commit 14b32f28196f31e3a5815057f83520cfa0a82716 Author: Martin Donnelly Date: Wed Jun 22 16:07:56 2016 +0100 init diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e86f5fa --- /dev/null +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +; + +root = true + +[*] +charset = utf-8 +end_of_line = lf +insert_final_newline = true +trim_trailing_whitespace = true +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 + +[*.txt] +insert_final_newline = false +trim_trailing_whitespace = false + +[*.py] +indent_size = 4 + +[*.m] +indent_size = 4 + +[Makefile] +indent_style = tab +indent_size = 8 + +[*.{js,json}] +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 + +[*.md] +trim_trailing_whitespace = false diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b6a41e --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +# Created by .ignore support plugin ( +### Archives template +# It's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source because +# git has its own built in compression methods. +*.7z +*.jar +*.rar +*.zip +*.gz +*.bzip +*.bz2 +*.xz +*.lzma +*.cab + +#packing-only formats +*.iso +*.tar + +#package management formats +*.dmg +*.xpi +*.gem +*.egg +*.deb +*.rpm +*.msi +*.msm +*.msp +### Windows template +# Windows image file caches +Thumbs.db +ehthumbs.db + +# Folder config file +Desktop.ini + +# Recycle Bin used on file shares +$RECYCLE.BIN/ + +# Windows Installer files +*.cab +*.msi +*.msm +*.msp + +# Windows shortcuts +*.lnk +### OSX template +.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride + +# Icon must end with two \r +Icon + +# Thumbnails +._* + +# Files that might appear in the root of a volume +.DocumentRevisions-V100 +.fseventsd +.Spotlight-V100 +.TemporaryItems +.Trashes +.VolumeIcon.icns + +# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share +.AppleDB +.AppleDesktop +Network Trash Folder +Temporary Items +.apdisk +### JetBrains template +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio + +*.iml + +## Directory-based project format: +.idea/ +# if you remove the above rule, at least ignore the following: + +# User-specific stuff: +# .idea/workspace.xml +# .idea/tasks.xml +# .idea/dictionaries + +# Sensitive or high-churn files: +# .idea/dataSources.ids +# .idea/dataSources.xml +# .idea/sqlDataSources.xml +# .idea/dynamic.xml +# .idea/uiDesigner.xml + +# Gradle: +# .idea/gradle.xml +# .idea/libraries + +# Mongo Explorer plugin: +# .idea/mongoSettings.xml + +## File-based project format: +*.ipr +*.iws + +## Plugin-specific files: + +# IntelliJ +/out/ + +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin +.idea_modules/ + +# JIRA plugin +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml + +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml +### Node template +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage + +# Grunt intermediate storage ( +.grunt + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons ( +build/Release + +# Dependency directory +# +node_modules +bower_components + +### VisualStudioCode template +.settings + +### Xcode template +# Xcode +# +# gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore + +## Build generated +build/ +DerivedData + +## Various settings +*.pbxuser +!default.pbxuser +*.mode1v3 +!default.mode1v3 +*.mode2v3 +!default.mode2v3 +*.perspectivev3 +!default.perspectivev3 +xcuserdata + +## Other +*.xccheckout +*.moved-aside +*.xcuserstate + +dist diff --git a/.jscsrc b/.jscsrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..480fcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.jscsrc @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +{ + "disallowKeywords": ["with"], + "disallowKeywordsOnNewLine": ["else"], + "disallowMixedSpacesAndTabs": true, + "disallowMultipleVarDecl": "exceptUndefined", + "disallowNewlineBeforeBlockStatements": true, + "disallowQuotedKeysInObjects": true, + "disallowSpaceAfterObjectKeys": true, + "disallowSpaceAfterPrefixUnaryOperators": true, + "disallowSpacesInFunction": { + "beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true + }, + "disallowSpacesInsideParentheses": true, + "disallowTrailingWhitespace": true, + "maximumLineLength": 160, + "requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": false, + "requireCapitalizedComments": true, + "requireCapitalizedConstructors": true, + "requireCurlyBraces": true, + "requireSpaceAfterKeywords": [ + "if", + "else", + "for", + "while", + "do", + "switch", + "case", + "return", + "try", + "catch", + "typeof" + ], + "requireSpaceAfterLineComment": true, + "requireSpaceAfterBinaryOperators": true, + "requireSpaceBeforeBinaryOperators": true, + "requireSpaceBeforeBlockStatements": true, + "requireSpaceBeforeObjectValues": true, + "requireSpacesInFunction": { + "beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true + }, + "requireTrailingComma": false, + "requireEarlyReturn": false, + "validateIndentation": 2, + "validateLineBreaks": "LF", + "validateQuoteMarks": "'" +} diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..375085b --- /dev/null +++ b/.jshintrc @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "predef": [ + "Promise", + "$" + ], + "globals": { + "$": false, + "MicroEvent": false + }, + "node":true, + "browser": true, + "boss": true, + "curly": true, + "debug": false, + "devel": true, + "eqeqeq": true, + "evil": true, + "forin": false, + "immed": false, + "laxbreak": false, + "newcap": true, + "noarg": true, + "noempty": false, + "nonew": false, + "nomen": false, + "onevar": false, + "plusplus": false, + "regexp": false, + "undef": true, + "sub": true, + "strict": false, + "white": false, + "eqnull": true, + "esnext": true, + "unused": true, + "supernew":true +} diff --git a/app.js b/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbe7911 --- /dev/null +++ b/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +/** + * Created by Martin on 08/02/2016. + */ +'use strict'; +var express = require('express'); +var path = require('path'); +var http = require('http'); +var ejs = require('ejs'); +var morgan = require('morgan'); +var cookieparser = require('cookie-parser'); +var session = require('express-session'); +var methodoverride = require('method-override'); +var bodyparser = require('body-parser'); +var errorhandler = require('errorhandler'); +var mqttConnect = require('./lib/mqtt/mqttConnect'); +var log4js = require('log4js'); +var logger = log4js.getLogger(); + + +var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server; + +var EventEmitter = require('events'); +var busEmitter = new EventEmitter(); + +var apn = require('apn'); + +require('sugar-date'); + +var calendar = require('./lib/office/officeController.js'); +var cal = new calendar.officeController(busEmitter); + +var lighting_v1 = require('./routes/lighting_v1'); +var heating_v1 = require('./routes/heating_v1'); +var projector_v1 = require('./routes/projector_v1'); +var isProduction = false; + + +function restartTimer() { + // Ibm / mqtt things go a bit weird if left on for too long so restart the server + // at 7:30 ever morning before anyone is using it. + var tom = Date.create('tomorrow at 7:30am'); + + var ms = tom.getTime() - Date.create('now').getTime(); + + + console.log('Restarting in: ', ms); + setTimeout(function() {process.exit(1);}, ms); + +} +mqttConnect.setEmitter(busEmitter); +mqttConnect.doConnection(); + +process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; + +if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { + isProduction = true; +} + +logger.debug('isProduction:', isProduction); + +var app = express(); + +app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 4545); +app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); +app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); +app.use(morgan('combined')); +app.use(cookieparser('your secret here')); +app.use(session({ + secret: '1234567890QWERTY', resave: false, saveUninitialized: false +})); +/* 'default', 'short', 'tiny', 'dev' */ +app.use(methodoverride()); + +app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({extended: false})); + +// Parse application/json +app.use(bodyparser.json()); + +app.use(function(req, res, next) { + res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); + res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With'); + next(); +}); + +// Run npm start --production to use dist +var staticDir = isProduction ? 'dist' : 'app'; + +app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, staticDir))); +app.use(errorhandler({dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true})); + +lighting_v1.use(mqttConnect); +heating_v1.use(mqttConnect); +projector_v1.use(mqttConnect); + +// Calendar handler + +busEmitter.on('lightingOn', lighting_v1.doLightsOn); +busEmitter.on('lightingOff', lighting_v1.doLightsOff); + +busEmitter.on('heatingOn', mqttConnect.heatingOn); +busEmitter.on('heatingOff', mqttConnect.heatingOff); +busEmitter.on('projectorOn', projector_v1.doProjectorOn); +busEmitter.on('projectorOff', projector_v1.doProjectorOff); + + +busEmitter.on('connectWS', mqttConnect.connectWS); +busEmitter.on('restartMQTTSocket', mqttConnect.restartMQTTSocket); + +mqttConnect.setupPing(); +cal.startController(busEmitter); + +app.get('/stop', function(request, response) { + cal.stopController(); + response.sendStatus(200); + }); + +app.get('/start', function(request, response) { + + cal.startController(); + response.sendStatus(200); + }); + +app.get('/api/calendar', function(req, res) { + var calJson = cal.returnCalendar(); +; + res.json(calJson); + }); +'/api/calendar/extend', function(req, res) { + res.json({}); + }); + + + + +// Events and sockets + +busEmitter.on('clientConnected', (socketSet) => { +'-=-=-=-=-'); +; + heating_v1.setsocket(socketSet).subscribe(); + lighting_v1.setsocket(socketSet).subscribe(); + projector_v1.setsocket(socketSet).subscribe(); +}); + +busEmitter.on('clientStatusUpdated', (v) => { +; +}); + + +'Configuring WebSocket Listener...'); +var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) { + Date()) + ' Received request for ' + request.url); + response.writeHead(404); + response.end(); +}); + +server.listen(3001, function() { + Date()) + ' Server is listening on port 3001'); +}); +var wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ + httpServer: server, // You should not use autoAcceptConnections for production + // applications, as it defeats all standard cross-origin protection + // facilities built into the protocol and the browser. You should + // *always* verify the connection's origin and decide whether or not + // to accept it. + autoAcceptConnections: false +}); + +function originIsAllowed(origin) { + // Put logic here to detect whether the specified origin is allowed. + return true; +} + +wsServer.on('request', function(request) { + + if (!originIsAllowed(request.origin)) { + // Make sure we only accept requests from an allowed origin + request.reject(); + Date()) + ' Connection from origin ' + request.origin + ' rejected.'); + return; + } + + var connection = request.accept('stream', request.origin); + Date()) + ' Connection accepted.'); + + var sendSocketHandler = (obj) => { + try { + connection.sendUTF(JSON.stringify(obj)); + } + catch (err) { + logger.error(err); + logger.warn('Offending object: ', obj); + } + }; + + busEmitter.on('sendSocket', sendSocketHandler); + + connection.on('message', function(message) { + if (message.type === 'utf8') { +'Received Message: ' + message.utf8Data); + connection.sendUTF(message.utf8Data); + } else if (message.type === 'binary') { +'Received Binary Message of ' + message.binaryData.length + ' bytes'); + connection.sendBytes(message.binaryData); + } + }); + + connection.on('close', function(reasonCode, description) { + Date()) + ' Peer ' + connection.remoteAddress + ' disconnected.'); + busEmitter.removeListener('sendSocket', sendSocketHandler); + }); +}); + +mqttConnect.connectWS(function() { +'Ready to plug in sockets...'); +}); +'/api/v1/lighting/off', lighting_v1.turnoff);'/api/v1/lighting/on', lighting_v1.turnon);'/api/v1/lighting/cmd', lighting_v1.command); +'/api/v1/heating/off', heating_v1.turnoff);'/api/v1/heating/on', heating_v1.turnon); +'/api/v1/projector/off', projector_v1.turnoff);'/api/v1/projector/on', projector_v1.turnon);'/api/v1/projector/cmd', projector_v1.command); +'/api/v1/register/ios', function(req, res) { + + var body = req.body, registrationId; + + logger.debug(body); + + if (body.hasOwnProperty('registrationId')) { + registrationId = body['registrationId']; + logger.debug(registrationId); + + cal.registeriOSToken(registrationId); + + } +}); +'/api/v1/extend', function(req, res) { + + var body = req.body, data; + + if (body.hasOwnProperty('extendBy') && body.hasOwnProperty('uid')) { + data = req.body; + + cal.extendMeeting(data); + res.sendStatus(200); + } + +}); + +app.listen(3000, function() { +'Express listening on 3000'); + restartTimer(); +}); diff --git a/bower.json b/bower.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0e93cc --- /dev/null +++ b/bower.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "name": "sodashserver", + "description": "Smart Office Dashboard Server", + "main": "index.js", + "authors": [ + "Martin Donnelly" + ], + "license": "ISC", + "homepage": "", + "private": true, + "ignore": [ + "**/.*", + "node_modules", + "bower_components", + "test", + "tests" + ], + "dependencies": { + "chroma-js": "^1.1.1", + "jquery": "^2.2.3", + "mui": "^0.5.3", + "sugarjs-date": "^1.5.1" + } +} diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01696c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/gulpfile.js @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +'use strict'; +var gulp = require('gulp'); +var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); +var cssnano = require('gulp-cssnano'); +var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); +var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); +var jsmin = require('gulp-jsmin'); +var rename = require('gulp-rename'); +var concat = require('gulp-concat'); +var notify = require('gulp-notify'); +var cache = require('gulp-cache'); +var livereload = require('gulp-livereload'); +var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin'); +var inject = require('gulp-inject'); +var del = require('del'); +var htmlreplace = require('gulp-html-replace'); +var googleWebFonts = require('gulp-google-webfonts'); + +var stripDebug = require('gulp-strip-debug'); +var size = require('gulp-size'); + +var debug = require('gulp-debug'); + +var filePath = { + build_dir: './dist' + }; + +gulp.task('scripts', function() { + return gulp.src(['app/js/sowebsocket.js','app/js/colours.js','app/js/appv2.js']) + .pipe(jshint('.jshintrc')) + .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')) + .pipe(concat('app.js')) + // .pipe(stripDebug()) + .pipe(jsmin()) + .pipe(size({title: 'Scripts'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')); + }); + +gulp.task('vendor', function() { + return gulp.src(['bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', + 'bower_components/mui/packages/cdn/js/mui.min.js', + 'bower_components/chroma-js/chroma.min.js', + 'bower_components/sugar/release/sugar-full.min.js', + 'app/lib/skycons.js', + 'app/lib/microevent.js']) + .pipe(concat('vendor.js')) + .pipe(uglify({mangle: false})) + .pipe(size({title: 'Vendor'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')); + }); + + + + +gulp.task('styles', function() { + return gulp.src(['app/css/mui.custom.css','app/css/material-icons.css','app/css/app.css']) + .pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4')) + .pipe(cssnano()) + .pipe(concat('app.css')) + .pipe(size({title: 'Styles'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css')); + }); + +gulp.task('partials', function() { + + // Gulp.src(['app/partials/**/*']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/partials')); + // gulp.src(['app/libs/ejs_production.js']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/libs')); + // gulp.src(['app/libs/microevent.js']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/libs')); + gulp.src(['app/fav/**/*']).pipe(size({title: 'Partials'})).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/fav')); + gulp.src(['app/gfx/censis_logo_white.png']).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/gfx')); +}); + +gulp.task('migrate', function() { + return gulp.src(['dist/**/*']) + .pipe(debug({title: 'migrate:'})) + .pipe(size({title: 'Migrate'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('/Users/martin/newdev/SODashApp/www')); +}); + +gulp.task('index', function() { + var sources = gulp.src(['js/apps.js', 'css/app.css'], {read: false}); + + return gulp.src(['app/index.html']) + .pipe(htmlreplace({ + css: 'css/app.css', + js: 'js/app.js', + vendor: 'js/vendor.js', + fonts: 'fonts/fonts.css' + })) + .pipe(htmlmin({removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, keepClosingSlash: true})) + .pipe(size({title: 'Index'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/')); + }); + +var options = { }; + +gulp.task('fonts', function() { + return gulp.src('./fonts.list') + .pipe(googleWebFonts(options)) + .pipe(size({title: 'Fonts'})) + .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/fonts')) + ; +}); + + +gulp.task('clean', function() { + return del(['dist']); + }); + + +gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function() { + gulp.start('styles', 'scripts', 'vendor', 'fonts', 'partials', 'index'); + }); + +gulp.task('Cordova', ['clean'], function() { + gulp.start('styles', 'scripts', 'vendor', 'fonts', 'index'); + }); diff --git a/index.js b/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b11851 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +var log4js = require('log4js'); +var logger = log4js.getLogger(); + + +var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server; + +var EventEmitter = require('events'); +var busEmitter = new EventEmitter(); + + + +var mqttClient = require('./lib/mqtt/mqttClient'); +var mqttConnect = require('./lib/mqtt/mqttConnect'); + +var mqtt = new mqttClient.mqttClient(); + +/* + +mqttConnect.setEmitter(busEmitter); +mqttConnect.doConnection(); + + +mqttConnect.connectWS(); +*/ + + +setTimeout(function(){ + 'use strict'; + mqtt.lightsIn(); +},15000); diff --git a/lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js b/lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..146f228 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/IoTFconnector.js @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + +var IoTFconnector = function (orgId, api_key, auth_token, $rootScope) { + + + //this.connected = ''; + this.clientId = "a:" + orgId + ":" +; + + console.log("clientId: " + this.clientId); + this.hostname = orgId + ""; + this.client = ''; + + this.initialize = function () { + + client = new Messaging.Client(this.hostname, 8883, this.clientId); + + + client.onMessageArrived = function (msg) { + console.log("Message from :" + msg.destinationName); + }; + + var connectOptions = new Object(); + connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 3600; + connectOptions.useSSL = true; + connectOptions.userName = api_key; + connectOptions.password = auth_token; + + connectOptions.onSuccess = function () { + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.connected = true; + // $rootScope.$broadcast("clientStatusUpdated", clientStatus); + console.log("MQTT connected to host: " + + " port : " + client.port + " at " +; + + } + + connectOptions.onFailure = function (e) { + console.log("MQTT connection failed at " + + "\nerror: " + e.errorCode + " : " + e.errorMessage); + } + + console.log("about to connect to " +; + client.connect(connectOptions); + + //client = new Messaging.Client(this.hostname, 8883, this.clientId); + + //// Initialize the Realtime Graph + ////var rtGraph = new RealtimeGraph(); + //client.onMessageArrived = function(msg) { + // //var topic = msg.destinationName; + + // //var payload = JSON.parse(msg.payloadString); + // ////First message, instantiate the graph + // //if (firstMessage) { + // // $('#chart').empty(); + // // firstMessage = false; + // // rtGraph.displayChart(null, payload); + // //} else { + // // rtGraph.graphData(payload); + // //} + // console.log("Message from :" + msg.destinationName); + //}; + + //client.onConnectionLost = function(e) { + // console.log("Connection Lost at " + + " : " + e.errorCode + " : " + e.errorMessage); + // this.connect(connectOptions); + //} + + //var connectOptions = new Object(); + //connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 3600; + //connectOptions.useSSL = true; + //connectOptions.userName = api_key; + //connectOptions.password = auth_token; + + //connectOptions.onSuccess = function() { + // IoTFconnector.prototype.connected = true; + // console.log("MQTT connected to host: " + + " port : " + client.port + " at " +; + + //} + + //connectOptions.onFailure = function(e) { + // console.log("MQTT connection failed at " + + "\nerror: " + e.errorCode + " : " + e.errorMessage); + //} + + //console.log("about to connect to " +; + //client.connect(connectOptions); + } + + + this.initialize(); + + //var imageHTML = '
The selected device is not currently sending events to the Internet of Things Foundation

Select to view historical data or select a different device.
Chart'; + +}; + + + + +IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus = { connected: false, subscribeTopic: '' };; + +IoTFconnector.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect() { + client.disconnect(); + console.log("Connection closed"); +} + +IoTFconnector.prototype.connect = function connect() { + // this.initialize(); +} + + + +IoTFconnector.prototype.subscribe = function subscribe(deviceId) { + var subscribeOptions = { + qos: 0, + onSuccess: function () { + console.log("subscribed to " + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + }, + onFailure: function () { + console.log("Failed to subscribe to " + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + console.log("As messages are not available, visualization is not possible"); + } + }; + + if (IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic != "") { + console.log("Unsubscribing to " + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + client.unsubscribe(IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + }; + + IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic = "iot-2/type/iotsample-ti-cc3200/id/" + deviceId + "/evt/+/fmt/json"; + + client.subscribe(IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic, subscribeOptions); +} diff --git a/lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js b/lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bfac3f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/mqttClient.js @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +var mqtt = require('mqtt'); + +var mqttClient = function() { + + var orgId = ''; + var userName = ''; + var appKey = 'bob'; + + + = 'lights'; + + this.connected = false; + + var options = { + keepalive: 3600, + clientId: 'a:' + orgId + ':' +, + username: userName, + password: new Buffer(appKey) + + }; + + this.client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://' + orgId + '', options); + + this.client.on('connect', function() { + connected = true; + console.log('Connected to SIlvr Broker'); + }); + + this.client.subscribe('lightsOut'); + this.client.on('message', function(topic, message) { + console.log(message); + }); + + this.isConnected = function() { + return this.connected; + }; + }; + +/* +Client = mqtt.connect(); + +client.subscribe('presence'); +client.on('message', function(topic, message) { + console.log(message); +}); + + + */ + + + +mqttClient.prototype.lightsIn = function() { + + var destinationName = 'lightsIn'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, '0'); + var destinationName = 'lightsIn'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, '1'); + }; + +mqttClient.prototype.lightsOut = function() { + + var destinationName = 'lightsOut'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'f'); + destinationName = 'lightsOut'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'g'); + }; + +module.exports.mqttClient = mqttClient; diff --git a/lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js b/lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75dd618 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/mqttConnect.js @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +/** + * Created by Martin on 08/02/2016. + */ +'use strict'; +var mqtt = require('mqtt'); + +var Messaging = require('mqtt_over_websockets'); +var log4js = require('log4js'); +var logger = log4js.getLogger(); + +var mqttConfig = { + orgId: 'qz0da4', + userName: 'martind2000', + appKey: 'MPReoa43', + prefix: 'iot-2/type/Ti-CC3200/id/' + }; + +function randomString(length) { + return Math.round((Math.pow(36, length + 1) - Math.random() * Math.pow(36, length))).toString(36).slice(1); +} + +/* + Projector: 'ProjectorISP15', + lighting: 'LightingISP15', + heating: 'HeatingISP15', + + */ +var live = true; + +logger.warn('!!! Live? ', live); +module.exports = { + restartTimer : 0, + pingTimer: 0, + statuses: {}, + sockets: null, + wsClient: null, + watches: {}, + client: null, + projector: live ? 'Projector' : 'ProjectorISP15', + lighting: live ? 'Lighting' : 'LightingISP15', + heating: live ? 'Heating' : 'HeatingISP15', + myID: 0, + connected: false, + options: { + // Keepalive: 3600, + keepalive: 60, + clientId: 'a:' + mqttConfig.orgId + ':' +, + username: mqttConfig.userName, + password: new Buffer(mqttConfig.appKey) + + }, + lightList: {o: 'frontLight', f: 'frontLight',n: 'backLight', g: 'backLight'}, + updateStatus: function(id, packet) { + this.statuses[id] = packet; +'Statuses:', this.statuses); + }, + + setEmitter: function(newEmitter) { + this.emitter = newEmitter; + }, + doConnection: function(cb) { + console.log('Do connection'); + var self = this; + if (this.client === null) { + this.client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://' + '', this.options); + + this.client.on('connect', function() { +'Connected to SilvrBroker'); + self.connected = this.connected; + }); + this.client.on('connected', function() { + logger.debug('mqttConnect - doConnection - Connected'); + + }); + this.client.on('disconnect', function(e) { + logger.error('mqttConnect - doConnection - disconnect'); + logger.error(e); + }); + this.client.on('error', function(e) { + logger.error('mqttConnect - doConnection - disconnect'); + logger.error(e); + }); + + } + return this; + }, + isConnected: function() { + return this.connected; + }, + sendCommand: function(deviceID, command) { + var payload = { + id: 'd', + text: command + + }; + }, + projectorOn: function(callback) { + var packet; + console.log('projectorOn:'); + var _callback = callback || {}; + + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + packet = {id: this.projector, status: true}; + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.projector + '/cmd/' + 'ON' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'ON', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',packet); + logger.debug('Storing status...'); + this.updateStatus('projector', packet); + }, + projectorOff: function(callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || {}; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + packet = {id: this.projector, status: false}; + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.projector + '/cmd/' + 'OFF' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'OFF', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',packet); + console.log('Storing status...'); + this.updateStatus('projector', packet); + + }, + projectorCmd: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || {}; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.projector + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'cmd', _callback); + }, + heatingOn: function(callback) { + console.log('Turn heating on...'); + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.heating + '/cmd/' + 'on' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'ON', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: this.heating, status: true}); + }, + heatingOff: function(callback) { + var _callback = callback || {}; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + this.heating + '/cmd/' + 'off' + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'OFF', _callback); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: this.heating, status: false}); + }, + lightingOn: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + + console.log('lightingOn:' + id); + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'ON', _callback); + packet = {id:, device: id, status: true}; + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket',packet); + logger.debug('Storing status...'); + this.updateStatus(this.lightList[id], packet); + }, + lightingOff: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'OFF', _callback); + packet = {id:, device: id, status: false}; + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket', packet); + this.updateStatus(this.lightList[id], packet); + }, + lightingCommand: function(id, callback) { + var packet; + var _callback = callback || null; + if (!this.client) { + return -1; + } + var destinationName = mqttConfig.prefix + + '/cmd/' + id + '/fmt/json'; + this.client.publish(destinationName, 'cmd', _callback); + }, + + setupEvents: function() { + + this.emitter.on('lightingOn', this.lightingOn); + this.emitter.on('lightingOff', this.lightingOff); + this.emitter.on('heatingOn', this.heatingOn); + this.emitter.on('heatingOff', this.heatingOff); + this.emitter.on('projectorOn', this.projectorOn); + this.emitter.on('projectorOff', this.projectorOff); + }, + setupPing: function() { + logger.warn('Starting ping timer...'); + + this.pingTimer = setTimeout(function() {;}.bind(this), 10000); + }, + ping: function() { + //Logger.error('Ping!'); + this.sendRefresh(); + var now = new Date; + var mod = 10000 - (now.getTime() % 10000); + + setTimeout(function() {;}.bind(this),mod + 10); + + }, + sendRefresh: function() { + // logger.debug('+ Send refresh', this.statuses); + + for (var item in this.statuses) { + if (this.statuses.hasOwnProperty(item)) { + console.log(this.statuses[item]); + this.emitter.emit('sendSocket', this.statuses[item]); + } + } + // logger.debug('+ Send refresh'); + }, + preRestartConnection: function() { + logger.debug('Restart connection...'); + //this.emitter.emit('restartMQTTSocket', this); + //logger.debug(this); + this.restartMQTTSocket(); + }, + startMQTTSocket:function() { + logger.warn('Restarting socket?'); + this.connectWS(); + }, + restartMQTTSocket: function() { + this.wsClient.disconnect(); + // setTimeout(this.startMQTTSocket.bind(this), 15000); + }, + connectWS: function(connectCB) { + + logger.debug('Going to connect WS'); + var self = this; + var hostname = ''; + var clientId = 'a:' + 'qz0da4' + ':' +; + + var api_key = 'martind2000'; + var auth_token = 'MPReoa43'; + + this.wsClient =new Messaging.Client(hostname, 8883, clientId); + //var wsClient = new Messaging.Client(hostname, 8883, clientId); + var wsClient = this.wsClient; + var clientStatus = {connected: false, subscribed: false, deviceConnected: false}; + var sensorData = {}; + + + this.restartTimer = setTimeout(this.preRestartConnection.bind(this), 60000); + + wsClient.onMessageArrived = function(msg) { + //"Message from :" + msg.destinationName); + clearTimeout(self.restartTimer); + self.restartTimer = setTimeout(self.preRestartConnection.bind(self), 60000); + clientStatus.deviceConnected = true; + sensorData = JSON.parse(msg.payloadString); + // Logger.debug(sensorData); + var temp = msg.destinationName.split('/'); + if ([4])) { + + //'Emit: ' + JSON.stringify({[temp[4]],sensorData:sensorData})); + + self.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id:[temp[4]],sensorData: sensorData}); + } + + }; + wsClient.onConnectionLost = function(e) { + logger.error('+ wsClient.onConnectionLost'); + logger.error(e); + logger.warn('Going to force a restart of the Socket.. Hold on.'); + setTimeout(self.startMQTTSocket.bind(self), 15000); + //self.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: 'deviceLost',data: e}); + //var wsReconnectTimer = setTimeout(function() {logger.debug('TRYING TO RECONNECT TO MQTT');self.emitter.emit('connectWS');}.bind(this),30000); + logger.error('- wsClient.onConnectionLost'); + }; + + + var connectOptions = {}; + connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 3600; + connectOptions.useSSL = true; + connectOptions.userName = api_key; + connectOptions.password = auth_token; + + connectOptions.onSuccess = function() { + clientStatus.connected = true; +'MQTT connected to host: ' + + ' port : ' + wsClient.port + ' at ' +; + + self.emitter.emit('clientStatusUpdated', clientStatus); + self.emitter.emit('clientConnected', self.sockets); + }; + + connectOptions.onFailure = function(e) { + self.emitter.emit('sendSocket',{id: 'deviceNotConnecting'}); + logger.error('wsClient onFailure', e); + logger.error('MQTT connection failed at ' + + '\nerror: ' + e.errorCode + ' : ' + e.errorMessage); + //var wsReconnectTimer = setTimeout(function() {logger.debug('TRYING TO RECONNECT TO MQTT');self.emitter.emit('connectWS');}.bind(this),30000); + }; + + logger.debug('about to connect to ' +; + wsClient.connect(connectOptions); + + this.sockets = { + + getClientStatus: function() { + return clientStatus; + }, + subscribe: function(deviceId, emitterId) { + logger.debug('trying to subscribe'); + var subscribeTopic = 'iot-2/type/Ti-CC3200/id/' + deviceId + '/evt/+/fmt/json'; + logger.debug(subscribeTopic); + + var subscribeOptions = { + qos: 0, + onSuccess: function() { +'subscribed to ' + subscribeTopic); + clientStatus.subscribed = true; + // $rootScope.$broadcast("clientStatusUpdated", clientStatus); + + self.emitter.emit('clientStatusUpdated', clientStatus); +[deviceId] = emitterId; + }, + onFailure: function() { + logger.error('Failed to subscribe to ' + subscribeTopic); + logger.error('As messages are not available, visualization is not possible'); + } + }; + + /*If (IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic != "") { + console.log("Unsubscribing to " + subscribeTopic); + wsClient.unsubscribe(IoTFconnector.prototype.clientStatus.subscribeTopic); + };*/ + + wsClient.subscribe(subscribeTopic, subscribeOptions); + } + }; + + + return this.sockets; + + } + + + }; + + diff --git a/lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js b/lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1eca98 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mqtt/mqttws31.js @@ -0,0 +1,1791 @@ +"use strict"; +exports.Messaging = function (global) { + + // Private variables below, these are only visible inside the function closure + // which is used to define the module. + + var version = ""; + var buildLevel = "p000-L130522.1"; + + /** + * Unique message type identifiers, with associated + * associated integer values. + * @private + */ + var MESSAGE_TYPE = { + CONNECT: 1, + CONNACK: 2, + PUBLISH: 3, + PUBACK: 4, + PUBREC: 5, + PUBREL: 6, + PUBCOMP: 7, + SUBSCRIBE: 8, + SUBACK: 9, + UNSUBSCRIBE: 10, + UNSUBACK: 11, + PINGREQ: 12, + PINGRESP: 13, + DISCONNECT: 14 + }; + + // Collection of utility methods used to simplify module code + // and promote the DRY pattern. + + /** + * Validate an object's parameter names to ensure they + * match a list of expected variables name for this option + * type. Used to ensure option object passed into the API don't + * contain erroneous parameters. + * @param {Object} obj User options object + * @param {key:type, key2:type, ...} valid keys and types that may exist in obj. + * @throws {Error} Invalid option parameter found. + * @private + */ + var validate = function(obj, keys) { + for(key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + if (keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + if (typeof obj[key] !== keys[key]) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof obj[key], key])); + } else { + var errorStr = "Unknown property, " + key + ". Valid properties are:"; + for (key in keys) + if (keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) + errorStr = errorStr+" "+key; + throw new Error(errorStr); + } + } + } + }; + + /** + * Return a new function which runs the user function bound + * to a fixed scope. + * @param {function} User function + * @param {object} Function scope + * @return {function} User function bound to another scope + * @private + */ + var scope = function (f, scope) { + return function () { + return f.apply(scope, arguments); + }; + }; + + /** + * Unique message type identifiers, with associated + * associated integer values. + * @private + */ + var ERROR = { + OK: {code:0, text:"AMQJSC0000I OK."}, + CONNECT_TIMEOUT: {code:1, text:"AMQJSC0001E Connect timed out."}, + SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT: {code:2, text:"AMQJS0002E Subscribe timed out."}, + UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT: {code:3, text:"AMQJS0003E Unsubscribe timed out."}, + PING_TIMEOUT: {code:4, text:"AMQJS0004E Ping timed out."}, + INTERNAL_ERROR: {code:5, text:"AMQJS0005E Internal error."}, + CONNACK_RETURNCODE: {code:6, text:"AMQJS0006E Bad Connack return code:{0} {1}."}, + SOCKET_ERROR: {code:7, text:"AMQJS0007E Socket error:{0}."}, + SOCKET_CLOSE: {code:8, text:"AMQJS0008I Socket closed."}, + MALFORMED_UTF: {code:9, text:"AMQJS0009E Malformed UTF data:{0} {1} {2}."}, + UNSUPPORTED: {code:10, text:"AMQJS0010E {0} is not supported by this browser."}, + INVALID_STATE: {code:11, text:"AMQJS0011E Invalid state {0}."}, + INVALID_TYPE: {code:12, text:"AMQJS0012E Invalid type {0} for {1}."}, + INVALID_ARGUMENT: {code:13, text:"AMQJS0013E Invalid argument {0} for {1}."}, + UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: {code:14, text:"AMQJS0014E Unsupported operation."}, + INVALID_STORED_DATA: {code:15, text:"AMQJS0015E Invalid data in local storage key={0} value={1}."}, + INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE: {code:16, text:"AMQJS0016E Invalid MQTT message type {0}."}, + MALFORMED_UNICODE: {code:17, text:"AMQJS0017E Malformed Unicode string:{0} {1}."}, + }; + + /** CONNACK RC Meaning. */ + var CONNACK_RC = { + 0:"Connection Accepted", + 1:"Connection Refused: unacceptable protocol version", + 2:"Connection Refused: identifier rejected", + 3:"Connection Refused: server unavailable", + 4:"Connection Refused: bad user name or password", + 5:"Connection Refused: not authorized" + }; + + /** + * Format an error message text. + * @private + * @param {error} ERROR.KEY value above. + * @param {substitutions} [array] substituted into the text. + * @return the text with the substitutions made. + */ + var format = function(error, substitutions) { + var text = error.text; + if (substitutions) { + for (var i=0; i 0) { + var part1 = text.substring(0,start); + var part2 = text.substring(start+field.length); + text = part1+substitutions[i]+part2; + } + } + } + return text; + }; + + //MQTT protocol and version 6 M Q I s d p 3 + var MqttProtoIdentifier = [0x00,0x06,0x4d,0x51,0x49,0x73,0x64,0x70,0x03]; + + /** + * @ignore + * Construct an MQTT wire protocol message. + * @param type MQTT packet type. + * @param options optional wire message attributes. + * + * Optional properties + * + * messageIdentifier: message ID in the range [0..65535] + * payloadMessage: Application Message - PUBLISH only + * connectStrings: array of 0 or more Strings to be put into the CONNECT payload + * topics: array of strings (SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE) + * requestQoS: array of QoS values [0..2] + * + * "Flag" properties + * cleanSession: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * willMessage: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * isRetained: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * userName: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * password: true if present / false if absent (CONNECT) + * keepAliveInterval: integer [0..65535] (CONNECT) + * + * @private + */ + var WireMessage = function (type, options) { + this.type = type; + for(name in options) { + if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + this[name] = options[name]; + } + } + }; + + WireMessage.prototype.encode = function() { + // Compute the first byte of the fixed header + var first = ((this.type & 0x0f) << 4); + + /* + * Now calculate the length of the variable header + payload by adding up the lengths + * of all the component parts + */ + + remLength = 0; + topicStrLength = new Array(); + + // if the message contains a messageIdentifier then we need two bytes for that + if (this.messageIdentifier != undefined) + remLength += 2; + + switch(this.type) { + // If this a Connect then we need to include 12 bytes for its header + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT: + remLength += MqttProtoIdentifier.length + 3; + remLength += UTF8Length(this.clientId) + 2; + if (this.willMessage != undefined) { + remLength += UTF8Length(this.willMessage.destinationName) + 2; + // Will message is always a string, sent as UTF-8 characters with a preceding length. + var willMessagePayloadBytes = this.willMessage.payloadBytes; + if (!(willMessagePayloadBytes instanceof Uint8Array)) + willMessagePayloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes); + remLength += willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength +2; + } + if (this.userName != undefined) + remLength += UTF8Length(this.userName) + 2; + if (this.password != undefined) + remLength += UTF8Length(this.password) + 2; + break; + + // Subscribe, Unsubscribe can both contain topic strings + case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE: + first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1; + for ( var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) { + topicStrLength[i] = UTF8Length(this.topics[i]); + remLength += topicStrLength[i] + 2; + } + remLength += this.requestedQos.length; // 1 byte for each topic's Qos + // QoS on Subscribe only + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE: + first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1; + for ( var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) { + topicStrLength[i] = UTF8Length(this.topics[i]); + remLength += topicStrLength[i] + 2; + } + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + if (this.payloadMessage.duplicate) first |= 0x08; + first = first |= (this.payloadMessage.qos << 1); + if (this.payloadMessage.retained) first |= 0x01; + destinationNameLength = UTF8Length(this.payloadMessage.destinationName); + remLength += destinationNameLength + 2; + var payloadBytes = this.payloadMessage.payloadBytes; + remLength += payloadBytes.byteLength; + if (payloadBytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) + payloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes); + else if (!(payloadBytes instanceof Uint8Array)) + payloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes.buffer); + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT: + break; + + default: + ; + } + + // Now we can allocate a buffer for the message + + var mbi = encodeMBI(remLength); // Convert the length to MQTT MBI format + var pos = mbi.length + 1; // Offset of start of variable header + var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(remLength + pos); + var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer); // view it as a sequence of bytes + + //Write the fixed header into the buffer + byteStream[0] = first; + byteStream.set(mbi,1); + + // If this is a PUBLISH then the variable header starts with a topic + if (this.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH) + pos = writeString(this.payloadMessage.destinationName, destinationNameLength, byteStream, pos); + // If this is a CONNECT then the variable header contains the protocol name/version, flags and keepalive time + + else if (this.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT) { + byteStream.set(MqttProtoIdentifier, pos); + pos += MqttProtoIdentifier.length; + var connectFlags = 0; + if (this.cleanSession) + connectFlags = 0x02; + if (this.willMessage != undefined ) { + connectFlags |= 0x04; + connectFlags |= (this.willMessage.qos<<3); + if (this.willMessage.retained) { + connectFlags |= 0x20; + } + } + if (this.userName != undefined) + connectFlags |= 0x80; + if (this.password != undefined) + connectFlags |= 0x40; + byteStream[pos++] = connectFlags; + pos = writeUint16 (this.keepAliveInterval, byteStream, pos); + } + + // Output the messageIdentifier - if there is one + if (this.messageIdentifier != undefined) + pos = writeUint16 (this.messageIdentifier, byteStream, pos); + + switch(this.type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT: + pos = writeString(this.clientId, UTF8Length(this.clientId), byteStream, pos); + if (this.willMessage != undefined) { + pos = writeString(this.willMessage.destinationName, UTF8Length(this.willMessage.destinationName), byteStream, pos); + pos = writeUint16(willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength, byteStream, pos); + byteStream.set(willMessagePayloadBytes, pos); + pos += willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength; + + } + if (this.userName != undefined) + pos = writeString(this.userName, UTF8Length(this.userName), byteStream, pos); + if (this.password != undefined) + pos = writeString(this.password, UTF8Length(this.password), byteStream, pos); + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + // PUBLISH has a text or binary payload, if text do not add a 2 byte length field, just the UTF characters. + byteStream.set(payloadBytes, pos); + + break; + +// case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC: +// case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL: +// case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP: +// break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE: + // SUBSCRIBE has a list of topic strings and request QoS + for (var i=0; i> 4; + var messageInfo = first &= 0x0f; + var pos = 1; + + + // Decode the remaining length (MBI format) + + var digit; + var remLength = 0; + var multiplier = 1; + do { + digit = input[pos++]; + remLength += ((digit & 0x7F) * multiplier); + multiplier *= 128; + } while ((digit & 0x80) != 0); + + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(type); + switch(type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNACK: + wireMessage.topicNameCompressionResponse = input[pos++]; + wireMessage.returnCode = input[pos++]; + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + var qos = (messageInfo >> 1) & 0x03; + + var len = readUint16(input, pos); + pos += 2; + var topicName = parseUTF8(input, pos, len); + pos += len; + // If QoS 1 or 2 there will be a messageIdentifier + if (qos > 0) { + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos); + pos += 2; + } + + var message = new Messaging.Message(input.subarray(pos)); + if ((messageInfo & 0x01) == 0x01) + message.retained = true; + if ((messageInfo & 0x08) == 0x08) + message.duplicate = true; + message.qos = qos; + message.destinationName = topicName; + wireMessage.payloadMessage = message; + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBACK: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP: + case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBACK: + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos); + break; + + case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBACK: + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos); + pos += 2; + wireMessage.grantedQos = input.subarray(pos); + break; + + default: + ; + } + + return wireMessage; + } + + function writeUint16(input, buffer, offset) { + buffer[offset++] = input >> 8; //MSB + buffer[offset++] = input % 256; //LSB + return offset; + } + + function writeString(input, utf8Length, buffer, offset) { + offset = writeUint16(utf8Length, buffer, offset); + stringToUTF8(input, buffer, offset); + return offset + utf8Length; + } + + function readUint16(buffer, offset) { + return 256*buffer[offset] + buffer[offset+1]; + } + + /** + * Encodes an MQTT Multi-Byte Integer + * @private + */ + function encodeMBI(number) { + var output = new Array(1); + var numBytes = 0; + + do { + var digit = number % 128; + number = number >> 7; + if (number > 0) { + digit |= 0x80; + } + output[numBytes++] = digit; + } while ( (number > 0) && (numBytes<4) ); + + return output; + } + + /** + * Takes a String and calculates its length in bytes when encoded in UTF8. + * @private + */ + function UTF8Length(input) { + var output = 0; + for (var i = 0; i 0x7FF) + { + // Surrogate pair means its a 4 byte character + if (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF) + { + i++; + output++; + } + output +=3; + } + else if (charCode > 0x7F) + output +=2; + else + output++; + } + return output; + } + + /** + * Takes a String and writes it into an array as UTF8 encoded bytes. + * @private + */ + function stringToUTF8(input, output, start) { + var pos = start; + for (var i = 0; i>6 & 0x1F | 0xC0; + output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80; + } else if (charCode <= 0xFFFF) { + output[pos++] = charCode>>12 & 0x0F | 0xE0; + output[pos++] = charCode>>6 & 0x3F | 0x80; + output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80; + } else { + output[pos++] = charCode>>18 & 0x07 | 0xF0; + output[pos++] = charCode>>12 & 0x3F | 0x80; + output[pos++] = charCode>>6 & 0x3F | 0x80; + output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80; + }; + } + return output; + } + + function parseUTF8(input, offset, length) { + var output = ""; + var utf16; + var pos = offset; + + while (pos < offset+length) + { + var byte1 = input[pos++]; + if (byte1 < 128) + utf16 = byte1; + else + { + var byte2 = input[pos++]-128; + if (byte2 < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16),""])); + if (byte1 < 0xE0) // 2 byte character + utf16 = 64*(byte1-0xC0) + byte2; + else + { + var byte3 = input[pos++]-128; + if (byte3 < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16)])); + if (byte1 < 0xF0) // 3 byte character + utf16 = 4096*(byte1-0xE0) + 64*byte2 + byte3; + else + { + var byte4 = input[pos++]-128; + if (byte4 < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16), byte4.toString(16)])); + if (byte1 < 0xF8) // 4 byte character + utf16 = 262144*(byte1-0xF0) + 4096*byte2 + 64*byte3 + byte4; + else // longer encodings are not supported + throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16), byte4.toString(16)])); + } + } + } + + if (utf16 > 0xFFFF) // 4 byte character - express as a surrogate pair + { + utf16 -= 0x10000; + output += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (utf16 >> 10)); // lead character + utf16 = 0xDC00 + (utf16 & 0x3FF); // trail character + } + output += String.fromCharCode(utf16); + } + return output; + } + + /** @ignore Repeat keepalive requests, monitor responses.*/ + var Pinger = function(client, window, keepAliveInterval) { + this._client = client; + this._window = window; + this._keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval*1000; + this.isReset = false; + + var pingReq = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PINGREQ).encode(); + + var doTimeout = function (pinger) { + return function () { + return doPing.apply(pinger); + }; + }; + + /** @ignore */ + var doPing = function() { + if (!this.isReset) { + this._client._trace("Pinger.doPing", "Timed out"); + this._client._disconnected( ERROR.PING_TIMEOUT.code , format(ERROR.PING_TIMEOUT)); + } else { + this.isReset = false; + this._client._trace("Pinger.doPing", "send PINGREQ"); + this._client.socket.send(pingReq); + this.timeout = this._window.setTimeout(doTimeout(this), this._keepAliveInterval); + } + } + + this.reset = function() { + this.isReset = true; + this._window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); + if (this._keepAliveInterval > 0) + this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(this), this._keepAliveInterval); + } + + this.cancel = function() { + this._window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + }; + + /** @ignore Monitor request completion. */ + var Timeout = function(client, window, timeoutSeconds, action, args) { + this._window = window; + if (!timeoutSeconds) + timeoutSeconds = 30; + + var doTimeout = function (action, client, args) { + return function () { + return action.apply(client, args); + }; + }; + this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(action, client, args), timeoutSeconds * 1000); + + this.cancel = function() { + this._window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); + } + }; + + /* + * Internal implementation of the Websockets MQTT V3.1 client. + * + * @name Messaging.ClientImpl @constructor + * @param {String} host the DNS nameof the webSocket host. + * @param {Number} port the port number for that host. + * @param {String} clientId the MQ client identifier. + */ + var ClientImpl = function (host, port, clientId) { + // Check dependencies are satisfied in this browser. + if (!("WebSocket" in global && global["WebSocket"] !== null)) { + throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED, ["WebSocket"])); + } + if (!("localStorage" in global && global["localStorage"] !== null)) { + throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED, ["localStorage"])); + } + if (!("ArrayBuffer" in global && global["ArrayBuffer"] !== null)) { + throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED, ["ArrayBuffer"])); + } + + this._trace("Messaging.Client", host, port, clientId); + + = host; + this.port = port; + this.clientId = clientId; + + // Local storagekeys are qualified with the following string. + this._localKey=host+":"+port+":"+clientId+":"; + + // Create private instance-only message queue + // Internal queue of messages to be sent, in sending order. + this._msg_queue = []; + + // Messages we have sent and are expecting a response for, indexed by their respective message ids. + this._sentMessages = {}; + + // Messages we have received and acknowleged and are expecting a confirm message for + // indexed by their respective message ids. + this._receivedMessages = {}; + + // Internal list of callbacks to be executed when messages + // have been successfully sent over web socket, e.g. disconnect + // when it doesn't have to wait for ACK, just message is dispatched. + this._notify_msg_sent = {}; + + // Unique identifier for SEND messages, incrementing + // counter as messages are sent. + this._message_identifier = 1; + + // Used to determine the transmission sequence of stored sent messages. + this._sequence = 0; + + + // Load the local state, if any, from the saved version, only restore state relevant to this client. + for(key in localStorage) + if ( key.indexOf("Sent:"+this._localKey) == 0 + || key.indexOf("Received:"+this._localKey) == 0) + this.restore(key); + }; + + // Messaging Client public instance members. +; + ClientImpl.prototype.port; + ClientImpl.prototype.clientId; + + // Messaging Client private instance members. + ClientImpl.prototype.socket; + /* true once we have received an acknowledgement to a CONNECT packet. */ + ClientImpl.prototype.connected = false; + /* The largest message identifier allowed, may not be larger than 2**16 but + * if set smaller reduces the maximum number of outbound messages allowed. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype.maxMessageIdentifier = 65536; + ClientImpl.prototype.connectOptions; + ClientImpl.prototype.hostIndex; + ClientImpl.prototype.onConnectionLost; + ClientImpl.prototype.onMessageDelivered; + ClientImpl.prototype.onMessageArrived; + ClientImpl.prototype._msg_queue = null; + ClientImpl.prototype._connectTimeout; + /* Send keep alive messages. */ + ClientImpl.prototype.pinger = null; + + ClientImpl.prototype._traceBuffer = null; + ClientImpl.prototype._MAX_TRACE_ENTRIES = 100; + + ClientImpl.prototype.connect = function (connectOptions) { + var connectOptionsMasked = this._traceMask(connectOptions, "password"); + this._trace("Client.connect", connectOptionsMasked, this.socket, this.connected); + + if (this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["already connected"])); + if (this.socket) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["already connected"])); + + this.connectOptions = connectOptions; + + if (connectOptions.hosts) { + this.hostIndex = 0; + this._doConnect(connectOptions.hosts[0], connectOptions.ports[0]); + } else { + this._doConnect(, this.port); + } + + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.subscribe = function (filter, subscribeOptions) { + this._trace("Client.subscribe", filter, subscribeOptions); + + if (!this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"])); + + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE); + wireMessage.topics=[filter]; + if (subscribeOptions.qos != undefined) + wireMessage.requestedQos = [subscribeOptions.qos]; + else + wireMessage.requestedQos = [0]; + + if (subscribeOptions.onSuccess) { + wireMessage.callback = function() {subscribeOptions.onSuccess({invocationContext:subscribeOptions.invocationContext});}; + } + if (subscribeOptions.timeout) { + wireMessage.timeOut = new Timeout(this, window, subscribeOptions.timeout, subscribeOptions.onFailure + , [{invocationContext:subscribeOptions.invocationContext, + errorCode:ERROR.SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT.code, + errorMessage:format(ERROR.SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)}]); + } + + // All subscriptions return a SUBACK. + this._requires_ack(wireMessage); + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + /** @ignore */ + ClientImpl.prototype.unsubscribe = function(filter, unsubscribeOptions) { + this._trace("Client.unsubscribe", filter, unsubscribeOptions); + + if (!this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"])); + + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE); + wireMessage.topics = [filter]; + + if (unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess) { + wireMessage.callback = function() {unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess({invocationContext:unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext});}; + } + if (unsubscribeOptions.timeout) { + wireMessage.timeOut = new Timeout(this, window, unsubscribeOptions.timeout, unsubscribeOptions.onFailure + , [{invocationContext:unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext, + errorCode:ERROR.UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT.code, + errorMessage:format(ERROR.UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)}]); + } + + // All unsubscribes return a SUBACK. + this._requires_ack(wireMessage); + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.send = function (message) { + this._trace("Client.send", message); + + if (!this.connected) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"])); + + wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH); + wireMessage.payloadMessage = message; + + if (message.qos > 0) + this._requires_ack(wireMessage); + else if (this.onMessageDelivered) + this._notify_msg_sent[wireMessage] = this.onMessageDelivered(wireMessage.payloadMessage); + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.disconnect = function () { + this._trace("Client.disconnect"); + + if (!this.socket) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connecting or connected"])); + + wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT); + + // Run the disconnected call back as soon as the message has been sent, + // in case of a failure later on in the disconnect processing. + // as a consequence, the _disconected call back may be run several times. + this._notify_msg_sent[wireMessage] = scope(this._disconnected, this); + + this._schedule_message(wireMessage); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.getTraceLog = function () { + if ( this._traceBuffer !== null ) { + this._trace("Client.getTraceLog", new Date()); + this._trace("Client.getTraceLog in flight messages", this._sentMessages.length); + for (key in this._sentMessages) + this._trace("_sentMessages ",key, this._sentMessages[key]); + for (key in this._receivedMessages) + this._trace("_receivedMessages ",key, this._receivedMessages[key]); + + return this._traceBuffer; + } + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.startTrace = function () { + if ( this._traceBuffer === null ) { + this._traceBuffer = []; + } + this._trace("Client.startTrace", new Date(), version); + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype.stopTrace = function () { + delete this._traceBuffer; + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype._doConnect = function (host, port) { + // When the socket is open, this client will send the CONNECT WireMessage using the saved parameters. + if (this.connectOptions.useSSL) + wsurl = ["wss://", host, ":", port, "/mqtt"].join(""); + else + wsurl = ["ws://", host, ":", port, "/mqtt"].join(""); + this.connected = false; + this.socket = new WebSocket(wsurl, 'mqttv3.1'); + this.socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; + this.socket.onopen = scope(this._on_socket_open, this); + this.socket.onmessage = scope(this._on_socket_message, this); + this.socket.onerror = scope(this._on_socket_error, this); + this.socket.onclose = scope(this._on_socket_close, this); + + this.pinger = new Pinger(this, window, this.connectOptions.keepAliveInterval); + + this._connectTimeout = new Timeout(this, window, this.connectOptions.timeout, this._disconnected, [ERROR.CONNECT_TIMEOUT.code, format(ERROR.CONNECT_TIMEOUT)]); + }; + + + // Schedule a new message to be sent over the WebSockets + // connection. CONNECT messages cause WebSocket connection + // to be started. All other messages are queued internally + // until this has happened. When WS connection starts, process + // all outstanding messages. + ClientImpl.prototype._schedule_message = function (message) { + this._msg_queue.push(message); + // Process outstanding messages in the queue if we have an open socket, and have received CONNACK. + if (this.connected) { + this._process_queue(); + } + }; + + = function(prefix, wireMessage) { + storedMessage = {type:wireMessage.type, messageIdentifier:wireMessage.messageIdentifier, version:1}; + + switch(wireMessage.type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH: + if(wireMessage.pubRecReceived) + storedMessage.pubRecReceived = true; + + // Convert the payload to a hex string. + storedMessage.payloadMessage = {}; + var hex = ""; + var messageBytes = wireMessage.payloadMessage.payloadBytes; + for (var i=0; i= 2) { + var x = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16); + hex = hex.substring(2, hex.length); + byteStream[i++] = x; + } + var payloadMessage = new Messaging.Message(byteStream); + + payloadMessage.qos = storedMessage.payloadMessage.qos; + payloadMessage.destinationName = storedMessage.payloadMessage.destinationName; + if (storedMessage.payloadMessage.duplicate) + payloadMessage.duplicate = true; + if (storedMessage.payloadMessage.retained) + payloadMessage.retained = true; + wireMessage.payloadMessage = payloadMessage; + + break; + + default: + throw Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STORED_DATA, [key, value])); + } + + if (key.indexOf("Sent:"+this._localKey) == 0) { + this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage; + } else if (key.indexOf("Received:"+this._localKey) == 0) { + this._receivedMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage; + } + }; + + ClientImpl.prototype._process_queue = function () { + var message = null; + // Process messages in order they were added + var fifo = this._msg_queue.reverse(); + + // Send all queued messages down socket connection + while ((message = fifo.pop())) { + this._socket_send(message); + // Notify listeners that message was successfully sent + if (this._notify_msg_sent[message]) { + this._notify_msg_sent[message](); + delete this._notify_msg_sent[message]; + } + } + }; + + /** + * @ignore + * Expect an ACK response for this message. Add message to the set of in progress + * messages and set an unused identifier in this message. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype._requires_ack = function (wireMessage) { + var messageCount = Object.keys(this._sentMessages).length; + if (messageCount > this.maxMessageIdentifier) + throw Error ("Too many messages:"+messageCount); + + while(this._sentMessages[this._message_identifier] !== undefined) { + this._message_identifier++; + } + wireMessage.messageIdentifier = this._message_identifier; + this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage; + if (wireMessage.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH) { +"Sent:", wireMessage); + } + if (this._message_identifier === this.maxMessagIdentifier) { + this._message_identifier = 1; + } + }; + + /** + * @ignore + * Called when the underlying websocket has been opened. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_open = function () { + // Create the CONNECT message object. + var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT, this.connectOptions); + wireMessage.clientId = this.clientId; + this._socket_send(wireMessage); + }; + + /** + * @ignore + * Called when the underlying websocket has received a complete packet. + */ + ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_message = function (event) { + this._trace("Client._on_socket_message",; + + // Reset the ping timer. + this.pinger.reset(); + var byteArray = new Uint8Array(; + try { + var wireMessage = decodeMessage(byteArray); + } catch (error) { + this._disconnected(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR.code , format(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR, [error.message])); + return; + } + this._trace("Client._on_socket_message", wireMessage); + + switch(wireMessage.type) { + case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNACK: + this._connectTimeout.cancel(); + + // If we have started using clean session then clear up the local state. + if (this.connectOptions.cleanSession) { + for (key in this._sentMessages) { + var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[key]; + localStorage.removeItem("Sent:"+this._localKey+sentMessage.messageIdentifier); + } + this._sentMessages = {}; + + for (key in this._receivedMessages) { + var receivedMessage = this._receivedMessages[key]; + localStorage.removeItem("Received:"+this._localKey+receivedMessage.messageIdentifier); + } + this._receivedMessages = {}; + } + // Client connected and ready for business. + if (wireMessage.returnCode === 0) { + this.connected = true; + // Jump to the end of the list of hosts and stop looking for a good host. + if (this.connectOptions.hosts) + this.hostIndex = this.connectOptions.hosts.length; + } else { + this._disconnected(ERROR.CONNACK_RETURNCODE.code , format(ERROR.CONNACK_RETURNCODE, [wireMessage.returnCode, CONNACK_RC[wireMessage.returnCode]])); + break; + } + + // Resend messages. + var sequencedMessages = new Array(); + for (var msgId in this._sentMessages) { + if (this._sentMessages.hasOwnProperty(msgId)) + sequencedMessages.push(this._sentMessages[msgId]); + } + + // Sort sentMessages into the original sent order. + var sequencedMessages = sequencedMessages.sort(function(a,b) {return a.sequence - b.sequence;} ); + for (var i=0, len=sequencedMessages.length; i + * Other programming languages, + * Java, + * C. + *

+ * Most applications will create just one Client object and then call its connect() method, + * however applications can create more than one Client object if they wish. + * In this case the combination of host, port and clientId attributes must be different for each Client object. + *

+ * The send, subscribe and unsubscribe methods are implemented as asynchronous JavaScript methods + * (even though the underlying protocol exchange might be synchronous in nature). + * This means they signal their completion by calling back to the application, + * via Success or Failure callback functions provided by the application on the method in question. + * Such callbacks are called at most once per method invocation and do not persist beyond the lifetime + * of the script that made the invocation. + *

+ * In contrast there are some callback functions most notably onMessageArrived + * that are defined on the Messaging.Client object. + * These may get called multiple times, and aren't directly related to specific method invocations made by the client. + * + * @name Messaging.Client + * + * @constructor + * Creates a Messaging.Client object that can be used to communicate with a Messaging server. + * + * @param {string} host the address of the messaging server, as a DNS name or dotted decimal IP address. + * @param {number} port the port number in the host to connect to. + * @param {string} clientId the Messaging client identifier, between 1 and 23 characters in length. + * + * @property {string} host read only the server's DNS hostname or dotted decimal IP address. + * @property {number} port read only the server's port. + * @property {string} clientId read only used when connecting to the server. + * @property {function} onConnectionLost called when a connection has been lost, + * after a connect() method has succeeded. + * Establish the call back used when a connection has been lost. The connection may be + * lost because the client initiates a disconnect or because the server or network + * cause the client to be disconnected. The disconnect call back may be called without + * the connectionComplete call back being invoked if, for example the client fails to + * connect. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onConnectionLost callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. errorCode + *
  2. errorMessage + *
+ * @property {function} onMessageDelivered called when a message has been delivered. + * All processing that this Client will ever do has been completed. So, for example, + * in the case of a Qos=2 message sent by this client, the PubComp flow has been received from the server + * and the message has been removed from persistent storage before this callback is invoked. + * Parameters passed to the onMessageDelivered callback are: + *
    + *
  1. Messaging.Message that was delivered. + *
+ * @property {function} onMessageArrived called when a message has arrived in this Messaging.client. + * Parameters passed to the onMessageArrived callback are: + *
    + *
  1. Messaging.Message that has arrived. + *
+ */ + var Client = function (host, port, clientId) { + if (typeof host !== "string") + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof host, "host"])); + if (typeof port !== "number" || port < 0) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof port, "port"])); + + var clientIdLength = 0; + for (var i = 0; i 23) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [clientId, "clientId"])); + + var client = new ClientImpl(host, port, clientId); + this._getHost = function() { return; }; + this._setHost = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); }; + + this._getPort = function() { return client.port; }; + this._setPort = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); }; + + this._getClientId = function() { return client.clientId; }; + this._setClientId = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); }; + + this._getOnConnectionLost = function() { return client.onConnectionLost; }; + this._setOnConnectionLost = function(newOnConnectionLost) { + if (typeof newOnConnectionLost === "function") + client.onConnectionLost = newOnConnectionLost; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnConnectionLost, "onConnectionLost"])); + }; + + this._getOnMessageDelivered = function() { return client.onMessageDelivered; }; + this._setOnMessageDelivered = function(newOnMessageDelivered) { + if (typeof newOnMessageDelivered === "function") + client.onMessageDelivered = newOnMessageDelivered; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnMessageDelivered, "onMessageDelivered"])); + }; + + this._getOnMessageArrived = function() { return client.onMessageArrived; }; + this._setOnMessageArrived = function(newOnMessageArrived) { + if (typeof newOnMessageArrived === "function") + client.onMessageArrived = newOnMessageArrived; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnMessageArrived, "onMessageArrived"])); + }; + + /** + * Connect this Messaging client to its server. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#connect + * @function + * @param {Object} [connectOptions] attributes used with the connection. + *

+ * Properties of the connect options are: + * @config {number} [timeout] If the connect has not succeeded within this number of seconds, it is deemed to have failed. + * The default is 30 seconds. + * @config {string} [userName] Authentication username for this connection. + * @config {string} [password] Authentication password for this connection. + * @config {Messaging.Message} [willMessage] sent by the server when the client disconnects abnormally. + * @config {Number} [keepAliveInterval] the server disconnects this client if there is no activity for this + * number of seconds. The default value of 60 seconds is assumed if not set. + * @config {boolean} [cleanSession] if true(default) the client and server persistent state is deleted on successful connect. + * @config {boolean} [useSSL] if present and true, use an SSL Websocket connection. + * @config {object} [invocationContext] passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. + * @config {function} [onSuccess] called when the connect acknowledgement has been received from the server. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. invocationContext as passed in to the onSuccess method in the connectOptions. + *
+ * @config {function} [onFailure] called when the connect request has failed or timed out. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields: + *
    + *
  1. invocationContext as passed in to the onFailure method in the connectOptions. + *
  2. errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error. + *
  3. errorMessage text describing the error. + *
+ * @config {Array} [hosts] If present this set of hostnames is tried in order in place + * of the host and port paramater on the construtor. The hosts and the matching ports are tried one at at time in order until + * one of then succeeds. + * @config {Array} [ports] If present this set of ports matching the hosts. + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in disconnected state. The client must have received connectionLost + * or disconnected before calling connect for a second or subsequent time. + */ + this.connect = function (connectOptions) { + connectOptions = connectOptions || {} ; + validate(connectOptions, {timeout:"number", + userName:"string", + password:"string", + willMessage:"object", + keepAliveInterval:"number", + cleanSession:"boolean", + useSSL:"boolean", + invocationContext:"object", + onSuccess:"function", + onFailure:"function", + hosts:"object", + ports:"object"}); + + // If no keep alive interval is set, assume 60 seconds. + if (connectOptions.keepAliveInterval === undefined) + connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 60; + + if (connectOptions.willMessage) { + if (!(connectOptions.willMessage instanceof Message)) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [connectOptions.willMessage, "connectOptions.willMessage"])); + // The will message must have a payload that can be represented as a string. + // Cause the willMessage to throw an exception if this is not the case. + connectOptions.willMessage.stringPayload; + + if (typeof connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName === "undefined") + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName, "connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName"])); + } + if (typeof connectOptions.cleanSession === "undefined") + connectOptions.cleanSession = true; + if (connectOptions.hosts) { + if (!connectOptions.ports) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"])); + if (!(connectOptions.hosts instanceof Array) ) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts, "connectOptions.hosts"])); + if (!(connectOptions.ports instanceof Array) ) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"])); + if (connectOptions.hosts.length <1 ) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts, "connectOptions.hosts"])); + if (connectOptions.hosts.length != connectOptions.ports.length) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"])); + for (var i = 0; i + * @param {object} [subscribeOptions] used to control the subscription, as follows: + *

+ * @config {number} [qos] the maiximum qos of any publications sent as a result of making this subscription. + * @config {object} [invocationContext] passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. + * @config {function} [onSuccess] called when the subscribe acknowledgement has been received from the server. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the subscribeOptions. + *
+ * @config {function} [onFailure] called when the subscribe request has failed or timed out. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields: + *
    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the subscribeOptions. + *
  2. errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error. + *
  3. errorMessage text describing the error. + *
+ * @config {number} [timeout] which if present determines the number of seconds after which the onFailure calback is called + * the presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being called when the MQTT Suback is eventually received. + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state. + */ + this.subscribe = function (filter, subscribeOptions) { + if (typeof filter !== "string") + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+filter); + subscribeOptions = subscribeOptions || {} ; + validate(subscribeOptions, {qos:"number", + invocationContext:"object", + onSuccess:"function", + onFailure:"function", + timeout:"number" + }); + if (subscribeOptions.timeout && !subscribeOptions.onFailure) + throw new Error("subscribeOptions.timeout specified with no onFailure callback."); + if (typeof subscribeOptions.qos !== "undefined" + && !(subscribeOptions.qos === 0 || subscribeOptions.qos === 1 || subscribeOptions.qos === 2 )) + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [subscribeOptions.qos, "subscribeOptions.qos"])); + client.subscribe(filter, subscribeOptions); + }; + + /** + * Unsubscribe for messages, stop receiving messages sent to destinations described by the filter. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#unsubscribe + * @function + * @param {string} filter describing the destinations to receive messages from. + * @param {object} [unsubscribeOptions] used to control the subscription, as follows: + *

+ * @config {object} [invocationContext] passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. + * @config {function} [onSuccess] called when the unsubscribe acknowledgement has been receive dfrom the server. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields: + *

    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the unsubscribeOptions. + *
+ * @config {function} [onFailure] called when the unsubscribe request has failed or timed out. + * A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields: + *
    + *
  1. invocationContext if set in the unsubscribeOptions. + *
  2. errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error. + *
  3. errorMessage text describing the error. + *
+ * @config {number} [timeout] which if present determines the number of seconds after which the onFailure callback is called, the + * presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being called when the MQTT UnSuback is eventually received. + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state. + */ + this.unsubscribe = function (filter, unsubscribeOptions) { + if (typeof filter !== "string") + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+filter); + unsubscribeOptions = unsubscribeOptions || {} ; + validate(unsubscribeOptions, {invocationContext:"object", + onSuccess:"function", + onFailure:"function", + timeout:"number" + }); + if (unsubscribeOptions.timeout && !unsubscribeOptions.onFailure) + throw new Error("unsubscribeOptions.timeout specified with no onFailure callback."); + client.unsubscribe(filter, unsubscribeOptions); + }; + + /** + * Send a message to the consumers of the destination in the Message. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#send + * @function + * @param {Messaging.Message} message to send. + + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state. + */ + this.send = function (message) { + if (!(message instanceof Message)) + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+typeof message); + if (typeof message.destinationName === "undefined") + throw new Error("Invalid parameter Message.destinationName:"+message.destinationName); + + client.send(message); + }; + + /** + * Normal disconnect of this Messaging client from its server. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#disconnect + * @function + * @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected or connecting state. + */ + this.disconnect = function () { + client.disconnect(); + }; + + /** + * Get the contents of the trace log. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#getTraceLog + * @function + * @return {Object[]} tracebuffer containing the time ordered trace records. + */ + this.getTraceLog = function () { + return client.getTraceLog(); + } + + /** + * Start tracing. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#startTrace + * @function + */ + this.startTrace = function () { + client.startTrace(); + }; + + /** + * Stop tracing. + * + * @name Messaging.Client#stopTrace + * @function + */ + this.stopTrace = function () { + client.stopTrace(); + }; + }; + + Client.prototype = { + get host() { return this._getHost(); }, + set host(newHost) { this._setHost(newHost); }, + + get port() { return this._getPort(); }, + set port(newPort) { this._setPort(newPort); }, + + get clientId() { return this._getClientId(); }, + set clientId(newClientId) { this._setClientId(newClientId); }, + + get onConnectionLost() { return this._getOnConnectionLost(); }, + set onConnectionLost(newOnConnectionLost) { this._setOnConnectionLost(newOnConnectionLost); }, + + get onMessageDelivered() { return this._getOnMessageDelivered(); }, + set onMessageDelivered(newOnMessageDelivered) { this._setOnMessageDelivered(newOnMessageDelivered); }, + + get onMessageArrived() { return this._getOnMessageArrived(); }, + set onMessageArrived(newOnMessageArrived) { this._setOnMessageArrived(newOnMessageArrived); } + }; + + /** + * An application message, sent or received. + *

+ * Other programming languages, + * Java, + * C. + *

+ * All attributes may be null, which implies the default values. + * + * @name Messaging.Message + * @constructor + * @param {String|ArrayBuffer} payload The message data to be sent. + *

+ * @property {string} payloadString read only The payload as a string if the payload consists of valid UTF-8 characters. + * @property {ArrayBuffer} payloadBytes read only The payload as an ArrayBuffer. + *

+ * @property {string} destinationName mandatory The name of the destination to which the message is to be sent + * (for messages about to be sent) or the name of the destination from which the message has been received. + * (for messages received by the onMessage function). + *

+ * @property {number} qos The Quality of Service used to deliver the message. + *

+ *
0 Best effort (default). + *
1 At least once. + *
2 Exactly once. + *
+ *

+ * @property {Boolean} retained If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered + * to both current and future subscriptions. + * If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers, this is the default for new Messages. + * A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the message was published + * with the retained boolean set to true + * and the subscrption was made after the message has been published. + *

+ * @property {Boolean} duplicate read only If true, this message might be a duplicate of one which has already been received. + * This is only set on messages received from the server. + * + */ + var Message = function (newPayload) { + var payload; + if ( typeof newPayload === "string" + || newPayload instanceof ArrayBuffer + || newPayload instanceof Int8Array + || newPayload instanceof Uint8Array + || newPayload instanceof Int16Array + || newPayload instanceof Uint16Array + || newPayload instanceof Int32Array + || newPayload instanceof Uint32Array + || newPayload instanceof Float32Array + || newPayload instanceof Float64Array + ) { + payload = newPayload; + } else { + throw (format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newPayload, "newPayload"])); + } + + this._getPayloadString = function () { + if (typeof payload === "string") + return payload; + else + return parseUTF8(payload, 0, payload.length); + }; + + this._getPayloadBytes = function() { + if (typeof payload === "string") { + var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(UTF8Length(payload)); + var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer); + stringToUTF8(payload, byteStream, 0); + + return byteStream; + } else { + return payload; + }; + }; + + var destinationName = undefined; + this._getDestinationName = function() { return destinationName; }; + this._setDestinationName = function(newDestinationName) { + if (typeof newDestinationName === "string") + destinationName = newDestinationName; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newDestinationName, "newDestinationName"])); + }; + + var qos = 0; + this._getQos = function() { return qos; }; + this._setQos = function(newQos) { + if (newQos === 0 || newQos === 1 || newQos === 2 ) + qos = newQos; + else + throw new Error("Invalid argument:"+newQos); + }; + + var retained = false; + this._getRetained = function() { return retained; }; + this._setRetained = function(newRetained) { + if (typeof newRetained === "boolean") + retained = newRetained; + else + throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newRetained, "newRetained"])); + }; + + var duplicate = false; + this._getDuplicate = function() { return duplicate; }; + this._setDuplicate = function(newDuplicate) { duplicate = newDuplicate; }; + }; + + Message.prototype = { + get payloadString() { return this._getPayloadString(); }, + get payloadBytes() { return this._getPayloadBytes(); }, + + get destinationName() { return this._getDestinationName(); }, + set destinationName(newDestinationName) { this._setDestinationName(newDestinationName); }, + + get qos() { return this._getQos(); }, + set qos(newQos) { this._setQos(newQos); }, + + get retained() { return this._getRetained(); }, + set retained(newRetained) { this._setRetained(newRetained); }, + + get duplicate() { return this._getDuplicate(); }, + set duplicate(newDuplicate) { this._setDuplicate(newDuplicate); } + }; + + // Module contents. + return { + Client: Client, + Message: Message + }; +}; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aefa69 --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +{ + "name": "sodashserver", + "version": "0.0.1", + "description": "Smart Office Dashboard Server", + "main": "index.js", + "directories": { + "test": "test" + }, + "dependencies": { + "body-parser": "^1.15.1", + "cookie-parser": "*", + "ejs": "*", + "errorhandler": "*", + "express": "^4.13.4", + "express-session": "*", + "htmlparser": "^1.7.7", + "method-override": "*", + "minibus": "^3.1.0", + "morgan": "*", + "mqtt": "^1.10.0", + "mqtt_over_websockets": "0.0.1", + "node-localstorage": "^1.1.2", + "request": "^2.72.0", + "websocket": "^1.0.22" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "after": "^0.8.1", + "apn": "^1.7.5", + "apns": "^0.1.0", + "basic-authentication": "^1.6.2", + "chai": "^3.5.0", + "cheerio": "^0.20.0", + "clone": "^1.0.2", + "del": "^2.2.0", + "elapsed": "0.0.7", + "gulp": "^3.9.1", + "gulp-autoprefixer": "^3.1.0", + "gulp-cache": "^0.4.5", + "gulp-concat": "^2.6.0", + "gulp-cssmin": "^0.1.7", + "gulp-cssnano": "^2.1.2", + "gulp-debug": "^2.1.2", + "gulp-google-webfonts": "0.0.12", + "gulp-html-replace": "^1.5.5", + "gulp-htmlmin": "^2.0.0", + "gulp-inject": "^4.0.0", + "gulp-jshint": "^2.0.1", + "gulp-jsmin": "^0.1.5", + "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.1", + "gulp-notify": "^2.2.0", + "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2", + "gulp-size": "^2.1.0", + "gulp-strip-debug": "^1.1.0", + "gulp-uglify": "^1.5.3", + "jshint": "^2.9.2", + "jsonfile": "^2.3.1", + "log4js": "^0.6.36", + "mocha": "^2.4.5", + "mqtt-ws": "^0.2.0", + "node-cron": "^1.1.1", + "require-dir": "^0.3.0", + "should": "^8.3.1", + "string": "^3.3.1", + "sugar": "^1.4.1", + "sugar-date": "^1.5.1", + "superagent": "^1.7.2", + "supertest": "^1.1.0" + }, + "scripts": { + "test": "mocha --recursive --reporter spec --bail --check-leaks --timeout 3000", + "start": "node app" + }, + "author": "Martin Donnelly", + "license": "ISC", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+" + } +} diff --git a/process.json b/process.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0626314 --- /dev/null +++ b/process.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "apps": [ + { + "name": "SODashServer", + "script": "app.js", + "cwd": "/home/azureuser/live", + "watch": true, + "instances": 1, + "exec_mode": "cluster", + "combine_logs": true, + "max_memory_restart": "150M", + "restart_delay": 5000, + "ignore_watch": [ + "[\\/\\\\]\\./", + "node_modules", + "server/static" + ] + } + ] +}