'use strict'; var ParentScm = require('./base').Scm, inherits = require('util').inherits, Steppy = require('twostep').Steppy, _ = require('underscore'); function Scm(params) { ParentScm.call(this, params); } exports.Scm = Scm; inherits(Scm, ParentScm); Scm.prototype.defaultRev = 'master'; Scm.prototype._fieldsSeparator = '\u2063' + '\u2063'; Scm.prototype._linesSeparator = '\u2028' + '\u2028'; Scm.prototype._revTemplate = [ '%h', '%cn', '%cd', '%s', '%d' ].join(Scm.prototype._fieldsSeparator); Scm.prototype._parseRev = function(str) { var parts = str.split(this._fieldsSeparator); var rev = { id: parts[0], author: parts[1], date: new Date(parts[2]).getTime(), comment: parts[3] }; var refsStr = parts[4]; if (refsStr) { var refs = refsStr .replace(/^ *\(/, '') .replace(/\) *$/, '') .split(', '); var tags = _(refs).chain().filter(function(ref) { return /^tag: /.test(ref) }).map(function(ref) { return ref.replace(/^tag: /, ''); }).value(); if (tags.length) { // sort tags alphabetically rev.tags = _(tags).sortBy(); } } return rev; }; Scm.prototype.clone = function(dst, rev, callback) { var self = this; Steppy( function() { // git can't clearly clone specified rev but can clone branch // possible solution to change clone params to (dst, branch, callback) self._run({ cmd: 'git', args: ['clone', '--recursive', self.repository, dst] }, this.slot()); self.cwd = dst; }, function() { self._run({cmd: 'git', args: ['checkout', '-f', rev]}, this.slot()); }, callback ); }; Scm.prototype.pull = function(rev, callback) { var self = this; Steppy( function() { // get current rev to update on it after pull self.getCurrent(this.slot()); }, function(err, currentRev) { this.pass(currentRev); self._run({cmd: 'git', args: ['pull']}, this.slot()); }, function(err, currentRev) { self.update(currentRev.id, this.slot()); }, function(err) { // ignore "You are not currently on a branch" error if ( err && err.stderr && /You are not currently on a branch/.test(err.stderr) ) { err = null; } callback(err); } ); }; Scm.prototype.getRev = function(rev, callback) { var self = this; Steppy( function() { self._run({cmd: 'git', args: [ 'show', rev, '--pretty=' + self._revTemplate ]}, this.slot()); }, function(err, stdout) { var row = stdout.split('\n')[0]; this.pass(self._parseRev(row)); }, callback ); }; Scm.prototype.getCurrent = function(callback) { var self = this; Steppy( function() { self.getRev('HEAD', this.slot()); }, callback ); }; Scm.prototype.getChanges = function(rev1, rev2, callback) { var self = this; Steppy( function() { // get current rev to update on it after git log self.getCurrent(this.slot()); }, function(err, currentRev) { this.pass(currentRev); // update to rev2 to prevent git error when switch to branch that // doesn't exist locally: "unknown revision or path not in the // working tree" self.update(rev2, this.slot()); }, function(err, currentRev) { this.pass(currentRev); self._run({cmd: 'git', args: [ 'log', rev1 ? rev1 + '..' + rev2 : rev2, '--pretty=' + self._revTemplate + self._linesSeparator ]}, this.slot()); }, function(err, currentRev, stdout) { // always skip last line - it's empty var rows = stdout.split(self._linesSeparator).slice(0, -1); var changes = _(rows).map(function(str) { // remove line break which git log add between commits return self._parseRev(str.replace(/^\n/, '')); }); this.pass(currentRev, changes); }, function(err, currentRev, changes) { this.pass(changes); self.update(currentRev.id, this.slot()); }, callback ); }; Scm.prototype.update = function(rev, callback) { this._run({cmd: 'git', args: ['checkout', '-f', rev]}, callback); };