'use strict'; var Steppy = require('twostep').Steppy, fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), _ = require('underscore'), reader = require('./reader'), db = require('../db'), utils = require('./utils'), SpawnCommand = require('./command/spawn').Command; /** * Validates and returns given `config` to the `callback`(err, config) */ exports.validateConfig = function(config, callback) { callback(null, config); }; /** * Loads and returns project */ exports.load = function(baseDir, name, callback) { var dir = path.join(baseDir, name); Steppy( function() { fs.readdir(dir, this.slot()); }, function(err, dirContent) { exports.loadConfig(dir, this.slot()); }, function(err, config) { exports.validateConfig(config, this.slot()); }, function(err, config) { config.name = name; config.dir = dir; this.pass(config); }, callback ); }; /** * Loads all projects from `baseDir` and returns array of projects */ exports.loadAll = function(baseDir, callback) { Steppy( function() { fs.readdir(baseDir, this.slot()); }, function(err, dirs) { var loadGroup = this.makeGroup(); _(dirs).each(function(dir) { exports.load(baseDir, dir, loadGroup.slot()); }); }, callback ); }; exports.loadConfig = function(dir, callback) { Steppy( function() { reader.load(dir, 'config', this.slot()); }, function(err, config) { // convert steps object to array if (!_(config.steps).isArray() && _(config.steps).isObject()) { config.steps = _(config.steps).map(function(val, name) { var step; if (_(val).isObject()) { step = val; } else { step = {cmd: val}; } step.name = name; return step; }); } // apply defaults _(config.steps).each(function(step) { if (!step.type) step.type = 'shell'; if (!step.name) step.name = utils.prune(step.cmd, 40); }); this.pass(config); }, callback ); }; exports.saveConfig = function(config, dir, callback) { fs.writeFile( path.join(dir, 'config.json'), JSON.stringify(config, null, 4), callback ); }; exports.create = function(baseDir, config, callback) { var dir; Steppy( function() { dir = path.join(baseDir, config.name); fs.mkdir(dir, this.slot()); }, function(err) { exports.saveConfig(config, baseDir, this.slot()); }, function(err) { exports.load(dir, this.slot()); }, callback ); }; exports.getAvgProjectBuildDuration = function(projectName, callback) { Steppy( function() { // get last done builds to calc avg build time db.builds.find({ start: { projectName: projectName, status: 'done', descCreateDate: '' }, limit: 10 }, this.slot()); }, function(err, doneBuilds) { var durationsSum = _(doneBuilds).reduce(function(memo, build) { return memo + (build.endDate - build.startDate); }, 0); this.pass(Math.round(durationsSum / doneBuilds.length)); }, callback ); }; exports.remove = function(params, callback) { Steppy( function() { db.builds.find({ start: {projectName: params.name, descCreateDate: ''} }, this.slot()); new SpawnCommand().run({cmd: 'rm', args: [ '-Rf', path.join(params.baseDir, params.name) ]}, this.slot()); }, function(err, builds) { if (builds.length) { db.builds.del(builds, this.slot()); var logLinesRemoveGroup = this.makeGroup(); _(builds).each(function(build) { db.logLines.remove({ start: {buildId: build.id} }, logLinesRemoveGroup.slot()); }); } else { this.pass(null, null); } }, callback ); };