mixin statusBadge(build) if build.status === 'in-progress' span.label.label-info in progress if build.status === 'queued' span.label.label-default queued if build.status === 'done' span.label.label.sm.label-success done if build.status === 'error' span.label.label-danger error .row if this.state.build .col-sm-3.hidden-xs BuildSidebar(projectName=this.state.build.project.name, currentBuild=this.state.build) .col-sm-9 h1.page-header .pull-right(style={fontSize: '22px'}) mixin statusBadge(this.state.build) span Build # span= this.state.build.number .small.text-muted | Initiated by - var initiator = this.state.build.initiator; if initiator.type === 'build' Link(to="project", params={name: initiator.project.name}) span= initiator.project.name | | during the | Link(to="build", params={id: initiator.id}) span build # span= initiator.number else span= initiator.type //- hr .build-view_info if this.state.build.error if this.state.build.error.message .text-center.alert.alert-danger | Error: div= this.state.build.error.message if this.state.build.error.stderr pre= this.state.build.error.stderr .row .col-md-12 p Scm(scm=this.state.build.project.scm.type) | | Project Link(to="project", params={name: this.state.build.project.name}) span= this.state.build.project.name .row .col-md-12 p i.fa.fa-fw.fa-clock-o span if this.state.build.startDate span Started DateTime(value=this.state.build.startDate) else span Queued DateTime(value=this.state.build.createDate) if this.state.build.endDate - var durationTitle = this.state.build.stepTimings.map(function(stepTiming) { - return stepTiming.name + ': ' + (stepTiming.duration / 1000).toFixed(1) + ' sec'; - }).join('\n'); | , finished | DateTime(value=this.state.build.endDate) | Duration(value=(this.state.build.endDate - this.state.build.startDate), withSuffix=true, title=durationTitle) mixin rev(rev, prefix) - prefix = prefix || ''; span(title= 'Revision: ' + rev.id + ' by ' + rev.author)= prefix + rev.comment - var scm = this.state.build.scm; - var rev = scm && scm.rev; - var changes = scm && scm.changes; .row .col-md-12 p i.fa.fa-fw.fa-code-fork if changes if changes.length | Scm changes: else | No scm changes, current revision is | | " mixin rev(rev) | " by | = rev.author else | - if changes && changes.length each change, index in changes - var number = index + 1; .row(key= 'scm-change-' + number) .col-md-offset-4.col-md-8 p mixin rev(change, String(number) + '. ') h2 i.fa.fa-fw.fa-terminal | | Console output .build-view_terminal if this.state.showConsole Terminal(build=this.state.build.id, showPreloader=true) if this.state.build.completed if this.state.build.error .text-center.alert.alert-danger | Build ended with error Duration(value=(this.state.build.endDate - this.state.build.startDate), withSuffix=true) else .text-center.alert.alert-success | Build successfully completed Duration(value=(this.state.build.endDate - this.state.build.startDate), withSuffix=true) else .well.text-center button.btn.btn-primary(onClick=this.toggleConsole) i.fa.fa-fw.fa-refresh | | Show full console output