2018-03-20 22:18:36 +00:00
const logger = require ( 'log4js' ) . getLogger ( 'RightByMe' ) ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
const foursquare = require ( 'node-foursquare-venues' ) ( 'IXXFUGW3NC3DEVS2V5EU4NV4CL5E12AYGUPIR2D3U3B5DX4B' , 'MZRIJDCEKUMVERA1OKVAIZI0TYAEBD3W2A2AGPTPI5TOLL1D' , '20181111' ) ;
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
const Twitter = require ( 'twitter' ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
const yelp = require ( 'yelp-fusion' ) ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
const jsonfile = require ( 'jsonfile' ) ;
const dateformat = require ( 'dateformat' ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
const client = yelp . client ( 'YlF_b6D149xr_xnrrYudlSnpn1A53b67vALlIK2HnD0ymBXQocRvPW3KjGN8jZNw0KnyAqxGaOzU7CLVPr84_KbnTxutNRXFVR9axmRqGN6ccda1xahoZo58KC2GWnYx' ) ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
const { get , isEmpty , has } = require ( 'lodash' ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
2018-11-11 17:47:03 +00:00
const { reduceExplore , reduceYelp , reduceFullFS , reduceTwitter , reducePhotos } = require ( './reducers/rightbyme' ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
const twitterClient = new Twitter ( {
'consumer_key' : 'bJvwgjA9O52j7rC6mqoeefPLO' ,
'consumer_secret' : 'NB6ASJxxMI9yaOgTAlWEpd18J1BdtIOYb4iz1HivIVpPqSLBY5' ,
'access_token_key' : '4773651-1IrcQuKzEBQYe89Ooe0wCEP3reiyJZ1SQl003b5DoU' ,
'access_token_secret' : 'AHWGNQLAVGrXeUU3FU1ubdro4z5zc5igeiN4B9qI99xIt'
} ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
logger . level = 'debug' ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
function nowTS ( ) {
const now = new Date ( ) ;
// return dateformat(now, 'yymmddMMHH');
return '' ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
function doFSVenueSearch ( ll , data = { } ) {
let payLoad = Object . assign ( { } , data ) ;
logger . debug ( '>> doFSVenueSearch' ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const fsObj = {
'll' : ll ,
'radius' : 15 ,
'v' : '20170801' ,
'limit' : 1
} ;
if ( isEmpty ( payLoad ) )
foursquare . venues . search ( fsObj , function ( err , fsData ) {
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
if ( err ) {
2018-03-20 22:18:36 +00:00
logger . debug ( err ) ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return reject ( err ) ;
2018-03-20 22:18:36 +00:00
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
else {
const venues = get ( fsData , 'response.venues' ) ;
if ( venues . length > 0 ) {
fsP1 = venues [ 0 ] ;
payLoad = reduceExplore ( fsP1 ) ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ payLoad . id } -FSVenueSearch.json ` , fsData ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
function doFSVenueExplore ( ll ) {
let payLoad = { } ;
logger . debug ( '>> doFSVenueExplore' , ll ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const fsObj = {
'll' : ll ,
'radius' : 35 ,
'v' : '20170801' ,
'limit' : 1
} ;
foursquare . venues . explore ( fsObj , function ( err , fsData ) {
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
if ( err ) {
2018-03-20 22:18:36 +00:00
console . log ( err ) ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return reject ( err ) ;
2018-03-20 22:18:36 +00:00
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
else {
const groups = get ( fsData , 'response.groups' ) ;
const items = groups [ 0 ] ;
const venues = items . items [ 0 ] ;
if ( venues ) {
fsP1 = venues . venue ;
payLoad = reduceExplore ( fsP1 ) ;
2019-01-07 13:47:53 +00:00
logger . debug ( payLoad ) ;
// jsonfile.writeFileSync(`output/${payLoad.id}-FSVenueExplore.json`, fsData);
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function doYelpSearch ( data = { } ) {
const payLoad = Object . assign ( { } , data ) ;
logger . debug ( '>> doYelpSearch' ) ;
const yelpSearch = { } ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
if ( ! isEmpty ( payLoad ) ) {
yelpSearch . term = payLoad . name ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
yelpSearch . location = payLoad . address ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
yelpSearch . latitude = payLoad . latitude ;
yelpSearch . longitude = payLoad . longitude ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
2018-03-25 01:13:25 +00:00
yelpSearch . radius = 250 ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
yelpSearch . sort _by = 'distance' ;
logger . debug ( yelpSearch ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
client . search ( yelpSearch ) . then ( response => {
const respArray = get ( response , 'jsonBody.businesses' ) ;
yelpReply = ( respArray . length > 0 ) ? respArray [ 0 ] : { } ;
reduceYelp ( yelpReply ) ;
payLoad . yelp = reduceYelp ( yelpReply ) ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ payLoad . id } -yelp.json ` , response ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) . catch ( e => {
console . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
} ) ;
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
function doFSGetFullVenue ( data = { } ) {
const payLoad = Object . assign ( { } , data ) ;
logger . debug ( '>> doFSGetFullVenue' ) ;
// https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/4c5ff51213791b8d0d5c4eaf?client_id=IXXFUGW3NC3DEVS2V5EU4NV4CL5E12AYGUPIR2D3U3B5DX4B&client_secret=MZRIJDCEKUMVERA1OKVAIZI0TYAEBD3W2A2AGPTPI5TOLL1D&v=20180224
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
if ( ! isEmpty ( payLoad ) ) {
// stuff
// more
const id = payLoad . id ;
foursquare . venues . venue ( id , { } , function ( err , fsData ) {
if ( err )
return reject ( err ) ;
else {
2018-09-03 21:30:46 +00:00
// console.log(JSON.stringify(fsData));
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
const initPayload = ( has ( payLoad , 'name' ) ) ? { } : reduceExplore ( get ( fsData , 'response.venue' ) ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
const partPayload = reduceFullFS ( get ( fsData , 'response.venue' ) ) ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
const newPayload = Object . assign ( payLoad , initPayload , partPayload ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ payLoad . id } -FSGetFullVenue.json ` , fsData ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return resolve ( newPayload ) ;
} ) ;
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
2018-11-11 17:47:03 +00:00
function doFSGetPhotos ( data = { } ) {
const payLoad = Object . assign ( { } , data ) ;
logger . debug ( '>> doFSGetPhotos' ) ;
// https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/4c5ff51213791b8d0d5c4eaf?client_id=IXXFUGW3NC3DEVS2V5EU4NV4CL5E12AYGUPIR2D3U3B5DX4B&client_secret=MZRIJDCEKUMVERA1OKVAIZI0TYAEBD3W2A2AGPTPI5TOLL1D&v=20180224
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
if ( ! isEmpty ( payLoad ) ) {
// stuff
// more
const id = payLoad . id ;
foursquare . venues . photos ( id , { 'limit' : 16 } , function ( err , fsData ) {
if ( err )
return reject ( err ) ;
else {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(fsData));
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( 'output/FSGetPhotos.json' , fsData ) ;
2018-11-11 17:47:03 +00:00
logger . debug ( 'fsData' , JSON . stringify ( fsData ) ) ;
const initPayload = ( has ( payLoad , 'name' ) ) ? { } : reduceExplore ( get ( fsData , 'response.venue' ) ) ;
const partPayload = reducePhotos ( fsData ) ;
const newPayload = Object . assign ( payLoad , initPayload , partPayload ) ;
// payLoad.images = partPayload;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ payLoad . id } -FSGetPhotos.json ` , fsData ) ;
2018-11-11 17:47:03 +00:00
return resolve ( newPayload ) ;
} ) ;
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
function doTweetSearch ( data = { } ) {
const payLoad = Object . assign ( { } , data ) ;
logger . debug ( '>> doTweetSearch' ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
if ( ! isEmpty ( payLoad ) ) {
console . log ( 'payLoad.twitter' , payLoad . twitter ) ;
if ( payLoad . twitter !== '' ) {
const params = { 'screen_name' : payLoad . twitter } ;
twitterClient . get ( 'statuses/user_timeline' , params , function ( error , tweets , response ) {
if ( error )
return reject ( error ) ;
else {
// const partPayload = reduceFullFS(get(fsData, 'response.venue'));
// const newPayload = Object.assign(payLoad, partPayload);
// return resolve(newPayload);
const reducedTweets = reduceTwitter ( tweets ) ;
payLoad . tweets = reducedTweets ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ payLoad . id } -Tweets.json ` , tweets ) ;
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
return resolve ( payLoad ) ;
} ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
function doGetRightByMe ( ll ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
doFSVenueExplore ( ll )
. then ( ( d ) => {
return doFSVenueSearch ( ll , d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
return doYelpSearch ( d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
. then ( ( d ) => {
// return doYelpSearch(d)
return doTweetSearch ( d ) ;
} )
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
. then ( ( d ) => {
// return doYelpSearch(d)
return doFSGetFullVenue ( d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
logger . info ( 'Final' , d . name , d . id ) ;
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ d . id } -doGetRightByMe.json ` , d ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
return resolve ( d ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
function doGetMoreDetail ( id ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
doFSGetFullVenue ( { 'id' : id } )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
return doYelpSearch ( d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
// return doYelpSearch(d)
return doTweetSearch ( d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
logger . info ( 'Final' , d . name , d . id ) ;
2018-11-12 00:10:14 +00:00
jsonfile . writeFileSync ( ` output/ ${ d . id } -doGetMoreDetail.json ` , d ) ;
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
return resolve ( d ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
async function test ( ll , near ) {
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
doFSVenueExplore ( ll )
. then ( ( d ) => {
return doFSVenueSearch ( ll , d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
return doYelpSearch ( d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
// return doYelpSearch(d)
return doTweetSearch ( d ) ;
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
// return doYelpSearch(d)
return doFSGetFullVenue ( d ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( e ) => {
logger . error ( e ) ;
return reject ( e ) ;
// res.status(500).send('There was an error!');
} )
. then ( ( d ) => {
logger . info ( 'Final' , d . name , d . id ) ; ;
return resolve ( d ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
2018-03-23 17:13:53 +00:00
module . exports = { doGetRightByMe , doGetMoreDetail } ;
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
const tests = {
'cruachan' : '56.3946,-5.1166' ,
'morrisonsGarage' : '55.9429,-4.5622' ,
'tescohelensburgh' : '56.003466,-4.733689' ,
'howlinwolf' : '55.863991,-4.257788'
} ;
// doGetRightByMe('56.3946,-5.1166'); // cruachan
// doGetRightByMe('55.9429,-4.5622'); // morrisons garage
// 56.3890134, "lng" : -5.0939317
// cruachan 56.3946,-5.1166
// tesco helensburgh
// const location = { 'homeDistance':12.941340256604686, 'workDistance':33.47577415510536, 'latitude':56.003466, 'longitude':-4.733689, 'atHome':false, 'atWork':false, 'timestamp':1519638618383, 'll':'56.003466,-4.733689', 'llFixed':'56.003,-4.734', 'city':'Helensburgh', 'cityCC':'Helensburgh,GB', 'address':'9-13 Sinclair St, Helensburgh G84, UK' };
2018-03-01 12:26:19 +00:00
// test('55.863991,-4.257788');
2018-02-26 16:56:14 +00:00
// howling wolf http://localhost:8110/rightbyme?ll=55.863991,-4.257788
/ *
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