2024-08-31 21:56:37 +00:00
import argparse
import yaml
from openai import OpenAI
import os
from typing import Dict , Any
import re
from jsonschema import validate , ValidationError
2024-09-02 08:44:54 +00:00
from pdfminer . high_level import extract_text
2024-08-31 21:56:37 +00:00
def load_yaml ( file_path : str ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
with open ( file_path , ' r ' ) as file :
return yaml . safe_load ( file )
def load_resume_text ( file_path : str ) - > str :
with open ( file_path , ' r ' ) as file :
return file . read ( )
def get_api_key ( ) - > str :
secrets_path = os . path . join ( ' data_folder ' , ' secrets.yaml ' )
if not os . path . exists ( secrets_path ) :
raise FileNotFoundError ( f " Secrets file not found at { secrets_path } " )
secrets = load_yaml ( secrets_path )
api_key = secrets . get ( ' openai_api_key ' )
if not api_key :
raise ValueError ( " OpenAI API key not found in secrets.yaml " )
return api_key
def generate_yaml_from_resume ( resume_text : str , schema : Dict [ str , Any ] , api_key : str ) - > str :
client = OpenAI ( api_key = api_key )
prompt = f """
I ' m sending you the content of a text-based resume. Your task is to interpret this content and generate a YAML file that conforms to the following schema structure.
The generated YAML should include all required fields and follow the structure defined in the schema .
Pay special attention to the property attributes in the schema . These indicate the expected type and format for each field :
- ' type ' : Specifies the data type ( e . g . , string , object , array )
- ' format ' : Indicates a specific format for certain fields :
- ' date ' format should be a valid date ( e . g . , YYYY - MM - DD )
- ' phone_prefix ' format should be a valid country code with a ' + ' prefix ( e . g . , + 1 for US )
- ' phone ' format should be a valid phone number
- ' email ' format should be a valid email address
- ' uri ' format should be a valid URL
- ' enum ' : Provides a list of allowed values for a field
Important instructions :
1. Ensure that the YAML structure matches exactly with the provided schema . Use a dictionary structure that mirrors the schema .
2. For all sections , if information is not explicitly provided in the resume , make a best guess based on the context of the resume . This is CRUCIAL for the following fields :
- languages : Infer from the resume content or make an educated guess . Use the ' enum ' values for proficiency .
- interests : Deduce from the overall resume or related experiences .
- availability ( notice_period ) : Provide a reasonable estimate ( e . g . , " 2 weeks " or " 1 month " ) .
- salary_expectations ( salary_range_usd ) : Estimate based on experience level and industry standards .
- self_identification : Make reasonable assumptions based on the resume context . Use ' enum ' values where provided .
- legal_authorization : Provide plausible values based on the resume information . Use ' Yes ' or ' No ' as per the ' enum ' values .
- work_preferences : Infer from job history , skills , and overall resume tone . Use ' Yes ' or ' No ' as per the ' enum ' values .
3. For the fields mentioned in point 2 , always provide a value . Do not leave them blank or omit them .
4. For the ' key_responsibilities ' field in ' experience_details ' , format the responsibilities as follows :
responsibility_1 : " Description of first responsibility "
responsibility_2 : " Description of second responsibility "
responsibility_3 : " Description of third responsibility "
responsibility_4 : " Description of fourth responsibility "
Continue this pattern for all responsibilities listed .
5. In the ' experience_details ' section , ensure that ' position ' comes before ' company ' in each entry .
6. For the ' skills_acquired ' field in ' experience_details ' , infer relevant skills based on the job responsibilities and industry . Do not leave this field empty .
7. Make reasonable inferences for any missing dates , such as date_of_birth or employment dates , ensuring they follow the ' date ' format .
8. For array types ( e . g . , education_details , experience_details ) , ensure to include all required fields for each item as specified in the schema .
Resume Text Content :
{ resume_text }
YAML Schema :
{ yaml . dump ( schema , default_flow_style = False ) }
Generate the YAML content that matches this schema based on the resume content provided , ensuring all format hints are followed and making educated guesses where necessary . Be sure to include best guesses for ALL fields , even if not explicitly mentioned in the resume .
Enclose your response in < resume_yaml > tags . Only include the YAML content within these tags , without any additional text or code block markers .
response = client . chat . completions . create (
2024-08-31 22:58:55 +00:00
model = " gpt-4o-mini " ,
2024-08-31 21:56:37 +00:00
messages = [
{ " role " : " system " , " content " : " You are a helpful assistant that generates structured YAML content from resume files, paying close attention to format requirements and schema structure. " } ,
{ " role " : " user " , " content " : prompt }
] ,
temperature = 0.5 ,
yaml_content = response . choices [ 0 ] . message . content . strip ( )
# Extract YAML content from between the tags
match = re . search ( r ' <resume_yaml>(.*?)</resume_yaml> ' , yaml_content , re . DOTALL )
if match :
return match . group ( 1 ) . strip ( )
else :
2024-09-02 08:06:11 +00:00
raise ValueError ( " YAML content not found in the expected format " )
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def save_yaml ( data : str , output_file : str ) :
with open ( output_file , ' w ' ) as file :
file . write ( data )
def validate_yaml ( yaml_content : str , schema : Dict [ str , Any ] ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
try :
yaml_dict = yaml . safe_load ( yaml_content )
validate ( instance = yaml_dict , schema = schema )
return { " valid " : True , " errors " : None }
except ValidationError as e :
return { " valid " : False , " errors " : str ( e ) }
def generate_report ( validation_result : Dict [ str , Any ] , output_file : str ) :
report = f " Validation Report for { output_file } \n "
report + = " = " * 40 + " \n "
if validation_result [ " valid " ] :
report + = " YAML is valid and conforms to the schema. \n "
else :
report + = " YAML is not valid. Errors: \n "
report + = validation_result [ " errors " ] + " \n "
print ( report )
2024-09-02 08:06:11 +00:00
def pdf_to_text ( pdf_path : str ) - > str :
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return extract_text ( pdf_path )
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2024-08-31 21:56:37 +00:00
def main ( ) :
2024-09-02 08:06:11 +00:00
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = " Generate a resume YAML file from a PDF or text resume using OpenAI API " )
parser . add_argument ( " --input " , required = True , help = " Path to the input resume file (PDF or TXT) " )
2024-08-31 22:41:33 +00:00
parser . add_argument ( " --output " , default = " data_folder/plain_text_resume.yaml " , help = " Path to the output YAML file " )
2024-08-31 21:56:37 +00:00
args = parser . parse_args ( )
try :
api_key = get_api_key ( )
2024-08-31 22:41:33 +00:00
schema = load_yaml ( " assets/resume_schema.yaml " )
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# Check if input is PDF or TXT
if args . input . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .pdf ' ) :
resume_text = pdf_to_text ( args . input )
print ( f " PDF resume converted to text successfully. " )
else :
resume_text = load_resume_text ( args . input )
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generated_yaml = generate_yaml_from_resume ( resume_text , schema , api_key )
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save_yaml ( generated_yaml , args . output )
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2024-08-31 22:41:33 +00:00
print ( f " Resume YAML generated and saved to { args . output } " )
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validation_result = validate_yaml ( generated_yaml , schema )
2024-08-31 22:41:33 +00:00
if validation_result [ " valid " ] :
print ( " YAML is valid and conforms to the schema. " )
else :
print ( " YAML is not valid. Errors: " )
print ( validation_result [ " errors " ] )
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except Exception as e :
2024-08-31 22:41:33 +00:00
print ( f " An error occurred: { e } " )
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if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )