var Distributor = require('../../lib/distributor').Distributor, expect = require('expect.js'), sinon = require('sinon'), helpers = require('../helpers'), createProjectsMock = require('./helpers').createProjectsMock, path = require('path'); describe('Distributor run self after catch', function() { var distributor, executorRunSpy, scmDataSpy; var workspacePath = path.join(__dirname, 'workspace'); var nodes = [{type: 'local', maxExecutorsCount: 1}]; describe('works 3 when start from begin and catch every rev', function() { before(function(done) { helpers.removeDirIfExists(workspacePath, done); distributor = new Distributor({ projects: createProjectsMock([{ name: 'project1', dir: __dirname, scm: helpers.repository.scm, steps: [ {type: 'shell', cmd: 'echo 1'} ], catchRev: {comment: /.*/} }]), nodes: nodes }); var createExecutor = distributor.nodes[0]._createExecutor; var executor; distributor.nodes[0]._createExecutor = function() { // don't try to do it at home, in general executor should be used // only once. But here using it for the same project simplifies // tests. if (!executor) { executor = createExecutor.apply(this, arguments); executorRunSpy = sinon.spy(executor, 'run'); scmDataSpy = sinon.spy(); executor.on('scmData', scmDataSpy); } return executor; }; }); it('should run without errors', function(done) {{projectName: 'project1'}, function(err, build) { if (err) return done(err); expect(build.error).not.ok(); done(); }); }); var itRunWithRev = function(callIndex, revIndex) { it('should run with rev ' + revIndex, function() { expect(executorRunSpy.getCall(callIndex) .equal('project1'); expect(scmDataSpy.getCall(callIndex).args[0].rev) .eql(helpers.repository.revs[revIndex]); }); }; itRunWithRev(0, 0); itRunWithRev(1, 1); itRunWithRev(2, 2); var revsCount = helpers.repository.revs.length; it('should call run ' + revsCount + ' times in total', function() { expect(executorRunSpy.callCount).equal(revsCount); }); }); });