'use strict'; var Distributor = require('../../lib/distributor').Distributor, expect = require('expect.js'), sinon = require('sinon'), createNodeMock = require('./helpers').createNodeMock, Steppy = require('twostep').Steppy; var expectStatus = function(spy, index, projectName, status) { expect(spy.getCall(index).args[0].project.name).equal(projectName); expect(spy.getCall(index).args[1].status).equal(status); }; describe('Distributor blocking with max 2 executors count', function() { var distributor, updateBuildSpy, projects; var nodes = [{type: 'local', maxExecutorsCount: 2}]; before(function() { sinon.stub(Distributor.prototype, '_createNode', createNodeMock( sinon.stub().callsArgAsync(1) )); }); var itRunParallelProjects = function() { it('distributor should be created without errors', function() { distributor = new Distributor({projects: projects, nodes: nodes}); updateBuildSpy = sinon.spy(distributor, '_updateBuild'); }); it('should run both projects without errors', function(done) { Steppy( function() { distributor.run({projectName: 'project1'}, this.slot()); distributor.run({projectName: 'project2'}, this.slot()); }, function(err) { expect(err).not.ok(); this.pass(null); }, done ); }); it('both projects should be queued', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 0, 'project1', 'queued'); expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 1, 'project2', 'queued'); }); it('both projects should be in-progress', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 2, 'project1', 'in-progress'); expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 3, 'project2', 'in-progress'); }); it('both projects should be done', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 4, 'project1', 'done'); expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 5, 'project2', 'done'); }); it('update build called 6 times totally', function() { expect(updateBuildSpy.callCount).equal(6); }); }; var itRunSequentialProjects = function() { it('distributor should be created without errors', function() { distributor = new Distributor({projects: projects, nodes: nodes}); updateBuildSpy = sinon.spy(distributor, '_updateBuild'); }); it('should run both projects without errors', function(done) { Steppy( function() { distributor.run({projectName: 'project1'}, this.slot()); distributor.run({projectName: 'project2'}, this.slot()); }, function(err) { expect(err).not.ok(); this.pass(null); }, done ); }); it('both projects should be queued', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 0, 'project1', 'queued'); expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 1, 'project2', 'queued'); }); it('project1 should be in-progress', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 2, 'project1', 'in-progress'); }); it('project2 should have wait reason (project1)', function() { var spy = updateBuildSpy; expect(spy.getCall(3).args[0].project.name).equal('project2'); expect(spy.getCall(3).args[1].waitReason).equal( 'Blocked by currently running "project1"' ); }); it('project1 should be done', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 4, 'project1', 'done'); }); it('project2 should be in-progress', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 5, 'project2', 'in-progress'); }); it('project2 should be done', function() { expectStatus(updateBuildSpy, 6, 'project2', 'done'); }); it('update build called 7 times totally', function() { expect(updateBuildSpy.callCount).equal(7); }); }; describe('should run 2 non-blocking projects in parallel', function() { before(function() { projects = [{ name: 'project1', }, { name: 'project2' }]; }); itRunParallelProjects(); }); describe('should run project1, then 2, when 2 blocked by 1', function() { before(function() { projects = [{ name: 'project1', }, { name: 'project2', blockedBy: ['project1'] }]; }); itRunSequentialProjects(); }); describe('should run project1, then 2, when 1 blocks 2', function() { before(function() { projects = [{ name: 'project1', blocks: ['project2'] }, { name: 'project2' }]; }); itRunSequentialProjects(); }); describe( 'should run 1, 2 in parallel, when 1 block 3, 2 blocked by 3', function() { before(function() { projects = [{ name: 'project1', blocks: ['project3'] }, { name: 'project2', blockedBy: ['project3'] }, { name: 'project3' }]; }); itRunParallelProjects(); } ); });