{ "provider": { "BeanID": "us.expenses-volatility-and-benchmarks-labels", "id": "expenses-volatility-and-benchmarks-labels", "labels": { "label": [ { "key": "expenses-heading", "value": "SALES CHARGE, EXPENSES & FEES" }, { "key": "money-expenses-heading", "value": "SALES CHARGE, EXPENSES & FEES" }, { "key": "close", "value": "Close" }, { "key": "expenses_money_heading", "value": "EXPENSES & FEES" }, { "key": "updated-annually", "value": "(updated annually)" }, { "key": "gross-expense-ratio", "value": "Gross Expense Ratio" }, { "key": "net-expense-ratio", "value": "Net Expense Ratio" }, { "key": "max-initial-sales-charge", "value": "Max Initial Sales Charge" }, { "key": "cdsc", "value": "CDSC" }, { "key": "max-initial-sales-chrg", "value": "Max Initial Sales Charge" }, { "key": "twelwe-b-fee", "value": "12b-1 Fee" }, { "key": "volatility-measures-heading", "value": "Volatility Measures" }, { "key": "as-of", "value": "As of " }, { "key": "updated-quarterly", "value": "Updated Quarterly, based on a 3-year period" }, { "key": "beta", "value": "Beta" }, { "key": "alpha", "value": "Alpha" }, { "key": "sharpe-ratio", "value": "Sharpe Ratio" }, { "key": "r-squared", "value": "R-Squared" }, { "key": "standard-deviation", "value": "Standard Deviation" }, { "key": "benchmarks-heading", "value": "Benchmarks" }, { "key": "benchmarks-para", "value": "A benchmark is a comparable broad-based index that can be used to evaluate a fund's performance." }, { "key": "updated-monthly-1yr", "value": "Updated Monthly, based on a 1-year period" }, { "key": "updated-monthly-3yr", "value": "Updated Monthly, based on a 3-year period" }, { "key": "correlation", "value": "Correlation" }, { "key": "vip-expenses-heading", "value": "Expenses" }, { "key": "vip-expenses-message", "value": "Fund only Expenses; No Contract Fees or charges" }, { "key": "capped-expense-ratio", "value": "Capped Expense Ratio" }, { "key": "info-modal-content", "value": "
The difference between a fund's actual returns versus its expected performance, given its level of market risk as measured by beta. A positive alpha indicates the fund performed better than its beta would predict while a negative alpha indicates the fund's under performance based on the expectations indicated by the fund's beta.
A measure of a fund's volatility in relation to the stock market, as measured by a stated index. By definition, the beta of the stated index is 1; a fund with a higher beta has been more volatile than the index, and a fund with a lower beta has been less volatile than the index.
Sharpe Ratio
The Sharpe ratio, developed by Nobel Prize winner William Sharpe, provides a measure of a fund's historical risk-adjusted performance. A higher number indicates better historical risk-adjusted performance.
The linear relationship between two return series. Correlation shows the strength of the relationship between two return series. The higher the relationship, the more similar the returns.
This number indicates what percentage of a fund's performance fluctuation can be explained by movements in the benchmark index. R-squared (correlation) ranges from 0 to 100. An R-squared of 100 would mean that the fund is tracking its benchmark exactly. A low R-squared indicates that very few of the fund's movements are explained by movements of its benchmark. R-squared can help determine the significance of the fund's beta. A higher R-squared generally indicates a more useful beta. Lower R-squared means the fund's beta is less relevant to its performance.
Standard Deviation
This figure provides a statistical measure of the range of a fund's returns. A high standard deviation indicates a wide range of returns and thus greater volatility.