updte before bed

This commit is contained in:
Martin Donnelly 2020-08-12 00:29:04 +01:00
parent 59e89318de
commit 19fe4ce4a8
8 changed files with 422 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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View File

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View File

@ -1,99 +1,190 @@
class Buyer { class Buyer {
constructor(market) { constructor(market) {
this.market = market; this.market = market;
} }
/** /**
* Build an order preference table for particular product * Build an order preference table for particular product
* @param product * @param product
*/ */
buildOrderPreference(product) { buildOrderPrefBestPrice(product) {
let sellers = []; let sellers = [];
// build up the initial list // build up the initial list
this.market.sellers.forEach((seller, i) => { this.market.sellers.forEach((seller, i) => {
if (seller.inventory.hasOwnProperty(product)) { if (seller.inventory.hasOwnProperty(product)) {
const price = seller.quote(product); const price = seller.quote(product);
sellers.push({id: seller.id, price: price, index: i, quantity:seller.inventory[product].quantity}) sellers.push({id: seller.id, price: price, index: i, quantity: seller.inventory[product].quantity})
} }
}); });
// sort by best price // sort by best price
sellers.sort((a, b) => { sellers.sort((a, b) => {
return a.price - b.price; return a.price - b.price;
}) })
return sellers; return sellers;
} }
* This method should get the best price for a given product
* across all sellers
getBestPrice(product) {
let lowestPrice = null;
this.market.sellers.forEach(seller => {
if (seller.inventory.hasOwnProperty(product)) {
const price = seller.quote(product);
if (lowestPrice === null || lowestPrice > price) lowestPrice = price;
return lowestPrice || 0;
/** buildOrderPrefFastFill(product) {
* This method should optimise price when filling an order let sellers = [];
* if the quantity is greater than any single seller can accomodate
* then the next cheapest seller should be used.
fillWithBestPrices(product, quantity) {
let wantedQuantity = quantity; // build up the initial list
let sellerPreference = this.buildOrderPreference(product); this.market.sellers.forEach((seller, i) => {
if (seller.inventory.hasOwnProperty(product)) {
const price = seller.quote(product);
sellers.push({id: seller.id, price: price, index: i, quantity: seller.inventory[product].quantity, deliveryWait:seller.deliveryWait})
console.log(sellerPreference); });
let reciept = []; // sort by best price
sellers.sort((a, b) => {
return a.deliveryWait - b.deliveryWait;
while (sellerPreference.length > 0 && wantedQuantity > 0) { return sellers;
let seller = sellerPreference.shift(); buildOrderPrefMostFill(product) {
let sellers = [];
let r = this.market.sellers[seller.index].sell(product, wantedQuantity); // build up the initial list
wantedQuantity = (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity) < 0 ? 0 : (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity); this.market.sellers.forEach((seller, i) => {
if (seller.inventory.hasOwnProperty(product)) {
const price = seller.quote(product);
sellers.push({id: seller.id, price: price, index: i, quantity: seller.inventory[product].quantity, deliveryWait:seller.deliveryWait})
reciept.push(r); });
// sort by best price
sellers.sort((a, b) => {
return b.quantity - a.quantity;
return sellers;
* This method should get the best price for a given product
* across all sellers
getBestPrice(product) {
let lowestPrice = null;
this.market.sellers.forEach(seller => {
if (seller.inventory.hasOwnProperty(product)) {
const price = seller.quote(product);
if (lowestPrice === null || lowestPrice > price) lowestPrice = price;
return lowestPrice || 0;
* This method should optimise price when filling an order
* if the quantity is greater than any single seller can accomodate
* then the next cheapest seller should be used.
fillWithBestPrices(product, quantity) {
let total = 0;
let wantedQuantity = quantity;
let sellerPreference = this.buildOrderPrefBestPrice(product);
let receipt = [];
while (sellerPreference.length > 0 && wantedQuantity > 0) {
let seller = sellerPreference.shift();
let r = this.market.sellers[seller.index].sell(product, wantedQuantity);
wantedQuantity = (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity) < 0 ? 0 : (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity);
if (receipt.length > 1) {
total = receipt.reduce((a, cv) => {
return (typeof a === 'number' ? a : a.cost) + cv.cost;
} else if (receipt.length === 1) total = receipt[0].cost;
return total;
* This method should optimise for sellers with the largest inventory when filling an order
* if the quantity is greater than any single seller can accomodate
* then the next largest seller should be used.
* if multiple sellers have the same amount of inventory
* you should use the cheaper of the two.
fillWithLargestSellers(product, quantity) {
let total = 0;
let wantedQuantity = quantity;
let sellerPreference = this.buildOrderPrefMostFill(product);
let receipt = [];
while (sellerPreference.length > 0 && wantedQuantity > 0) {
let seller = sellerPreference.shift();
let r = this.market.sellers[seller.index].sell(product, wantedQuantity);
wantedQuantity = (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity) < 0 ? 0 : (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity);
if (receipt.length > 1) {
total = receipt.reduce((a, cv) => {
return (typeof a === 'number' ? a : a.cost) + cv.cost;
} else if (receipt.length === 1) total = receipt[0].cost;
return total;
} }
console.log(reciept); /**
* This fulfils orders based on time to deliver
* @param product
* @param quantity
* @returns {number}
quicklyFill(product, quantity) {
let total = 0;
let wantedQuantity = quantity;
let sellerPreference = this.buildOrderPrefFastFill(product);
console.log(reciept.reduce((a, cv) => { let receipt = [];
return a.cost + cv.cost;
while (sellerPreference.length > 0 && wantedQuantity > 0) {
); let seller = sellerPreference.shift();
throw Error("Not Implemented"); let r = this.market.sellers[seller.index].sell(product, wantedQuantity);
wantedQuantity = (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity) < 0 ? 0 : (wantedQuantity - r.boughtQuantity);
} receipt.push(r);
if (receipt.length > 1) {
total = receipt.reduce((a, cv) => {
return (typeof a === 'number' ? a : a.cost) + cv.cost;
} else if (receipt.length === 1) total = receipt[0].cost;
/** return total;
* This method should optimise for sellers with the largest inventory when filling an order
* if the quantity is greater than any single seller can accomodate }
* then the next largest seller should be used.
* if multiple sellers have the same amount of inventory
* you should use the cheaper of the two.
fillWithLargestSellers(product, quantity) {
throw Error("Not Implemented");
} }
module.exports = {Buyer} module.exports = {Buyer}

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class Seller {
const ec = getExpectedChange(this.random_generator); const ec = getExpectedChange(this.random_generator);
const alpha = inventory.startingQuantity const alpha = inventory.startingQuantity
const beta = inventory.quantity const beta = inventory.quantity
// console.log(`${this.id} alpha: ${alpha} // beta: ${beta} // ec: ${ec}`);
const inv_based_change = Math.log10(beta / alpha) * (-v); const inv_based_change = Math.log10(beta / alpha) * (-v);
const sentimentChange = inv_based_change + ((ec - 0.5)*v) const sentimentChange = inv_based_change + ((ec - 0.5)*v)
return sentimentChange; return sentimentChange;
@ -53,7 +54,6 @@ class Seller {
tick() { tick() {
console.log('tick', this);
for (let [product, value] of Object.entries(this.inventory)) { for (let [product, value] of Object.entries(this.inventory)) {
let inventory = value; let inventory = value;
const isReadyForDelivery = (inventory.priceHistory.length % this.deliveryWait) == 0; const isReadyForDelivery = (inventory.priceHistory.length % this.deliveryWait) == 0;

View File

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ function main(){
let product = "Apples"; let product = "Apples";
let quantity = 10; let quantity = 10;
buyerFunctions(product, quantity, buyer); buyerFunctions(product, quantity, buyer);
// observeMarket(market); observeMarket(market);
}; };
function buyerFunctions(product, quantity, buyer){ function buyerFunctions(product, quantity, buyer){
console.log(`The best price for ${product} is ${buyer.getBestPrice(product)}`) ; console.log(`The best price for ${product} is ${buyer.getBestPrice(product)}`) ;
console.log(`To completely fill a order of ${quantity} ${product} costs ${buyer.completelyFill(product,quantity)}`) ; console.log(`To completely fill a order of ${quantity} ${product} costs ${buyer.fillWithBestPrices(product,quantity)}`) ;
console.log(`To buy as quickly as possible ${quantity} ${product} costs ${buyer.quicklyFill(product,quantity)}`) ; console.log(`To buy as quickly as possible ${quantity} ${product} costs ${buyer.quicklyFill(product,quantity)}`) ;
} }

View File

@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ describe("Buyer", function () {
it("fill 50 apples", () => { it("fill 50 apples", () => {
let buyer = new Buyer(market); let buyer = new Buyer(market);
expect(buyer.fillWithBestPrices('Apples', 50)).toEqual(0); expect(buyer.fillWithBestPrices('Apples', 50)).toEqual(233.60268569487857);
}); });
it("fill 100 apples", () => { it("unable to fill 10 Kumquat", () => {
let buyer = new Buyer(market); let buyer = new Buyer(market);
expect(buyer.fillWithBestPrices('Apples', 100)).toEqual(0); expect(buyer.fillWithBestPrices('Kumquat', 10)).toEqual(0);
}); });
it("fill 1000 apples", () => { it("Large fill 50 apples", () => {
let buyer = new Buyer(market); let buyer = new Buyer(market);
expect(buyer.fillWithBestPrices('Apples', 100)).toEqual(0); expect(buyer. fillWithLargestSellers('Apples', 50)).toEqual(312.5);
}); });