const logger = require('log4js').getLogger('FS 🔧'); const { get, isEmpty } = require('lodash'); // Bearer YlF_b6D149xr_xnrrYudlSnpn1A53b67vALlIK2HnD0ymBXQocRvPW3KjGN8jZNw0KnyAqxGaOzU7CLVPr84_KbnTxutNRXFVR9axmRqGN6ccda1xahoZo58KC2GWnYx' logger.level = 'debug'; function reduceExplore(data) { const cleaner = /\((.*?)\)/g; const obj = {}; if (typeof data === 'undefined' || isEmpty(data)) return obj; const { categories, location, contact } = data; // console.log(contact); // make copy of object; const localObj = Object.assign({}, data); const iconPrefix = get(categories[0], 'icon.prefix', ''); const iconSuffix = get(categories[0], 'icon.suffix', ''); = get(localObj, 'name', ''); obj.description = get(localObj, 'description', ''); obj.category = get(categories[0], 'shortName', ''); obj.icon = (iconPrefix !== '') ? `${iconPrefix}64${iconSuffix}` : ''; = get(localObj, 'id', ''); obj.provider = 'foursquare'; obj.address = get(location, 'formattedAddress', []).join(', ').replace(cleaner, ''); = get(location, 'city', ''); obj.state = get(location, 'state', ''); obj.postcode = get(location, 'postalCode', ''); obj.twitter = get(contact, 'twitter', ''); obj.facebook = get(contact, 'facebookName', ''); obj.url = get(localObj, 'canonicalUrl', ''); obj.latitude = get(location, 'lat', ''); obj.longitude = get(location, 'lng', ''); // logger.debug(JSON.stringify(obj)); return obj; } function reduceYelp(data) { const obj = {}; if (typeof data === 'undefined' || isEmpty(data)) return obj; const yelpUrlfixer = /([--:\w?@%&+~#=]*\.[a-z]{2,4}\/{0,2})((?:[?&](?:\w+)=(?:\w+))+|[--:\w?@%&+~#=]+)?/g; const localObj = Object.assign({}, data); obj.url = get(localObj, 'url', ''); obj.rating = get(localObj, 'rating', ''); obj.reviewCount = get(localObj, 'review_count', ''); if (obj.url !== '') { const url = yelpUrlfixer.exec(obj.url); const urlBit = url[2]; obj.viewIntent = `${urlBit}`; } else obj.viewIntent = ''; return obj; } function reduceFullFS(data) { const obj = {}; if (typeof data === 'undefined' || isEmpty(data)) return obj; const localObj = Object.assign({}, data); const photoBlob = get(localObj, 'photos.groups'); let photoItems; for (const i of photoBlob) if (i.type === 'venue') photoItems = i.items; const photosCount = (typeof(photoItems) !== 'undefined' && photoItems !== null) ? photoItems.length : 0; const tipsCount = get(localObj, 'tips.count', 0); if (photosCount > 0) obj.images = => { const prefix = get(item, 'prefix', ''); const suffix = get(item, 'suffix', ''); const width = get(item, 'width', 640); const height = get(item, 'height', 480); const ratio = width / 640; let ratioHeight = ~~(height / ratio); if (ratioHeight <= 0) ratioHeight = 640; const fsImgPath = `${prefix}${width}x${height}${suffix}`; console.log(`${640}x${ratioHeight},fit,q80/${fsImgPath}`); // return `${prefix}${640}x${ratioHeight}${suffix}`; return `${640}x${ratioHeight},fit,q80/${fsImgPath}`; }); if (tipsCount > 0) { const tipItems = get(localObj, 'tips.groups[0].items'); = => { return get(item, 'text', ''); }); } obj.menuUrl = get(localObj, 'menu.mobileUrl'); return obj; } function reduceTwitter(data) { const urlReg = /(http|ftp|https):\/\/([\w+?\.\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)_\-\=\+\\\/\?\.\:\;\'\,]*)?/; let obj = []; if (data.length > 0) obj = => { let text = get(item, 'text'); const urlTest = urlReg.exec(text); if (urlTest !== null) { const newUrl = `${urlTest[0]}`; text = text.replace(urlTest[0], newUrl); } return text; }); return obj; } function reducePhotos(data) { const obj = {}; if (typeof data === 'undefined' || isEmpty(data)) return obj; const localObj = Object.assign({}, data); const photoBlob = get(localObj, ''); let photoItems; photoItems = photoBlob.items; const photosCount = (typeof(photoItems) !== 'undefined' && photoItems !== null) ? photoItems.length : 0; if (photosCount > 0) obj.images = => { const prefix = get(item, 'prefix', ''); const suffix = get(item, 'suffix', ''); const width = get(item, 'width', 640); const height = get(item, 'height', 480); const ratio = width / 640; let ratioHeight = ~~(height / ratio); if (ratioHeight <= 0) ratioHeight = 640; console.log(`${width}, ${height} => ${640}, ${ratioHeight}`); return `${prefix}${640}x${ratioHeight}${suffix}`; }); return obj; } module.exports = { reduceExplore, reduceYelp, reduceFullFS, reduceTwitter, reducePhotos };