'use strict'; var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development', db = require('./db'), httpServer = require('./lib/httpServer'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), Steppy = require('twostep').Steppy, _ = require('underscore'), Reader = require('./lib/reader').Reader, Notifier = require('./lib/notifier').Notifier, ProjectsCollection = require('./lib/project').ProjectsCollection, BuildsCollection = require('./lib/build').BuildsCollection, libLogger = require('./lib/logger'), libReader = require('./lib/reader'), libNotifier = require('./lib/notifier'), libNode = require('./lib/node'), libCommand = require('./lib/command'), libExecutor = require('./lib/executor'), libScm = require('./lib/scm'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, validateConfig = require('./lib/validateConfig'), utils = require('./lib/utils'); var app = new EventEmitter(), logger = libLogger('app'); app.reader = new Reader(); var httpServerLogger = libLogger('http server'); app.httpServer = httpServer.create(); app.httpServer.on('error', function(err, req, res) { httpServerLogger.error( 'Error processing request ' + req.method + ' ' + req.url + ':', err.stack || err ); if (!res.headersSent) { res.statusCode = 500; res.end(); } }); app.httpServer.addRequestListener(function(req, res, next) { var start = Date.now(); res.on('finish', function() { var end = Date.now(); httpServerLogger.log( '[%s] %s %s %s - %s ms', new Date(end).toUTCString(), req.method, req.url, res.statusCode, end - start ); }); next(); }); app.lib = {}; app.lib.logger = libLogger; app.lib.reader = libReader; app.lib.notifier = libNotifier; app.lib.command = libCommand; app.lib.executor = libExecutor; app.lib.scm = libScm; app.lib.node = libNode; var configDefaults = { notify: {}, http: {host: '', port: 3000, url: ''} }; var completeUncompletedBuilds = function(callback) { Steppy( function() { db.builds.find({ start: {descCreateDate: ''}, limit: 100 }, this.slot()); }, function(err, lastBuilds) { var uncompletedBuilds = _(lastBuilds).filter(function(lastBuild) { return !lastBuild.completed; }); var completeGroup = this.makeGroup(); if (uncompletedBuilds.length) { var queuedAndOtherUncompletedBuilds = _(uncompletedBuilds).partition( function(uncompletedBuild) { return uncompletedBuild.status === 'queued'; } ); var queuedBuilds = queuedAndOtherUncompletedBuilds[0]; uncompletedBuilds = queuedAndOtherUncompletedBuilds[1]; if (queuedBuilds.length) { logger.log( 'remove queued builds: %s', _(queuedBuilds).pluck('id').join(', ') ); db.builds.del(queuedBuilds, completeGroup.slot()); } if (uncompletedBuilds.length) { logger.log( 'complete with interrupt error uncompleted builds: %s', _(uncompletedBuilds).pluck('id').join(', ') ); _(uncompletedBuilds).each(function(uncompletedBuild) { var endDate = ( uncompletedBuild.startDate || uncompletedBuild.createDate ); var sumDuration = _(uncompletedBuild.stepTimings).reduce( function(sum, timing) { return sum + timing.duration; }, 0 ) || 0; endDate += sumDuration; db.builds.update( {id: uncompletedBuild.id}, { endDate: endDate, status: 'error', completed: true, error: {message: 'interrupted by server restart'} }, completeGroup.slot() ); }); } } }, callback ); }; Steppy( function() { app.config = {}; app.config.paths = {}; // path to root dir (with projects, builds etc) app.config.paths.data = path.join(process.cwd(), 'data'); app.config.paths.preload = path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'preload.json'); var preloadExistsCallback = this.slot(); fs.exists(app.config.paths.preload, function(isExists) { preloadExistsCallback(null, isExists); }); }, function(err, isPreloadExists) { if (isPreloadExists) { var preload = require(app.config.paths.preload); // register rc plugins _(preload.plugins).each(function(plugin) { logger.log('Preload plugin "%s"', plugin); require(plugin).register(app); }); } app.reader.load(app.config.paths.data, 'config', this.slot()); }, function(err, config) { validateConfig(config, this.slot()); }, function(err, config) { _(app.config).defaults(config); _(app.config).defaults(configDefaults); // try to read db and projects paths from config or set default values _(app.config.paths).defaults(config.paths, { db: path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'db'), projects: path.join(app.config.paths.data, 'projects') }); logger.log('Server config:', utils.toPrettyJson(app.config)); var dbDirExistsCallback = this.slot(); fs.exists(app.config.paths.db, function(isExists) { dbDirExistsCallback(null, isExists); }); }, function(err, isDbDirExists) { if (isDbDirExists) { this.pass(null); } else { fs.mkdir(app.config.paths.db, this.slot()); } }, function() { var dbBackend = require(app.config.storage.backend); // monkey patch memdown to allow save empty strings which is correct // at general but occasionally not allowed at _checkKey // https://github.com/Level/abstract-leveldown/issues/74 if (app.config.storage.backend === 'memdown') { dbBackend.prototype._checkKey = _.noop; } db.init(app.config.paths.db, {db: dbBackend}, this.slot()); }, function() { app.projects = new ProjectsCollection({ db: db, reader: app.reader, baseDir: app.config.paths.projects }); app.notifier = new Notifier({db: db}); completeUncompletedBuilds(this.slot()); }, function() { require('./distributor').create(app, this.slot()); }, function(err, distributor) { app.builds = new BuildsCollection({ db: db, distributor: distributor }); // register other plugins _(app.config.plugins).each(function(plugin) { logger.log('Load plugin "%s"', plugin); require(plugin).register(app); }); distributor.init(); app.notifier.init(app.config.notify, this.slot()); }, function() { // only at development and only when there is no other request listeners // (e.g. socketio) add not found route to the very end (after all // plugins register) if ( env === 'development' && app.httpServer._events && _(app.httpServer._events.request).isFunction() ) { app.httpServer.addRequestListener(function(req, res, next) { if (!res.headersSent) { res.statusCode = 404; res.end(req.method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + req.url + ' Not Found'); } }); } // load projects after all plugins to provide ability for plugins to // handle `projectLoaded` event app.projects.loadAll(this.slot()); }, function(err) { logger.log('Loaded projects: ', _(app.projects.getAll()).pluck('name')); var host = app.config.http.host, port = app.config.http.port; logger.log('Start http server on %s:%s', host, port); app.httpServer.listen(port, host); }, function(err) { if (err) throw err; } );