currentStep', 'get sources'); self._getSources(project.scm, this.slot()); }, function(err, scmData) { self.emit('scmData', scmData); var funcs = project.steps.map(function(step, index) { return function() { self.throttledEmit('currentStep', step.name); self._runStep(step, this.slot()); }; }); funcs.push(this.slot()); Steppy.apply(this, funcs); }, callback ); }; // Returns target rev and filtered changes according to `catchRev` Executor.prototype._getTarget = function(rev, changes) { var result = {rev: rev, changes: changes}, catchRev = this.project.catchRev; if (catchRev) { // reverse before search changes = changes.reverse(); var index; var comment = catchRev.comment; if (comment) { index = _(changes).findIndex(function(change) { if (_(comment).isRegExp()) { return comment.test(change.comment); } else { return comment === change.comment; } }); } var tag = catchRev.tag; if (tag) { index = _(changes).findIndex(function(change) { if (change.tags) { if (_(tag).isRegExp()) { return _(change.tags).find(function(changeTag) { return tag.test(changeTag); }); } else { return _(change.tags).contains(tag); } } }); } if (index !== -1) { result.rev = changes[index].id; result.changes = changes.slice(0, index + 1); result.changes.reverse(); } // reverse back before return changes = changes.reverse(); } return result; };