From 14b32f28196f31e3a5815057f83520cfa0a82716 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Martin Donnelly Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 16:07:56 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] init --- .editorconfig | 32 + .gitignore | 180 ++++ .jscsrc | 46 + .jshintrc | 37 + app.js | 262 ++++++ bower.json | 24 + gulpfile.js | 117 +++ index.js | 30 + lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js | 130 +++ lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js | 68 ++ lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js | 353 ++++++++ lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js | 1791 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ package.json | 79 ++ process.json | 20 + 14 files changed, 3169 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .editorconfig create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 .jscsrc create mode 100644 .jshintrc create mode 100644 app.js create mode 100644 bower.json create mode 100644 gulpfile.js create mode 100644 index.js create mode 100644 lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js create mode 100644 lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js create mode 100644 lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js create mode 100644 lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js create mode 100644 package.json create mode 100644 process.json diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e86f5fa --- /dev/null +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +; + +root = true + +[*] +charset = utf-8 +end_of_line = lf +insert_final_newline = true +trim_trailing_whitespace = true +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 + +[*.txt] +insert_final_newline = false +trim_trailing_whitespace = false + +[*.py] +indent_size = 4 + +[*.m] +indent_size = 4 + +[Makefile] +indent_style = tab +indent_size = 8 + +[*.{js,json}] +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 + +[*.md] +trim_trailing_whitespace = false diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b6a41e --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +# Created by .ignore support plugin ( +### Archives template +# It's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source because +# git has its own built in compression methods. +*.7z +*.jar +*.rar +*.zip +*.gz +*.bzip +*.bz2 +*.xz +*.lzma +*.cab + +#packing-only formats +*.iso +*.tar + +#package management formats +*.dmg +*.xpi +*.gem +*.egg +*.deb +*.rpm +*.msi +*.msm +*.msp +### Windows template +# Windows image file caches +Thumbs.db +ehthumbs.db + +# Folder config file +Desktop.ini + +# Recycle Bin used on file shares +$RECYCLE.BIN/ + +# Windows Installer files +*.cab +*.msi +*.msm +*.msp + +# Windows shortcuts +*.lnk +### OSX template +.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride + +# Icon must end with two \r +Icon + +# Thumbnails +._* + +# Files that might appear in the root of a volume +.DocumentRevisions-V100 +.fseventsd +.Spotlight-V100 +.TemporaryItems +.Trashes +.VolumeIcon.icns + +# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share +.AppleDB +.AppleDesktop +Network Trash Folder +Temporary Items +.apdisk +### JetBrains template +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio + +*.iml + +## Directory-based project format: +.idea/ +# if you remove the above rule, at least ignore the following: + +# User-specific stuff: +# .idea/workspace.xml +# .idea/tasks.xml +# .idea/dictionaries + +# Sensitive or high-churn files: +# .idea/dataSources.ids +# .idea/dataSources.xml +# .idea/sqlDataSources.xml +# .idea/dynamic.xml +# .idea/uiDesigner.xml + +# Gradle: +# .idea/gradle.xml +# .idea/libraries + +# Mongo Explorer plugin: +# .idea/mongoSettings.xml + +## File-based project format: +*.ipr +*.iws + +## Plugin-specific files: + +# IntelliJ +/out/ + +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin +.idea_modules/ + +# JIRA plugin +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml + +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml +### Node template +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage + +# Grunt intermediate storage ( +.grunt + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons ( +build/Release + +# Dependency directory +# +node_modules +bower_components + +### VisualStudioCode template +.settings + +### Xcode template +# Xcode +# +# gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore + +## Build generated +build/ +DerivedData + +## Various settings +*.pbxuser +!default.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +!default.mode1v3 +*.mode2v3 +!default.mode2v3 +*.perspectivev3 +!default.perspectivev3 +xcuserdata + +## Other +*.xccheckout +*.moved-aside +*.xcuserstate + +dist diff --git a/.jscsrc b/.jscsrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..480fcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.jscsrc @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +{ + "disallowKeywords": ["with"], + "disallowKeywordsOnNewLine": ["else"], + "disallowMixedSpacesAndTabs": true, + "disallowMultipleVarDecl": "exceptUndefined", + "disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements": true, + "disallowQuotedKeysInObjects": true, + "disallowSpaceAfterObjectKeys": true, + "disallowSpaceAfterPrefixUnaryOperators": true, + "disallowSpacesInFunction": { + "beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true + }, + "disallowSpacesInsideParentheses": true, + "disallowTrailingWhitespace": true, + "maximumLineLength": 160, + "requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": false, + "requireCapitalizedComments": true, + "requireCapitalizedConstructors": true, + "requireCurlyBraces": true, + "requireSpaceAfterKeywords": [ + "if", + "else", + "for", + "while", + "do", + "switch", + "case", + "return", + "try", + "catch", + "typeof" + ], + "requireSpaceAfterLineComment": true, + "requireSpaceAfterBinaryOperators": true, + "requireSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators": true, + "requireSpaceBeforeBlockStatements": true, + "requireSpaceBeforeObjectValues": true, + "requireSpacesInFunction": { + "beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true + }, + "requireTrailingComma": false, + "requireEarlyReturn": false, + "validateIndentation": 2, + "validateLineBreaks": "LF", + "validateQuoteMarks": "'" +} diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..375085b --- /dev/null +++ b/.jshintrc @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "predef": [ + "Promise", + "$" + ], + "globals": { + "$": false, + "MicroEvent": false + }, + "node":true, + "browser": true, + "boss": true, + "curly": true, + "debug": false, + "devel": true, + "eqeqeq": true, + "evil": true, + "forin": false, + "immed": false, + "laxbreak": false, + "newcap": true, + "noarg": true, + "noempty": false, + "nonew": false, + "nomen": false, + "onevar": false, + "plusplus": false, + "regexp": false, + "undef": true, + "sub": true, + "strict": false, + "white": false, + "eqnull": true, + "esnext": true, + "unused": true, + "supernew":true +} diff --git a/app.js b/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbe7911 --- /dev/null +++ b/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +/** + * Created by Martin on 08/02/2016. + */ +'use strict'; +var express = require('express'); +var path = require('path'); +var http = require('http'); +var ejs = require('ejs'); +var morgan = require('morgan'); +var cookieparser = require('cookie-parser'); +var session = require('express-session'); +var methodoverride = require('method-override'); +var bodyparser = require('body-parser'); +var errorhandler = require('errorhandler'); +var mqttConnect = require('./lib/mqtt/mqttConnect'); +var log4js = require('log4js'); +var logger = log4js.getLogger(); + + +var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server; + +var EventEmitter = require('events'); +var busEmitter = new EventEmitter(); + +var apn = require('apn'); + +require('sugar-date'); + +var calendar = require('./lib/office/officeController.js'); +var cal = new calendar.officeController(busEmitter); + +var lighting_v1 = require('./routes/lighting_v1'); +var heating_v1 = require('./routes/heating_v1'); +var projector_v1 = require('./routes/projector_v1'); +var isProduction = false; + + +function restartTimer() { + // Ibm / mqtt things go a bit weird if left on for too long so restart the server + // at 7:30 ever morning before anyone is using it. + var tom = Date.create('tomorrow at 7:30am'); + + var ms = tom.getTime() - Date.create('now').getTime(); + + + console.log('Restarting in: ', ms); + setTimeout(function() {process.exit(1);}, ms); + +} +mqttConnect.setEmitter(busEmitter); +mqttConnect.doConnection(); + +process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; + +if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { + isProduction = true; +} + +logger.debug('isProduction:', isProduction); + +var app = express(); + +app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 4545); +app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); +app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); +app.use(morgan('combined')); +app.use(cookieparser('your secret here')); +app.use(session({ + secret: '1234567890QWERTY', resave: false, saveUninitialized: false +})); +/* 'default', 'short', 'tiny', 'dev' */ +app.use(methodoverride()); + +app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({extended: false})); + +// Parse application/json +app.use(bodyparser.json()); + +app.use(function(req, res, next) { + res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); + res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With'); + next(); +}); + +// Run npm start --production to use dist +var staticDir = isProduction ? 'dist' : 'app'; + +app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, staticDir))); +app.use(errorhandler({dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true})); + +lighting_v1.use(mqttConnect); +heating_v1.use(mqttConnect); +projector_v1.use(mqttConnect); + +// Calendar handler + +busEmitter.on('lightingOn', lighting_v1.doLightsOn); +busEmitter.on('lightingOff', lighting_v1.doLightsOff); + +busEmitter.on('heatingOn', mqttConnect.heatingOn); +busEmitter.on('heatingOff', mqttConnect.heatingOff); +busEmitter.on('projectorOn', projector_v1.doProjectorOn); +busEmitter.on('projectorOff', projector_v1.doProjectorOff); + + +busEmitter.on('connectWS', mqttConnect.connectWS); +busEmitter.on('restartMQTTSocket', mqttConnect.restartMQTTSocket); + +mqttConnect.setupPing(); +cal.startController(busEmitter); + +app.get('/stop', function(request, response) { + cal.stopController(); + response.sendStatus(200); + }); + +app.get('/start', function(request, response) { + + cal.startController(); + response.sendStatus(200); + }); + +app.get('/api/calendar', function(req, res) { + var calJson = cal.returnCalendar(); +; + res.json(calJson); + }); +'/api/calendar/extend', function(req, res) { + res.json({}); + }); + + + + +// Events and sockets + +busEmitter.on('clientConnected', (socketSet) => { +'-=-=-=-=-'); +; + heating_v1.setsocket(socketSet).subscribe(); + lighting_v1.setsocket(socketSet).subscribe(); + projector_v1.setsocket(socketSet).subscribe(); +}); + +busEmitter.on('clientStatusUpdated', (v) => { +; +}); + + +'Configuring WebSocket Listener...'); +var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) { + Date()) + ' Received request for ' + request.url); + response.writeHead(404); + response.end(); +}); + +server.listen(3001, function() { + Date()) + ' Server is listening on port 3001'); +}); +var wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ + httpServer: server, // You should not use autoAcceptConnections for production + // applications, as it defeats all standard cross-origin protection + // facilities built into the protocol and the browser. You should + // *always* verify the connection's origin and decide whether or not + // to accept it. + autoAcceptConnections: false +}); + +function originIsAllowed(origin) { + // Put logic here to detect whether the specified origin is allowed. + return true; +} + +wsServer.on('request', function(request) { + + if (!originIsAllowed(request.origin)) { + // Make sure we only accept requests from an allowed origin + request.reject(); + Date()) + ' Connection from origin ' + request.origin + ' rejected.'); + return; + } + + var connection = request.accept('stream', request.origin); + Date()) + ' Connection accepted.'); + + var sendSocketHandler = (obj) => { + try { + connection.sendUTF(JSON.stringify(obj)); + } + catch (err) { + logger.error(err); + logger.warn('Offending object: ', obj); + } + }; + + busEmitter.on('sendSocket', sendSocketHandler); + + connection.on('message', function(message) { + if (message.type === 'utf8') { +'Received Message: ' + message.utf8Data); + connection.sendUTF(message.utf8Data); + } else if (message.type === 'binary') { +'Received Binary Message of ' + message.binaryData.length + ' bytes'); + connection.sendBytes(message.binaryData); + } + }); + + connection.on('close', function(reasonCode, description) { + Date()) + ' Peer ' + connection.remoteAddress + ' disconnected.'); + busEmitter.removeListener('sendSocket', sendSocketHandler); + }); +}); + +mqttConnect.connectWS(function() { +'Ready to plug in sockets...'); +}); +'/api/v1/lighting/off', lighting_v1.turnoff);'/api/v1/lighting/on', lighting_v1.turnon);'/api/v1/lighting/cmd', lighting_v1.command); +'/api/v1/heating/off', heating_v1.turnoff);'/api/v1/heating/on', heating_v1.turnon); +'/api/v1/projector/off', projector_v1.turnoff);'/api/v1/projector/on', projector_v1.turnon);'/api/v1/projector/cmd', projector_v1.command); +'/api/v1/register/ios', function(req, res) { + + var body = req.body, registrationId; + + logger.debug(body); + + if (body.hasOwnProperty('registrationId')) { + registrationId = body['registrationId']; + logger.debug(registrationId); + + cal.registeriOSToken(registrationId); + + } +}); +'/api/v1/extend', function(req, res) { + + var body = req.body, data; + + if (body.hasOwnProperty('extendBy') && body.hasOwnProperty('uid')) { + data = req.body; + + cal.extendMeeting(data); + res.sendStatus(200); + } + +}); + +app.listen(3000, function() { +'Express listening on 3000'); + restartTimer(); +}); diff --git a/bower.json b/bower.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0e93cc --- /dev/null +++ b/bower.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "name": "sodashserver", + "description": "Smart Office Dashboard Server", + "main": "index.js", + "authors": [ + "Martin Donnelly" + ], + "license": "ISC", + "homepage": "", + "private": true, + "ignore": [ + "**/.*", + "node_modules", + "bower_components", + "test", + "tests" + ], + "dependencies": { + "chroma-js": "^1.1.1", + "jquery": "^2.2.3", + "mui": "^0.5.3", + "sugarjs-date": "^1.5.1" + } +} diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01696c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/gulpfile.js @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +'use strict'; +var gulp = require('gulp'); +var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); +var cssnano = require('gulp-cssnano'); +var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); +var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); +var jsmin = require('gulp-jsmin'); +var rename = require('gulp-rename'); +var concat = require('gulp-concat'); +var notify = require('gulp-notify'); +var cache = require('gulp-cache'); +var livereload = require('gulp-livereload'); +var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin'); +var inject = require('gulp-inject'); +var del = require('del'); +var htmlreplace = require('gulp-html-replace'); +var googleWebFonts = require('gulp-google-webfonts'); + +var stripDebug = require('gulp-strip-debug'); +var size = require('gulp-size'); + +var debug = require('gulp-debug'); + +var filePath = { + build_dir: './dist' + }; + +gulp.task('scripts', function() { + return gulp.src(['app/js/sowebsocket.js','app/js/colours.js','app/js/appv2.js']) + .pipe(jshint('.jshintrc')) + .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')) + .pipe(concat('app.js')) + // .pipe(stripDebug()) + .pipe(jsmin()) + .pipe(size({title: 'Scripts'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')); + }); + +gulp.task('vendor', function() { + return gulp.src(['bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', + 'bower_components/mui/packages/cdn/js/mui.min.js', + 'bower_components/chroma-js/chroma.min.js', + 'bower_components/sugar/release/sugar-full.min.js', + 'app/lib/skycons.js', + 'app/lib/microevent.js']) + .pipe(concat('vendor.js')) + .pipe(uglify({mangle: false})) + .pipe(size({title: 'Vendor'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')); + }); + + + + +gulp.task('styles', function() { + return gulp.src(['app/css/mui.custom.css','app/css/material-icons.css','app/css/app.css']) + .pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4')) + .pipe(cssnano()) + .pipe(concat('app.css')) + .pipe(size({title: 'Styles'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css')); + }); + +gulp.task('partials', function() { + + // Gulp.src(['app/partials/**/*']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/partials')); + // gulp.src(['app/libs/ejs_production.js']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/libs')); + // gulp.src(['app/libs/microevent.js']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/libs')); + gulp.src(['app/fav/**/*']).pipe(size({title: 'Partials'})).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/fav')); + gulp.src(['app/gfx/censis_logo_white.png']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/gfx')); +}); + +gulp.task('migrate', function() { + return gulp.src(['dist/**/*']) + .pipe(debug({title: 'migrate:'})) + .pipe(size({title: 'Migrate'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('/Users/martin/newdev/SODashApp/www')); +}); + +gulp.task('index', function() { + var sources = gulp.src(['js/apps.js', 'css/app.css'], {read: false}); + + return gulp.src(['app/index.html']) + .pipe(htmlreplace({ + css: 'css/app.css', + js: 'js/app.js', + vendor: 'js/vendor.js', + fonts: 'fonts/fonts.css' + })) + .pipe(htmlmin({removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, keepClosingSlash: true})) + .pipe(size({title: 'Index'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/')); + }); + +var options = { }; + +gulp.task('fonts', function() { + return gulp.src('./fonts.list') + .pipe(googleWebFonts(options)) + .pipe(size({title: 'Fonts'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/fonts')) + ; +}); + + +gulp.task('clean', function() { + return del(['dist']); + }); + + +gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function() { + gulp.start('styles', 'scripts', 'vendor', 'fonts', 'partials', 'index'); + }); + +gulp.task('Cordova', ['clean'], function() { + gulp.start('styles', 'scripts', 'vendor', 'fonts', 'index'); + }); diff --git a/index.js b/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b11851 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +var log4js = require('log4js'); +var logger = log4js.getLogger(); + + +var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server; + +var EventEmitter = require('events'); +var busEmitter = new EventEmitter(); + + + +var mqttClient = require('./lib/mqtt/mqttClient'); +var mqttConnect = require('./lib/mqtt/mqttConnect'); + +var mqtt = new mqttClient.mqttClient(); + +/* + +mqttConnect.setEmitter(busEmitter); +mqttConnect.doConnection(); + + +mqttConnect.connectWS(); +*/ + + +setTimeout(function(){ + 'use strict'; + mqtt.lightsIn(); +},15000); diff --git a/lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js b/lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..146f228 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + +var IoTFconnector = function (orgId, api_key, auth_token, $rootScope) { + + + //this.connected = ''; + this.clientId = "a:" + orgId + ":" +; + + console.log("clientId: " + this.clientId); + this.hostname = orgId + ""; + this.client = ''; + + this.initialize = function () { + + client = new Messaging.Client(this.hostname, 8883, this.clientId); + + + client.onMessageArrived = function (msg) { + console.log("Message from :" + msg.destinationName); + }; + + var connectOptions = new Object(); + connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 3600; + connectOptions.useSSL = true; + connectOptions.userName = api_key; + connectOptions.password = auth_token; + + connectOptions.onSuccess = function () { + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.connected = true; + // $rootScope.$broadcast("clientStatusUpdated", clientStatus); + console.log("MQTT connected to host: " + + " port : " + client.port + " at " +; + + } + + connectOptions.onFailure = function (e) { + console.log("MQTT connection failed at " + + "\nerror: " + e.errorCode + " : " + e.errorMessage); + } + + console.log("about to connect to " +; + client.connect(connectOptions); + + //client = new Messaging.Client(this.hostname, 8883, this.clientId); + + //// Initialize the Realtime Graph + ////var rtGraph = new RealtimeGraph(); + //client.onMessageArrived = function(msg) { + // //var topic = msg.destinationName; + + // //var payload = JSON.parse(msg.payloadString); + // ////First message, instantiate the graph + // //if (firstMessage) { + // // $('#chart').empty(); + // // firstMessage = false; + // // rtGraph.displayChart(null, payload); + // //} else { + // // rtGraph.graphData(payload); + // //} + // console.log("Message from :" + msg.destinationName); + //}; + + //client.onConnectionLost = function(e) { + // console.log("Connection Lost at " + + " : " + e.errorCode + " : " + e.errorMessage); + // this.connect(connectOptions); + //} + + //var connectOptions = new Object(); + //connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 3600; + //connectOptions.useSSL = true; + //connectOptions.userName = api_key; + //connectOptions.password = auth_token; + + //connectOptions.onSuccess = function() { + // IoTFconnector.prototype.connected = true; + // console.log("MQTT connected to host: " + + " port : " + client.port + " at " +; + + //} + + //connectOptions.onFailure = function(e) { + // console.log("MQTT connection failed at " + + "\nerror: " + e.errorCode + " : " + e.errorMessage); + //} + + //console.log("about to connect to " +; + //client.connect(connectOptions); + } + + + this.initialize(); + + //var imageHTML = '
The selected device is not currently sending events to the Internet of Things Foundation

Select to view historical data or select a different device.
Chart'; + +}; + + + + +IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus = { connected: false, subscribeTopic: '' };; + +IoTFconnector.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect() { + client.disconnect(); + console.log("Connection closed"); +} + +IoTFconnector.prototype.connect = function connect() { + // this.initialize(); +} + + + +IoTFconnector.prototype.subscribe = function subscribe(deviceId) { + var subscribeOptions = { + qos: 0, + onSuccess: function () { + console.log("subscribed to " + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + }, + onFailure: function () { + console.log("Failed to subscribe to " + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + console.log("As messages are not available, visualization is not possible"); + } + }; + + if (IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic != "") { + console.log("Unsubscribing to " + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + client.unsubscribe(IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + }; + + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic = "iot-2/type/iotsample-ti-cc3200/id/" + deviceId + "/evt/+/fmt/json"; + + client.subscribe(IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic, subscribeOptions); +} diff --git a/lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js b/lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bfac3f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +var mqtt = require('mqtt'); + +var mqttClient = function() { + + var orgId = ''; + var userName = ''; + var appKey = 'bob'; + + + = 'lights'; + + this.connected = false; + + var options = { + keepalive: 3600, + clientId: 'a:' + orgId + ':' +, + username: userName, + password: new Buffer(appKey) + + }; + + this.client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://' + orgId + '', options); + + this.client.on('connect', function() { + connected = true; + console.log('Connected to SIlvr Broker'); + }); + + this.client.subscribe('lightsOut'); + this.client.on('message', function(topic, message) { + console.log(message); + }); + + this.isConnected = function() { + return this.connected; + }; + }; + +/* +Client = mqtt.connect(); + +client.subscribe('presence'); +client.on('message', function(topic, message) { + console.log(message); +}); + + + */ + + + +mqttClient.prototype.lightsIn = function() { + + var destinationName = 'lightsIn'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, '0'); + var destinationName = 'lightsIn'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, '1'); + }; + +mqttClient.prototype.lightsOut = function() { + + var destinationName = 'lightsOut'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'f'); + destinationName = 'lightsOut'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'g'); + }; + +module.exports.mqttClient = mqttClient; diff --git a/lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js b/lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75dd618 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +/** + * Created by Martin on 08/02/2016. + */ +'use strict'; +var mqtt = require('mqtt'); + +var Messaging = require('mqtt_over_websockets'); +var log4js = require('log4js'); +var logger = log4js.getLogger(); + +var mqttConfig = { + orgId: 'qz0da4', + userName: 'martind2000', + appKey: 'MPReoa43', + prefix: 'iot-2/type/Ti-CC3200/id/' + }; + +function randomString(length) { + return Math.round((Math.pow(36, length + 1) - Math.random() * Math.pow(36, length))).toString(36).slice(1); +} + +/* + Projector: 'ProjectorISP15', + lighting: 'LightingISP15', + heating: 'HeatingISP15', + + */ +var live = true; + +logger.warn('!!! Live? ', live); +module.exports = { + restartTimer : 0, + pingTimer: 0, + statuses: {}, + sockets: null, + wsClient: null, + watches: {}, + client: null, + projector: live ? 'Projector' : 'ProjectorISP15', + lighting: live ? 'Lighting' : 'LightingISP15', + heating: live ? 'Heating' : 'HeatingISP15', + myID: 0, + connected: false, + options: { + // Keepalive: 3600, + keepalive: 60, + clientId: 'a:' + mqttConfig.orgId + ':' +, + username: mqttConfig.userName, + password: new Buffer(mqttConfig.appKey) + + }, + lightList: {o: 'frontLight', f: 'frontLight',n: 'backLight', g: 'backLight'}, + updateStatus: function(id, packet) { + this.statuses[id] = packet; +'Statuses:', this.statuses); + }, + + setEmitter: function(newEmitter) { + this.emitter = newEmitter; + }, + doConnection: function(cb) { + console.log('Do connection'); + var self = this; + if (this.client === null) { + this.client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://' + '', this.options); + + this.client.on('connect', function() { +'Connected to SilvrBroker'); + self.connected = this.connected; + }); + this.client.on('connected', function() { + logger.debug('mqttConnect - doConnection - Connected'); + + }); + this.client.on('disconnect', function(e) { + logger.error('mqttConnect - doConnection - disconnect'); + logger.error(e); + }); + this.client.on('error', function(e) { + logger.error('mqttConnect - doConnection - disconnect'); + logger.error(e); + }); + + } + return this; + }, + isConnected: function() { + return this.connected; + }, + sendCommand: function(deviceID, command) { + var payload = { + id: 'd', + text: command + + }; + }, + projectorOn: function(callback) { + var packet; + console.log('projectorOn:'); + var _callback = callback || {}; + + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + packet = {id: this.projector, status: true}; + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.projector + '/cmd/' + 'ON' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'ON', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',packet); + logger.debug('Storing status...'); + this.updateStatus('projector', packet); + }, + projectorOff: function(callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || {}; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + packet = {id: this.projector, status: false}; + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.projector + '/cmd/' + 'OFF' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'OFF', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',packet); + console.log('Storing status...'); + this.updateStatus('projector', packet); + + }, + projectorCmd: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || {}; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.projector + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'cmd', _callback); + }, + heatingOn: function(callback) { + console.log('Turn heating on...'); + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.heating + '/cmd/' + 'on' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'ON', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: this.heating, status: true}); + }, + heatingOff: function(callback) { + var _callback = callback || {}; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.heating + '/cmd/' + 'off' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'OFF', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: this.heating, status: false}); + }, + lightingOn: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + + console.log('lightingOn:' + id); + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'ON', _callback); + packet = {id:, device: id, status: true}; + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',packet); + logger.debug('Storing status...'); + this.updateStatus(this.lightList[id], packet); + }, + lightingOff: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'OFF', _callback); + packet = {id:, device: id, status: false}; + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket', packet); + this.updateStatus(this.lightList[id], packet); + }, + lightingCommand: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'cmd', _callback); + }, + + setupEvents: function() { + + this.emitter.on('lightingOn', this.lightingOn); + this.emitter.on('lightingOff', this.lightingOff); + this.emitter.on('heatingOn', this.heatingOn); + this.emitter.on('heatingOff', this.heatingOff); + this.emitter.on('projectorOn', this.projectorOn); + this.emitter.on('projectorOff', this.projectorOff); + }, + setupPing: function() { + logger.warn('Starting ping timer...'); + + this.pingTimer = setTimeout(function() {;}.bind(this), 10000); + }, + ping: function() { + //Logger.error('Ping!'); + this.sendRefresh(); + var now = new Date; + var mod = 10000 - (now.getTime() % 10000); + + setTimeout(function() {;}.bind(this),mod + 10); + + }, + sendRefresh: function() { + // logger.debug('+ Send refresh', this.statuses); + + for (var item in this.statuses) { + if (this.statuses.hasOwnProperty(item)) { + console.log(this.statuses[item]); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket', this.statuses[item]); + } + } + // logger.debug('+ Send refresh'); + }, + preRestartConnection: function() { + logger.debug('Restart connection...'); + //this.emitter.emit('restartMQTTSocket', this); + //logger.debug(this); + this.restartMQTTSocket(); + }, + startMQTTSocket:function() { + logger.warn('Restarting socket?'); + this.connectWS(); + }, + restartMQTTSocket: function() { + this.wsClient.disconnect(); + // setTimeout(this.startMQTTSocket.bind(this), 15000); + }, + connectWS: function(connectCB) { + + logger.debug('Going to connect WS'); + var self = this; + var hostname = ''; + var clientId = 'a:' + 'qz0da4' + ':' +; + + var api_key = 'martind2000'; + var auth_token = 'MPReoa43'; + + this.wsClient =new Messaging.Client(hostname, 8883, clientId); + //var wsClient = new Messaging.Client(hostname, 8883, clientId); + var wsClient = this.wsClient; + var clientStatus = {connected: false, subscribed: false, deviceConnected: false}; + var sensorData = {}; + + + this.restartTimer = setTimeout(this.preRestartConnection.bind(this), 60000); + + wsClient.onMessageArrived = function(msg) { + //"Message from :" + msg.destinationName); + clearTimeout(self.restartTimer); + self.restartTimer = setTimeout(self.preRestartConnection.bind(self), 60000); + clientStatus.deviceConnected = true; + sensorData = JSON.parse(msg.payloadString); + // Logger.debug(sensorData); + var temp = msg.destinationName.split('/'); + if ([4])) { + + //'Emit: ' + JSON.stringify({[temp[4]],sensorData:sensorData})); + + self.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id:[temp[4]],sensorData: sensorData}); + } + + }; + wsClient.onConnectionLost = function(e) { + logger.error('+ wsClient.onConnectionLost'); + logger.error(e); + logger.warn('Going to force a restart of the Socket.. Hold on.'); + setTimeout(self.startMQTTSocket.bind(self), 15000); + //self.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: 'deviceLost',data: e}); + //var wsReconnectTimer = setTimeout(function() {logger.debug('TRYING TO RECONNECT TO MQTT');self.emitter.emit('connectWS');}.bind(this),30000); + logger.error('- wsClient.onConnectionLost'); + }; + + + var connectOptions = {}; + connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 3600; + connectOptions.useSSL = true; + connectOptions.userName = api_key; + connectOptions.password = auth_token; + + connectOptions.onSuccess = function() { + clientStatus.connected = true; +'MQTT connected to host: ' + + ' port : ' + wsClient.port + ' at ' +; + + self.emitter.emit('clientStatusUpdated', clientStatus); + self.emitter.emit('clientConnected', self.sockets); + }; + + connectOptions.onFailure = function(e) { + self.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: 'deviceNotConnecting'}); + logger.error('wsClient onFailure', e); + logger.error('MQTT connection failed at ' + + '\nerror: ' + e.errorCode + ' : ' + e.errorMessage); + //var wsReconnectTimer = setTimeout(function() {logger.debug('TRYING TO RECONNECT TO MQTT');self.emitter.emit('connectWS');}.bind(this),30000); + }; + + logger.debug('about to connect to ' +; + wsClient.connect(connectOptions); + + this.sockets = { + + getClientStatus: function() { + return clientStatus; + }, + subscribe: function(deviceId, emitterId) { + logger.debug('trying to subscribe'); + var subscribeTopic = 'iot-2/type/Ti-CC3200/id/' + deviceId + '/evt/+/fmt/json'; + logger.debug(subscribeTopic); + + var subscribeOptions = { + qos: 0, + onSuccess: function() { +'subscribed to ' + subscribeTopic); + clientStatus.subscribed = true; + // $rootScope.$broadcast("clientStatusUpdated", clientStatus); + + self.emitter.emit('clientStatusUpdated', clientStatus); +[deviceId] = emitterId; + }, + onFailure: function() { + logger.error('Failed to subscribe to ' + subscribeTopic); + logger.error('As messages are not available, visualization is not possible'); + } + }; + + /*If (IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic != "") { + console.log("Unsubscribing to " + subscribeTopic); + wsClient.unsubscribe(IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + };*/ + + wsClient.subscribe(subscribeTopic, subscribeOptions); + } + }; + + + return this.sockets; + + } + + + }; + + diff --git a/lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js b/lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1eca98 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js @@ -0,0 +1,1791 @@ +"use strict"; +exports.Messaging = function (global) { + + // Private variables below, these are only visible inside the function closure + // which is used to define the module. + + var version = ""; + var buildLevel = "p000-L130522.1"; + + /** + * Unique message type identifiers, with associated + * associated integer values. + * @private + */ + var MESSAGE_TYPE = { + CONNECT: 1, + CONNACK: 2, + PUBLISH: 3, + PUBACK: 4, + PUBREC: 5, + PUBREL: 6, + PUBCOMP: 7, + SUBSCRIBE: 8, + SUBACK: 9, + UNSUBSCRIBE: 10, + UNSUBACK: 11, + PINGREQ: 12, + PINGRESP: 13, + DISCONNECT: 14 + }; + + // Collection of utility methods used to simplify module code + // and promote the DRY pattern. + + /** + * Validate an object's parameter names to ensure they + * match a list of expected variables name for this option + * type. Used to ensure option object passed into the API don't + * contain erroneous parameters. + * @param {Object} obj User options object + * @param {key:type, key2:type, ...} valid keys and types that may exist in obj. + * @throws {Error} Invalid option parameter found. + * @private + */ + var validate = function(obj, keys) { + for(key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + if (keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + if (typeof obj[key] !== keys[key]) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof obj[key], key])); + } else { + var errorStr = "Unknown property, " + key + ". Valid properties are:"; + for (key in keys) + if (keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) + errorStr = errorStr+" "+key; + throw new Error(errorStr); + } + } + } + }; + + /** + * Return a new function which runs the user function bound + * to a fixed scope. + * @param {function} User function + * @param {object} Function scope + * @return {function} User function bound to another scope + * @private + */ + var scope = function (f, scope) { + return function () { + return f.apply(scope, arguments); + }; + }; + + /** + * Unique message type identifiers, with associated + * associated integer values. + * @private + */ + var ERROR = { + OK: {code:0, text:"AMQJSC0000I OK."}, + CONNECT_TIMEOUT: {code:1, text:"AMQJSC0001E Connect timed out."}, + SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT: {code:2, text:"AMQJS0002E Subscribe timed out."}, + UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT: {code:3, text:"AMQJS0003E Unsubscribe timed out."}, + PING_TIMEOUT: {code:4, text:"AMQJS0004E Ping timed out."}, + INTERNAL_ERROR: {code:5, text:"AMQJS0005E Internal error."}, + CONNACK_RETURNCODE: {code:6, text:"AMQJS0006E Bad Connack return code:{0} {1}."}, + SOCKET_ERROR: {code:7, text:"AMQJS0007E Socket error:{0}."}, + SOCKET_CLOSE: {code:8, text:"AMQJS0008I Socket closed."}, + MALFORMED_UTF: {code:9, text:"AMQJS0009E Malformed UTF data:{0} {1} {2}."}, + UNSUPPORTED: {code:10, text:"AMQJS0010E {0} is not supported by this browser."}, + INVALID_STATE: {code:11, text:"AMQJS0011E Invalid state {0}."}, + INVALID_TYPE: {code:12, text:"AMQJS0012E Invalid type {0} for {1}."}, + INVALID_ARGUMENT: {code:13, text:"AMQJS0013E Invalid argument {0} for {1}."}, + UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: {code:14, text:"AMQJS0014E Unsupported operation."}, + INVALID_STORED_DATA: {code:15, text:"AMQJS0015E Invalid data in local storage key={0} value={1}."}, + INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE: {code:16, text:"AMQJS0016E Invalid MQTT message type {0}."}, + MALFORMED_UNICODE: {code:17, text:"AMQJS0017E Malformed Unicode string:{0} {1}."}, + }; + + /** CONNACK RC Meaning. */ + var CONNACK_RC = { + 0:"Connection Accepted", + 1:"Connection Refused: unacceptable protocol version", + 2:"Connection Refused: identifier rejected", + 3:"Connection Refused: server unavailable", + 4:"Connection Refused: bad user name or password", + 5:"Connection Refused: not authorized" + }; + + /** + * Format an error message text. + * @private + * @param {error} ERROR.KEY value above. + * @param {substitutions} [array] substituted into the text. + * @return the text with the substitutions made. + */ + var format = function(error, substitutions) { + var text = error.text; + if (substitutions) { + for (var i=0; i 0) { + var part1 = text.substring(0,start); + var part2 = text.substring(start+field.length); + text = part1+substitutions[i]+part2; + } + } + } + return text; + }; + + //MQTT protocol and version 6 M Q I s d p 3 + var MqttProtoIdentifier = [0x00,0x06,0x4d,0x51,0x49,0x73,0x64,0x70,0x03]; + + /** + * @ignore + * Construct an MQTT wire protocol message. + * @param type MQTT packet type. + * @param options optional wire message attributes. + * + * Optional properties + * + * messageIdentifier: message ID in the range [0..65535] + * payloadMessage: Application Message - PUBLISH only + * connectStrings: array of 0 or more Strings to be put into the CONNECT payload + * topics: array of strings (SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE) + * requestQoS: array of QoS values [0..2] + * + * "Flag" properties + * cleanSession: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * willMessage: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * isRetained: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * userName: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * password: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * keepAliveInterval: integer [0..65535] (CONNECT) + * + * @private + */ + var WireMessage = function (type, options) { + this.type = type; + for(name in options) { + if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + this[name] = options[name]; + } + } + }; + + WireMessage.prototype.encode = function() { + // Compute the first byte of the fixed header + var first = ((this.type & 0x0f) << 4); + + /* + * Now calculate the length of the variable header + payload by adding up the lengths + * of all the component parts + */ + + remLength = 0; + topicStrLength = new Array(); + + // if the message contains a messageIdentifier then we need two bytes for that + if (this.messageIdentifier != undefined) + remLength += 2; + + switch(this.type) { + // If this a Connect then we need to include 12 bytes for its header + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT: + remLength += MqttProtoIdentifier.length + 3; + remLength += UTF8Length(this.clientId) + 2; + if (this.willMessage != undefined) { + remLength += UTF8Length(this.willMessage.destinationName) + 2; + // Will message is always a string, sent as UTF-8 characters with a preceding length. + var willMessagePayloadBytes = this.willMessage.payloadBytes; + if (!(willMessagePayloadBytes instanceof Uint8Array)) + willMessagePayloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes); + remLength += willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength +2; + } + if (this.userName != undefined) + remLength += UTF8Length(this.userName) + 2; + if (this.password != undefined) + remLength += UTF8Length(this.password) + 2; + break; + + // Subscribe, Unsubscribe can both contain topic strings + case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE: + first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1; + for ( var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) { + topicStrLength[i] = UTF8Length(this.topics[i]); + remLength += topicStrLength[i] + 2; + } + remLength += this.requestedQos.length; // 1 byte for each topic's Qos + // QoS on Subscribe only + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE: + first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1; + for ( var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) { + topicStrLength[i] = UTF8Length(this.topics[i]); + remLength += topicStrLength[i] + 2; + } + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + if (this.payloadMessage.duplicate) first |= 0x08; + first = first |= (this.payloadMessage.qos << 1); + if (this.payloadMessage.retained) first |= 0x01; + destinationNameLength = UTF8Length(this.payloadMessage.destinationName); + remLength += destinationNameLength + 2; + var payloadBytes = this.payloadMessage.payloadBytes; + remLength += payloadBytes.byteLength; + if (payloadBytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) + payloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes); + else if (!(payloadBytes instanceof Uint8Array)) + payloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes.buffer); + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT: + break; + + default: + ; + } + + // Now we can allocate a buffer for the message + + var mbi = encodeMBI(remLength); // Convert the length to MQTT MBI format + var pos = mbi.length + 1; // Offset of start of variable header + var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(remLength + pos); + var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer); // view it as a sequence of bytes + + //Write the fixed header into the buffer + byteStream[0] = first; + byteStream.set(mbi,1); + + // If this is a PUBLISH then the variable header starts with a topic + if (this.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH) + pos = writeString(this.payloadMessage.destinationName, destinationNameLength, byteStream, pos); + // If this is a CONNECT then the variable header contains the protocol name/version, flags and keepalive time + + else if (this.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT) { + byteStream.set(MqttProtoIdentifier, pos); + pos += MqttProtoIdentifier.length; + var connectFlags = 0; + if (this.cleanSession) + connectFlags = 0x02; + if (this.willMessage != undefined ) { + connectFlags |= 0x04; + connectFlags |= (this.willMessage.qos<<3); + if (this.willMessage.retained) { + connectFlags |= 0x20; + } + } + if (this.userName != undefined) + connectFlags |= 0x80; + if (this.password != undefined) + connectFlags |= 0x40; + byteStream[pos++] = connectFlags; + pos = writeUint16 (this.keepAliveInterval, byteStream, pos); + } + + // Output the messageIdentifier - if there is one + if (this.messageIdentifier != undefined) + pos = writeUint16 (this.messageIdentifier, byteStream, pos); + + switch(this.type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT: + pos = writeString(this.clientId, UTF8Length(this.clientId), byteStream, pos); + if (this.willMessage != undefined) { + pos = writeString(this.willMessage.destinationName, UTF8Length(this.willMessage.destinationName), byteStream, pos); + pos = writeUint16(willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength, byteStream, pos); + byteStream.set(willMessagePayloadBytes, pos); + pos += willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength; + + } + if (this.userName != undefined) + pos = writeString(this.userName, UTF8Length(this.userName), byteStream, pos); + if (this.password != undefined) + pos = writeString(this.password, UTF8Length(this.password), byteStream, pos); + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + // PUBLISH has a text or binary payload, if text do not add a 2 byte length field, just the UTF characters. + byteStream.set(payloadBytes, pos); + + break; + +// case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC: +// case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL: +// case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP: +// break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE: + // SUBSCRIBE has a list of topic strings and request QoS + for (var i=0; i> 4; + var messageInfo = first &= 0x0f; + var pos = 1; + + + // Decode the remaining length (MBI format) + + var digit; + var remLength = 0; + var multiplier = 1; + do { + digit = input[pos++]; + remLength += ((digit & 0x7F) * multiplier); + multiplier *= 128; + } while ((digit & 0x80) != 0); + + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(type); + switch(type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNACK: + wireMessage.topicNameCompressionResponse = input[pos++]; + wireMessage.returnCode = input[pos++]; + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + var qos = (messageInfo >> 1) & 0x03; + + var len = readUint16(input, pos); + pos += 2; + var topicName = parseUTF8(input, pos, len); + pos += len; + // If QoS 1 or 2 there will be a messageIdentifier + if (qos > 0) { + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos); + pos += 2; + } + + var message = new Messaging.Message(input.subarray(pos)); + if ((messageInfo & 0x01) == 0x01) + message.retained = true; + if ((messageInfo & 0x08) == 0x08) + message.duplicate = true; + message.qos = qos; + message.destinationName = topicName; + wireMessage.payloadMessage = message; + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBACK: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBACK: + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos); + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBACK: + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos); + pos += 2; + wireMessage.grantedQos = input.subarray(pos); + break; + + default: + ; + } + + return wireMessage; + } + + function writeUint16(input, buffer, offset) { + buffer[offset++] = input >> 8; //MSB + buffer[offset++] = input % 256; //LSB + return offset; + } + + function writeString(input, utf8Length, buffer, offset) { + offset = writeUint16(utf8Length, buffer, offset); + stringToUTF8(input, buffer, offset); + return offset + utf8Length; + } + + function readUint16(buffer, offset) { + return 256*buffer[offset] + buffer[offset+1]; + } + + /** + * Encodes an MQTT Multi-Byte Integer + * @private + */ + function encodeMBI(number) { + var output = new Array(1); + var numBytes = 0; + + do { + var digit = number % 128; + number = number >> 7; + if (number > 0) { + digit |= 0x80; + } + output[numBytes++] = digit; + } while ( (number > 0) && (numBytes<4) ); + + return output; + } + + /** + * Takes a String and calculates its length in bytes when encoded in UTF8. + * @private + */ + function UTF8Length(input) { + var output = 0; + for (var i = 0; i 0x7FF) + { + // Surrogate pair means its a 4 byte character + if (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF) + { + i++; + output++; + } + output +=3; + } + else if (charCode > 0x7F) + output +=2; + else + output++; + } + return output; + } + + /** + * Takes a String and writes it into an array as UTF8 encoded bytes. + * @private + */ + function stringToUTF8(input, output, start) { + var pos = start; + for (var i = 0; i>6 & 0x1F | 0xC0; + output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80; + } else if (charCode <= 0xFFFF) { + output[pos++] = charCode>>12 & 0x0F | 0xE0; + output[pos++] = charCode>>6 & 0x3F | 0x80; + output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80; + } else { + output[pos++] = charCode>>18 & 0x07 | 0xF0; + output[pos++] = charCode>>12 & 0x3F | 0x80; + output[pos++] = charCode>>6 & 0x3F | 0x80; + output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80; + }; + } + return output; + } + + function parseUTF8(input, offset, length) { + var output = ""; + var utf16; + var pos = offset; + + while (pos < offset+length) + { + var byte1 = input[pos++]; + if (byte1 < 128) + utf16 = byte1; + else + { + var byte2 = input[pos++]-128; + if (byte2 < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16),""])); + if (byte1 < 0xE0) // 2 byte character + utf16 = 64*(byte1-0xC0) + byte2; + else + { + var byte3 = input[pos++]-128; + if (byte3 < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16)])); + if (byte1 < 0xF0) // 3 byte character + utf16 = 4096*(byte1-0xE0) + 64*byte2 + byte3; + else + { + var byte4 = input[pos++]-128; + if (byte4 < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16), byte4.toString(16)])); + if (byte1 < 0xF8) // 4 byte character + utf16 = 262144*(byte1-0xF0) + 4096*byte2 + 64*byte3 + byte4; + else // longer encodings are not supported + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16), byte4.toString(16)])); + } + } + } + + if (utf16 > 0xFFFF) // 4 byte character - express as a surrogate pair + { + utf16 -= 0x10000; + output += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (utf16 >> 10)); // lead character + utf16 = 0xDC00 + (utf16 & 0x3FF); // trail character + } + output += String.fromCharCode(utf16); + } + return output; + } + + /** @ignore Repeat keepalive requests, monitor responses.*/ + var Pinger = function(client, window, keepAliveInterval) { + this._client = client; + this._window = window; + this._keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval*1000; + this.isReset = false; + + var pingReq = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PINGREQ).encode(); + + var doTimeout = function (pinger) { + return function () { + return doPing.apply(pinger); + }; + }; + + /** @ignore */ + var doPing = function() { + if (!this.isReset) { + this._client._trace("Pinger.doPing", "Timed out"); + this._client._disconnected( ERROR.PING_TIMEOUT.code , format(ERROR.PING_TIMEOUT)); + } else { + this.isReset = false; + this._client._trace("Pinger.doPing", "send PINGREQ"); + this._client.socket.send(pingReq); + this.timeout = this._window.setTimeout(doTimeout(this), this._keepAliveInterval); + } + } + + this.reset = function() { + this.isReset = true; + this._window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); + if (this._keepAliveInterval > 0) + this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(this), this._keepAliveInterval); + } + + this.cancel = function() { + this._window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + }; + + /** @ignore Monitor request completion. */ + var Timeout = function(client, window, timeoutSeconds, action, args) { + this._window = window; + if (!timeoutSeconds) + timeoutSeconds = 30; + + var doTimeout = function (action, client, args) { + return function () { + return action.apply(client, args); + }; + }; + this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(action, client, args), timeoutSeconds * 1000); + + this.cancel = function() { + this._window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + }; + + /* + * Internal implementation of the Websockets MQTT V3.1 client. + * + * @name Messaging.ClientImpl @constructor + * @param {String} host the DNS nameof the webSocket host. + * @param {Number} port the port number for that host. + * @param {String} clientId the MQ client identifier. + */ + var ClientImpl = function (host, port, clientId) { + // Check dependencies are satisfied in this browser. + if (!("WebSocket" in global && global["WebSocket"] !== null)) { + throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED, ["WebSocket"])); + } + if (!("localStorage" in global && global["localStorage"] !== null)) { + throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED, ["localStorage"])); + } + if (!("ArrayBuffer" in global && global["ArrayBuffer"] !== null)) { + throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED, ["ArrayBuffer"])); + } + + this._trace("Messaging.Client", host, port, clientId); + + = host; + this.port = port; + this.clientId = clientId; + + // Local storagekeys are qualified with the following string. + this._localKey=host+":"+port+":"+clientId+":"; + + // Create private instance-only message queue + // Internal queue of messages to be sent, in sending order. + this._msg_queue = []; + + // Messages we have sent and are expecting a response for, indexed by their respective message ids. + this._sentMessages = {}; + + // Messages we have received and acknowleged and are expecting a confirm message for + // indexed by their respective message ids. + this._receivedMessages = {}; + + // Internal list of callbacks to be executed when messages + // have been successfully sent over web socket, e.g. disconnect + // when it doesn't have to wait for ACK, just message is dispatched. + this._notify_msg_sent = {}; + + // Unique identifier for SEND messages, incrementing + // counter as messages are sent. + this._message_identifier = 1; + + // Used to determine the transmission sequence of stored sent messages. + this._sequence = 0; + + + // Load the local state, if any, from the saved version, only restore state relevant to this client. + for(key in localStorage) + if ( key.indexOf("Sent:"+this._localKey) == 0 + || key.indexOf("Received:"+this._localKey) == 0) + this.restore(key); + }; + + // Messaging Client public instance members. +; + ClientImpl.prototype.port; + ClientImpl.prototype.clientId; + + // Messaging Client private instance members. + ClientImpl.prototype.socket; + /* true once we have received an acknowledgement to a CONNECT packet. */ + ClientImpl.prototype.connected = false; + /* The largest message identifier allowed, may not be larger than 2**16 but + * if set smaller reduces the maximum number of outbound messages allowed. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype.maxMessageIdentifier = 65536; + ClientImpl.prototype.connectOptions; + ClientImpl.prototype.hostIndex; + ClientImpl.prototype.onConnectionLost; + ClientImpl.prototype.onMessageDelivered; + ClientImpl.prototype.onMessageArrived; + ClientImpl.prototype._msg_queue = null; + ClientImpl.prototype._connectTimeout; + /* Send keep alive messages. */ + ClientImpl.prototype.pinger = null; + + ClientImpl.prototype._traceBuffer = null; + ClientImpl.prototype._MAX_TRACE_ENTRIES = 100; + + ClientImpl.prototype.connect = function (connectOptions) { + var connectOptionsMasked = this._traceMask(connectOptions, "password"); + this._trace("Client.connect", connectOptionsMasked, this.socket, this.connected); + + if (this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["already connected"])); + if (this.socket) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["already connected"])); + + this.connectOptions = connectOptions; + + if (connectOptions.hosts) { + this.hostIndex = 0; + this._doConnect(connectOptions.hosts[0], connectOptions.ports[0]); + } else { + this._doConnect(, this.port); + } + + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.subscribe = function (filter, subscribeOptions) { + this._trace("Client.subscribe", filter, subscribeOptions); + + if (!this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"])); + + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE); + wireMessage.topics=[filter]; + if (subscribeOptions.qos != undefined) + wireMessage.requestedQos = [subscribeOptions.qos]; + else + wireMessage.requestedQos = [0]; + + if (subscribeOptions.onSuccess) { + wireMessage.callback = function() {subscribeOptions.onSuccess({invocationContext:subscribeOptions.invocationContext});}; + } + if (subscribeOptions.timeout) { + wireMessage.timeOut = new Timeout(this, window, subscribeOptions.timeout, subscribeOptions.onFailure + , [{invocationContext:subscribeOptions.invocationContext, + errorCode:ERROR.SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT.code, + errorMessage:format(ERROR.SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)}]); + } + + // All subscriptions return a SUBACK. + this._requires_ack(wireMessage); + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + /** @ignore */ + ClientImpl.prototype.unsubscribe = function(filter, unsubscribeOptions) { + this._trace("Client.unsubscribe", filter, unsubscribeOptions); + + if (!this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"])); + + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE); + wireMessage.topics = [filter]; + + if (unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess) { + wireMessage.callback = function() {unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess({invocationContext:unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext});}; + } + if (unsubscribeOptions.timeout) { + wireMessage.timeOut = new Timeout(this, window, unsubscribeOptions.timeout, unsubscribeOptions.onFailure + , [{invocationContext:unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext, + errorCode:ERROR.UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT.code, + errorMessage:format(ERROR.UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)}]); + } + + // All unsubscribes return a SUBACK. + this._requires_ack(wireMessage); + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.send = function (message) { + this._trace("Client.send", message); + + if (!this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"])); + + wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH); + wireMessage.payloadMessage = message; + + if (message.qos > 0) + this._requires_ack(wireMessage); + else if (this.onMessageDelivered) + this._notify_msg_sent[wireMessage] = this.onMessageDelivered(wireMessage.payloadMessage); + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.disconnect = function () { + this._trace("Client.disconnect"); + + if (!this.socket) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connecting or connected"])); + + wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT); + + // Run the disconnected call back as soon as the message has been sent, + // in case of a failure later on in the disconnect processing. + // as a consequence, the _disconected call back may be run several times. + this._notify_msg_sent[wireMessage] = scope(this._disconnected, this); + + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.getTraceLog = function () { + if ( this._traceBuffer !== null ) { + this._trace("Client.getTraceLog", new Date()); + this._trace("Client.getTraceLog in flight messages", this._sentMessages.length); + for (key in this._sentMessages) + this._trace("_sentMessages ",key, this._sentMessages[key]); + for (key in this._receivedMessages) + this._trace("_receivedMessages ",key, this._receivedMessages[key]); + + return this._traceBuffer; + } + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.startTrace = function () { + if ( this._traceBuffer === null ) { + this._traceBuffer = []; + } + this._trace("Client.startTrace", new Date(), version); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.stopTrace = function () { + delete this._traceBuffer; + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype._doConnect = function (host, port) { + // When the socket is open, this client will send the CONNECT WireMessage using the saved parameters. + if (this.connectOptions.useSSL) + wsurl = ["wss://", host, ":", port, "/mqtt"].join(""); + else + wsurl = ["ws://", host, ":", port, "/mqtt"].join(""); + this.connected = false; + this.socket = new WebSocket(wsurl, 'mqttv3.1'); + this.socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; + this.socket.onopen = scope(this._on_socket_open, this); + this.socket.onmessage = scope(this._on_socket_message, this); + this.socket.onerror = scope(this._on_socket_error, this); + this.socket.onclose = scope(this._on_socket_close, this); + + this.pinger = new Pinger(this, window, this.connectOptions.keepAliveInterval); + + this._connectTimeout = new Timeout(this, window, this.connectOptions.timeout, this._disconnected, [ERROR.CONNECT_TIMEOUT.code, format(ERROR.CONNECT_TIMEOUT)]); + }; + + + // Schedule a new message to be sent over the WebSockets + // connection. CONNECT messages cause WebSocket connection + // to be started. All other messages are queued internally + // until this has happened. When WS connection starts, process + // all outstanding messages. + ClientImpl.prototype._schedule_message = function (message) { + this._msg_queue.push(message); + // Process outstanding messages in the queue if we have an open socket, and have received CONNACK. + if (this.connected) { + this._process_queue(); + } + }; + + = function(prefix, wireMessage) { + storedMessage = {type:wireMessage.type, messageIdentifier:wireMessage.messageIdentifier, version:1}; + + switch(wireMessage.type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + if(wireMessage.pubRecReceived) + storedMessage.pubRecReceived = true; + + // Convert the payload to a hex string. + storedMessage.payloadMessage = {}; + var hex = ""; + var messageBytes = wireMessage.payloadMessage.payloadBytes; + for (var i=0; i= 2) { + var x = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16); + hex = hex.substring(2, hex.length); + byteStream[i++] = x; + } + var payloadMessage = new Messaging.Message(byteStream); + + payloadMessage.qos = storedMessage.payloadMessage.qos; + payloadMessage.destinationName = storedMessage.payloadMessage.destinationName; + if (storedMessage.payloadMessage.duplicate) + payloadMessage.duplicate = true; + if (storedMessage.payloadMessage.retained) + payloadMessage.retained = true; + wireMessage.payloadMessage = payloadMessage; + + break; + + default: + throw Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STORED_DATA, [key, value])); + } + + if (key.indexOf("Sent:"+this._localKey) == 0) { + this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage; + } else if (key.indexOf("Received:"+this._localKey) == 0) { + this._receivedMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage; + } + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype._process_queue = function () { + var message = null; + // Process messages in order they were added + var fifo = this._msg_queue.reverse(); + + // Send all queued messages down socket connection + while ((message = fifo.pop())) { + this._socket_send(message); + // Notify listeners that message was successfully sent + if (this._notify_msg_sent[message]) { + this._notify_msg_sent[message](); + delete this._notify_msg_sent[message]; + } + } + }; + + /** + * @ignore + * Expect an ACK response for this message. Add message to the set of in progress + * messages and set an unused identifier in this message. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype._requires_ack = function (wireMessage) { + var messageCount = Object.keys(this._sentMessages).length; + if (messageCount > this.maxMessageIdentifier) + throw Error ("Too many messages:"+messageCount); + + while(this._sentMessages[this._message_identifier] !== undefined) { + this._message_identifier++; + } + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = this._message_identifier; + this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage; + if (wireMessage.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH) { +"Sent:", wireMessage); + } + if (this._message_identifier === this.maxMessagIdentifier) { + this._message_identifier = 1; + } + }; + + /** + * @ignore + * Called when the underlying websocket has been opened. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_open = function () { + // Create the CONNECT message object. + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT, this.connectOptions); + wireMessage.clientId = this.clientId; + this._socket_send(wireMessage); + }; + + /** + * @ignore + * Called when the underlying websocket has received a complete packet. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_message = function (event) { + this._trace("Client._on_socket_message",; + + // Reset the ping timer. + this.pinger.reset(); + var byteArray = new Uint8Array(; + try { + var wireMessage = decodeMessage(byteArray); + } catch (error) { + this._disconnected(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR.code , format(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR, [error.message])); + return; + } + this._trace("Client._on_socket_message", wireMessage); + + switch(wireMessage.type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNACK: + this._connectTimeout.cancel(); + + // If we have started using clean session then clear up the local state. + if (this.connectOptions.cleanSession) { + for (key in this._sentMessages) { + var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[key]; + localStorage.removeItem("Sent:"+this._localKey+sentMessage.messageIdentifier); + } + this._sentMessages = {}; + + for (key in this._receivedMessages) { + var receivedMessage = this._receivedMessages[key]; + localStorage.removeItem("Received:"+this._localKey+receivedMessage.messageIdentifier); + } + this._receivedMessages = {}; + } + // Client connected and ready for business. + if (wireMessage.returnCode === 0) { + this.connected = true; + // Jump to the end of the list of hosts and stop looking for a good host. + if (this.connectOptions.hosts) + this.hostIndex = this.connectOptions.hosts.length; + } else { + this._disconnected(ERROR.CONNACK_RETURNCODE.code , format(ERROR.CONNACK_RETURNCODE, [wireMessage.returnCode, CONNACK_RC[wireMessage.returnCode]])); + break; + } + + // Resend messages. + var sequencedMessages = new Array(); + for (var msgId in this._sentMessages) { + if (this._sentMessages.hasOwnProperty(msgId)) + sequencedMessages.push(this._sentMessages[msgId]); + } + + // Sort sentMessages into the original sent order. + var sequencedMessages = sequencedMessages.sort(function(a,b) {return a.sequence - b.sequence;} ); + for (var i=0, len=sequencedMessages.length; i + * Other programming languages, + * Java, + * C. + *

+ * Most applications will create just one Client object and then call its connect() method, + * however applications can create more than one Client object if they wish. + * In this case the combination of host, port and clientId attributes must be different for each Client object. + *

+ * The send, subscribe and unsubscribe methods are implemented as asynchronous JavaScript methods + * (even though the underlying protocol exchange might be synchronous in nature). + * This means they signal their completion by calling back to the application, + * via Success or Failure callback functions provided by the application on the method in question. + * Such callbacks are called at most once per method invocation and do not persist beyond the lifetime + * of the script that made the invocation. + *

+ * In contrast there are some callback functions most notably onMessageArrived + * that are defined on the Messaging.Client object. + * These may get called multiple times, and aren't directly related to specific method invocations made by the client. + * + * @name Messaging.Client + * + * @constructor + * Creates a Messaging.Client object that can be used to communicate with a Messaging server. + * + * @param {string} host the address of the messaging server, as a DNS name or dotted decimal IP address. + * @param {number} port the port number in the host to connect to. + * @param {string} clientId the Messaging client identifier, between 1 and 23 characters in length. + * + * @property {string} host read only the server's DNS hostname or dotted decimal IP address. + * @property {number} port read only the server's port. + * @property {string} clientId read only used when connecting to the server. + * @property {function} onConnectionLost called when a connection has been lost, + * after a connect() method has succeeded. + * Establish the call back used when a connection has been lost. The connection may be + * lost because the client initiates a disconnect or because the server or network + * cause the client to be disconnected. The disconnect call back may be called without + * the connectionComplete call back being invoked if, for example the client fails to + * connect. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onConnectionLost callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. errorCode + *
  2. errorMessage + *
+ * @property {function} onMessageDelivered called when a message has been delivered. + * All processing that this Client will ever do has been completed. So, for example, + * in the case of a Qos=2 message sent by this client, the PubComp flow has been received from the server + * and the message has been removed from persistent storage before this callback is invoked. + * Parameters passed to the onMessageDelivered callback are: + *
    + *
  1. Messaging.Message that was delivered. + *
+ * @property {function} onMessageArrived called when a message has arrived in this Messaging.client. + * Parameters passed to the onMessageArrived callback are: + *
    + *
  1. Messaging.Message that has arrived. + *
+ */ + var Client = function (host, port, clientId) { + if (typeof host !== "string") + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof host, "host"])); + if (typeof port !== "number" || port < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof port, "port"])); + + var clientIdLength = 0; + for (var i = 0; i 23) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [clientId, "clientId"])); + + var client = new ClientImpl(host, port, clientId); + this._getHost = function() { return; }; + this._setHost = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); }; + + this._getPort = function() { return client.port; }; + this._setPort = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); }; + + this._getClientId = function() { return client.clientId; }; + this._setClientId = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); }; + + this._getOnConnectionLost = function() { return client.onConnectionLost; }; + this._setOnConnectionLost = function(newOnConnectionLost) { + if (typeof newOnConnectionLost === "function") + client.onConnectionLost = newOnConnectionLost; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnConnectionLost, "onConnectionLost"])); + }; + + this._getOnMessageDelivered = function() { return client.onMessageDelivered; }; + this._setOnMessageDelivered = function(newOnMessageDelivered) { + if (typeof newOnMessageDelivered === "function") + client.onMessageDelivered = newOnMessageDelivered; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnMessageDelivered, "onMessageDelivered"])); + }; + + this._getOnMessageArrived = function() { return client.onMessageArrived; }; + this._setOnMessageArrived = function(newOnMessageArrived) { + if (typeof newOnMessageArrived === "function") + client.onMessageArrived = newOnMessageArrived; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnMessageArrived, "onMessageArrived"])); + }; + + /** + * Connect this Messaging client to its server. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#connect + * @function + * @param {Object} [connectOptions] attributes used with the connection. + *

+ * Properties of the connect options are: + * @config {number} [timeout] If the connect has not succeeded within this number of seconds, it is deemed to have failed. + * The default is 30 seconds. + * @config {string} [userName] Authentication username for this connection. + * @config {string} [password] Authentication password for this connection. + * @config {Messaging.Message} [willMessage] sent by the server when the client disconnects abnormally. + * @config {Number} [keepAliveInterval] the server disconnects this client if there is no activity for this + * number of seconds. The default value of 60 seconds is assumed if not set. + * @config {boolean} [cleanSession] if true(default) the client and server persistent state is deleted on successful connect. + * @config {boolean} [useSSL] if present and true, use an SSL Websocket connection. + * @config {object} [invocationContext] passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. + * @config {function} [onSuccess] called when the connect acknowledgement has been received from the server. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. invocationContext as passed in to the onSuccess method in the connectOptions. + *
+ * @config {function} [onFailure] called when the connect request has failed or timed out. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields: + *
    + *
  1. invocationContext as passed in to the onFailure method in the connectOptions. + *
  2. errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error. + *
  3. errorMessage text describing the error. + *
+ * @config {Array} [hosts] If present this set of hostnames is tried in order in place + * of the host and port paramater on the construtor. The hosts and the matching ports are tried one at at time in order until + * one of then succeeds. + * @config {Array} [ports] If present this set of ports matching the hosts. + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in disconnected state. The client must have received connectionLost + * or disconnected before calling connect for a second or subsequent time. + */ + this.connect = function (connectOptions) { + connectOptions = connectOptions || {} ; + validate(connectOptions, {timeout:"number", + userName:"string", + password:"string", + willMessage:"object", + keepAliveInterval:"number", + cleanSession:"boolean", + useSSL:"boolean", + invocationContext:"object", + onSuccess:"function", + onFailure:"function", + hosts:"object", + ports:"object"}); + + // If no keep alive interval is set, assume 60 seconds. + if (connectOptions.keepAliveInterval === undefined) + connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 60; + + if (connectOptions.willMessage) { + if (!(connectOptions.willMessage instanceof Message)) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [connectOptions.willMessage, "connectOptions.willMessage"])); + // The will message must have a payload that can be represented as a string. + // Cause the willMessage to throw an exception if this is not the case. + connectOptions.willMessage.stringPayload; + + if (typeof connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName === "undefined") + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName, "connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName"])); + } + if (typeof connectOptions.cleanSession === "undefined") + connectOptions.cleanSession = true; + if (connectOptions.hosts) { + if (!connectOptions.ports) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"])); + if (!(connectOptions.hosts instanceof Array) ) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts, "connectOptions.hosts"])); + if (!(connectOptions.ports instanceof Array) ) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"])); + if (connectOptions.hosts.length <1 ) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts, "connectOptions.hosts"])); + if (connectOptions.hosts.length != connectOptions.ports.length) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"])); + for (var i = 0; i + * @param {object} [subscribeOptions] used to control the subscription, as follows: + *

+ * @config {number} [qos] the maiximum qos of any publications sent as a result of making this subscription. + * @config {object} [invocationContext] passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. + * @config {function} [onSuccess] called when the subscribe acknowledgement has been received from the server. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the subscribeOptions. + *
+ * @config {function} [onFailure] called when the subscribe request has failed or timed out. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields: + *
    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the subscribeOptions. + *
  2. errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error. + *
  3. errorMessage text describing the error. + *
+ * @config {number} [timeout] which if present determines the number of seconds after which the onFailure calback is called + * the presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being called when the MQTT Suback is eventually received. + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state. + */ + this.subscribe = function (filter, subscribeOptions) { + if (typeof filter !== "string") + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+filter); + subscribeOptions = subscribeOptions || {} ; + validate(subscribeOptions, {qos:"number", + invocationContext:"object", + onSuccess:"function", + onFailure:"function", + timeout:"number" + }); + if (subscribeOptions.timeout && !subscribeOptions.onFailure) + throw new Error("subscribeOptions.timeout specified with no onFailure callback."); + if (typeof subscribeOptions.qos !== "undefined" + && !(subscribeOptions.qos === 0 || subscribeOptions.qos === 1 || subscribeOptions.qos === 2 )) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [subscribeOptions.qos, "subscribeOptions.qos"])); + client.subscribe(filter, subscribeOptions); + }; + + /** + * Unsubscribe for messages, stop receiving messages sent to destinations described by the filter. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#unsubscribe + * @function + * @param {string} filter describing the destinations to receive messages from. + * @param {object} [unsubscribeOptions] used to control the subscription, as follows: + *

+ * @config {object} [invocationContext] passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. + * @config {function} [onSuccess] called when the unsubscribe acknowledgement has been receive dfrom the server. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the unsubscribeOptions. + *
+ * @config {function} [onFailure] called when the unsubscribe request has failed or timed out. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields: + *
    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the unsubscribeOptions. + *
  2. errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error. + *
  3. errorMessage text describing the error. + *
+ * @config {number} [timeout] which if present determines the number of seconds after which the onFailure callback is called, the + * presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being called when the MQTT UnSuback is eventually received. + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state. + */ + this.unsubscribe = function (filter, unsubscribeOptions) { + if (typeof filter !== "string") + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+filter); + unsubscribeOptions = unsubscribeOptions || {} ; + validate(unsubscribeOptions, {invocationContext:"object", + onSuccess:"function", + onFailure:"function", + timeout:"number" + }); + if (unsubscribeOptions.timeout && !unsubscribeOptions.onFailure) + throw new Error("unsubscribeOptions.timeout specified with no onFailure callback."); + client.unsubscribe(filter, unsubscribeOptions); + }; + + /** + * Send a message to the consumers of the destination in the Message. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#send + * @function + * @param {Messaging.Message} message to send. + + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state. + */ + this.send = function (message) { + if (!(message instanceof Message)) + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+typeof message); + if (typeof message.destinationName === "undefined") + throw new Error("Invalid parameter Message.destinationName:"+message.destinationName); + + client.send(message); + }; + + /** + * Normal disconnect of this Messaging client from its server. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#disconnect + * @function + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected or connecting state. + */ + this.disconnect = function () { + client.disconnect(); + }; + + /** + * Get the contents of the trace log. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#getTraceLog + * @function + * @return {Object[]} tracebuffer containing the time ordered trace records. + */ + this.getTraceLog = function () { + return client.getTraceLog(); + } + + /** + * Start tracing. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#startTrace + * @function + */ + this.startTrace = function () { + client.startTrace(); + }; + + /** + * Stop tracing. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#stopTrace + * @function + */ + this.stopTrace = function () { + client.stopTrace(); + }; + }; + + Client.prototype = { + get host() { return this._getHost(); }, + set host(newHost) { this._setHost(newHost); }, + + get port() { return this._getPort(); }, + set port(newPort) { this._setPort(newPort); }, + + get clientId() { return this._getClientId(); }, + set clientId(newClientId) { this._setClientId(newClientId); }, + + get onConnectionLost() { return this._getOnConnectionLost(); }, + set onConnectionLost(newOnConnectionLost) { this._setOnConnectionLost(newOnConnectionLost); }, + + get onMessageDelivered() { return this._getOnMessageDelivered(); }, + set onMessageDelivered(newOnMessageDelivered) { this._setOnMessageDelivered(newOnMessageDelivered); }, + + get onMessageArrived() { return this._getOnMessageArrived(); }, + set onMessageArrived(newOnMessageArrived) { this._setOnMessageArrived(newOnMessageArrived); } + }; + + /** + * An application message, sent or received. + *

+ * Other programming languages, + * Java, + * C. + *

+ * All attributes may be null, which implies the default values. + * + * @name Messaging.Message + * @constructor + * @param {String|ArrayBuffer} payload The message data to be sent. + *

+ * @property {string} payloadString read only The payload as a string if the payload consists of valid UTF-8 characters. + * @property {ArrayBuffer} payloadBytes read only The payload as an ArrayBuffer. + *

+ * @property {string} destinationName mandatory The name of the destination to which the message is to be sent + * (for messages about to be sent) or the name of the destination from which the message has been received. + * (for messages received by the onMessage function). + *

+ * @property {number} qos The Quality of Service used to deliver the message. + *

+ *
0 Best effort (default). + *
1 At least once. + *
2 Exactly once. + *
+ *

+ * @property {Boolean} retained If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered + * to both current and future subscriptions. + * If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers, this is the default for new Messages. + * A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the message was published + * with the retained boolean set to true + * and the subscrption was made after the message has been published. + *

+ * @property {Boolean} duplicate read only If true, this message might be a duplicate of one which has already been received. + * This is only set on messages received from the server. + * + */ + var Message = function (newPayload) { + var payload; + if ( typeof newPayload === "string" + || newPayload instanceof ArrayBuffer + || newPayload instanceof Int8Array + || newPayload instanceof Uint8Array + || newPayload instanceof Int16Array + || newPayload instanceof Uint16Array + || newPayload instanceof Int32Array + || newPayload instanceof Uint32Array + || newPayload instanceof Float32Array + || newPayload instanceof Float64Array + ) { + payload = newPayload; + } else { + throw (format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newPayload, "newPayload"])); + } + + this._getPayloadString = function () { + if (typeof payload === "string") + return payload; + else + return parseUTF8(payload, 0, payload.length); + }; + + this._getPayloadBytes = function() { + if (typeof payload === "string") { + var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(UTF8Length(payload)); + var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer); + stringToUTF8(payload, byteStream, 0); + + return byteStream; + } else { + return payload; + }; + }; + + var destinationName = undefined; + this._getDestinationName = function() { return destinationName; }; + this._setDestinationName = function(newDestinationName) { + if (typeof newDestinationName === "string") + destinationName = newDestinationName; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newDestinationName, "newDestinationName"])); + }; + + var qos = 0; + this._getQos = function() { return qos; }; + this._setQos = function(newQos) { + if (newQos === 0 || newQos === 1 || newQos === 2 ) + qos = newQos; + else + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+newQos); + }; + + var retained = false; + this._getRetained = function() { return retained; }; + this._setRetained = function(newRetained) { + if (typeof newRetained === "boolean") + retained = newRetained; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newRetained, "newRetained"])); + }; + + var duplicate = false; + this._getDuplicate = function() { return duplicate; }; + this._setDuplicate = function(newDuplicate) { duplicate = newDuplicate; }; + }; + + Message.prototype = { + get payloadString() { return this._getPayloadString(); }, + get payloadBytes() { return this._getPayloadBytes(); }, + + get destinationName() { return this._getDestinationName(); }, + set destinationName(newDestinationName) { this._setDestinationName(newDestinationName); }, + + get qos() { return this._getQos(); }, + set qos(newQos) { this._setQos(newQos); }, + + get retained() { return this._getRetained(); }, + set retained(newRetained) { this._setRetained(newRetained); }, + + get duplicate() { return this._getDuplicate(); }, + set duplicate(newDuplicate) { this._setDuplicate(newDuplicate); } + }; + + // Module contents. + return { + Client: Client, + Message: Message + }; +}; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aefa69 --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +{ + "name": "sodashserver", + "version": "0.0.1", + "description": "Smart Office Dashboard Server", + "main": "index.js", + "directories": { + "test": "test" + }, + "dependencies": { + "body-parser": "^1.15.1", + "cookie-parser": "*", + "ejs": "*", + "errorhandler": "*", + "express": "^4.13.4", + "express-session": "*", + "htmlparser": "^1.7.7", + "method-override": "*", + "minibus": "^3.1.0", + "morgan": "*", + "mqtt": "^1.10.0", + "mqtt_over_websockets": "0.0.1", + "node-localstorage": "^1.1.2", + "request": "^2.72.0", + "websocket": "^1.0.22" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "after": "^0.8.1", + "apn": "^1.7.5", + "apns": "^0.1.0", + "basic-authentication": "^1.6.2", + "chai": "^3.5.0", + "cheerio": "^0.20.0", + "clone": "^1.0.2", + "del": "^2.2.0", + "elapsed": "0.0.7", + "gulp": "^3.9.1", + "gulp-autoprefixer": "^3.1.0", + "gulp-cache": "^0.4.5", + "gulp-concat": "^2.6.0", + "gulp-cssmin": "^0.1.7", + "gulp-cssnano": "^2.1.2", + "gulp-debug": "^2.1.2", + "gulp-google-webfonts": "0.0.12", + "gulp-html-replace": "^1.5.5", + "gulp-htmlmin": "^2.0.0", + "gulp-inject": "^4.0.0", + "gulp-jshint": "^2.0.1", + "gulp-jsmin": "^0.1.5", + "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.1", + "gulp-notify": "^2.2.0", + "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2", + "gulp-size": "^2.1.0", + "gulp-strip-debug": "^1.1.0", + "gulp-uglify": "^1.5.3", + "jshint": "^2.9.2", + "jsonfile": "^2.3.1", + "log4js": "^0.6.36", + "mocha": "^2.4.5", + "mqtt-ws": "^0.2.0", + "node-cron": "^1.1.1", + "require-dir": "^0.3.0", + "should": "^8.3.1", + "string": "^3.3.1", + "sugar": "^1.4.1", + "sugar-date": "^1.5.1", + "superagent": "^1.7.2", + "supertest": "^1.1.0" + }, + "scripts": { + "test": "mocha --recursive --reporter spec --bail --check-leaks --timeout 3000", + "start": "node app" + }, + "author": "Martin Donnelly", + "license": "ISC", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+" + } +} diff --git a/process.json b/process.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0626314 --- /dev/null +++ b/process.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "apps": [ + { + "name": "SODashServer", + "script": "app.js", + "cwd": "/home/azureuser/live", + "watch": true, + "instances": 1, + "exec_mode": "cluster", + "combine_logs": true, + "max_memory_restart": "150M", + "restart_delay": 5000, + "ignore_watch": [ + "[\\/\\\\]\\./", + "node_modules", + "server/static" + ] + } + ] +}