{ "name": "proxy-server", "description": "Proxies main site with dev application assets.", "flags": [ { "name": "override-aurelia-config", "description": "eg configuration/etf/main", "type": "string" }, { "name": "proxy-target", "description": "server to proxy eg http://rcovlnx0188:8202", "type": "string" }, { "name": "dev-js-assets-server", "description": "Use hosted JS files on another server eg http://localhost:9000", "type": "string" }, { "name": "dev-css-assets-server", "description": "Use hosted JS files on another server eg http://localhost:9000 (will default to unmin-ed version)", "type": "string" }, { "name": "remove-tracking", "description": "Remove all google and misc tracking code", "type": "boolean" }, { "name": "remove-images", "description": "Remove all images, replace them with 1 pixel equivilients", "type": "boolean" }, { "name": "remove-tenant-libs", "description": "Remove tenant libs", "type": "boolean" }, { "name": "gzip", "description": "gzip asset", "type": "boolean" }, { "name": "static-cache", "description": "cache asset, dumb cache never expires", "type": "boolean" } ] }