2016-08-19 16:38:02 +01:00

503 lines
14 KiB

'use strict';
/* global Backbone, _, $, AmCharts */
/* global mainview */
/* jshint browser: true , devel: true*/
(function($) {
var GraphView;
var mqttConfig = {
orgId: 'qz0da4',
userName: 'a-qz0da4-dfwwdkmkzr',
appKey: '9txJEf3Cjy7hkSOvkv',
prefix: 'iot-2/type/mDot/id/'
var sendAuthentication = function(xhr) {
var user = 'a-qz0da4-dfwwdkmkzr'; // Your actual username
var pass = '9txJEf3Cjy7hkSOvkv'; // Your actual password
var token = user.concat(':', pass);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', ('Basic '.concat(btoa(token))));
console.log('Auth:', ('Basic '.concat(btoa(token))));
var EventsModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'processAdded');
this.on('all', function(d) {
console.log('model:all', d);
this.temporal = {low: 0, high: 0};
this.on('remove', function() {
this.on('add', function() {
splitOccupancy: function(item) {
var start = new Date(item.start);
var msStart = ~~(start.getTime() / 300000);
var end = new Date(item.end);
var msEnd = ~~(end.getTime() / 300000);
var newArray = [];
for (var t = 0; t < (msEnd - msStart);t++) {
newArray.push({date: new Date((msStart * (300000)) + (t * 300000)), count: item.count});
return newArray;
findOccupancy: function(ts, occupancy)
let tsMS = new Date(ts).getTime();
// console.log(new Date(ts).getTime());
// console.log(ts);
_(occupancy).each(function(item) {
// console.log(new Date(item.start).getTime(), new Date(item.start).getTime());
// console.log(item.start, item.end);
if ((ts >= new Date(item.start).getTime()) && (ts <= new Date(item.end).getTime()))
// console.log('Occupancy', item.count);
return item.count;
}, this);
return 0;
processAdded: function() {
var self = this;
var tempCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
var occuCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
var occupancy = [];
var events;
_.invoke(DeviceCollection.toArray(), 'destroy');
// _.invoke(OccupancyCollection.toArray(), 'destroy');
this.temporal = {low: 0, high: 0};
events = this.get('events');
//_(this.get('events')).each(function(i) {
_( {
let _occupancy;
if (this.temporal.low === 0 || this.temporal.low > i.timestamp) {
this.temporal.low = i.timestamp;
if (this.temporal.high === 0 || this.temporal.high < i.timestamp) {
this.temporal.high = i.timestamp;
// _occupancy = this.findOccupancy(i.timestamp, events.occupancy);
dt: i.timestamp,
lux: i.lux,
temp: i.temp,
co2: i.co2,
humid: i.humidity,
noise: i.sound/*,
occupancy: _occupancy*/
}, this);
/* _(events.occupancy).each(function(item) {
occupancy = occupancy.concat(this.splitOccupancy(item));
}, this);*/
console.log('occupancy:', occupancy);
DeviceCollection.temporal = this.temporal;
//DeviceCollection.occupancy = occupancy;
DeviceCollection.models = tempCollection.models;
console.log('temporal:', this.temporal);
}, decoder: function(data) {
var _obj = {};
var _data = window.atob(data).split('');
var bytes = => i.charCodeAt());
_obj.light = parseInt('0x' + ('0' + bytes[0]).substr(-2) + ('0' + bytes[1]).substr(
_obj.co2 = parseInt(_data[2] + _data[3] + _data[4] + _data[5] + _data[6],
_obj.temp = (parseInt(_data[7] + _data[8] + _data[9] + _data[10] + _data[11],
10) - 1000) / 10;
_obj.humid = (parseInt(_data[12] + _data[13] + _data[14] + _data[15] + _data[16],
10) / 10);
_obj.noise = parseInt('0x' + ('0' + bytes[17]).substr(-2) + ('0' + bytes[18]).substr(
_obj.binData = bytes;
return _obj;
}, dateTime: function($date) {
var dateTime = new Date.create($date);
var date = dateTime.format('{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}');
var time = dateTime.format('{HH}:{mm}:{ss}');
return {
dateTime: dateTime.format('{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd} {HH}:{mm}:{ss}'),
date: date,
time: time
var mDotCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: EventsModel,
url: '',
initialize: function() {
this.on('update', function() {
// Console.log('Collection:update',this);
var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div', className: 'item mui-container', initialize: function() {
this.template = _.template($('#item-template').html());
// This.render();
}, render: function() {
_( {
this.$el.append(this.template({item: i}));
}, this);
return this;
var MDOT = Backbone.View.extend({
model: EventsModel, el: $('#output'),
events: {
'click button#refresh': 'refresh'
}, initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'refresh', 'update');
this.collection.bind('change reset add remove', this.render, this);
//This.template = _.template($('#list-template').html());
this.template = _.template($('#loaded-template').html());
}, refresh: function() {
}, update: function() {
this.collection.each(function(model) {
}, render: function() {
var that = this;
return this;
var MainModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#main'), template: _.template($('#main-template').html()), events: {
'change select#device': 'changeDevice',
'click button#refresh': 'updateDevice',
submit: function(event) {}
}, initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'changeDevice', 'updateDevice');
this.model.on('change', this.updateDevice);
console.log('MainView:', this);
}, render: function() {
return this;
}, changeDevice: function() {
var newDevice;
newDevice = this.$el.find('#device')[0].value;
this.model.set('device', newDevice);
}, updateDevice: function() {
var fetchObj = {beforeSend: sendAuthentication};
if (this.model.has('device')) {
// = $.param({key:'"'+ this.model.get('device') + '"'});
// this.collection.url = '' + this.model.get('device');
// this.collection.url = '/api/mdot/' + this.model.get('device');
this.collection.url = '/apiv2/mdot/' + this.model.get('device');
// this.collection.url = '';
} else {
console.error('Nothing to get!');
GraphView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#graph'), initialize: function() {
this.modes = ['', 'lux', 'temp', 'co2', 'humid', 'noise'];
this.titles = [
'', 'Light Levels', 'Temperature', 'Co2 Levels', 'Humidity', 'Sound'
this.mode = 0;
// Config AMChart
this.chart = {};
this.categoryAxesSettings = new AmCharts.CategoryAxesSettings();
this.dataSet = new AmCharts.DataSet();
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'updateGraph', 'setupChart');
this.collection.on('update', function(d) {
console.log('GraphView Collection update trigger!!');
}, this);
// This.setupChart();
}, events: {
'change select#displaymode': 'changeMode'
}, setupChart: function() {
this.categoryAxesSettings.minPeriod = 'mm';
this.chart.categoryAxesSettings = this.categoryAxesSettings;
this.dataSet.color = '#b0de09';
this.chart.dataSets = [this.dataSet];
// This.chart.write('chartdiv');
doChartV2: function(chartData) {
var self = this;
self.chart = AmCharts.makeChart('chartdiv', {
type: 'serial',
theme: 'light',
dataSets: [
legend: {
useGraphSettings: true
color: '#ffffff',
dataProvider: chartData,
dataDateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:NN:SS.QQQ',
synchronizeGrid: true,
valueAxes: [
id: 'lux',
axisColor: '#FFC802',
axisThickness: 2,
axisAlpha: 1,
position: 'left'
id: 'co2',
axisColor: 'rgba(0,191,255,1)',
axisThickness: 2,
axisAlpha: 1,
position: 'right'
id: 'temp',
axisColor: 'rgba(46,255,0,1)',
axisThickness: 2,
gridAlpha: 0,
offset: 50,
axisAlpha: 1,
position: 'left'
id: 'humid',
axisColor: 'rgba(255,0,99,1)',
axisThickness: 2,
axisAlpha: 1,
offset: 50,
position: 'right'
id: 'noise',
axisColor: 'rgb(99, 157, 189)',
axisThickness: 2,
gridAlpha: 0,
offset: 100,
axisAlpha: 1,
position: 'left'
graphs: [
valueAxis: 'lux',
lineColor: '#FFC802',
title: 'Light Level',
valueField: 'lux',
fillAlphas: 0
valueAxis: 'co2',
lineColor: 'rgba(0,191,255,1)',
title: 'Co2',
valueField: 'co2',
fillAlphas: 0
valueAxis: 'temp',
lineColor: 'rgba(46,255,0,1)',
title: 'Temperature',
valueField: 'temp',
fillAlphas: 0
valueAxis: 'humid',
lineColor: 'rgba(255,0,99,1)',
title: 'Humidity',
valueField: 'humid',
fillAlphas: 0
valueAxis: 'noise',
lineColor: 'rgb(99, 157, 189)',
title: 'Sound',
valueField: 'noise',
fillAlphas: 0
chartScrollbar: {},
chartCursor: {
cursorPosition: 'mouse'
categoryField: 'date',
categoryAxis: {
minPeriod: 'mm',
parseDates: true,
axisColor: '#ff0000',
minorGridEnabled: true
export: {
enabled: true, position: 'bottom-right'
}, updateGraphV2: function() {
var self = this;
var chartData = [];
_(this.collection.models).each(function(i) {
date: i.get('dt'),
co2: i.get('co2'),
humid: i.get('humid'),
lux: i.get('lux'),
noise: i.get('noise'),
temp: i.get('temp')
// Console.log(chartData);
}, updateGraph: function() {
var self = this;
let getMode = this.modes[this.mode];
var chartData = [];
var temporal = {high: 0, low: 0};
var HL = {high: 0, low: 0};
var mode = parseInt(this.mode);
console.log('mode:', mode, this.mode);
_(this.collection.models).each(function(i) {
var dt = i.get('dt');
var obj;
var value, valueB;
if (mode < 6) {
value = i.get(getMode);
} else {
if (mode === 6) {
value = i.get(this.modes[1]);
valueB = i.get(this.modes[3]);
} else {
value = i.get(this.modes[2]);
valueB = i.get(this.modes[4]);
if (temporal.low === 0 || dt < temporal.low) {
temporal.low = dt;
if (temporal.high === 0 || dt > temporal.high) {
temporal.high = dt;
if (HL.low === 0 || value < HL.low) {
HL.low = value;
if (HL.high === 0 || value > HL.high) {
HL.high = value;
obj = {date: dt, value: value};
if (mode => 6) {
obj.valueB = valueB;
}, this);
self.doChartV2(mode, chartData);
var DeviceCollection = new Backbone.Collection;
var OccupancyCollection = new Backbone.Collection;
var mdotCollection = new mDotCollection();
var mainSettings = new MainModel();
var mainview = new MainView({
collection: mdotCollection, model: mainSettings
var mdot = new MDOT({collection: mdotCollection});
var grapher = new GraphView({collection: DeviceCollection});