#sample project config #configure scm scm: type: git repository: https://github.com/node-ci/nci rev: master #specify which revisions should be built (by `tag` or `comment` regexp) #in any case (e.g. when several commits pushed at once) catchRev: #for catching semver tags like 1.3.6, etc tag: !!js/regexp /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ #notification settings notify: #when on: #build successfully done - done #build completed with error - error #build status other than previous build status #of this project - change to: #target transports, `console` just log to console #see `nci-mail-notification` plugin for mail notifications console: #trigger another project trigger: after: #bulld `project2` after successful `done` of current project - status: done project: project2 #specify which projects builds will block building of current project (each #element could be string or regexp) blockedBy: # - project2 - !!js/regexp /project1|project2/ #specify which projects will be blocked by current project (each element could #be string or regexp) blocks: - project2 #specify project steps, each must has `cmd`. #`name` (will be get from `cmd` by default) and `shell` (/bin/sh is default) # are optional steps: - cmd: > echo "long multiline string" && sleep 2 && echo "is not a problem when you're using yaml" && echo "cur dir is `pwd`" - name: sleep cmd: sleep 4 - cmd: echo 2 > 2.txt - cmd: cat 2.txt - shell: /bin/bash cmd: > for i in {1..100}; do echo "tick $i"; sleep 0.3; done;