'use strict'; var expect = require('expect.js'), path = require('path'), createExecutor = require('../lib/executor').createExecutor, _ = require('underscore'), helpers = require('./helpers'), mercurialRevs = helpers.mercurialRevs; ['local'].forEach(function(type) { describe(type + ' executor', function() { var workspacePath = path.join(__dirname, 'workspace'); var clearWorkspace = function(done) { helpers.removeDirIfExists(workspacePath, done); }; var makeExecutorParams = function(params) { params = params || {}; return { type: type, project: _({ dir: __dirname, name: 'test project', scm: { type: 'mercurial', repository: path.join(__dirname, 'repos', 'mercurial'), rev: 'default' }, steps: [ {type: 'shell', cmd: 'echo 1'}, {type: 'shell', cmd: 'echo 2'} ] }).extend(params.project) }; }; var executor, scmData; describe('with scm rev default and without catch rev', function() { before(clearWorkspace); it('instance should be created without errors', function() { executor = createExecutor(makeExecutorParams()); }); it('should run without errors', function(done) { executor.run({}, function(err) { expect(err).not.ok(); done(); }); executor.on('scmData', function(data) { scmData = data; }); }); it( 'scm data should be rev: last, changes: [0-last], is latest', function() { expect(scmData).eql({ rev: mercurialRevs[mercurialRevs.length - 1], changes: mercurialRevs.slice().reverse(), isLatest: true }); } ); }); _(['first revision', /^first revision$/]).each(function(comment) { describe('with scm rev default and catch rev ' + comment, function() { before(clearWorkspace); it('instance should be created without errors', function() { executor = createExecutor(makeExecutorParams({ project: { catchRev: {comment: comment} } })); }); it('should run without errors', function(done) { executor.run({}, function(err) { expect(err).not.ok(); done(); }); executor.on('scmData', function(data) { scmData = data; }); }); it('scm data should be rev: 1, changes: [0, 1], not latest', function() { expect(scmData).eql({ rev: mercurialRevs[1], changes: mercurialRevs.slice(0, 2).reverse(), isLatest: false }); }); it('should run it again without errors', function(done) { executor.run({}, done); }); it( 'scm data should be rev: last, changes: [2-last], is latest', function() { expect(scmData).eql({ rev: mercurialRevs[mercurialRevs.length - 1], changes: mercurialRevs.slice(2).reverse(), isLatest: true }); } ); }); }); _(['second revision', /^second revision$/]).each(function(tag) { describe('with scm rev default and catch tag ' + tag, function() { before(clearWorkspace); it('instance should be created without errors', function() { executor = createExecutor(makeExecutorParams({ project: { catchRev: {tag: tag} } })); }); it('should run without errors', function(done) { executor.run({}, function(err) { expect(err).not.ok(); done(); }); executor.on('scmData', function(data) { scmData = data; }); }); it('scm data should be rev: 2, changes: [0, 2], not latest', function() { expect(scmData).eql({ rev: mercurialRevs[2], changes: mercurialRevs.slice(0, 3).reverse(), isLatest: false }); }); it('should run it again without errors', function(done) { executor.run({}, done); }); it( 'scm data should be rev: last, changes: [3-last], is latest', function() { expect(scmData).eql({ rev: mercurialRevs[mercurialRevs.length - 1], changes: mercurialRevs.slice(3).reverse(), isLatest: true }); } ); }); }); }); });