'use strict'; var expect = require('expect.js'), ShellCommand = require('../../lib/command/shell').Command; describe('Shell command', function() { var shellCommand; it('Should be created without errors', function() { shellCommand = new ShellCommand({ emitOut: true, attachStderr: true }); }); it('Default shell should be sh', function() { expect(shellCommand.shell).equal('/bin/sh'); }); var collectData = function(result, field) { return function(data) { result[field] += data; }; }; var std = {out: '', err: ''}; it('echo "Hello world" should be done', function(done) { shellCommand.on('stdout', collectData(std, 'out')); shellCommand.on('stderr', collectData(std, 'err')); shellCommand.run({cmd: 'echo "Hello world1"'}, function(err) { expect(err).not.ok(); expect(std.err).equal(''); expect(std.out).equal('Hello world1\n'); done(); }); }); it('echo1 "Hello world" should fails', function(done) { std.out = ''; std.err = ''; shellCommand.run({cmd: 'echo1 "Hello world"'}, function(err) { expect(err).ok(); expect(err).an(Error); // messages and codes are slightly different across the OSes // e.g. at linux and macos expect(err.message).match( /Spawned command exits with non-zero code: \d+/ ); expect(err.stderr).match(/echo1:.*not found/); expect(std.err).equal(''); expect(std.out).equal(''); done(); }); }); });